Evil Insect God

Chapter 1532: Curse the beast

The deeper the Mie Shenshan, the more Huo Hai can feel the strength of the resentment here. At first, it was just some ordinary resentments and low-level curses, but after getting deeper into it, that was not the case.

Huo Hai could clearly feel at this time that even if the Lingdi master came here, he would die instantly under the curse, and even a trace would not be left. The Lingzun master arrived here, although It won't die so quickly, but it will also be greatly affected. If you stay for a long time, you will eventually die on the spot.

Even their souls can't escape. If a spiritual saint like himself hadn't used special means to protect himself, Huo Hai would definitely not be so relaxed, he would definitely be hurt by the curse.

Even if you leave permanent wounds on your own body, it is not impossible. "Grass, yeah, this remaining power is really troublesome." In the entire ruins, there are oasis-like structures. .

Huo Hai didn’t know what was going on at first, but later Huo Hai learned that other places were barren because they were eroded and polluted by the grievances left after the death of the spirit god, but after the death of the spirit **** , What is left is not only resentment, but also a lot of spiritual power, or a kind of law power.

Huo Hai can feel that this kind of power seems to be a kind of natural law power aura. Huo Hai can't feel it specifically, it's not because time is long, the power of the spirit **** will not weaken with time.

This should be after the war that year, the power of the spirit **** itself has been dissipated, so the remaining spiritual power is very vague, and the range is large, so it is not easy to feel it, Huo Hai can feel it This is a power that is close to nature, and it is entirely because the places left by these spiritual powers will form oasis.

Piece by piece of small oasis is where plants grow, and there are also some lower-level spirit beasts.

And most of the Heavenly Grass that Huo Hai needs are also in these places. The Heavenly Grass is indeed not too precious, at least for the Spirit Saint. In the strict sense, the Heavenly Grass is just a kind of honorable spirit. It's just medicine.

There are a few who can reach the Saint Level, but the effect is not too good. I don’t know who researched the Heaven-Removing Pill. If it weren’t for the Heaven-Removing Pill, I’m afraid that in Huo Hai’s eyes, this Heaven-Removing Herb is not too much An important elixir.

Along the way, Huo Hai has collected a large amount of Skygrass, but the law power ore that Huo Hai needs is only a few pieces, not to mention mineral veins and the like. This ore contains very rich laws. Strength, at least as far as Huo Hai is concerned, I am afraid that with only three ore, he can refine a furnace of Saint-Rank Heaven-Removing Pill.

There is no specific level for the Heaven-removing Pill. No matter what kind of Holy-level Heaven-removing Pill, it only contains the power of the law. After using that special absorption method, Huo Hai can use it without restrictions without worrying about the pill. The medicine loses its effect.

Today, Huo Hai can completely use the Heaven-removing Pill as a resource. There is no problem even if it is all the way to the peak of Lingsheng. Gradually, Huo Hai also discovered that these special power ores did not seem to appear. Among the oasis.

It does not appear in other places contaminated by the curse, but at the intersection of the two. Only where this kind of good and evil forces confront will cause the constant conflict and collision of the laws of heaven and earth, and eventually diffuse a large amount of spiritual power. Spiritual power, most of them will slowly be re-absorbed by the power of heaven and earth over time.

But if there are special mineral veins here, they will be absorbed by these veins, and this part of the law will gradually be left behind. Huo Hai is now considering whether other spirit gods can take the initiative to do this. .

If this is the case, then those powers with spiritual gods may have a much more terrifying background than I thought. I don’t know if it was formed by coincidence or many spiritual gods can do it. .

Forget it, these are not what I can imagine now. The power of the spirit **** is not something I can understand. Huo Hai continued to deepen all the way, but at this moment, a roaring voice suddenly came not far away, "Ferocious beast, wrong. , There shouldn’t be ordinary beasts here, could it be that special creatures formed by cursing power can’t happen.”

Huo Hai has been advancing for such a long time, it is the first time that he has encountered such a powerful aura creature here, and this creature is not in the oasis, but is running towards him quickly, from the aura, it should be the Spirit Venerable Twelve heavens.

When Huo Hai really saw this creature, his eyes couldn't help being a little strange. The main body was a huge black wolf with a body over five meters high, but the wolf had a pair of horns on its head, which was very strange.

