Evil Insect God

Chapter 1525: Siege of Yalong Branch

With the improvement of the cultivation base, time seems to have become less and less unstoppable in Huo Hai's heart. I don't know when it started, Huo Hai actually felt that a year was not long.

In my current state, just two years ago, it was like two days. If it weren’t for the help of foreign objects and I couldn’t improve my strength quickly, Huo Hai would probably continue here. My research in all aspects, Huo Hai Hai has temporarily put down these things at this time, and these are not things that he can improve in a short time.

Without the aid of a large number of Saint-level materials, it is very difficult to make progress just by relying on one's own research.

If this is the case, then just go out, "Collect training resources, refine alchemy, collect information, and revenge, hey, there are so many things." Huo Hai calculated silently in his heart, and he had a lot to do.

No matter how much, let’s go out first. Huo Hai unlocked his spirit formations layer by layer. After the breakthrough, it was much easier to open these spirit formations than before. After two years of not seeing the sky, Huo Hai has come out now. But there was no feeling, the previous practice, in Huo Hai's feeling, as if it had only passed for a while, his figure flashed, and Huo Hai rose into the sky.

Now I don’t know where I need to go. I just need to study the spiritual formation while asking about the materials I need. Refining a holy-quality Heaven-removing Pill requires not only the Heaven-Grass Grass, but also some law-powered objects. .

The law fragment Huo Hai dare not use it indiscriminately. The level of this thing is too high and involves the power of the deep law between heaven and earth. As a spiritual saint, now he can only feel and absorb some shallow power.

But even so, these things are not something I can casually intervene. Where should I go to inquire about it? Huo Hai thought for a while. It seems that the only spiritual saint who has a good relationship with him at the moment is the city lord of Battle Soul City. Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately got up and set off, and after a while he came to the top of Battle Soul City.

"Strange, what's going on." When Huo Hai came to Battle Soul City, he suddenly felt a little strange. The city lord was not in the city, and there seemed to be a lot less people in the city. Seeing their appearance, it seemed that All preparing for war.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai directly let Xiaodie control a few people with good cultivation bases, and quickly understood the changes here, "It turns out that so many things have happened in the past two years after leaving, it's really..." Huo Hai was touched.

When he left, he released the aura of Yalong fighting with himself, and did not hide it. Originally, he wanted to suppress Yalong through the battle hall, so as to make Yalong difficult, but Huo Hai looked down on it. Because of the hot tempers of these people in the southern region, and the maintenance and determination of Zhantang for its members, something big happened after that.

Huo Hai disappeared suddenly, and no one knew whether he died or went to heal his wounds. Because Huo Hai was injured by Yalong, based on his breath, Zhantang soon targeted a Yalong tribe in the north. Body.

However, in the face of Zhantang’s inquiry, this Yalong tribe is still very arrogant, and because more than a dozen masters of the peak of the spirits have died, their tempers are not good, relying on the dragons behind them, they did not put the Zhantang at all. In the eyes.

The result was two hot-tempered organizations that went directly to war. The southern region has long been accustomed to this kind of warfare and dividing new battlefields. It is said that the one who was ambushed was the recent master of Silver Venerable, so many Those who had fought with Huo Hai became annoyed. In the southern region, the way of making friends through battle is very popular.

As long as they have fought with Huo Hai, they think they have a good relationship with Huo Hai, so many people set off directly to the new northern front. There was no war in Battle Soul City, and the city lord simply took a large army to the front.

Now, it has been more than a year since the battle really started, "I don't know how it is now, no, I'd better go and see it, this Yalong tribe dares to ambush me, and it won't make them feel better."

Thinking of this, Huo Haiwen understood the position of the front line, and set off in a flash. After the breakthrough, Huo Hai's speed is really not comparable to that previously. From the east to the north, Huo Hai actually spent less than a day. It has been achieved. Now, without using any teleportation array, Huo Hai can achieve this level entirely by relying on his own flying speed.

I am afraid that those people who have reached the realm of Spiritual God will not take too long to fly back and forth in the entire Celestial Spirit Realm. For them, the Celestial Spirit Realm may be just a relatively large yard. Huo Hai shook his head, not wanting These are.

According to the distribution of evil spirits, Huo Hai quickly found some battlefields. It didn’t take long before Huo Hai came to a special battlefield. "It looks like it’s here." Huo Hai squinted his eyes and looked at the fighting on the battlefield. both sides.

