Evil Insect God

Chapter 1522: Yalong Ambush

After leaving farewell, Huo Hai flew all the way to the distance. This time Huo Hai travels very low-key. After all, he is not going to challenge anyone, but to find a safe place to practice breakthrough.

The best place is naturally to find a secret realm that no one has discovered before, but the secret realm can be encountered but not sought. If you really want to find it, you will not be able to find it in a short while, so what Huo Hai thinks is nothing but nothing. As long as you create a good spiritual formation for defense in areas with people and powerful beasts, there should be no problems.

Huo Hai only notified a few people in the city, knowing that not many Huo Hai had left, even Huo Hai himself didn't know where he was going this time, let alone being spied on.

Flying at a low altitude all the way, before he knew it, Huo Hai had already moved away from the Battle Soul City and came to a place where people were sparsely smoked, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Huo Hai.

"Boy, don't go, we knew it as soon as you left the city." Huo Hai was also a little helpless when he was stopped by someone. Could it be that he was so careful or he was discovered? There are too many secrets of these powerful people, Huo Hai It feels that it is becoming more and more difficult to hide now, but that's right, many people previously knew that they were in Battle Soul City.

Huo Hai arched his hands and said, "I don't know if your Excellency came here to admit the wrong person." Huo Hai did not introduce himself. Whether it is Huaiyin or Huo Hai, there are a lot of troubles now. .

The visitor sneered: "No need to pretend. You are pregnant. We are looking for you. The last time those three wastes went to find you and they were injured and escaped. It was a bunch of idiots, but that’s fine, otherwise, how could I be like this? Chances, this time, I don't think anyone can help you." The visitor sneered and locked Huo Hai with his breath.

In the breath, there is a very dim and heterogeneous Longwei. This feeling is not an orthodox dragon, but a dragon. Huo Hai finally understands what is going on at this time. It turns out that these dragons are really looking for trouble. .

Huo Hai is not worried at all at this time. Last time someone helped, but this time, by himself, his spirit worms can be used, especially the large number of Star Gus, which have been promoted to the level of the twelfth heaven of the spirits. , Plus the blessing spell he just learned, no matter how many people come, Huo Hai can easily kill it.

"Hahahaha, I really don't know where you are so confident, and you don't even run away now. Don't you know, am I delaying time? You humans just don't have brains and you are all idiots."

Following the words of Yalong in front of him, the surrounding spiritual formation barrier suddenly unfolded, covering the surroundings completely. To deal with a speed and powerful expert like Huo Hai, it is absolutely impossible not to use a spiritual formation to siege.

Huo Hai curled his lips disdainfully: "A beast is a beast. A little clever thinks he is a wise man, but in fact he is a clown." Huo Hai's gaze seemed to be looking at an idiot. Without this kind of blockade, Huo Hai did not dare to use his own methods unscrupulously.

"Damn human beings, you dare to insult me, you are dead." Yalong's head obviously couldn't turn around. After thinking for a while, he finally knew that the beast Huo Hai was talking about was himself, and his eyes became red on the spot. .

"Everyone attacked me and killed this human." As he said, the body of the incoming person changed rapidly, and his body was directly revealed. The whole body looked like a red pterodactyl. The only difference was that the corners of the mouth had flames from time to time. Pop up.

Huo Hai drew out the long sword and said disdainfully: "So this is your body, there is no characteristic of a giant dragon. I have seen a lot of hybrid dragons, but it is really rare to have a hybrid to your level." Around, this At that time, a dozen dragon beasts that looked similar to the pterosaurs in front of them all felt the humiliation, and their eyes started to fire.

More than a dozen dragon beasts without even thinking about it, rushed towards Huo Hai. What surprised Huo Hai was that these dozen dragon beasts were all in the 12th heaven. It seems that this kind of dragon beast is in the dragon beast. Among them is a big race.

If the race is small, it is impossible for there to be so many high-level dragon beasts. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and prepared to release his spirit insects. But at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly thought of something and gave up the summoning. .

"So, is it a danger and an opportunity? I understand." Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment. With a move, a sword directed at the dragon beast in front of him and attacked the past, not to mention the spirit worm, even if it was Huo Hai himself. Huo Hai didn't use the array assist method either. At this time, apart from the sword technique itself, it was the body technique, without any other power.

