Evil Insect God

Chapter 1539: Central area

Originally, Huo Hai couldn't touch these things at all. He didn't have enough cultivation base, and there was no backing behind him. How could he know these things? Many first-class forces didn't even know what the world was like.

Just like when Huo Hai first came to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he even thought that there were only one or two spirit gods in each of the eight sects. Now it seems that it is really different from what I had originally thought. Clear, but absolutely indispensable. Without the support of high-level spirits, it is completely impossible for Ba Sect to fight against the top forces in the central area.

The core inside story of this world was revealed to Huo Hai bit by bit. Unfortunately, even Jin Dao didn’t know much about these things. This is very normal. After all, he is just a spirit. Saint.

Without truly reaching the spiritual god, without truly entering the top circle, it is impossible to truly know some internal things. Regarding these things, most spiritual sages can only pass a little speculation.

The elders of their own sect can’t tell them, “Forget it, let’s not talk about it, our ancestors of the Jintumen Spiritual God usually can’t see it.” Jin Dao was a little depressed, and he was also A spiritual saint, still can't see these old guys, don't know what these old guys are doing all day, that circle is really too mysterious.

"If you want to go to Ziyangmen, there is nothing wrong with this, but it is a bit troublesome to enter the central area. The blank area between the eight gates on the edge of us and the central area is actually very dangerous, and it is the same for us."

Jin Dao slowly explained, Huo Hai finally understood that the isolation zone in the middle is not as small as Huo Hai imagined, on the contrary it is very wide. Because the eight doors are an alliance with each other, they have boundaries, but the boundaries are simply Not big.

In this way, there are still some fierce beasts that can reach the spiritual sage living in the boundary position. If you go directly to the central area, you will easily enter the territory of the spiritual beast. These spiritual beasts are not easy to interact with. Those with a better temper will force people to stay and then become their own subordinates. Fierce beasts also have spirit beasts and human subordinates.

As for those with bad tempers, I am afraid that they will be killed as soon as they see human beings. When I felt the power of the little breath left by the dead spirit **** at Mie Shenshan, Huo Hai already understood how terrifying the spirit **** was. .

Even if it was just a master who had just reached the spiritual god, the power he possessed would definitely be many times stronger than the remaining power on Mie Shenshan, and it seemed that there were a lot of spiritual gods at the border, which made it even more difficult to pass.

Huo Hai’s current hidden ability is not easy to hide from those spiritual saints, let alone the spiritual gods, and although his perception is strong enough, the spiritual gods are different, and it is definitely not the same to find the position of the spiritual gods. It's an easy thing. Once no clues are found, the other party will find it. Huo Hai is absolutely dead.

"Do you have any way." Huo Hai is sure that Ba Men must have a way to travel between the central area.

Sure enough, Jin Dao laughed when he heard the words: "Of course it is. It is basically difficult for others to go to the central area, but it is nothing for us. Don’t forget that we are originally from Came out there."

The Bamen ran out of the central area. It was originally a force in the central area. In fact, many people know it. Therefore, the Bamen has always had an area under its control in the central area. Although the area is not large enough, it is also a territory.

"Well, I will take you to the super large teleportation array later. Through this, you can go directly to the central area. When you want to come back, you can also use those indefinite teleportation arrays so that no one will know where you are. Where did you go."

The so-called indeterminate teleportation array, that is, the one that does not have a specific teleportation array location on the opposite side, can only determine roughly which area to send it to. The place where it appears is different, even if it is sent to the water, It is very possible to get into the stone. For people who are generally not strong enough, I really dare not use this method casually.

Therefore, this method is not too restricted in the central area, anyone can use it, usually only those who have reached the heaven level dare to use this method, otherwise it is easy to encounter danger.

"This won't have any effect on you, right." Of course, these super-large teleportation formations Huo Hai knows that they have always been in the hands of Eight Doors. Outsiders are easily not allowed to use them, and the control is very strict.

"Of course it’s okay. I’m a spiritual saint now. I naturally have the right to use this teleportation array, as long as the person using it is not the life or death enemy of our Jintumen. In fact, Bamen has similar businesses. Enough spiritual essence or treasures can use the super large teleportation array, and everyone is tacitly aware of it, and no one will care."

It's just a teleportation array, and it has no effect at all. It is no wonder that the eight sects will be like this. Huo Hai understood after a little thought, such a teleportation array can only send a few people to and from.

