Evil Insect God

Chapter 1512: Yalong

Yalong is not a human being, nor is it an ordinary dragon beast. Yalong with the dragon bloodline has a fighting power far exceeding normal creatures. Regardless of the masters in the battle hall, each of them has more fighting power than masters of the same level.

However, in real comparison, most of the fighting power is similar to that of the Yalong of the same level. Even the top ones may not be able to compare with the dragons of the same level. These special creatures, fighting abilities or talent abilities are too great. Stronger, the reason why human beings can become the leader of the mainland is not because of individual strength, but the overall strength.

Humans have strong reproductive ability and fast cultivation speed. Under the huge population base, the number of masters at each level far exceeds that of spirit beasts, and fierce beasts have no brains, so they can become the overlord of the heavenly spirit realm.

But fighting alone is not enough. The smallest dragon beast changed quickly and turned into its own prototype. This is a flying dragon with wings, full of cyan, entangled with the power of the wind.

Under the blessing of the wind, the flying dragon moved very fast, and immediately entangled the gale and fluffy wind.

"Hmph, dare to use the wind attribute power in front of my gale. It's really looking for death. See how I can break your gale." Under the gale's roar, the long sword in his hand has already issued a sharp sword aura, tearing the gale to pieces. What a pity Yes, because there were too many strong winds around, one piece was torn apart and another piece was ushered in, and it was quickly entangled.

Not only was it a gale, even if it was a flutter, it was entangled by the wind at this time. Huo Hai already knew what was going on after a glance: "You dragon beasts are still unscrupulous, no wonder you are not recognized by the dragon clan."

The strength of the two people is actually similar to that of the dragon beast. The reason why they were crushed is because the previous battle, the consumption of the two people was too great, and although they did not receive serious injuries, it was nothing. Nothing.

After all, it is the mysterious fire tortoise of the peak spirits. Its combat power is not much worse than that of the dragon beast. There are a lot of spiritual tortoises around to help. If it is not affected at all, it is absolutely impossible. If it were not, How could this dragon beast entangle two people, even now, the dragon beast is relying on a large amount of spiritual energy to entangle them.

"Boy, dare to insult us and die to me." Huo Hai's words made the dragon beasts feel a huge humiliation. That's right, the dragon beast is indeed superior in front of outsiders, because their fighting power is very powerful.

However, in the eyes of the dragon clan, it is a servant-like existence. The dragon clan has a natural suppression of the dragon beast. However, the dragon beast itself cannot be compared with the dragon clan in all aspects, and no matter how good it is, it cannot improve its status.

In order to express themselves better, these dragon beasts worked harder, and with the passage of time, these dragon beasts became more and more crazy. In order to express their abilities, in order to leave a good impression on the dragons, they will find a way To increase the strength of their own blood, many dragon beasts do things simply by unscrupulous means and do not care about their reputation.

It is precisely because of this that many dragons in the dragon clan believe that dragon beasts are inherently humble, and more and more dragons are increasingly looking down on dragon beasts, and many dragon beasts at this time have completely distorted their minds.

Huo Hai’s words immediately made these dragon beasts feel a huge humiliation. In order to wash away the humiliation, there is only one way, which is to kill the enemy in front of you, leaving nothing, even the people around who heard these words. Get rid of.

The two Yalongs didn’t talk too much nonsense at all. They turned into their bodies and rushed towards Huo Hai. The second child changed into a huge turtle-like thing, except that the head was somewhat similar to a dragon’s head and a turtle shell. It was covered with scales, which looked like a large deformed lizard, but that kind of impure dragon power was exuding.

The boss turned into a huge white snake, but there were two sharp dragon horns on the snake's head, and a pair of eyes exuded a cold breath. The huge pressure was diffused. They are both peak spirits, but they are better than ordinary peak spirits. Respect is much stronger.

"Well, let me see how much strength you have." Huo Hai is a bit grateful. Fortunately, people who want to deal with him don't know who he is. Otherwise, Huo Hai is sure that he will never So good.

The flying dragon is of the wind attribute. It continuously releases whirlwinds to entangle two people, and also releases a large number of wind blades to attack. The attack power of these wind blades is not much worse than the sword aura of Gale. Can't get away.

Not far away, Qin Ying is still fighting with Xuan Huogui. She seems to know that these people are their enemies. Even if Xuan Huogui is injured, he must keep his opponent behind. If he can use these people for his own Race revenge is the best. Xuan Huogui has understood that with his own strength, he cannot avenge his race.

The dragon tortoise in front of him, perhaps it is a dragon tortoise, uses the water attribute, and the whole body is condensed into a group of splashes, and a swirling water ball composed of water streams is released, like a cannonball, with huge terrifying power.

