Evil Insect God

Chapter 1513: Retreat

Since the spirit formation method was integrated into the sword technique, Huo Hai slowly tried to integrate the spirit formation into other combat methods. Now this kind of fireball is just a method of Huo Hai's use.

On the surface, the fireball is just an ordinary fireball, but in fact, the internal flow path is a special fire-attribute spirit formation. The spirit formation itself is not aggressive, but is used to condense and strengthen the flame. Array, the most used place is actually in the alchemy furnace, but the level is relatively low, and the high Huo Hai can't use it.

The condensed flame surpassed Huo Hai's imagination. It had a powerful impact and was extremely condensed. It also had a refining power to the surrounding forces. After being broken, the power of the explosion was also much greater.

It was originally a flame restrained by water. After Huo Hai joined this simple spiritual formation, he was able to compete with the water polo, but it is a pity that this method of cohesion Huo Hai is not perfect and can only use this simple formation. Up.

If you use a slightly more complicated spirit formation, Huo Hai can only exude powerful spiritual power to control it. The gains are not worth the loss. Over time, it will exhaust Huo Hai’s spiritual power. This is not bad now, at least this weird. The dragon turtle had no effect on Huo Hai, but the scales of the white snake in front of him were too hard to break open.

"Huh, it is cunning enough, it is indeed a dragon beast produced in the southern region." Huo Hai tried to attack the white snake's throat several times, but was carefully avoided by it. Ordinary snakes are not a weakness here.

But after the dragon beast has the dragon bloodline, there will be something similar to the scale of the dragon. It is a pity that the scale of the dragon is the hardest scale on the whole body, but the dragon beast does not have this treatment.

The inverse scales of the dragon beasts are very soft, and some even have no scale protection at all. This is the biggest weakness of the dragon beasts. As long as his sword energy can penetrate into them, Huo Hai can kill the dragon beasts in one blow. Things like the world and soul are much easier to clean up after killing the opponent, after all, Huo Hai's spiritual formation has been secretly unfolded at this time.

But the white snake never gave Huo Hai a chance. It either opened his mouth and spewed a spit of potent toxin, or used his tail to draw on Huo Hai. The white snake also fought often, and the fighting methods were not simple.

At this moment, a scream in the distance rang, and Huo Hai felt it, and a trace of consternation flashed in his eyes. At this time, the mysterious fire turtle had fallen beside Qin Ying, with a big hole in his head.

The special halo around him has not completely dissipated, and there is still a scroll that has not fallen to the bottom in the air. Huo Hai has realized after a little thought that this must be because Qin Ying saw that the situation is critical, so she used her own life-saving means. Unexpectedly, this crazy girl was carrying a scroll of restraint.

It was the power of this scroll that set the mysterious fire tortoise directly in place, and then Qin Ying punched the mysterious fire tortoise’s eye with a claw with his left hand, directly destroying the mysterious fire tortoise’s brain, this bound spirit formation, it looked like There is also the effect of counteracting spiritual power.

At this time, Qin Ying was not very good-looking. Her whole body was completely dark. These were all burned out by the flames. If it weren't for the armor, she might have been covered in flesh and skin. Even so, Qin Ying was still a little embarrassed.

The use of this method in battle is not his own strength, and Qin Ying's embarrassment is very normal. Huo Hai can't help but roll his eyes. Does he have to die to be comfortable? The people in the southern region are really unreasonable.

Forget it, it’s the best way to communicate with such people anyway. Huohai hopes that the whole world is full of idiots, so that it will be a lot easier for him to communicate with them. He took a sigh of relief. After the fire tortoise's body was collected, Qin Ying looked around and flew towards Huo Hai quickly, obviously wanting to help.

Huo Hai immediately said: "Don't come over, help Gale and them first. After we solve the Yalong, we will solve the remaining two together." Huo Hai said, it is the best choice, and at this time Qin Ying consumes Not small.

After gritting his teeth and looking at Huo Hai from a distance, Qin Ying turned and flew towards another battlefield: "Be careful, but don't die before we solve the dragon beast." Qin Ying didn't know herself at this time. What's your mood.

Huo Hai smiled slightly in his heart, she was indeed a hard-hearted girl. Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief at this time. If Qin Ying really came here, he would not come to help, but to add trouble. Huo Hai himself is not afraid of toxins, but Qin Ying is different. Once he was poisoned, he would not only fight, but also take care of this girl. That was the real trouble at that time.

It was already very difficult to hold the two pinnacle spirits. Now that Qin Ying is added, Feilong is suddenly more depressed, especially when facing Qin Ying's almost fatal terrorist attack, Feilong dodges, but leaves behind on his body. Some traces.

