Evil Insect God

Chapter 1537: Thunder Array

Huo Hai opened the spirit array step by step, and the light of the spirit array matched the thunder and lightning in the air, but if the distance was too far, it would be impossible to see the light here. This is also the characteristic of this spirit array.

In fact, this spirit formation was not only created by Huo Hai alone, but based on the spoils obtained from other people at the beginning, after improvement and transformation, if the real spirit formation was displayed, it would not have such a little effect.

"It has been completed, and then I will bother Brother Jindao guarding me. Remember, don't let anyone enter here to disturb me. Although the refining is simple, I still have to concentrate on it." The elixir that Huo Hai has learned is the most difficult to refine, even with Huo Hai's current strength and abilities, with many materials, it is still not easy.

If you are disturbed, it is very likely that the pill will be directly damaged. Although there is no danger, it is a waste after all. The alchemy furnace with the holy peak is in Huo Hai’s hands, and it is impossible for Huo Hai to suffer from explosive pill injury. To your own situation.

"Brother, don't worry, as long as I am here, there will never be a problem here." After speaking, Jin Dao went out and stood on guard outside, while Huo Hai entered the two-tier spirit formation. The defensive spirit array is opened at the center. This layer of spirit array costs more than 70% of the current materials, and its defensive ability is not trivial.

Huo Hai believed that even if the Spiritual Saint of the Three Heavens came here, it was impossible to break his own spiritual formation in a short time.

After everything was ready, Huo Hai began to refine, the Heaven-removing Pill itself did not have a level, and the reason why the Spiritual Sovereign Tenth Heaven could be used to refine it was entirely because of the difficulty of refining the Heaven-Retaining Pill.

Without the cultivation base of the tenth heaven, it is basically impossible to reach the base of refining. Huo Hai already knew this at the beginning, and the steps are almost the same as the original steps. However, Huo Hai’s strength has improved a lot, so he is now refining the Heavenly Refining Pill It's also a lot simpler, but Huo Hai still concentrates and doesn't dare to be distracted, otherwise it will definitely cause failure.

This time the refining of the Heaven-removing Pill took one more step than the last time, and that was to add three ore containing the power of the law to it, and Huo Hai carefully guided the power inside out of the star flames.

When the power in the ore was slowly guided, Huo Hai introduced it into the elixir more carefully. The power of the law and the elixir itself are not the same thing.

Huo Hai is now also highly concentrated, not daring to neglect the slightest, but fortunately he succeeded very quickly. After all, it is not the first time Huo Hai has done this kind of thing. The next step is to guide the power of heaven and earth, steal the origin of heaven and earth, and use this. Power tempered and strengthened the power of the law in the pill, Huo Hai did not absorb too much the original power of heaven and earth.

Then, a weird lightning in the sky began to conceive. Although Huo Hai did not absorb much law power, this time it was different from before. It used to be the lowest level of outer law power, not much.

The Saint-Rank Heaven Removal Pill needs to guide a little shallow level of the law source, so Huo Hai has not absorbed as much law power as last time, but the power of Heaven's Punishment is even stronger, a terrifying pressure, even Huo Hai can I felt shocked.

This is not because the power of Heavenly Punishment is too strong, but because Heavenly Punishment is inherently powerful. A "click" thunder fell from the sky. Huo Hai felt this power, and his heart was even more shocked: "The attack strength of the Spirit Saint Realm is average. I am afraid that the Spirit Saint will not be able to take it down." The intensity of this attack, even if Huo Hai insists on it, will probably suffer some shocks.

Before the thunder and lightning could reach Huo Hai, they were directly blocked by the spirit formation, without causing any fluctuations. After the punishment that day, just a moment, this fire of heaven-recovering pill was successful, "Yes, there were eight pills in a fire. The quantity is okay."

After Huo Hai finished speaking, he continued refining. At this time, the golden sword outside the spirit formation also noticed the sky thunder that fell from the sky, "Is this the punishment of the heavens? This spirit formation is really not trivial. To."

The Golden Knife is very clear. Although this spirit formation still has thunder and lightning from time to time, this is the characteristic of the purple thunder wasteland, but the lightning in the spirit formation today is absolutely impossible to fall to the middle place. Huo Hai When the spirit formation began to be arranged, the lightning had already been attracted to the surroundings. If it weren't for fear of being spotted, there would be no lightning in the entire spirit formation.

The thunder and lightning just hit directly from the air, and the landing point was right in the middle. Only the god's punishment would hit this place. Outside the second layer of spiritual formation, no breath can be felt, and no one will doubt it.

Someone saw this thunder and lightning farther away, and I am afraid they would just treat it as a normal lightning, and it looks no different from other lightning that often falls around. People around have long been used to it.

