Evil Insect God

Chapter 1526: Assassination and ambush

The frontal battlefield has nothing to do with Huo Hai at this time. In fact, this kind of thing has been encountered by Huo Hai long ago, but Huo Hai has always been looking for a battlefield where he can participate.

Heaven-level masters are different from ordinary people. The realm of the spirits cannot casually participate in battles without the participation of the spiritual masters, and the spiritual saints are the same. They can't do it casually on this large-scale battlefield of the spiritual masters. Ling Sheng will take action, and then things will easily become out of control.

While using the spirit formation, Huo Hai blended into the world, carefully approaching the location of the breath he felt. This was the only place where Huo Hai had sensed the breath of the spirit back and forth several times, and finally felt the holy breath.

When Huo Hai approached cautiously, he finally found the creature emitting this breath: "It turns out that it is still this kind of pterosaur. If this guy dies, then this dragon beast should also face destruction."

At this time, the pterosaur was lying on the spot, and it was not in a human form, but revealed its prototype. A huge flying dragon did not know whether it was practicing or sleeping. In short, there was no intention to do it at all, even if it was on the front line. Tragic, perhaps in the eyes of these high-level spirit beasts, it is nothing but a kind of experience for the younger generation.

Those who die on the battlefield show no value. Only those who can survive to the end and constantly break through and improve are the real elites in the race. This is not only the case of dragons and beasts, even humans are actually similar.

"So vigilant enough, if so, then you are dead." Huo Hai thought about it and understood that there are not many Lingsheng masters who can perfectly hide the breath, and I am afraid that Lingsheng will rarely attack others casually. Once Lingsheng started, how could he feel that something was wrong, so dragon beasts who thought they were safe would do this.

But in this way, the more assured this guy is, the higher his chances of success will be. The mood of Huo Hai in assassinating the Spirit Saint master for the first time can be imagined. He endured the excitement in his heart, and Huo Hai was cautious. Move closer.

There has never been a time when Huo Hai's movements are as slow as it is now. For three days, Huo Hai cautiously approached the past. At the same time, the front line experienced another battle again, no different from the previous one.

"It's almost there. If you continue to get closer, you will be discovered." Huo Hai said in his heart. At this time, Huo Hai is underground, only a hundred meters away from the Yalong. Just now Huo Hai has noticed that this Yalong seems to Somewhat uncomfortable, if you continue to approach, I am afraid that you will really be discovered, in that case, there is no way to sneak attack.

Immediately after the breakthrough, he had never fought with a Lingsheng master. Huo Hai didn't know how far he was from the real Lingsheng master. He was also a first-tier Heavenly Master who had just entered the Lingsheng, and it was really impossible to compare.

Fortunately, in the past few days, this Yalong has never noticed that it is wrong, and his movements have remained unchanged, always lying here. It seems that sometimes, it is not a good thing to be too patient, Huo Hai is a little bit self-deprecating in his heart.

After taking a deep breath, Huo Hai's eyes suddenly narrowed, and a flash of light flashed. The murderous aura of his whole body was absorbed and controlled by the blood flame dragon, so there was no need to worry about being discovered because of this. Without using the long sword, the sword light Huo Hai's fingers flickered. At this moment, Huo Hai had condensed his sword energy to the extreme, and quickly rushed upwards.

It’s not Huo Hai Tuo Da, but because Huo Hai’s long sword is not very useful anymore. After breaking through his realm last time, Huo Hai found that his Luoxia Sword was a bit unable to withstand his sword aura. The long sword itself There was also a little damage.

Now that I am a spiritual saint, if I continue to use it, the strength of the Luoxia Sword is not enough, it will be shattered in the first place, so it is better to use my own fingers, and the speed is improved by Huo Hai to the extreme in an instant .

The Yalong beast finally found out that it was wrong, moved a little, and opened his eyes in confusion. It seems that the Yalong is not lying here to rest, but is caught in the cultivation. If not, how could he react so slowly? , Since the reaction is slow, then there is a price to pay, Huo Hai also knows that the cultivation of Spirit Saint is not that simple.

You must slowly condense and guide the law so that no mistakes can occur. Once you enter deep-level cultivation, it will take a while to withdraw. "Hmph, don't even do a little defense, I really think I won't be attacked."

Huo Hai sneered, speeding up, and when Yalong slowly calmed down his own law power, Huo Hai had already appeared next to the Yalong, his aura exploded unabashedly, and the sword aura instantly fell into Yalong. Long's chest, "Really hard." Huo Hai cursed secretly in his heart, but he still didn't look worried at all, but he still raised the power of sword energy by a point.