The reason why I know this is because some of them use battle formations in every battle, and they are very proficient. According to Huo Hai’s knowledge, there are not a few forces who are proficient in battle formations. This time, Battle Soul City But all the people from Jintumen were dispatched. When facing such a small battlefield, Jintumen probably wouldn't mobilize its talents casually.

Another important reason is that there is another side on the battlefield. This side is basically composed of some yalongs, the yalongs in the air, and each one is like a pterosaur, red and fire-breathing. These are positive It was the one that besieged Huo Hai, and it seems that the Yalong branch that dealt with himself was the one in front of him.

There is another type of sub-saurus on the ground. These sub-saurus are very huge. The four giant hooves are like tall pillars. Each sub-saurus is more than 30 meters high and its flat back is covered with spikes. The spikes have grown to the tail.

There are several sharp horns on the hypertrophic head. There are many bone spurs sticking out from under the skin at the joints of the body, shining with cold light, and you can see that these are very scary weapons.

When faced with an attack, this sub-dragon beast is basically a hard resistance. With a faint yellow light on the whole body and its hard skin, even if it is attacked by a master of the same level, it is difficult to break through their defenses. Needless to say, they hurt them. On the contrary, the power of these dragon beasts is very huge. If they are hit, it will be a broken bone.

In the face of such huge creatures, these experienced masters in the southern region can only be cautious, otherwise they are easily killed, but looking at them, it seems that they still feel a little happy.

"It turns out to be earth-based dragon beasts. I don’t know if these dragon beasts were originally this power, or they were called for help." Such Yalong Huohai don’t believe they can’t fly, but they should have earth-based power. A feature.

That is, when you step on the ground, your strength will be stronger, and you will gain faster recovery ability, even if it is a creature with the earth attribute, in fact, there are definitely not many that have this ability. This dragon beast is really blessed.

But looking at their appearance, the reaction and speed are obviously a flaw, and they are likely to be subdued by these fast dragon beasts.

Huo Hai continued to look around, feeling a few very subtle auras in the distance, "Three, there are three spiritual masters on the entire battlefield, I don’t know how many there are on Yalong, ordinary battles, these spiritual sages seem to be I won’t do it casually, huh, I just don’t know if Yalong Spirit Sage dies, will these people use their hands to destroy them."

The battlefield has already progressed to a fierce degree, and this kind of battle hasn't seen them fight less these days. On the frontal battlefield, Huo Hai can't help much. As long as he does it himself, it is breaking the rules.

But in the dark, I went directly to those spiritual saint masters and no one said anything about him. Yalong in the spiritual saint realm, I don't know if he can deal with it now with his own strength. For the first time, he really played against the spirit saint. Huo Hai's mood was really a little excited. During the time of thinking, the battle of this day was over, and the dragon beasts and the allied forces retreated.

Huo Hai thought for a while, followed the dragon beast carefully and moved in the direction of the dragon beast. This dragon beast was able to find itself, so no one knew if they had any means to detect the enemy's approach.

The effect of the Qi Locking Technique has become less and less obvious. In the future, I have to find a way to help myself hide my breath. Since breaking through the Spirit Sage, all the star cores in my body have been completely shattered. At this time, there is nothing on my body. Left.

If it weren’t for the body or the important channel for the movement of spiritual power, Huo Hai himself didn’t know what is the use of his body now. Perhaps only those experts who specialize in body training would be different from him. Based on the pulse, after reaching this level, the Qi Locking Jue can no longer protect his breath from being discovered.

Carefully hiding in the heavens and the earth, Huo Hai sneaked closer from the underground, "One, how come there is only one, is it because I felt wrong." Huo Hai was a little confused, because there was only one spiritual saint in the perception.

If there is only one spiritual sage of the first heaven, then why don't the three opposite spiritual sages directly fight over? This one can't resist the three. As long as they are killed, then this battle will naturally end.

"Wait, the fight, it's not because they want to maintain the fighting existence, so they didn't do anything to this spiritual saint." This is very possible, thinking of the fighting lunatics outside, Huo Hai is quite dumbfounded. These fighting lunatics, If you find that the battle is over, you don't know how you will scold your ancestors after you go back.

No matter what they think, in short, this time I am here to retaliate. After the spiritual saint is destroyed, my mood will be much better. Maybe, I can get some benefits from him.

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