The defense of this dragon beast is not generally strong. It is not easy for Qin Ying’s attack to break open. Huo Hai looked at it and knew that this battle might not be over in a short time. Look at yourself here.

Huo Hai sighed: "Hey, it seems that we have to show up again." Huo Hai was a little helpless, and then the light in his eyes became fierce, and a group of spiritual power was released against the surrounding with a terrifying flame. Go, although the White Snake has a strong defense, facing an energy attack like flame, the defense is not so invulnerable.

After pushing the White Snake back, Huo Hai made a few quick gestures with the long sword in his hand, and a simple spirit formation took shape in a moment under Huo Hai's gestures. This spirit formation was not used that day, it was just a simplified version.

It’s not that Huo Hai didn’t want to use it, but that his current ability really couldn’t use a too powerful spiritual formation in actual combat. Sure enough, just after Huo Hai completed the spiritual formation, the white snake flew over again, "Boy, you are Do you want to give up? This way of consuming spiritual power is also used." In the eyes of the white snake, Huo Hai is probably the end of the battle.

It's a pity that Huo Hai didn't pay attention at all. The moment the spirit formation was completed, a sword was pierced. With the blessing of Huo Hai's spirit formation, the power of the terrifying sword was more than ten times stronger. It was not as powerful as a sword of the day, but absolutely not simple.

"It is said that your sword aura is useless to me, you are actually..." Before the white snake was finished, Huo Hai's sword had instantly hit the white snake's tail that attacked again, but this time, the scales' defense Like thin paper, it was cut open by Huo Hai.

Had it not been for the white snake's fast reaction speed, Huo Hai had already cut it in half at this time. Even now, the white tail has been cut in half with a sword. Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief, not relying on the spirit worm and only relying on his own combat power. It is really not easy to deal with these talented masters, this sword, Huo Hai consumes a lot of spiritual power.

At the same time, under the influence of the white snake, the flying dragon's speed slowed by a beat, and Piaoxu seized the opportunity to tie up his claws with a long whip. The next moment, the gale was already in the air, and a sword pierced the flying dragon's abdomen.

Under the strong defense and resistance, this sword did not break the skin at all, but Gale didn't want to break the skin of the flying dragon, but only used a special method to infuse his sword energy into the body of the flying dragon.

Then the sword energy erupted, and the flying dragon retreated with a miserable cry, and blood was constantly flowing from the corners of his mouth. This method of using sword energy really opened Huo Hai's vision. The shortcomings of no sect teaching are so obvious. Huo Hai has practiced all the way. Come, I haven't learned a lot of using skills, otherwise, how can I be helpless with a white snake.

"Damn, we are planted today, I hope you won't have the time when we are alone, and we will leave." Bai Snake saw that his younger brother was injured, and then looked at his current appearance, already knowing that it is impossible to kill Huo Hai today.

Even if a forcible attack can succeed in the end, I am afraid that their three brothers may die here one or two. How can the White Snake do such a thing that is not worth the loss? To get the above award, at least he must be able to save his own life. The three dragon beasts didn't mean to stay at all. After a wave of attacks with all their strength, they disappeared into sight in a blink of an eye.

"Damn, these Yalongs are really too strong. Few people at the same level are their opponents." Gale looked at the direction in which Yalong was escaping, and said fiercely. At this time everyone was very tired and no one wanted to. Go chasing.

Besides, even if it catches up, what can be done? Do you want to kill them? These three guys also have a certain position among the Yalong. If they die, it is likely to attract the Yalong clan The siege.

The frontal attack is okay to say that everyone is from the battle hall, and they are not afraid, but if they come secretly, they may be unable to stop them. "Well, their injuries this time are not light, I am afraid they will be different in a few years. I figured it out." Huo Hai looked at it from a distance, and then slowly said, how strong the injury he caused, Huo Hai knows better than anyone.

Qin Ying suddenly said: "It's not that simple. Yalong has dragon blood and has a strong recovery ability, and many Yalong have dragon breath, and are very proficient in alchemy techniques." The implication is that these three guys will soon Will recover.

Huo Hai suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha...they will come as soon as they come. If they can defeat them once, they can defeat them a second time. I want to see if they dare to fight me with their lives. "

"Well said, this is the demeanor of our members of the battle hall. Next time if a Yalong comes to attack you, you must tell me that I just want to fight a good fight." Being attacked, taking advantage of yourself Attacking when it is exhausted, Gale said it would be impossible if he didn't get stubborn. If he met these three guys again, he said he would not let go.

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