After finding that there was no problem, the golden knife began to guard the surrounding area with all its strength, sensed and released, and completely covered the entire spiritual circle, including farther places. At this time, as long as someone dared to approach, the golden knife would absolutely kill it without saying a word. I am afraid that no one will care if the person who comes is innocent. Protecting himself is the most important thing.

Refining the Heaven-retaining Pill is still relatively simple, it just requires Huo Hai's concentration. The refining of the medicine is more troublesome, but the consumption is not big at all, especially the power of the law, and it directly uses those contained in the ore itself.

Therefore, Huo Hai can basically refine several times a day. With the ores given to him by the Golden Sword, Huo Hai can refine more than 300 furnaces of Heaven-removing Pills. At the end of the refining, the number of Heaven-Retaining Pills reached more than two thousand. According to the rules, Huo Hai took out half of it and left it with the Golden Sword. This was something that had been discussed long ago and could not be changed at will.

Next, Huo Hai took out his own materials and started refining. Thunder and lightning in the air frequently landed down. Unfortunately, there was nothing to do with Huo Hai. On the way, Huo Hai thought for a while and suddenly changed the refining method.

"Well, refining some venerable heaven-retaining pills is good, they will definitely be available in the future." Huo Hai continued refining, this time they were refining ordinary items. In such a place, the law ores are hard to find. The Heavenly Grass is everywhere.

In this way, another year of pill refining suddenly passed. It is really shocking to say that holy grade pill can be refined so much in a year, that is, the pill of Heaven-removing Pill is quite special, except for the materials. Apart from being difficult to find, everything else is very easy. If you replace it with a normal holy grade pill, you can refine one or two pills a year.

Just when Huo Hai had just finished refining a furnace of Heaven-retaining Pill, suddenly a purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky. Huo Hai had seen too many things this year, so he didn't care at all.

But at this moment, the spirit array around Huo Hai suddenly oscillated violently, and a crack appeared on the barrier of the spirit array, "No, I can't continue, I have to leave as soon as possible."

These spirit formations are all consuming the spirits to maintain. Without the power of the spirit formations, the spirit formations cannot stop such a strong attack. Huo Hai felt the surroundings, and he already knew that his array had been damaged. , Not only that, the one Heavenly Punishment just now was obviously several times stronger than the previous Heavenly Punishment, otherwise this situation would not happen.

Huo Hai quickly untied the spirit formation and retracted all the formation weapons. At this time, Jin Dao also noticed Huo Hai's actions: "Brother Huo Hai, why are you in a hurry? Could something happen to it?"

Huo Hai shook his head: "No, here it is. There are more than one thousand two hundred pills in total, which is enough for you to use for a long time. Let's go quickly. We can't stay here anymore." Jin Dao didn't hesitate. 'S followed Huo Hai.

After leaving a long distance, Jin Dao asked, "What the **** is going on, why are you so worried?"

Huo Hai sighed: "Hey, it was my fault this time. Fortunately, we went so fast or we almost had an accident. We have been seizing the power of the law of heaven and earth in one place. We have lost so much power. We have already attracted the attention of the origin of heaven and earth. I didn’t feel the power of the punishment. If we were late just now, we might be punished by a stronger punishment.”

The origin of heaven and earth is not conscious, but there is instinct. If you find that there is a threat to yourself, the origin of heaven and earth will naturally not let go.

Huo Hai's actions had already attracted the attention of Heaven and Earth Origin. If he continued to stay in that place, he would be attacked by Heaven's Punishment. The Golden Sword was taken aback, and he did not expect it to be like this.

At this moment, there was a burst of strong light bursting out of the purple thunder wasteland that had been far away. The violent explosion sound was almost continuous, and countless thunder and lightning with the pressure of heaven and earth fell from the sky.

You don't need to look at it to know that the place where Huohai made his alchemy just now has become a ruin. Even within a hundred miles of the surrounding area, there is probably no grass, and it will be attacked by heaven. It will not be suitable for living creatures in the future.

"You are right, if you reacted more slowly just now, we are dead now." This kind of attack, let alone the two of them, may not be able to resist it perfectly even if it is a master of the seventh heaven and above. , "Let's leave quickly, such a big movement, I am afraid that many people will come to investigate later." Jin Dao said quickly.

Jin Dao knew that even the people of the Golden Tumen would send someone to check the cause. The matter against the sky was not a trivial matter. The aura of the two of them converged and flew towards the distance faster, trying not to be discovered by anyone.

Hidden themselves all the way, the two of them ran away for a whole day, then stopped, looked at each other, and laughed. This time, although there were many dangers, there were no dangers, and the benefits were too great. Up.

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