The strength of the inner world and scales of this Yalong itself is indeed much higher than that of the Spirit Venerable. Perhaps this is because the inner world barrier contains laws now, but Huo Hai is different from other spiritual saints, although the amount of laws is not as good as this. Yalong.

However, in terms of the strength and perfection of the law, it far surpasses this Yalong. The most important thing is that Huo Hai’s spiritual power is far stronger and more cohesive than this Yalong. Under the blessing of the law, Huo Hai’s The power of sword energy is naturally extraordinary.

After a clear sound of "click", this Yalong was desperate to find that his inner world had been shredded. The next moment, another sword aura was emitted from Huo Hai's left hand, and it instantly penetrated Yalong's throat. Scale, without the strong inverse scale defense of the dragon clan, this position was pierced, and Yalong's anger disappeared instantly.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "The harvest this time is really good." Then he waved his hand and collected the corpse as a whole. At the same time, he completely sealed the light of the soul of the other party. This was the first time he had obtained the light of the soul of the Holy Grade.

With a spiritual sage dying in his own hands, Huo Hai felt that he was more confident. With his current combat power, even if he was the spiritual sage of the second heaven, he might be able to win. This is in the realm of the spiritual sage. Leapfrog challenge.

But before Huo Hai finished thinking, a huge breath fell from the sky. Huo Hai felt his body sink and couldn’t even move. “Human, you are so brave, you dare to attack my dragon and beast spirit saint and die for me. Come here."

Huo Hai secretly said a bad word in his heart: "Why are there still spiritual saints hiding here? Is this a natural ability or some other means." Huo Hai found that he was still careless. There was a stronger expert on Dragon Beast hiding in the dark. Then the only one that was released was not intended to be used as a bait, but this bait was relatively poor and died so quickly.

The people behind were too late to stop, they could only watch the dragon beast die. This is the spiritual saint, no matter where it is, it is a very important resource. I am afraid there are only those top forces, so it won’t be much. care.

At this moment, another powerful breath rushed out: "Huh, what a heavy burden, dare to be presumptuous in front of me." This breath was released, and instantly relieved Huo Hai's siege, and forced the other's breath. Got out.

"Little friend, we met again. I didn't expect you to have already broken through to the Spirit Saint. It's really amazing, much stronger than the trash that just died." This breath is very familiar, Huo Hai finally knows it. The man is the city lord of Battle Soul City. Huo Hai hadn't felt it before. It seemed that the city lord of War Soul City had also used special methods to hide.

It was only when Huo Hai arrived at the realm of Spirit Sage that he realized that his current hiding ability was really not very good. If possible, he had to find a hiding method to use it as soon as possible. Huo Hai did not hesitate and quickly thanked him.

"War Soul, you and I are similar in strength, but do you think you can keep this kid? There are others on our side."

The Battle Soul City Lord said disdainfully: "Is there any of you here that we don’t have anymore? If you hadn’t got the information long ago, this dragon beast would have been destroyed by us long ago, but now is the master of your dragon beast attack. You still don't let the family take revenge." The City Lord of Battle Soul is arguing, and the Heavenly Spirit Continent has never been a reasonable place.

"Huh, if that's the case, then it depends on who is smart." The two men are similar in strength, and neither of them wants to do it. Even if it does, it will probably end in a draw in the end, and it is impossible to tell the winner.

The two of them didn't do anything, but the others were different. The three spiritual auras that Huo Hai felt originally rushed out one after another and flew towards this side. The Lingsheng had already started, so naturally they would not continue waiting.

"Brother Huaiyin, I'll help you pull it." Huo Hai is very familiar with the visitor. It is Venerable Golden Sword. No, I am not Venerable Golden Sword now. It should be said that he is Sage Golden Sword. While blinking at Huo Hai, Huo Hai suddenly understood that his identity was probably already known by this guy. Forget it, after the breakthrough, Huo Hai did not intend to hide it.

However, on the Dragon Beast side, three Dragon Beasts in the realm of Spiritual Sage also appeared, completely intercepting the three people in front of them, and the Spiritual Sage moved his hands, and the movement was not small, and the surrounding space was often torn apart.

Powerful fluctuations of power continued to spread out, at least within a few hundred miles, no one below the realm of Spiritual Saint dared to approach, the fluctuations that erupted from the battle of Spiritual Saint masters could no longer be easily suppressed by the power of heaven and earth.

"There is one more person on our side now, this time you are determined to lose." The voice of Battle Soul sounded high in the sky, and he could only stare at the opponent's guy now. If it weren't for this, the City Lord of Battle Soul would have already done it. Up.

The other voice was not to be outdone: "Is that really the case, then let's see who can have the last laugh." The other party seems to be confident, and doesn't care about the extra spiritual saint Huo Hai at all, giving War Soul a bad premonition. .

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