Evil Insect God

Chapter 1540: Goodbye Sunfire

As a sect second only to the top forces, Ziyangmen was truly extraordinary. As soon as Huo Hai approached here, he felt an astonishing aura, giving Huo Hai a feeling that he couldn't bring up the fighting spirit.

The purple mountain range on the ground was not very eye-catching, but now in Huo Hai’s eyes, it is so vivid. It seems that there are two suns in the sky and the ground. This purple mountain range is not similar to the sun. Like the sun, this is a feeling, but it is not an illusion. The laws and breaths between the two are almost the same.

"The power of the spirit **** is really strong." Huo Hai closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened it again. This mountain range is probably not as simple as the transformation of the spirit formation. This should be a master of the spirit **** realm, using his own power to change it.

In this kind of place, it can be said that as long as it is not a master at the realm of spirit gods, anyone will be affected. Masters who cultivate the sun attribute will be strengthened here, and masters with the flame attribute will not increase or weaken.

Other attributes will be suppressed. The more restrained you are with the sun attribute, the deeper you will be suppressed. Huo Hai is sure that once the battle is opened, all enemies will be suppressed except the Ziyang Gate. Is very serious. As for how much Huo Hai can be suppressed, it is not clear. After all, Huo Hai doesn't understand spirits.

With the power of the spirit gods, things like spirit arrays are completely unnecessary. Spirit arrays are originally a method that is close to the natural laws of heaven and earth. The lines of spirit arrays can be said to be a simplification of law lines.

Perhaps the power of the spiritual holy realm can still be increased by the spiritual formation, but once it reaches the spiritual **** realm, then the spiritual formation is still useful, this Huo Hai is really not clear, these things are really too far away .

Forget it, don’t think about it, Huo Hai quickly landed and headed towards Ziyang Gate. This time, Huo Hai mainly gave the Sunstone to Yang Huo. Although Yang Huo was blocking him last time, he was in the end. After all, there was still no stubborn resistance to the end. Otherwise, Huo Hai's situation would definitely be worse than it is now, Huo Hai still understands this.

Therefore, although Huo Hai didn't say anything on the surface, he still felt that he owed Yang Huo a favor. This time the Extreme Sun Stone could have been directly exchanged with the Golden Tumen, but Huo Hai still planned to come here to exchange it with Yang Huo.

As long as they can exchange what they need, Yang Huo can also get the Extreme Sun Stone, which will have great benefits for Yang Huo's own cultivation. It happens to cooperate with each other, which is a win-win situation.

In this way, the feeling of indebtedness in Huo Hai's heart can also be slowly eliminated. When Huo Hai fell, he was already seen by the gatekeeper. As the gatekeeper of Ziyangmen, he would naturally not be too surprised and vigilant. , Even if the two gatekeepers have felt that Huo Hai's power is far beyond what they can fight against, the two men are the spirit emperors of Ziyangmen after all.

"Who is the person who came here? What is the purpose of coming here?" The two looked at each other and said loudly to Huo Hai. This is Ziyangmen. Even if you are a master of Spiritual God, you usually don't want to be here. The place is presumptuous.

The two did not know that there were spirit gods in their sects, but they also knew that Ziyangmen had a high status. Huo Hai said, "Two, in Xia Huohai, I came here this time to meet a friend. Notify Venerable Yanghuo."

The two glanced at each other, and a flash of surprise flashed in their eyes at the same time: "You are talking about the Sunfire Sage, please wait a moment, we will report." Huo Hai's reputation is great in the outside world, but it is only because of the reward. , In terms of strength, it is not valued by anyone, even if the eight gates are far away, there is no reputation for Huo Hai, let alone the central area.

Sage, Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly. This Yang Huo is really not easy. It has become a Spiritual Saint in such a short time. That's right. When the two met, the Yang Huo was actually far away from the Spirit Saint. Only one step away.

If this step cannot be taken, it will be hindered for a long time, but once it is taken, it will not take long to become a true spiritual saint. This is exactly what Yang Huo did last time. What Huo Hai didn’t know was that Yang Huo was right. It was because after a battle with Huo Hai, the road leading to the spiritual holy realm was finally opened. In fact, Yang Huo had been stuck for a long time.

After waiting for more than an hour, Huo Hai saw the gatekeeper running back from a distance. Huo Hai was not anxious, because he knew that it was not easy for the gatekeeper to inform a spiritual saint.

A dignified spiritual saint, it’s not what they said they would see if they wanted to see it, but it seemed that people were full of excitement, and Huo Hai had a little bit of bottom in his heart. It seemed that Yang Huo had already been notified. And basically it may have been agreed, and it didn't take long before a strong and hot breath came to his face, very familiar.

