Evil Insect God

Chapter 1527: War dragon

Just when the battle spirit didn't know what was going on, a huge breath suddenly broke away from the hidden barrier and burst out in the distance. This breath was far stronger and purer than the breath of other dragon beasts around.

"Damn it, it's the Dragon Clan, you dragon beasts can actually have a relationship with the Dragon Clan." Don't look at the strength of the dragon beasts, but they are actually very inferior, especially when facing the dragon clan. Dragons have a very lofty status in the hearts of dragon beasts, and they desperately hope to be appreciated by the dragons.

In this battle today, there will be a giant dragon appearing. This is really incredible. Even if this giant dragon is much weaker than the dragon beast, its status is very different, and it rarely appears. This situation.

Huo Hai, who was considering whether or not to help, suddenly turned around after feeling this breath. At this time, the golden knife said loudly from a distance: "No, this is the real dragon clan, you have to be careful, I can I don’t want to die before you can beat you."

Huo Hai nodded: "Don't worry, how could I lose to this reptile." Although Huo Hai said so, he was still eagerly waiting. This is a giant dragon, a beast far more powerful than other creatures, especially It was this giant dragon who didn't know how long he had become a spiritual saint. The law cohesion must be far more than himself, and he could not deal with it casually.

When the figure on the other side appeared, Huo Hai's eyes became more solemn. The dragon that came was gray, but there were four claws on the claws. The level of the dragon was very strict, mainly based on the number of these claws.

Those with less than three claws are dragon beasts, they are not giant dragons at all, those with three claws are inferior dragons, and those with four claws are medium dragons. This is also the backbone of dragons, five claws. It is a superior dragon, which is also very rare among dragons.

Those five-clawed toes are still golden. This is the royal family among the dragons. The orthodox five-clawed golden dragons are said to be born only when they are transformed into dragon veins. The most born afterwards are five-clawed dragons. It is impossible to have pureness. The golden color of the dragon clan increases by a level, the combat power of the same cultivation base will increase a lot, which is very difficult.

The gray dragon in front of him was a four-clawed dragon, even in the realm of Spirit Saint, it was definitely not idle.

Then Huo Hai's spirit recovered. With a move in his heart, a huge aura exuded centered on Huo Hai, and his mental power firmly locked the dragon on the opposite side. This time, he could only rely on himself in the battle.

Weapons and armor are all nothing. The spirit worms have not changed. This battle really can only be done by yourself. Fortunately, after a lot of battles, I have raised my fighting skills and awareness to a new level. Otherwise, For Huo Hai to deal with such a dragon with his own strength, Huo Hai really had no bottom in his heart, and he didn't know if he could win.

"Abominable human beings dare to besiege my son, and I will definitely not let you leave this place today." Huo Hai was taken aback, and then realized that the evil dragon that died in the first place was actually the son of this giant dragon. trouble.

This guy couldn’t find the murderer. Because there were too many people who did the work at the beginning, so on the one hand, he inquired about the strong people who did the work at the time, and killed them one by one. At the same time, he looked for those who had his son’s body material on them, and they As an enemy.

If I didn’t break through, this time I would really be dead. Now that I have broken through, Huo Hai snorted coldly, “Your son, if he is a traitor to the Dragon Clan, I did participate in If a traitor is looking for trouble, don't you have to betray the Dragon Race too." Huo Hai's spirit has been concentrated.

In the dragon clan, betrayal is a very serious felony. The dragon clan values ​​its members very much. If it hadn't done something angering and grieving, it would not be chased and chased by the dragon clan. I didn't know what the evil dragon did.

"Damn human beings, you **** it." I don't know what was thinking, the gray dragon's eyes were red, and his body turned, swimming towards Huo Hai, while at the same time, opened his mouth and spouted a gray air current.

This thing is pure dragon's breath. Although it is not good looking, it is also a special kind of flame. Huo Hai has already felt the power and power in it before he touches it, "Huh, is it better than flame, I have it too." Facing the dragon, I can't. Huo Hai, who used other methods, didn't dare to keep the slightest hand now. The best thing to deal with flames is naturally flames.

With a move in Huo Hai’s heart, a cluster of star fire appeared in front of Huo Hai. Under Huo Hai’s control, the star fire instantly formed a very peculiar spiritual formation. Then, under the blessing of this spiritual formation, the stars The power of the fire broke out completely.

