Evil Insect God

Chapter 1531: Mie Shen Shan

Mie Shen Mountain is located in the southern part of the southern region, very close to the southern border. When Huo Hai learned of this location, he was really dumbfounded. What did the spirits here think before.

Putting one's own residence in this kind of place is indeed not very easy for people to find, but this kind of place is far away from the core area, naturally there are fewer laws of communication between the world and the earth, even if it is affected by the spirits, this step can only be achieved. .

When he came here, Huo Hai discovered that the terrain here is really a messy structure. The traces of the war that year can still be clearly seen. Perhaps it was not a mountain originally, but it is different now. It is better to say that it is a mountain than a ruin, a ruin that has turned the whole earth over.

The terrain below is like a piece of ground that has been cut apart, but it has been magnified a lot. There are mountain peaks and ravines, the terrain is complex and changeable, and there are faint breaths in it, which seems to be a certain threat.

"This is Mie Shen Mountain. When the spirit **** died, the huge resentment and his own spiritual power were still affecting this place, so the most dangerous thing here is not the fierce beast, but the terrifying resentment here."

The power of the spirit **** is eternal, unless other spirit gods wipe it out, because this is not an important place, so no one does it at all. The result is the resentment and spirit left by the spirit **** Power is still affecting here, even if there is not much left, it still poses a very big threat to the Spirit Saint.

"This is something specially used to resist the curse. You have to bring it with you. Use one sheet every day. This is probably enough for us to use for a year." Jin Dao handed over a large piece of paper to Huo Hai. There are some very strange patterns.

With Huo Hai’s knowledge, it is natural to see that this is a rune, and it is also a special rune used to resist curses. The rune is very smart, but the person who created it is not good enough, otherwise, how can I only persist for a day? It.

However, it is a pity that Huo Hai could not make it, because the power is not strong enough, the master who made these runes should be above the Spirit Sage Nine Heavens. With Huo Hai’s current strength, even if he can make it, the effect is definitely not comparable. These, a year's time, is enough, as long as there are benefits, Huo Hai believes that the Golden Sword can still get these things in the future.

Alchemy only, only the pill that they can refine should not cause the Golden Tumen's prying eyes. After all, the Golden Tumen is a sect that is not good at alchemy. They don't value the pill, but their weapons and themselves. .

"Okay, let's set off separately. See you here in a year. Be careful. I heard from the elders that there seems to be some special creatures formed by cursing power in this Miserable Mountain. It is very dangerous. When encountering these creatures, Don't let it hurt."

After hearing this, Huo Hai nodded vigorously. This is not alarmist. No matter the strength of these beasts or special creatures, the curse itself is at the level of the spirit god, even if the spirit **** is not proficient in curses, if he is entangled by this thing. , Even Huo Hai was dead, the power of the curse was not a poison, it was too weird.

The two separated, all the way into the range of Mie Shen Mountain, Mie Shen Mountain is very wide, even if it is a spiritual saint like Huo Hai, it would take a long time to fly over the sky. The environment here has undergone some changes due to the spiritual god. .

The area itself is not very large, but the space here seems to have been magnified countless times. In a small area, the internal space feels extremely huge. After reaching their level, the use of space power seems to be more and more relaxed.

When he really entered Mie Shenshan, Huo Hai immediately felt a very strange power gathering around. This power should be a curse. Huo Hai took out the spell to test it, and it was able to dispel these powers, but That is to maintain a certain distance, if it takes a long time, this power will be slowly eroded by the curse.

"I don't know how my own power is." Thinking of this, Huo Hai put the charm away, and then touched this power by himself. The starlight that was invisible to the naked eye was emitted the moment Huo Hai touched the curse.

This faint starlight is like the strongest armor, which firmly protects Huo Hai. Although the surrounding cursing power wants to corrode Huo Hai, it can't do it. "Sure enough, it was the same as I thought. A curse is a curse."

Huo Hai is different from ordinary people. At the beginning, Huo Hai learned half of the star harvesting technique. This half was used to offset the curse by using the power of stars. Huo Hai was just thinking about this curse even if it was left by the spirit gods, but it is still A kind of curse, and this spirit **** shouldn't leave this kind of curse on purpose, otherwise the spirit saint master would not be qualified to come.