Huo Hai's sword aura can pierce water polo, but under this kind of whirlpool power, the consumption of sword aura is also very large, usually two water polo can completely offset one's own sword aura, but the opponent's water polo is too much.

Even Huo Hai has an idea of ​​letting Xiao Shui come out to deal with this turtle. In front of Xiao Shui, almost most of the masters who use water current as their main attack method will become helpless and not Xiao Shui's opponent at all.

"Boy, die for me." At this moment, the white giant snake in the sky suddenly said something, then opened its mouth, and a dark green liquid with a fragrance erupted out, across the distance, Huo Hai I already felt dizziness for a while, "It is very poisonous, so strong, but unfortunately you used the wrong person." The poison attribute is a very difficult attribute.

After reaching the realm of Lingzun, the poisonous power released by the masters of Lingzun is even more terrifying. If it is replaced by ordinary people, toxins and water flow will be permeable after fusion, and they will definitely be poisoned quickly, and then killed by both of them.

The two of them work together, it is not as simple as one plus one. Neither of them is an opponent of a purebred dragon, but when they join hands, two purebred dragons of the same level are probably not their opponents, and they cooperate very well with each other.

In Huo Hai’s arms, Xiao Jin had secretly appeared, and then Xiao Jin bit on Huo Hai’s body. Huo Hai’s strong anti-drug ability made it impossible for toxins to have any effect on Huo Hai in a short time. Under the absorption of, the poison in Huo Hai's body was quickly cleaned up in a short time, and finally disappeared without a trace.

This kind of toxin coordination didn't have any effect in Huo Hai's eyes. On the contrary, in the process of absorbing a large amount of toxins, Huo Hai became more and more adaptable to the dragon's toxicity, and his movements became smoother and more natural.

"Damn, this kid is not afraid of my poison, the second child, use your full strength." After fighting for a while, the dragon beasts finally discovered the difference between Huo Hai. Facing the expert with high toxin resistance, the threat of the boss was reduced. Several levels.

The dragon tortoise nodded, yelled up to the sky, and then exploded his spiritual power with all his strength. It was originally a pure water flow. At this time, there were a lot of ice cubes. The small ice chips were mixed in the water flow and the water ball, and the power suddenly increased. Lou, every water polo detonated by Huo Hai will release a lot of cold air, which can even make Huo Hai's body stiff.

At the same time, the white snake no longer spit out toxins, but the whole body shape is integrated into the water flow. It seems that they often cooperate in this way, so the dragon turtle's water flow not only does not affect the white snake, but instead becomes the help of the other party.

This kind of assisted water current did not weaken the attack on Huo Hai at all. Instead, under the action of the white snake, the attack ability increased by a large amount. The white snake rushed up and flung his tail towards Huo Hai.

"Hmph, the toxin is not easy to use, so should I change to hand-to-hand combat? In that case, I'll play with you." Huo Hai stretched out his left hand and patted the white snake's tail with a palm, using this power to quickly retreat. At the same time, he slashed down with a sword in his right hand, and the piercing sound of "thorn" sounded, and Huo Hai's sword only left a series of sparks on the tail of the white snake.

The white snake yelled triumphantly: "Boy, the scales of our dragon beast are not worse than those of the tortoises you killed. If you want to break our defenses, you are still far behind." The white snake looked at Huo Hai triumphantly.

What this guy said is not wrong in a certain sense. According to the results of this sword, it is indeed not inferior to the mysterious tortoise, but this mysterious tortoise has fire attributes, and its defense is much worse than the other four elephant tortoises. Now, let's talk about how thick the shell of the mysterious fire turtle is, how thick the scales of this dragon beast are, and the surface defense can't be compared with the complete defense.

"Is it? It's not impolite to come and go, and I'm not polite." Huo Hai knew that today I'm afraid I don't want to use some means, but I don't want to leave intact. In the southern region, in addition to his own battle, just Only the fire attribute is easily accepted.

The flame attribute is almost one of the necessary attributes of the refining device. It seems that only the metallic vein of the Golden Earth Gate would not use the means of the flame refining device. A cluster of star flames around Huo Hai released, and then under Huo Hai’s control Next, a fireball was formed and flew out. The fireball collided with the water ball in the air, and then exploded.

"Damn, he still uses star fire, the second child is careful." The white snake roared and rushed up again. With the resistance of the star fire, the dragon turtle's water ball was basically impossible to have any effect on Huo Hai.

The reason why Huo Hai condensed was the shape of the fireball, and he didn't want to be discovered by the giant wooden gate because of his own fire control method. Even if it was a fireball, under Huo Hai's control, the internal flame flow trajectory was still very special.

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