"Sure enough, I have become a spiritual saint, I just don't know what my current strength is." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly. You must know that during this time, Huo Hai has not stopped exercising himself, and the condensing of the sword type has basically kept up with the pace. .

In other respects, with the improvement of the cultivation level, it has also increased bit by bit, especially the Heaven-removing Pill absorbed during this period, which has increased Huo Hai’s law power by a large amount, without impurities or What bottleneck is blocking.

Yang Huo is still the same as before, except that the armor on his body has been replaced with a holy quality weapon. It is really not an easy task to break this layer of armor: "Huo Hai, it is you, you appear. Here, don't you worry that I will catch you." Yang Huo looked at Huo Hai, his eyes full of complexity and guilt.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "If you can catch me, just do it." As soon as the two met, the atmosphere became serious, and the gatekeeper was sweating profusely. Isn't this a friend of the saint, but an enemy.

Under the tremendous pressure, the guard disciple was already a little delirious, and he couldn't think of how, as an enemy, he would rush to the gate of Ziyang Gate. On the bright side of Ziyang Gate, there were peak spiritual masters.

Yang Huo laughed: "Hahahaha, it really is Huo Hai, but I still have to try it next. If it doesn't work, let's talk about other things." Yang Huo doesn't know why, so we must catch Huo Hai. Live, this time I finally saw Huo Hai, how could I not do it? With a big wave of his hand, a ball of golden light flashing fireball hit Huo Hai.

The fireball's power is not strong, and the speed is not fast, but Huo Hai can feel that it contains all the understanding of Yang Huo's own laws. Yang Huo wants to fight Huo Hai and feel Huo Hai's laws.

Huo Hai smiled slightly, and didn't care. Huo Hai really didn't have any bad thoughts towards a guy like Yang Huo who didn't have the slightest dark thoughts. With a light touch of his finger, a faint light flashed away.

The miniature sword qi is also not very powerful, but it contains Huo Hai’s current understanding of the law. The two forces collided, and only heard a clear sound, the fireball was actually shattered by the whole, and the sword qi with little change hits quickly. The armor of Yang Huo was destroyed, and then the whole collapsed. After all, this force was not too strong, and there was not much attack power at all.

Of course, if it is used to deal with the masters of the spirits, the low-level spirits can easily be hurt by this force.

Yang Huo had a bitter expression: "It is indeed Huo Hai. It was able to break my light realm that day, even now it is far stronger than me." Yang Huo has already felt it. Huo Hai's control of the law has surpassed him. Big cut.

The law is higher than his own, and Huo Hai’s spiritual power and all aspects can be said to be better than him. Yang Huo knew that he was not Huo Hai’s opponent at all, let alone grasping Huo Hai, because fundamentally impossible.

The people around them widened their eyes. How could they not know the bright realm of Yanghuo? This is a kind of ability that Yanghuo originated from, not any kind of war spirit art. Although there is no attack ability, the defense is absolutely Horror, before breaking through, Yang Huo could rely on this move to be invincible among all the masters of the same level.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him was able to break through the light realm of Yang Huo during the time of the Spirit Venerable. If they knew that Huo Hai had not even reached the peak of the Spirit Venerable, they would not know what would happen.

At this time, Yang Huo has roughly adjusted his mood. After all, Yang Huo is also a person without a gloomy mentality. Such a person will basically not be depressed because of anything. It was just a moment of emotion, and his own affairs. Can't do it, it's just a bit sad, and Yang Huo is not hostile to Huo Hai.

"Come in with me, this is not the place to talk." Yang Huo made a gesture of asking, and then walked towards the inside of the sect. Huo Hai did not hesitate, and followed in. There was Yang Huo, and I believed Ziyang. The door won't do much to himself.

After entering the Ziyang Gate, Huo Hai felt that the surrounding flames and the aura of light were getting stronger and stronger. Huo Hai also noticed that most of the Ziyang Gates seem to cultivate three forms of power, one is Yang Huo, pure. The solar flame is either golden or white, but the nature of its power is the same.

The second is the cultivation of pure power of light. The power of cultivating the power of light is really rare. The last type is the twisting power left by the ancestors of the Ziyangmen cultivation, which is the fusion of flame and light to change.

The flames or light used by these people are pure purple with terrifying polar sun properties. This color is exactly the same as the color of the surrounding mountains. The color is a manifestation of the essence of power, although it does not represent the strength of power. , But it can make people see a lot of things, walking along the way, Huo Hai can be regarded as a preliminary experience of the background and strength of the big power.

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