I just tried it, and as expected, as Huo Hai thought, his star-picking technique starlight can resist this curse. As for consumption, don’t worry about this. You can see the sky full of stars here, and Huo Hai can absorb the power of the stars at any time. restore.

The effect of his own star picking technique is much better than that of special rune. Just leave the rune for later research or use it for others. As long as you have the star defense formed by the star picking technique, it is enough.

Just as Huo Hai wanted to go deeper, he suddenly paused. At this time, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that Xiaojin had just reached the real spiritual consummation state just now, and was about to break into the spiritual holy realm, but this requires Huo Hai He agreed, otherwise Xiaojin would not be able to break through, and Huo Hai was overjoyed, thinking that he was about to have a spirit insect to use.

"Hurry up and start to transform, the sooner the better, wait, what do you say, it's not a metamorphosis." Huo Hai was a little confused, and Xiao Jin actually told himself that this promotion was not a metamorphosis. After reaching the heavenly level, some things changed.

Huo Hai simply put aside the matter of Tiancao for the time being. In his inner space, when Xiaojin started to ascend, he did not turn himself into a cocoon as usual. It seemed that the level of improvement was different.

Huo Hai found a lot of starlight gleaming around Xiaojin, and the starlight gradually formed one after another weird rune, which enveloped Xiaojin. The stars in the inner world also suddenly lit up at this moment.

Then Huo Hai discovered that Xiao Jin had actually mobilized some of the spiritual power in his inner world. These spiritual powers slowly changed, and eventually turned into a large number of purple runes, which enveloped Xiao Jin entirely.

Huo Hai can clearly feel that the strength of these runes cannot be broken by himself, but because he is the master of this power, Huo Hai can easily control it. Of course, doing this is not good for spirit worms. It was impossible for Huo Hai to control it. Under the shining of the runes, his Xiaojin slowly began to undergo a special change.

With the help of his own laws, or simply taking his own laws as the main body, Xiaojin incorporated his own toxin laws into it, and then began to condense and adjust some of the rules of his inner world bit by bit.

Huo Hai knew that this was a long-term process, and if it weren't for his own help, I'm afraid Xiaojin, a spirit worm, would not know how to break through and improve his cultivation for a long time.

The adjustment of the law cannot be completed in one or two days. Even if you have your own law influence and reference, it will still take a long time. However, this layer of runes should be protected by your own laws and spiritual power, as long as your own If the inner space is not destroyed, then Xiao Jin will not be affected and disturbed. Forget it, let Xiao Jin take his time.

I believe that after the transformation is completed, Xiaojin can give himself a surprise, the spirit worm that controls the law, this is very rare, even in a place like the heavenly spirit domain, there are not many spirit worms that can truly do this.

At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that after following Xiaojin, Xiaodie and Xiaoyun, who were similar to Xiaojin, had also reached the brink of metamorphosis. After Huo Hai agreed, the two spirit worms also began to move.

Just like Xiaojin, he is based on his own laws, then integrates his own laws, and then adjusts them slightly. Even his own laws and spiritual powers, I am afraid that they can be directly injected into the spirit worm's body at that time. Worms to use, but this method Huo Hai will not be used indiscriminately, which has too much influence on the spirit worms.

No matter how compatible the power is, as long as it is not a power, it will still have an impact. In the future, at most, it will use spiritual power to bless the worm to fight. It happened that I just learned such a spell.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I didn't use you much during the Spiritual Venerable Period, but don't worry, it will be different after you metamorphose." In order to hide the identity and strength of the gods, Huo Hai in the Spiritual Venerable Period did not use himself much Spirit worms, otherwise, with the help of these worms, some of the more difficult and dangerous battles in the past will become very easy.

However, Huo Hai also knew that if he had performed too much at the beginning, then the people who wanted to kill him would be increased exponentially, and even the major sects would try to control themselves.

Spiritual Saints are different. Spiritual Saints don't need to join any power at all. As long as they are willing, they can build a power on their own. On the bright side, only a few top powers can have spiritual gods.

Forget it, no matter there are so many, I still need to find a way to find the materials first. I wasted a whole day. Seeing that many spirit worms have entered a state of metamorphosis, Huo Hai didn't pay much attention to it. The area where the worm is located is well protected, and Huo Hai is moving fast all the way, he has the protection of the star picking technique, which can go deeper than the golden sword.

I believe that the gains I can get today will be greater than I imagined.

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