Evil Insect God

Chapter 1534: Lingering

Just when the Golden Sword was blocked by Hou Yuan, Huo Hai also encountered an accident. Unlike Golden Sword, where there was only one person, Huo Hai directly encountered five masters this time. Each of these five masters was in the realm of Spiritual Saint. .

The one who took the lead was actually a master of the Second Layer of Spiritual Sage. When these five people met Huo Hai, they were still looking in another direction. It can be said that if it were not for luck, Huo Hai would not be with these five. Personal meeting.

Seeing these five people, Huo Hai wanted to leave. You must know that although you can rarely see other Spiritual Saints in Mie Shenshan, they are not absolutely absent. After all, there are still some items that make Spirit Saint's heart move. In the deeper zone, there are some higher-level elixir, which are good materials for refining holy-level pill.

But Huo Hai wanted to leave, but these five people were unwilling. The first time the five people saw Huo Hai, they rushed over and surrounded Huo Hai. Then the one headed took out. A thin needle.

The tip of the thin needle faced Huo Hai, emitting a faint light, "I don't know what you guys want to do to stop me." Huo Hai released his breath. Today Huo Hai is not afraid of these five people.

Even if they are the masters of Lingsheng 2nd Layer, they may not be their opponents. These five people can't stop them, but they don't know why. The aura of these five people makes Huo Hai a little familiar, just don't know how to respond. It's something, and it's not what Huo Hai wants to do here, because it will easily attract the attention of other cursed beasts around.

When Huo Hai released his breath, the light from the thin needles suddenly increased by a large amount, very dazzling, "Yes, it's you, we are here this time..." the head of the person said to Huo Hai.

But at this time, the four people around quietly took out a spar. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and knew that this person must have come to him, but he didn't know how they found him. These spars should be A kind of space blockade.

Huo Hai didn't want to fight with these five people. If these people had some special methods, wouldn't he be unlucky? Huo Hai was not sure that he would survive this dangerous situation, so he didn't wait for these people. After speaking, Huo Hai turned around and left. This time Huo Hai was not in the mood to play any tricks of delaying time with these people.

"Damn it, chase it." Huo Hai's speed unfolded and he left the blockade of these people in an instant. The five people who reacted a little slower hurriedly chased after seeing this, but after a while, they found that the speed was not enough. .

At this time, Huo Hai also noticed that these people were not fast enough, so he deliberately slowed down and let these people hang behind him not far away, "If you want to kill me, this time I will let you know how to deal with me. There is a price to pay."

As long as it is not the top sect, the loss of five spiritual sages at once will make them feel distressed. These five people are normal spiritual sages, and Huo Hai did not feel a false spiritual sage or an incomplete spiritual sage.

On the other side, Jin Dao had already fought with Hou Yuan with all his strength. Hou Yuan was an earth giant. After revealing his body, his power was very strong. However, after being chopped by the golden knife for a few times, Hou Yuan found that his body was too big, so Ho Yuan was around. The yellow light flickered, and although the prototype was still maintained, the body shrank to the size of ten meters.

This ability to enlarge and shrink the body without affecting the battle is found in many races. After all, Hou Yuan's strength is much stronger than the Golden Sword. So from the beginning of the battle, the Golden Sword was suppressed by Hou Yuan, and he could only counterattack from time to time. .

But Hou Yuan was not comfortable. Golden Knife's fighting instinct was too strong. In terms of skills, Hou Yuan was not an opponent at all. Originally, both sides had similar strengths, but Hou Yuan was at a disadvantage because of the combat skills.

I didn’t even say that I was hit with a golden sword. I was even cut twice by the golden sword. If I replaced it with a normal creature, I’m afraid my body would have been basically separated. After Zhang Fa, the momentum became greater and greater, but the pressure Jin Dao felt at this time was much smaller.

"Huh, it's really a waste. This kind of fighting instinct can be raised to this level. It is really surprising." Jin Dao said disdainfully, while continuing to tease Hou Yuan's emotions, making Hou Yuan more violent.

The more so, the easier it is for the Golden Sword. Hou Yuan has never dared to fight evenly. Even if the opponent is weaker than himself, he dare not do it. Compared with the Golden Sword with extremely rich combat experience, the gap is simply not It's half past one.

On the other side, Huo Hai dragged the five masters behind him, and he had already flown forward for three full minutes. Huo Hai's mood was getting better and better at this time, "A bunch of rubbish, I must not pay attention to these cursed beasts when they came. "Huo Hai sneered, because when he walked all the way, Huo Hai once found a brood of cursed beasts, the number as many as thousands.

