Evil Insect God

Chapter 1524: breakthrough

After the heavenly level, there has always been a clear path, no clear cultivation method, and this path is just a general direction. Everyone has his own path.

However, without a cultivation method, it does not mean that you cannot practice. Especially for people with deep roots like Huo Hai, every step is a matter of course. With the continuous surging of spiritual power, Huo Hai already knows how to condense the law next. "It turns out that this is the case. The cohesion of the laws is really different from the general." Huo Hai thought in his heart.

Then, a large amount of spiritual power began to flow into his own barrier, and then it was absorbed by the light around the barrier. These lights were very similar to the previous law aura, and in fact they were also evolved from the law aura.

These auras are no longer law auras at this time. After the law lines are conceived, these rays of light become something between the law auras and the law. It can be said to be a seed or a guide. .

After Huo Hai poured spiritual power into it, the light instantly swallowed these spiritual powers, but this swallowing did not completely consume Huo Hai’s spiritual power, but a special kind of tempering, and soon, these spiritual powers Was spat out again.

In the process of constantly consuming spiritual power, my spiritual power has improved little by little, becoming more and more refined, and the connection with the law is getting heavier. At the same time, under the continuous blessing of spiritual power, these The light is getting stronger and stronger, and gradually, Huo Hai has understood that his own law is to be born from these auras.

Time passed unconsciously, Huo Hai felt that it hadn't been long, but the time outside was passing very fast. I don't know when, his barrier light has become more and more intense, becoming like a pure liquid. .

This silvery-white ray of liquid with a little gold and purple lines itself represents the law that Huo Hai has understood. The silver-white color has always been the law of star attributes that he cultivated.

The golden color should be his own law of spirit worms, which belongs to him. Huo Hai discovered from a long time ago that most spirit worms, especially Gu worms, seem to respect gold, Huo Hai doesn’t know. What's going on, but today, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that perhaps it is precisely because the law that is most suitable for spirit insects is golden, that's why this happens.

The color of the spirit worm is not chosen by itself, but the more suitable it is to the world, the more powerful it can inspire the most essential power of the bloodline, and the more it can show the color close to its own law. Color itself is an external expression of the law.

As for the purple color, Huo Hai really doesn’t know. Except for the Luoxia sword qi he cultivated before, Huo Hai has never shown any power to appear purple, but soon, Huo Hai knew what was going on. Up.

A little golden light gradually merged into the silver-white light, and the two different laws continued to merge, and the position of contact slowly turned purple. This new law force is the fusion of the two forces. As a result, this force is not stronger than the two forces, or in essence, there is no difference between strength and weakness.

However, Huo Hai could feel that the newly generated power of the law is more suitable and more suitable for him. "It turns out that these purple laws are a fusion of two different laws. Could it be that this is my own law? Nothing."

Huo Hai was a little puzzled, could it be said that the laws he had previously understood were just two laws of spirit worms and stars. He just thought that the two abilities were unified in his body, but in fact he still worked independently.

Now, when he is in control of the law, this is finally completely controlled by himself. Huo Hai can already feel that he can use any of the three laws to outline his own law lines at any time, but Huo Hai does not have to think about it. I can clearly feel that only this purple law of fusion is the law that fits itself best, and is the most suitable for texture.

No matter how much, follow your own feelings, no matter whether it is strong or not, and no matter how much trouble you will have in the future. In short, you must be the most perfect one. Under Huo Hai’s control, this purple law starts to slow down. It fell slowly.

Soon, a little purple light reached the starting point of Huo Hai's law pattern, which is also the foundation of everything Huo Hai, the origin of control of his own law, every spiritual saint, the first ray of law condensed, is at this origin position.

If you leave this origin, you will definitely have some very big obstacles, leading to major hidden dangers in your own foundation. Huo Hai is not so foolish that he thinks how special he is, so the location he chose is still this origin. Under Huo Hai's control, he gradually merged into the origin, and Huo Hai was extremely careful at this time.

The spirit has been completely concentrated, and there will never be the slightest problem. Under Huo Hai's control, this origin has gradually become purple from the original colorless and transparent, and slowly becomes stronger.

I don't know how long it has passed, a very special breath suddenly emanated from the barrier. At the point of origin, a purple light flowed out, as if along a river channel, flowing into the law lines.

