Evil Insect God

Chapter 1536: Prepare to alchemy

Now that he found a huge mineral vein, Huo Hai no longer worried about the consumption of his star power. After wandering around, he found that there were no powerful monsters infested here, and Huo Hai was relieved a lot.

"Is it because the conflict of power here is heavier and the law aura is stronger, so those monsters dare not approach here casually, or hate the aura here." Huo Hai seems to understand a little bit.

But no matter how many, first dig out the veins. Even without the help of Star Gu, Huo Hai's ability to dig holes is still not simple. The veins below are just ordinary cold iron ore, not precious. Mineral veins, but this cold iron ore is in a special position at this time, and it is also very good for absorbing the power of the law.

So when Huo Hai digs down, what he sees is a situation where the cold iron ore is wrapped in a special law vein. If the law force is absorbed, the law force will disperse the power of the cold iron vein itself.

These retained powers are the true essence, and Huo Hai unceremoniously took them out. Such a vein allowed Huo Hai to harvest thousands of ore containing strong law and power, capable of refining hundreds of furnaces. Heavenly Pill.

If you are lucky, you might be able to harvest thousands of heaven-retaining pills. After such a large amount of pills are completely absorbed and integrated, you can grow your law power to an unimaginable level, and even reach the triple heaven. I'm afraid there is no problem with the above. Sure enough, people are not rich without windfall, Huo Hai thought silently in his heart.

Compared to those who practice slowly by themselves, this wasteful cultivation method is the most suitable for them. Without waste, how can you improve yourself quickly? Only waste can prevent yourself from leaving hidden dangers.

Those who use the foreign objects to the extreme and are not willing to waste it at all, the hidden dangers left by the promotion of the foreign objects will also be retained, and some of the benefits are appropriately wasted, so that their potential will not be affected in the slightest.

No matter what, continue to search. After a successful experience, Huo Hai later set his target on those oasis where there are no powerful monsters nearby. Only in this kind of place can it be possible to find good mineral veins, but now Huo Hai was already very deep inside, and his own starlight defense was consumed very quickly in the process of resisting the curse.

Every once in a while, Huo Hai would leave the depths and return to the periphery, and then set up a special spiritual formation to attract the starlight in the sky to quickly restore his starlight defense power before entering again.

This spiritual formation was understood by the six-winged array butterfly. After all, only the six-winged array butterfly is a spirit worm who practices astrology. Otherwise, if you only rely on Huo Hai, you don't know how long it will take to restore the starlight.

Time passed slowly. Since the last war, Huo Hai has not encountered any danger after such a long time. It is right to think about it. Those people died. In this environment, it is impossible for other Yalong to know. Besides, the arrival of these Yalong might be acting privately. As the spiritual saints, there is no need for them to report to other spiritual saints.

In short, it should be considered safe within a short period of time. A year’s time has passed in a blink of an eye. Huo Hai calculated it, and the time was almost over, and he couldn’t wait here anymore. His figure flashed, and Huo Hai quickly left. Sacred mountain.

When Huo Hai returned to the originally agreed place, Jin Dao had already been waiting on a mountain, "You are fine, it is great." After seeing Huo Hai, Jin Dao breathed a sigh of relief.

Huo Hai was stunned: "What happened? By the way, a few months ago, a few Yalong attacked me, but I was led to the monster den and died." Huo Hai quickly said what happened to him. After a while, he looked at Jindao.

Jin Dao hesitated, but after thinking about it, he said, "This time it was my negligence. I didn't expect that the guy from Hou Yuan would follow me and want to get rid of me. Those Yalongs, I am afraid he contacted to deal with them. Yours." Afterwards, Jin Dao told his own incidents and speculations. It is very likely that Hou Yuan followed Jin Dao, which exposed Huo Hai's location.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Okay, okay, you are not to blame for this matter. If these guys die, I won't be able to get so many benefits. By the way, do you want the spirit of war technique left by the dragon beast? , This thing is of no use to me."

Hearing Huo Hai’s introduction to Zhan Ling Jue, Jin Dao said: “Dragon Breath is no longer needed, and this thing is useless for us, but this is okay for improving scale defense. We also have many spirit beasts in Jintumen with scales on their bodies. of."

Hearing this, Huo Hai threw the Battle Spirit Art over, and the golden knife took it and didn’t say anything. At this time, the relationship between the two is very good, and there is no need to care about it. “By the way, this time I found three hundred law of ore, we According to the normal rule, half of it belongs to you, and the other half you help me refine, and the successful pill will be left to me."

Huo Hai didn’t decline either, and he nodded in agreement: “Okay, just do it, don’t worry, the refining of the Heaven-removing Pill is very easy. As long as it is not destroyed by the Heaven’s Punishment, basically every pot of the pill will have a lot of success of."