Most of them are in the realm of Spiritual Sovereign, but among them is a king of the realm of Spiritual Sage. These guys with a strong curse, Huo Hai would not dare to face each other, otherwise there is no other way except to escape Huo Hai.

When he flew to a position not far from these cursed beasts, Huo Hai suddenly waved his hand, and a piece of spiritual power was shot out by Huo Hai. It was not used to attack, but to attract these cursed beasts. Huo Hai's spiritual power fell. Go, and immediately killed several cursed beasts, and the other cursed beasts went crazy suddenly, and a large swath of blackness rushed toward Huo Hai.

These monsters resemble lions and insects. As soon as they came over, Huo Hai felt suffocated. Because the distance was too close, the people behind did not react at all. At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly laughed. stand up.

"Everyone, it's not easy to come to Miserable Mountain. Let me entertain you all." Huo Hai's footsteps suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had already appeared behind the cursed beasts. long distance.

After reaching the realm of Spirit Saint, the basic space teleportation of moving stars and fighting battles can finally be used. The space movement within a small area can make Huo Hai easier in battle. He has never seen Huo Hai use space abilities. A few people in, did not react at all, the five masters who didn't know what was going on at first were taken aback.

But they were stunned, but there was no Cursed Beast. They couldn't find Huo Hai, so they regarded these people as Huo Hai's companions. A black shadow flashed past, and the headed Cursed Beast hurt one of them with one claw.

Before this person had time to react, he was blackened by a strong curse, and then turned into a piece of fly ash. This is a cursed beast of the spiritual sage realm, and even the spiritual sage cannot resist the strong curse on his body.

Seeing this scene, not only these people, even Huo Hai has scalp numb at this time, these **** cursed beasts can't just let them hurt, the master after death, the inner world has not waited for the escape, but was surrounded The curse power of the force stayed in place, and as the curse progressed, the inner world would shatter in a short time and finally merge into the world.

"The third child, **** it, we're overcast by that kid." It's no use saying anything now. Cursed beasts don't care about it. A large group of cursed beasts rushed up, and the result was not trivial. As long as they were injured, they would definitely be hit.

"It turns out that it is a dragon beast, and it is really lingering, huh, when there is a chance in the future, it will definitely not make you feel better." Huo Hai is not only full of resentment for these dragon beasts, but also has no good feelings about the overbearing dragon clan. It's a pity that the dragon clan is too strong for Huo Hai to be qualified to deal with it. The only thing Huo Hai can fight against is the dragon beast.

Although the dragon beasts are a branch of the dragon clan, they have never heard of the existence of spiritual gods among the dragon beasts. I don't know whether it is the limitation of bloodline or hidden by them. Huo Hai watched the battle in the air from a distance, feeling like Thoughtful.

The battle lasted only five minutes before it was over. In fact, these five minutes did not continue, but the curse continued. There was a monster in the spiritual holy realm, and the remaining four dragon beasts focused their attention on it.

So when faced with a large number of other cursed beasts, they would inevitably be injured. Perhaps it was the first time they faced cursed beasts. They didn't understand it. They didn't expect that such a weak cursed beast could still easily break theirs. Attack, break through their spiritual defenses, and even break through their scales, so that each of them was hit.

In five minutes, curses broke out one after another. In the end, everyone was the same as the first one at the beginning, turning into a piece of fly ash, leaving only an inner world, and was firmly bound by the curse power here, completely unable to leave. go with.

Before the large number of monsters in front of him dispersed, Huo Hai could only observe from a long distance, and he did not dare to approach. After hovering for a long time, these cursed beasts didn't know what they got, and left here contentedly.

After waiting for a while, Huo Hai quietly flew in the direction of the battlefield just now. At this time, the five powerful inner worlds are still resisting the erosion of the surrounding curses. Seeing them, they don’t have any body or special means. Protection, under the double blow of the curse and the oppression of the power of heaven and earth, can only last for one or two days at most.

"You, save us, we can guarantee that we will never trouble you again in the future." In an inner world, a voice came out, at this time these dragon beasts are already facing a life and death crisis.

Huo Hai sneered: "Hmph, you won't bother me when you die. Is this the attitude of asking for help? I think you have become idiots in your dragon and beast clan." Huo Hai sneered unceremoniously. These Yalongs have been domineering for so many years, their hearts have been distorted, they don't seem to know who they are, and they can't see the situation completely.

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