Evil Insect God

Chapter 1535: The post-war harvest

If it is outside, these guys who are still in the inner world can still make a certain counterattack, at least they can still attract the previous cursed beast, but here, they can't do anything.

"Humans, there is no good end to being an enemy of our Yalong clan, you quickly rescue us, or you will be dead." In an inner world, such an angry voice suddenly uttered.

These sub-dragon beasts seem to be too self-confident. Except for the dragons, they look down on any other races, especially humans and other transformed spirit beasts. By now, these sub-dragons have not realized how much their situation is. The danger of being dreaming all day, I really don’t know what to say about these idiots, it’s too no brainer.

"Yes, if you continue to be obsessed, my Yalong army will definitely let your whole family stay." Hearing this, Huo Hai's face changed, and these guys dare to threaten his family.

The most important thing for Huo Hai is his family. Whoever dares to threaten them will kill Huo Hai. Huo Hai believes that with Yalong’s despicable means, if he knew his origin, he would definitely do such a thing. How could Huo Hai's mood be good.

"Hmph, I have become like this and dare to threaten me. In that case, I also want to see what your Yalong means, you guys, just treat it as an interest." Huo Hai's voice became very cold. .

At this time, even the Yalong felt that something was wrong: "Damn, human beings, what do you want to do, stop me now." Huo Hai doesn't care about these screaming threats or Yalong who has already begun to beg for mercy. , With a move in his heart, an inner world was already broken open by Huo Hai with all his strength. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huo Hai tore open the opponent's inner space directly.

The moment the things were transferred by Huo Hai, Huo Hai sealed the soul of the Yalong. Yalong's body had turned into fly ash, and Huo Hai could not get anything, so now he can only harvest these things.

Fortunately, a sacred dragon attacked and killed a holy dragon before, otherwise there would be no auxiliary materials for the small bones to break through. Huo Hai's movements were very fast. Under the crazy roar of the Yalongs, all the inner worlds were processed one by one. After Huo Hai left quickly.

When you come to an oasis, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Because the oasis in these rocky mountains is protected by the spiritual power of the spirit gods, not only the curse is inaccessible, but even the cursed beasts dare not approach, so the oasis in these oasis Among them, it is actually very safe. The spirit beasts here are not strong, and it is impossible to threaten Huo Hai.

At the same time that Huo Hai's battle was over, the battle on the Golden Knife's side was also coming to an end. In the constant attack, the Golden Knife completely grasped the rhythm of the battle, and was not hit by Hou Yuan, but he chopped Hou Yuan's body full of cracks.

If Hou Yuan was not a giant of the earth, just bleeding would have caused it to flow to death. Even so, Hou Yuan was still covered with blood, and his aura became weaker and weaker, "Hou Yuan, pay for the dead, Zhan Tiandao. "

A large swath of blade light spread across the body of the Golden Sword suddenly, and then merged. After reaching the realm of Lingsheng, the Heaven Slashing Sword no longer needs to be bred for a long time. I don't know how much power has been improved. After a single shot, Hou Yuan immediately felt the huge In the crisis, his hands instinctively stood in front of him, and the whole person quickly retreated. At this moment, Hou Yuan's heart was full of fear.

A knife passed by, and Hou Yuan's two arms could not be resisted. The knife was completely cut open, and his arms fell to the ground. The fear in Hou Yuan's heart could no longer be suppressed, and he had no courage to fight.

"Damn golden knife, I won't let you go." After saying that, Hou Yuan turned around and ran, disappeared in a blink of an eye. The arms on the ground, without the protection of Hou Yuan's power, were quickly eroded by the curse, and then slowly changed. For fly ash.

"The waste is the waste, the battle that must be won can be fought like this." Jin Dao took a deep breath, and his tone was even more disdainful. The strength of this Hou Yuan itself is stronger than himself. Don't look at the golden knives all the time. Taking the upper hand is because of the fighting consciousness. In fact, the consumption of spiritual power is almost unable to keep up.

After the last cut, the Golden Sword has not much available spiritual power. If Hou Yuan can continue to fight, if he is a little bit bloody, Hou Yuan will definitely win the final victory, but this guy is so unbearable.

I am afraid that he has suffered this kind of injury for the first time in his life. Don’t even throw away his arm. Turn around and run. These two arms are Hou Yuan’s main fighting method. Without this, he needs to regain his fighting power. I am afraid that there will be no chance for decades. In a few decades, Jin Dao is sure to truly improve his strength above Hou Yuan.