"But now there is a problem. Refining the Heaven-removing Pill will attract Heavenly Punishment, so we must first find a safer place. If Heavenly Punishment attracts others, it will be bad. You are very familiar with this place. , So the question of location is left to you." Huo Hai directly threw the difficult problem of choosing a location to the golden knife to deal with.

Jin Dao opened the map and looked at it, and quickly selected a location: "Come here, the Purple Thunder Wasteland. There are thunder and lightning bred in the air all the year round, but the environment is not good, so there is no strong spirit. Beasts and fierce beasts."

Huo Hai looked at the explanation about the Purple Thunder Wasteland and nodded in agreement: "Very good, this is it." This place often has thunder and lightning, so even if there is a natural punishment, it is also a thunder and lightning situation, so it will not be cited. People pay attention.

Moreover, the original environment here is very poor, the laws of heaven and earth are cryptic, and spiritual power is scattered. Even experts with lightning attributes usually don't like to wander in such places. The strongest creature here is only the realm of spirit generals, the entire purple thunder The wasteland is very huge, because there are often thunder and lightning, so there are actually very few living things here.

In addition, the entire wasteland has no resources to produce, and this place is gradually abandoned. The heavenly spirit domain is so big, who wants to be in such a dangerous place, people with insufficient cultivation skills dare not come, people with strong cultivation skills Disdain to come.

Therefore, this place happens to be the most suitable place for Huo Hai to come here to make alchemy. "And there is a benefit here. The law of heaven and earth is very cryptic. Although it will take longer to make alchemy, the punishment of heaven will be reduced a lot. "

"I understand that this is very suitable, but the punishment still has to resist and cover up. I need some materials to set up the spiritual formation, but you should be able to find it if there are not enough things." Huo Hai said directly without hesitation, and then a list It was listed by Huo Hai. With Huo Hai's ability, the arrangement of the spirit array was naturally very powerful.

"Don't worry, we have a lot of these formation materials in the Golden Tumen, and we don't value these things at all." The Jin Tumen, and even the entire southern region, don't take things like the spirit formation very seriously.

After thinking about it, Jin Dao said: "You go to the Purple Thunder Wasteland first, and wait for me here. I will be there in a few days." Jin Dao pointed to a location and said to Huo Hai, this location is very secret, no What will attract the attention of others, and if someone comes here, Huo Hai will be able to find out for the first time and will not be surrounded by anyone.

Now that the plan had been determined, the two quickly dispersed. A few days later, on the edge of the Purple Thunder Wasteland, Huo Hai finally saw the arrival of the Golden Sword, "You wait a moment, and I will talk about it when I refine the formation weapon. "At this time Huo Hai is refining the array weapon.

Jin Dao looked at it for a while, and then sighed: "I thought you were only at a high level of alchemy, but now it seems that your level of refining is not low. There is a strong gas in these formations. If you are a weapon, It’s good to use."

Huo Hai smiled bitterly, and while controlling the flames, he said embarrassedly: "You are mistaken. I have only learned this refining method. This refining method is more suitable for refining weapons because of my method. Too little, and the control is not very good, that's why it causes this kind of appearance." Huo Hai is a little embarrassed, after all, the formation doesn't need something like qi.

Jin Dao was taken aback, and then he laughed. He finally understood what Huo Hai meant. It seemed that Huo Hai didn't refining weapons often, at least it was not enough for the ability control of refining, only increasing power. .

"You don't have to belittle yourself. If you are only refining weapons, I believe that many refiners are not as good as you." Jin Dao can only say that. After a few days, Huo Hai has only reached a hundred. This array weapon was successfully refined, and then together with the golden sword, it began to be continuously arranged in a corner of the Purple Thunder Wasteland.

Within a thousand miles, it is shrouded by Huo Hai’s huge spiritual formation. It is only a thousand miles away. It is nothing in the entire Celestial Spirit Realm. Even for the Purple Thunder Wasteland, the distance of a thousand miles can only occupy a small amount. a part of.

After everything was determined, Huo Hai opened the entire spiritual formation, covering a huge spiritual formation covering thousands of miles. It is the first time that Huo Hai has made it. Fortunately, this spiritual formation does not require all kinds of strange abilities, as long as the periphery can be hidden. The breath is enough to ensure that the power of Heaven's Punishment is not felt by the outside world. This is the greatest function of this spiritual formation.

The inner spirit formation is a powerful defense type spirit formation. Huo Hai has already communicated it with the ground veins below. It is best used for defense. As long as these ground veins are not destroyed, Heaven Punishment will not be able to crush this layer of defense. .

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