The silver-white flames twisted and twisted, as if the dragon's breath impacted the opponent. If you look closely, you will find that there is also some purple light in the fire of stars. Huo Hai knows that this is affected by his own law. As a result, maybe his own flame will mutate in the future and become completely different from the original flame.

The two flames collided in the air, and a strong turbulence continued to spread along with the explosion. The space was distorted by this explosion, and it seemed that it was about to be shattered. This shows the attack ability of the Lingsheng master.

The two flames are constantly entangled and eroded in the air. Even if the surrounding spirit saints feel the power of the two hands, they will be a little surprised. It is normal for the giant dragon to exert such combat power. After all, this guy is a dragon, but Huo Hai, an ordinary human who had just entered the Spirit Sage, could also display such combat power, which was terrifying.

"It's very corrosive, what the **** is this?" Huo Hai didn't relax at all in a well-matched confrontation, but became more vigilant. This flame was really weird.

There is a powerful corrosive force in the flames, which can corrode even one's own star fire. If it weren't for his own flame to be more condensed, and with the blessing of the spiritual formation, the power had also increased a little, it was really unstoppable.

"Boy, it's no wonder that I dared to challenge my dragon clan. There really are two things, but even if you do this, you will die." The dragon's two big eyes stared at Huo Hai, and he roared angrily. Hai, in the next moment, a flash of lightning unexpectedly burst out, if it weren't for Huo Hai's constant staring, it would not be easy to notice.

Dragon Breath and Dragon Power, these are the natural abilities of dragons, and dragons are naturally able to control the natural forces between heaven and earth, which can easily form some special talents and supernatural powers. This gray dragon uses gray dragon breath as a kind of .

Now this same gray, strongly corrosive lightning is also a means. Huo Hai was surprised, but he did not dare to neglect. The speed of lightning was too fast, and it was too late to dodge at this time.

Huo Hai did not show weakness, pointed out with his finger, a bright sword aura formed in Huo Hai's hand, the sword aura flashed, and it accurately hit the thunder and lightning sent towards him. The moment of the "click" contact, the sword aura was The front end has collapsed.

Fortunately, after absorbing a large amount of thunder and lightning, the thunder and lightning have been basically offset. The next sword aura fragments broke out, and the remaining thunder and lightning were also melted away in an instant. Huo Hai was shocked. He did not expect the power of this kind of lightning to be so powerful. At that moment, the gray lightning could corrode or even corrode into his own sword aura, detonating his own sword aura.

If this is directly hit by this kind of thunder and lightning, one's own body will probably be completely destroyed in an instant, even if it is a spiritual master, without the assistance of the body, his own combat power may not be able to show much.

Just as surprised as Huo Hai is this dragon clan. How could he not know the power of his own lightning, let alone humans, even among the dragons, the dragons of the same level as his own have a headache facing their own lightning .

This human being, where the monster ran out, if it hadn’t been clear, it was definitely not such a person who killed his son that day. This giant dragon would probably regard Huo Hai as the real murderer, but anyway, this human has The strong breath of his son was one of the biggest gainers of that battle, and he must be killed.

The gray dragon under the madness, completely ignored, another breath of the dragon spit out, and then the whole body rushed over, facing such a dragon's breath, now Huo Hai has no interest in head-on.

For a long time, Huo Hai's favorite way of fighting has always been not a head-to-head attack. Instead, his favorite is a sneak attack. With a flash of figure, Huo Hai's current speed has reached the extreme, easily dodge the dragon's breath attack.

But the next moment, the gray dragon had already rushed over, and his claws had a sharp aura, facing Huo Hai. The dragon’s melee attack was extraordinary. Huo Hai really didn’t dare to confront the opponent casually, his physical strength It's very high, but it's far worse than the real masters, and the strength of the dragon's body is definitely not worse than the masters.

Huo Hai could only dodge one more time. He dodged a claw and let out a sword aura. It directly hit the gray giant dragon's body. With this spark, Huo Hai discovered that his sword was actually only in the giant Only a little white mark was left on the dragon's body. Yalong's defense was already very terrifying, and the real dragon was even more exaggerated.

"Boy, the defense of my dragon clan has never been able to break through by a person of the same level, so just accept your fate." Even if the sword just now was not a full-strength sword by Huo Hai, the power of this kind of sword aura is not something ordinary creatures can withstand. of.

The dragon can bear it unharmed, and Huo Hai already knows that he might not be able to hurt the dragon with his full force. Perhaps the dragon has weaknesses, but these weaknesses can be attacked casually. It seemed that it was better to find an opportunity to use the spirit formation to improve one's sword energy.

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