If the real large forces travel to and from the central area, the eight sects must have their own methods. Thinking of these, Huo Hai immediately figured it out: "If this is the case, then I will trouble you." Huo Hai is not hypocritical. The friendship is very good, "In the future, you will run out of Heaven-removing Pill. As long as you have the materials, just come to me and I will refine it for you.

Hearing this, Jin Dao smiled with satisfaction: "Brother, I did not read the wrong person. I will trouble you in the future, but the pill must be given according to the rules. Half of it belongs to you, and the rules cannot be abandoned." All very satisfied.

The refining of the Heaven-removing Pill is not complicated for Huo Hai. It is very easy. As for the materials, it is not too difficult for the Golden Sword. You can get a lot of these things by simply collecting them.

With the strength of the Golden Sword, even if you find some in the God of Destruction Mountain in the future, it will be enough for yourself to use it for a long time. Who could have imagined that the unrecognized Heaven-Dropping Grass and the ordinary ores that contain the power of the law would actually have this The big role is that ordinary spiritual saints do not value items that contain the power of the law if they are not easily absorbed.

The two ate and drank. Quan was the final farewell. After that, Huo Hai followed the Golden Sword and came all the way to a large teleportation formation of the Golden Tumen. What Huo Hai did not expect was that this was actually a branch hall of the battle hall.

The large teleportation array looks no different from the general teleportation array. It is just a large teleportation square built with special materials. Huo Hai walked to a specific position on the square before turning his head and arching his hand at the golden knife.

"After the past, take care of yourself, there is much more dangerous than ours." Jin Dao said to Huo Hai from a distance. None of these people at the scene can recognize who this person is, Huo Hai this Shi replaced the outer armor, and once again covered himself in a black robe. The hermit robe was also very popular in the central area.

Under the gleaming light, Huo Hai had disappeared above the teleportation square, and the scene in front of him changed. When Huo Hai saw the foreground object clearly again, his position had changed.

"It's a rich aura." Huo Hai felt the surrounding environment and found that the aura here was much richer than the surrounding area, and the laws of the world were more obvious, and it was easy to clearly feel.

Cultivating in this kind of place is definitely faster than the peripheral area. No wonder the central area will nurture so many powerful forces. It is not just a large area. It is a pity that the central area has too many powerful forces to integrate resources. They are all fighting with each other, so the big forces in the central region have no intention to deal with the eight sects, leading to the complete development and growth of the eight sects.

"Come out quickly and don't stay inside." At this moment, outside the square, a guard suddenly shouted. Huo Hai looked back and was shocked in his heart. Actually, every guard here was a spiritual master. realm.

When did the Lingzun only be used as a guard, "Sure enough, it is enough. Is this the background of the top sect? I don't know when my family can develop to this level." Huo Hai does not value the family, but he does Still can't help but compare them.

The stronger the family is, the safer the family is. Forget it, I think so much about what to do. These are not what I am qualified to think about. Huo Hai quickly emerged from the teleportation square and became a spiritual saint himself. For Jintumen Not much, after leaving here, Huo Hai flew all the way to the east without stopping.

According to the map that Jin Dao gave to himself at the end, Ziyang Gate is to the east of this teleportation point. The area controlled by Ziyang Gate is not very large, but it is very easy to find. Ziyang Gate is located in the middle of a mountain range, which has been completely transformed. .

From a distance, a large area of ​​purple, and purple flames burning everywhere, is the station of Ziyangmen. There are not many areas controlled by Ziyangmen, which does not mean that their population is small. There are many around Ziyangmen. Large-scale human gathering place, Ziyangmen is also a pure human force, and there are not many spirit beasts in the entire force.

There are many masters in the sect, especially because of the powerful alchemy and refining abilities, even those top powers generally dare not provoke Ziyangmen. In the central area, Ziyangmen is still very famous.

Huo Hai flew all the way to the east. It took a few days. Along the way, Huo Hai felt the existence of a lot of beasts in the spiritual sage realm. Many beasts in the spiritual sage realm have a much stronger cultivation base than Huo Hai. Huo Hai did not dare to provoke easily.

Although this central area is more prosperous, it is also more dangerous. Those who are not strong enough may only be able to wander around in a small area in front of them for life, and they dare not leave too far.

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