"The next time I meet, it will definitely not be like this." Jin Dao let out a cold snort, and then looked into the distance. The battle between the two had attracted some cursed beasts in the distance. We must leave as soon as possible. Continue to wait.

At the same time, Huo Hai has already begun to deal with his own spoils. All the things in the space of these five Yalong have been obtained by Huo Hai. At the same time, there are five souls of the spiritual holy realm. Not big.

"What is this? Is this the item they used to speed up the aggregation of the laws? It's a bit tasteless." Huo Hai saw some strange rhizomes. If this thing is eaten, some laws can be added, but not much. And there are certain side effects, which are nothing to Yalong, and no value to Huo Hai.

Continue reading, these Yalong collections are quite a lot. As a spiritual saint, he has a lot of spiritual essence on his body. With these spiritual essences, Huo Hai does not need to search for it himself in a short time, his own spiritual worm, Also has enough spiritual essence to use.

In addition, Huo Hai discovered that it was only the spiritual essence, and he had harvested millions of numbers. It was really terrifying. With so many spiritual essence, his spiritual power could also be accumulated and improved as soon as possible to improve his fighting durability.

"There are still weapons. I don't know where I got them." Looking back, these five dragon beasts were fighting with their own prototypes, and they didn't know whether the weapons were their trophies or the weapons they used to maintain their human form. In short, these things are not bad, after all, they are holy quality things, even if they are sold, they have a certain value.

After looking through the weapons, the next step was a large number of pill. This dragon beast was really good at refining pill. Huo Hai searched for it and found a lot of healing and healing pill that were helpful to the Spirit Saint.

With these things, what he lacks now is considered complete, and Huo Hai nodded in satisfaction. In the future, many things will not be troublesome for himself. At the level of Spirit Saint, everyone's needs are actually similar.

It is enough to get these, there are all kinds of messy things, Huo Hai can only temporarily tidy up, and there is no time to deal with them too much. There are still a lot of ores or spirit holy beasts on these Yalongs. Things like bone crystal nuclei can only be used as materials. I don't know where these Yalong got them.

After that, Huo Hai also found the records of two kinds of war spirit arts. Huo Hai opened them carefully and looked at them. His eyes were full of disappointment: "It's a pity that it's like a waste." Huo Hai then closed the booklet. .

Of these two kinds of war spirit art, one is used to cultivate and condense the dragon's breath. This is only the dragon beast creatures can cultivate, and it is of no use to Huo Hai. The other kind of war spirit art is a type of defense. The Battle Spirit Secret Art is very rare, and its level is good, but unfortunately, this defensive Spirit Spirit Secret Art is actually condensing and strengthening its own scales.

Perhaps there is still a little reference and reference for the cultivation of those spirit beasts with scales. The main reason is still the battle spirit technique for dragons and dragon beasts. It has no reference for Huo Hai.

Huo Hai didn't want to practice those defensive war spirit arts that tempered his skin. After that time, his skin would only become as hard as steel bark. I am afraid his wives would not like it.

He shook his head, and collected the remaining things one by one. Even at the end, Huo Hai found some special poisons, which he threw to Xiaojin, and when Xiaojin's transformation was completed, let him devour him and improve himself. After finishing packing things, most of the time has passed again, and most of this day has been wasted.

I can't continue wasting time. I came here this time, but I have a mission. Huo Hai's figure flashed and continued to go deep, "I hope there won't be any problems with the Golden Knife. Forget it, it only takes a year to see it anyway. "

Huo Hai was a little worried, but finally put it down, not because Huo Hai believed in the strength of the Golden Sword, but because of the identity of the Golden Sword, even if it was a subdragon beast, he would never dare to break into a large-scale conflict with the Golden Tumen easily.

If a genius like the Golden Sword dies in the hands of the Yalong Beast, the Yalong clan will most likely face the cleansing of the Golden Tumen. Faced with a behemoth like the Jintumen, the Yalong clan will do nothing. Resistance can only be cleaned up in the end, and I believe that even the dragons will not confront the Golden Tumen because of such things.

Going further, Huo Hai felt that the curse power around him was getting stronger and stronger, and he encountered more and more cursed beasts along the way. Fortunately, Huo Hai did not encounter a master who came to trouble him. .

Gradually, reaching a certain level, Huo Hai felt that his starlight defense was about to make ends meet. Just as Huo Hai was considering whether to go deeper, his eyes suddenly brightened: "It's a vein, a vein that has absorbed the power of the law. , Great." Huo Hai released the perception within a certain range and finally discovered the difference in the underground.

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