The tail behind him looks like the tail of a snake. There are two wings on the back. The big one is the small one. The big one is the wing and the small one is the bat-like wings. The right hind leg is not a claw, but a hoof. This thing It didn't look like a normal creature at all, but it seemed to be something that was spliced ​​by using special methods from the bodies of different beasts.

However, this appearance is even more weird and ugly than the creatures created by the Black Thorn Organization itself, but this has given Huo Hai a sense of harmony. With Huo Hai’s current understanding of the law, he can naturally know the fundamentals. It is not spliced, but natural growth becomes like this, which is really strange.

"What the **** is this? Is the resentment left behind by the spirit **** so weird after death? If the spirit **** dies too much, wouldn't the entire sky spirit continent become like this." Huo Hai vaguely felt a very strange feeling in his heart. .

It seems that this has become like this here. It's not just that the resentment remains after the death of the spirit god, there should be other reasons. Before Huo Hai finished thinking, this monster had discovered Huo Hai and launched an attack for the first time.

Opening his mouth, the surrounding black air flow continued to condense, and then a round ball rushed out towards Huo Hai, Huo Hai frowned, and then condensed a fireball and hit it out. The fireball collided with the black ball in mid-air. , The next moment his fireball was easily shattered, and at the same time, there was also the black ball sent by the black wolf.

Huo Hai's eyes changed: "Damn, what kind of power is this? How is it so evil." This breath is not only the cursing power around it, but also the cursing power of the monster wolf itself. With the power of the spirit, it can actually shake Break your own fireball.

Although the black ball was smashed because of its lack of power, but it was able to do this, is it still the Spirit Venerable? It was impossible to do this before he broke through, and then Huo Hai understood that the black wolf's own strength Not strong enough, but after all, it was transformed from the power of the spirit god, and the power of this blow contained a trace of the power of the spirit god.

It is precisely because of this power of the Spirit God that it is so easy to deal with the attack that he issued. No wonder it can pose a very huge threat to the Spirit Saint master. Huo Hai finally understands it now.

Huo Hai has never seen the spirit god, but from the environment here, he can also experience some of the power of the spirit **** master. This kind of power, Huo Hai does not even have the qualification to look up, the gap between the spirit **** and the spirit **** is really Is too big.

At this moment, some dark shadows rushed towards Huo Hai. Huo Hai took a closer look. This time it was attacked by countless tentacles, like the arms and legs of a jellyfish. They looked incomparably transparent. Some of the shaggy hair on the wolf's neck is actually made up of this kind of tentacles, not real hair.

Huo Hai retreated quickly, but he firmly remembered what the golden knife said to him, and he must not let these things hurt. Suddenly, Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and then threw out a tiger-like beast. This is Huo. Collected by the sea before.

In any case, the tiger beast barely reached the realm of the spirits, such a beast, in fact, there are still many in Huo Hai’s inner space now. The tiger beast just came out, and before he was struggling, he found something. Attack yourself.

Instinctively, but because of the difference, the tentacles still scratched a little skin on the toes. The tiger roared and wanted to counterattack, but just raised its paws, it couldn’t move. The blackened, the breath of life instantly dissipated, and in just a few seconds, this powerful beast became pitch black.

A gust of wind blew the entire tiger into fly ash, not even bones and crystal nuclei left behind, "A strong curse, even the fierce beast can't resist it for a moment, fortunately it was not injured." Huo Hai felt it. I was even more shocked.

This kind of curse is much stronger than a poison, and it is impossible for it to have any resistance. Even if you are a spiritual saint, you still can't resist this essence beyond your own power, and can only be eroded throughout the body in an instant.

Afterwards, this kind of curse occurred, either turning into a monster and being assimilated, or turning into a piece of fly ash. Under the curse of the spirit god, no creature under the spirit **** could ignore it. Huo Hai was sure that if he was hit just now, You will definitely get hurt, and once you get hurt, you will never live long, maybe a few minutes, maybe a day or two.

Seeing this scene, Huo Hai was even more afraid of these cursed beasts. To deal with these things, he could only use long-range attacks. Never let them get close to him, and his armor might not be able to resist.

Another black ball hit Huo Hai, and Huo Hai quickly sent out a fireball, which was far away from this attack and canceled each other out. He must not let this thing touch him, and then Huo Hai waved a large sword. Qi, sword aura is overwhelming, so much sword aura, will not let this fierce beast resist it.

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