At this moment, Huo Hai's original silver-white spiritual power also showed a hint of purple bred in it. The purple spiritual power between the two is obviously dominated, but because there is too little purple, it is difficult to see it.

But with this little change in light, Huo Hai’s breath began to improve again. Huo Hai took a deep breath and slowly adjusted his spiritual power. He knew that from now on he had truly entered the realm of Spirit Saint, even though it was only a newcomer. Only a person of the first heaven can reach the second heaven only by supplementing the rule lines to perfection, and then condensing and connecting the next layer of rule lines.

From this moment, Huo Hai was completely different from the original. Opening his eyes, Huo Hai’s huge aura flashed away, and he felt himself. Huo Hai was surprised to discover that at this time, his strength was more than before the breakthrough. Improved a hundredfold.

And that's not even counted, it's just an improvement in cultivation level, just an external performance. Huo Hai has become a master who truly masters the law, and the spiritual power of the law is not only able to affect the spiritual power of the law. Confrontational.

In other words, even if Huo Hai only uses one piece of spiritual power, as long as there is a law, even if the master of the twelfth heavenly spiritual power uses one hundred spiritual power, it is very difficult to resist, not counting other kinds of power. With different methods, just by relying on his own combat power, Huo Hai can easily win even if one person is against the 10,000 previous selves.

Now Huo Hai knows how high praise the elders of the battle hall said in their attacks that they can achieve the strength of the first-time spiritual saint 10%, I am afraid that what they said at the beginning was just the destructive power of their own attacks.

Really facing the power of Lingsheng Master Yicheng, under the gap of power essence, he is still vulnerable. Before and without the control law, it is exactly the same as the difference between whether a gun has bullets or not.

With a long sigh, Huo Hai looked at the hourglass he placed next to him, "Unexpectedly, it took two years to gather a little seed of the law." At this time, it has been two years since he retreated. , This is the cohesion of the first law. Although dangerous, it is actually much easier to cohere.

Feeling the dim light of the law, Huo Hai kept scratching his head, the cultivation of Lingsheng is too difficult, if you only rely on yourself without using foreign objects, even if your speed is not a few thousand years, don’t even want to cultivate to two. Heavy heaven.

It seems that if you want to improve your strength as soon as possible, you still need to think of other methods. Huo Hai has too little understanding of the spiritual saint level. Except for a heaven-removing pill, Huo Hai can't think of other methods that can accelerate cultivation.

If it is replaced with other rules and patterns that are not perfect, and there are even various hidden dangers that need to be adjusted, let alone a few thousand years, let them practice by themselves, even tens of thousands of years, it may not be able to raise a level.

Therefore, as long as the masters of the spiritual sage realm are not from the top of the sky, there are basically few who are honestly relying on their own abilities to cultivate. They either have adventures or are assisted by holy resources. Huo Hai has tried However, using a lot of spiritual essence can only speed up the accumulation of one's spiritual power, and it will not help much to improve the law.

No matter how much spiritual marrow, it can only speed up less than double the speed of law condensing, and to the extent of spiritual sage, the effect of spiritual marrow is already very weak, spiritual marrow is not essential to spiritual sage Treasures.

The strength of the spiritual master is not enough. The spiritual sage can develop a large amount of spiritual essence, but it is not very useful at all. It is no wonder that the spiritual value on the Heavenly Spirit Continent is so high and the number of spiritual essence is so small, Huo Hai finally has it. Got an understanding.

No matter how much it is, let’s talk about adapting to your own war spirit art. Although this breakthrough came from itself, the breakthrough is too big. Huo Hai is still not very clear about the application of the law, so Huo Hai wants to complete it. It also takes a lot of time to integrate into his own fighting skills, and Huo Hai understands the application of his own laws while adapting.

Before you know it, another two months have passed. Two months later, Huo Hai has basically controlled his surged strength, but by this time, his spirit insects once again appear useless. .

Huo Hai can use spells to make the spirit worms exert considerable combat effectiveness, but this will not benefit the spirit worms at all, and will waste time. Simply, Huo Hai once again sealed all the spirit worms and let them slowly improve themselves.

I believe that after the metamorphosis of the spirit worm, his fighting ability will definitely rise to a new level, the spiritual sage realm, the spirit worm who has mastered the law, thinking about it makes people feel bad and comfortable.

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