Evil Insect God

Chapter 1538: hide

"Take a rest for two days, and talk about other things later." After stopping, Huo Hai said to Jin Dao, Jin Dao nodded and agreed, and did not ask Huo Hai what to do next.

Now that there is such a big disturbance, the Lingsheng master must have been disturbed a lot. The two of them who have just entered the Lingsheng are nothing. If they are caught by these people, the consequences will be unthinkable. Of course, the golden knife may not What's the matter? After all, behind him is the Golden Tumen. Now the so-called rest, the real purpose is not just rest.

The two of them are going to hide for a while now, and wait until the storm here calms down. Anyway, those people don't know what the origin of heaven and earth is for initiating the Heaven Punishment, and the power of Heaven Punishment is only at the level of Spirit Saint.

Perhaps the reason for the origin of Heaven and Earth to initiate the Heaven Punishment has been destroyed under the Heaven Punishment. The power of the Heaven Punishment is too strong, and everything will not be preserved at all, and it can be regarded as erasing the traces for the two of them. .

The two of them were hidden in a small town, and no one knew it. Huo Hai took a rest that night, and took out a Heaven-removing Pill. A spirit formation was set around to hide the defense. The strong aura of law, if there is no concealment, the presence of a master nearby can easily be discovered by him, which is very dangerous.

Huo Hai did not eat the pill, but used the special absorption secret method that the golden knife gave him at the beginning, put the pill in his hand, the spiritual power slowly invaded, and then slowly followed the spiritual power operation rules of the pill. Turn it around.

When the power was fully mobilized, Huo Hai's spiritual power immediately vibrated. A series of complex vibrations was the key to the secret method of absorbing the pill. The law power was gradually attracted and then introduced into his arm.

A large amount of law power is constantly flowing through the arm, and the spirit veins that are no longer useful are once again used. After the weird flow, the impurities and erysipelas in this force are gradually extracted, and then passed through the spirit vein exit. Huo Hai repelled it, and only then did Huo Hai slowly absorb the pure power left behind.

Then, the law power flowing into the inner world entered its own barrier, slowly condensing and adjusting little by little, a large amount of purple law power was slowly condensed under Huo Hai's control.

This power finally entered into Huo Hai’s law lines again, flowed into the barrier little by little, and became a powerful supplement to the lines. At this moment, Huo Hai’s law power control once again increased. A big chunk.

Opening his eyes, Huo Hai felt inside his body, and suddenly showed a satisfied smile: "Yes, it's not bad, so the speed will not be slow when it goes up, damn, why there is such a problem, forget it, anyway. Cultivation was originally not an easy task." Huo Hai found that he seemed to be thinking too much better.

This kind of law power is foreign after all, even though Huo Hai has used various methods to waste most of the power in the pill, he can guarantee that this power will not harm him or harm his potential foundation.

But even in this way, a large amount of strength has been suddenly increased, and there is still a need to rest. If you continue to refine external forces into your own laws, it will have a huge impact on your own laws and textures. If it is serious, it may even be possible. It is a serious matter to cause one's own rule lines to collapse.

Huo Hai calculated silently in his heart, and he had already discovered that if he wanted to practice using this method, he might have to wait for several days before he could absorb it again after each absorption.

It’s not something you can do in one or two years to absorb so many Heaven-retaining Pills in your body. Forget it, it’s enough to quickly increase your strength anyway. The improvement of the spiritual holy realm is no longer a problem. .

The only thing that can bother Huo Hai now is the transformation speed of his own spirit worm, and the other is the supplement of the high-level war spirit art. After breaking through the spirit saint, many of my previous war spirit art are not powerful enough or close enough. Hurry up to find some new battle spirit tactics to learn or add to your original battle spirit tactics, in order to ensure that your combat effectiveness continues to increase.

In addition, Huo Hai now has nothing to bother him about improving his strength. It is impossible to deal with the Azure Palace in a short time. It seems that he should go home and see if he has time.

I don't know how Fang Biya and the others are now. Maybe it's not very far from breaking through the realm of the Spiritual Venerable. I remember that when I went back last time, I left a lot of items that can make people quickly improve their cultivation.

After a period of time, the storm outside gradually calmed down. At this time, Huo Hai also noticed a huge change in the golden knife. Unlike Huo Hai, although the golden knife uses this absorption method, it is not as wasteful as Huo Hai. , Even if it is a master of the Golden Earth Gate, it is impossible to have unlimited resources, especially the resources that can be used by a Saint-level master.

