Evil Insect God

Chapter 1521: Short stay

Although it consumed a lot this time, and almost lost his life, Huo Hai didn't know whether he could guarantee his soul could still exist.

Obviously, the five people who were in the formation at the beginning were completely unable to control the strength of their shots. After that move, it can be said that if the enemy does not die, their battle formation will be broken, even when facing a master. The use of this trick is likely to cause his own death, and that situation is really dangerous.

Therefore, if it weren't for the several layers of armor that he wore to ensure that he wouldn't be injured during the battle, under this attack, let alone not being injured, his body would probably be cut into pieces.

As for his inner world, even if it can be preserved, the injury will never be light. Such a dangerous situation is a bit scary to think about now. Fortunately, everything is good. Huo Hai’s gains from this battle are really great. .

At the beginning, Huo Hai had forgotten what he had, even the outermost armor. There was no fluke, and everything was fighting for the sake of fighting, so after this battle, Huo Hai found his own law aura. He is really close to Consummation, and even without fighting, Huo Hai is sure to reach the peak within a few months.

Then, it is to condense and master the laws of oneself, so that he can ascend to the realm of Lingsheng as soon as possible, the realm of Lingsheng, this is the realm that Huo Hai has dreamed of for a long time, before breaking through, Huo Hai dare not even go home.

"Haha, Brother Huohai, your appearance should have recovered." Suddenly, the gate of the yard was opened, and five guys with almost the same appearance appeared here, all in black armor with numbers on them.

These five people were the five who formed the battle formation and fought against Huo Hai that day, and these five people have no names at all, or they have given up their names. As long as they are still members of the battle formation, they are all Phantom No.1, Phantom No.2 and other labels, this kind of name sounds really not compatible with these five people.

When forming a battle formation, five people need to unite their minds, so the five people will use secret methods to completely suppress their minds, so as to be completely consistent, and will not be influenced by any emotions and foreign objects.

That’s why when Huo Hai saw these five people, he looked like robots. At the beginning, Huo Hai thought the five people were dead men. Who knows the reason is that, and I heard that it will take some time for these five people to form a battlefield. ready.

Once there is an emergency, these five people are definitely not Huo Hai’s opponents, "Why are you here." Seeing these five people, Huo Hai also laughed. During the past few days living here, Battle Soul City A few people already knew Huo Hai’s identity, and Huo Hai believed that these people would never expose their news casually.

Besides, it doesn't matter even if it is exposed. Anyway, it won't take long for me to break through to the realm of Spirit Saint. Now many people know that they are in Battle Soul City, and Battle Soul City believes that they will not be uncomfortable casually.

One waved his hand and took out a big box: "Haha, we are here to give you the armor to my brother. I am sorry that you broke your armor that day. We are not good at soft armor, but we have ordinary armor. "

The armor in the box was re-finished in the past few days. It is really difficult for them to complete it in such a short time. On the surface, the armor is similar to the original style, but the level has been improved a lot. According to the level Judging from it, this armor has at least reached the pinnacle of noble rank. I am afraid that in order to refine the armor, Battle Soul City has used a Lingsheng level refiner.

"How embarrassing is that, we had a normal competition that day, and I came to challenge, besides, didn't I also break your armor." Huo Hai was a little embarrassed, these people were not his enemies after all.

"What's embarrassing, our War Soul City family has a big business, and has a certain connection with the Golden Tumen. You don't need to use it, but you, there is only one person, how can you do without a suitable armor."

They don’t know that Huo Hai is not suitable for using armor at all. If it weren’t for the particularity of the southern region and Huo Hai himself did not have enough strength, how could he put an armor on his body casually, but even if they knew they would probably not change Thinking, treating friends, these people in the southern region, never stingy with anything.

Huo Hai smiled helplessly: "I took your kindness, but I can't say that this is my silver wire, which can be used to make soft armor. Next time you encounter this situation, you won't be injured. "Huo Hai waved out a lot of silk thread.

These are all made by these heavenly silver beads. The silver thread made by the silver beads of the twelfth heaven, the soft armor that is woven is very terrifying, and it is definitely not better than the armor of the twelfth-tier rank. What a difference.

"No need to refuse, otherwise I don't want this armor. Look, I made it by myself. It's pretty good." These days, Huo Hai has re-woven a soft armor for himself with silver wire. With a large number of dragon scales, his defense power is much stronger than his original two pieces of composite armor.