But even so, Huo Hai's combat effectiveness was still very terrifying. The dragon beast in front of this sword almost had no time to evade and ran away hastily, but the sword still left a small wound on its wings.

The sword aura penetrated into the body, and the dragon beast immediately roared: "What are you waiting for, kill him." After the head dragon beast was injured, he became even more angry. The other dragon beasts did not dare to neglect, and swarmed up. .

The fighting ability of these dragon beasts is very powerful. Whether it is claws or sharp beaks, their attacks are not much weaker than Huo Hai’s long swords. They often spit out flames. Although they are not orthodox dragons’ breath, they also carry a certain amount of fire. Powerful, I didn't expect these things to look bad, but the combat effectiveness is so strong, I really underestimated them.

Dragon beasts are inherently stronger than humans of the same level, and even fierce beasts of the same level may not be as powerful as these sub-dragons. With such dozens of twelve-tiered sub-dragons, the fighting power that can be erupted in a joint battle can be imagined know.

But these Yalong won't cooperate after all, let alone a battle formation, and even the dragon's breath they breathed out regularly almost hurt other companions. If this were not the case, Huo Hai's pressure would definitely not be so small.

Of course, Huo Hai did not use other means at this time, only relying on swordsmanship and body skills, and did not think of breaking away from combat with speed suppression, so even though Huo Hai went all out at this time, he still felt a huge crisis. The armor on his body was often attacked. If it weren't for armor protection, even if Huo Hai's defense was strong, he would have been injured at this time.

Huo Hai's mind gradually began to sink. This kind of battle is now the best opportunity. The long sword in Huo Hai's hand is constantly dancing, without using any other means at all, or even forgetting everything.

I don’t know how strong his armor is, and even the armor on his body has been forgotten. Huo Hai is in a very special state at this time. He is already on the verge of a breakthrough. Of course, Huo Hai may enter that state of breakthrough at any time. .

Spiritual breakthrough cannot be disturbed, mainly because it wants to condense and master the relationship, but it is only a realm breakthrough without comprehending the law. There is no danger in itself, because if you do not master the law, even if the realm breaks through, it cannot become true. The spiritual saint, originally wanted to break through in realm, and Huo Hai still had a few months to go.

But just before the start of the battle, Huo Hai already felt a very peculiar situation, that is, with the help of huge pressure, he can naturally break through the realm, saving months of time.

For Huo Hai, a few months is not a small amount, so in order to save time, it is better to put it together once. At that time, Huo Hai knew that there would never be any problems with his defense.

Although these Yalongs are powerful, they don’t have the terrifying power that forms the phantom killing array, and they are absolutely impossible to really hurt themselves. However, as the battle progressed, Huo Hai gradually became so forgetful that I had both sword aura and sword in his eyes. The law is gone, what is in front of Huo Hai is not the long sword, but the stars, and the stars are still mixed with the breath of spirit insects.

It seemed that at this moment, he could see some essential things, Huo Hai himself didn't know what he understood, but he didn't seem to understand anything. This peculiar feeling only lasted a moment.

After a while, Huo Hai broke away from this feeling, and the surrounding world became so clear at this time, as if the frosted glass that had been blocked in front of him had disappeared, it was amazing.

The origin of heaven and earth has never been so clear for a moment. Huo Hai found that he could see the most original law between heaven and earth at any time. This law seemed to be used by himself, but Huo Hai knew that as long as he did not want to give up himself If you don’t want to become a pseudo-spiritual saint, this rule can’t be used, it can only be used for reference.

Huo Hai knew what he was in now. The road to Lingsheng had been completely opened up, and he had already stepped into the realm of Lingsheng. At this moment, Huo Hai's aura suddenly began to rise, and it increased by more than ten. Times.

Huo Hai's change immediately attracted the attention of the dragon beasts. The headed dragon beast's eyes were big, and his face was incredible: "How is it possible, why is this, how can he break through at this time."

All the dragon beasts understand that Huo Hai actually broke through in the process of fighting with him. This is not an ordinary breakthrough, but a breakthrough from the spiritual sage to the spiritual sage. Although it is only a realm breakthrough, even so, Huo Hai At this time, it was also half a spiritual saint, and it was not something that the spiritual sovereign could deal with. The aura had increased tenfold, and the combat effectiveness had definitely increased tenfold.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "In order to thank you, let you feel my new power." Huo Hai sneered, still did not use other means, it was the sword energy itself, but the essence had changed.

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