After the same absorption, the golden knife did not refining a large amount of those impurities, but only slightly refined, so the speed of the golden knife is much faster than that of Huo Hai. During this time, the golden knife has been improved. A big chunk.

At this speed, I am afraid that it will not take long for the Golden Sword itself to reach the second level or even higher. For Huo Hai, Golden Sword is even more grateful. If he relies on his own ability, he still doesn't know what to get. Time.

The Golden Sword does not reject this kind of pill at all. After reaching the Heavenly level strength, it is basically impossible to cultivate slowly by relying on oneself. The esteemed level is okay. You can rely on combat and insight to speed up the speed, but it cannot break through the bottleneck. , But at the holy level, without using these special methods, it is basically impossible to improve.

For Huo Hai, Jin Dao has nothing to say. Huo Hai’s slow improvement may be due to bottlenecks, or there may be other considerations. These are not things that outsiders should ask, so Jin Dao did not say how fast Huo Hai is improving. what.

"It's almost there. The outside world has basically calmed down now. It seems that they all think that the cause of the original attack of heaven and earth has been completely destroyed." After all, it is just a matter of no benefit, and it will not cause the spiritual sages to pay too much attention. .

Huo Hai nodded: "That's fine." If those guys have been tracking down, Huo Hai will continue to hide.

"What are you going to do next? Find a place to cultivate and improve." From the perspective of Golden Knife, Huo Hai now has such a large resource. He must find a safe place to improve himself, as long as he does not encounter a big bottleneck. , Relying on these medicinal pills to reach the triple heaven or more within a hundred years, there is no problem at all, and then they will be able to initially fight against Azure Palace.

Huo Hai nodded and shook his head again: "I want to practice, but I still need to give a friend something before I practice. By the way, do you know where the Ziyang Gate is."

Huo Hai never understood where the Ziyang Gate that Yang Huo was talking about was, but when he heard the name Ziyang Gate, Jin Dao was taken aback, and then he said, "Is the Ziyang Gate you mentioned a cultivator? Sun attribute, and likes to use flame sect very much." After hearing this, Huo Hai nodded, it seems that Jin Dao knows.

"I still know the Ziyang Gate very well. Their alchemy equipment is of high water quality, but you can't find it in the periphery. Ziyang Gate is a sect in the central area, and it is in a semi-hidden state."

Having said this, Jin Dao lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "You should have noticed it. In fact, our top sects are the most powerful force in the entire Celestial Spirit Realm, just like the rumors from the outside world. We only have the existence of spiritual **** masters. In fact, this Ziyang gate is also a sect with the existence of spiritual **** masters."

With the explanation of the golden knife, Huo Hai gradually understood something. Many sects were actually suppressed by the top sects and could not raise their heads. Most of them belonged to the semi-hidden world. Was suppressed.

The same was true for the eight gates at the beginning, so they left the central area to develop in the surrounding areas. With the continuous expansion of the surrounding areas, they obtained more and more resources. Later, the eight surrounding areas were integrated to form the eight gates.

Because the number of spiritual **** masters in the eight sects is gradually increasing, and the strength of the masters is gradually increasing, only then can a situation of confrontation with the central area be formed. The other forces are not without spiritual gods, but there is no way to rise. Now, let Huo Hai's many doubts were completely revealed, and there was clearly no spiritual formula to speak of at the heavenly level.

It can be said that to reach the spiritual god, you can only rely on yourself. Huo Hai doesn't believe that only these top sects can reach the spiritual god. Could all the geniuses in the world eventually be concentrated in these sects.

Now Huo Hai understands that, as he thought, there are spirit gods in the outside world, and I am afraid that there are still a lot of spirit gods, but because they are suppressed, they dare not show up casually. All this, for people at the level of Spiritual Sage, It's no secret.

Worried that other sects use the appeal of the spirit gods to grab their own resources. Once these spirit gods run out and the top sects feel threatened, their spirit gods will be dispatched. At that time, if the spirits emerge If the gods refuse to surrender and join them, the spirit gods of the top sects will eventually get rid of them.

The eight sects can develop to the present level, and they are inseparable from their mutual union.

"If our eight sects are united, the overall strength is worse than that of one tower and one league, which is similar to the two sects, but if we separate, a single one is far from an opponent of any of the five clans, so you understand."

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