"To be honest, I wanted to change into a soft armor for a long time, this time just right." Huo Hai's soft armor showed the terrifying defensive power that day, five people can still remember clearly, but it is obvious that Huo Hai is now using it. The silver wire that comes out is more advanced.

"Okay, then we're welcome, you rest first, we go find someone to make soft armor, haha, there will be two layers of defense in the future, I want to see who can hurt us." One seemed very happy. , The same goes for others.

After several days of recuperation, Huo Hai not only re-created a soft armor, but also basically restored his spiritual power to perfection. After the spiritual power was exhausted this time, Huo Hai found that his spiritual power seemed to be more consolidated. Some, although not very obvious, they did improve a little, which can improve their spiritual power, which is not an easy task.

And after the outbreak that day, Huo Hai felt that his swordsmanship and body skills had once again improved a little invisibly, and even his understanding of spirit formations and formation skills had improved a lot.

During this period of time, Huo Hai discovered that he suddenly had a deeper understanding of the spirit formation he had previously understood. This is not an illusion. Above Huo Hai's star soul guide, the spirit formation is obviously more mysterious and more powerful.

Without the support of the filled Star Soul Guiding Array, Huo Hai can be sure that in the realm of the Spiritual Venerable, there are definitely not a few people who can surpass himself in terms of speed and flexibility, but unfortunately, here, he has reached the limit. Breaking through to the Spirit Saint level, Huo Hai has no way to continue to improve himself, and cannot stay here any longer.

No matter how hospitable the Battle Spirit City is, Huo Hai still would not choose to break through to the Spiritual Saint realm in other people’s cities. Breaking through this is very dangerous. Once someone interferes with himself, it is very likely that it will be irreparable. s consequence.

Lingsheng’s breakthrough has been raised from the law of sensation transfer to the height of the law of control. A little mistake will destroy his foundation, and once there is a mistake, there will be no chance to make up in the future.

Perhaps some people would think of giving up the inner world and reincarnation, but this will not work. The laws that have been completed will leave some traces in their souls. Even if they are compensated in the future, they will not be perfect. For Huo Hai For perfectionists, if you cannot reach the limit, you will always feel a thorn in your heart.

"It looks like I should leave." After moving his body, Huo Hai put on a mask and walked out. Seeing Huo Hai coming out, the surrounding people almost surrounded him directly.

The people in the city didn’t know what the battle was, but because the people above admired Huo Hai very much, these people also regarded Huo Hai as the most honorable guest. How could you not be excited to see Huo Hai at this time? .

Huo Hai didn't pay much attention to it, and soon came to the City Lord's Mansion, "Haha, Huo... Venerable Silver, are you still comfortable these days? If you have any dissatisfaction, please bring it up. Our Battle Soul City can't It will make your guests uncomfortable."

Huo Hai shook his head: "No, the past few days have been very good, and the conditions in Battle Soul City are also very good. This time I came down here and wanted to say goodbye to the city lord. I have already lost a lot of time here. I am going to come down and prepare to practice in a safe place to retreat." This is not an ordinary retreat. The Battle Spirit City Master knew that Huo Hai had already broken through.

"That's not suitable for being here, then I won't keep you." No matter how good the relationship is, few people will break through the spiritual saint on other people's territory. Once they are disturbed a little, the consequences will be unimaginable. .

Suddenly, the Battle Spirit City Lord lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "But you must be careful when you go out this time. I found that Yalong has moved frequently recently. I heard that the relationship between you and Yalong seems not very good. "

There is no need to say too much about the Battle Spirit City Lord, Huo Hai already understands what he means. The Yalong that can make the Battle Spirit City Lord pay attention to is at least at the spiritual level. No matter how you move it under the Spirit Race, I am afraid the battle spirit city master I won’t pay any attention, “I’ll be careful. If these Yalong really dare to come, I’ll make them look good. I don’t think they’re stronger than the Magic Light Killing Array.”

The City Lord of Battle Soul laughed: "Hahahaha, of course not, those reptile lizards are just those, how can we compare with our magic light killing array, our magic light killing array has only been broken twice since its creation. ."

The first time was facing Lingsheng, the second time was Huo Hai. This time, these do not need to be explained.

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