Evil Insect God

Chapter 1546: Flame confrontation

Huo Hai's arrogance immediately angered Zi Yi, "Okay, very good, no one has dared to talk to the deity like this for a long time, let me see if you have the strength to say this kind of thing." Zi Yi was very angry. .

A large number of fireballs continuously attacked Huo Hai. The fireballs became more and more urgent and more and more. Under the control of the spirit formation, the special flame of Ziyangmen itself was floated to the limit, and the fireballs seemed to rain. Similarly, the goal is directed at Huo Hai.

Huo Hai was not to be outdone, and the silver-white flames all over his body kept urging. Huo Hai is not as good as Zi Yi in terms of the increase in flames. However, Huo Hai is definitely no worse than anyone in terms of the number of flames. The fire of the sea has been fused with its own origin, and the amount of its own flame depends on how much of its spiritual power.

In terms of spiritual power, Huo Hai is confident that he will not lose to anyone, especially after the accumulation of these years. After Huo Hai has used a lot of spiritual marrow, his spiritual power is finally replenished, and it is no longer the kind of just breakthrough. weak.

Huo Hai is sure that his spiritual power is definitely several times stronger than the opposite Zi Yi, or even more than ten times stronger. Even if it is the recovery speed, it is at least several times that of the other party. Maybe he consumes more than the other party, but it lasts longer. I am definitely stronger.

Under the control of Huo Hai, a large number of silver-white flames almost instinctively formed a large fireball, and attacked Zi Yi from a distance. Zi Yi had no choice but to fight with Huo Hai constantly.

"Damn, why this kid is so strong is the fault of lack of information." Zi Yi didn't think about it. This time he took the initiative to deal with others. Of course, in Zi Yi's heart, he would never be wrong. As for Huo Hai, Zi Yi really didn't know much about it. Originally, Huo Hai asked Yang Huo to help forge weapons, but he thought Huo Hai was a war spiritist.

War spirit masters are the most numerous spirit masters in the world, but at the same time they are very limited. They are trapped with spirit formations and make the opponent exhausted. This is Zi Yi's method to deal with war spirit masters. Zi Yi didn't care about her special ability.

This is why Zi Yi let his puppet completely trap Yang Huo from the beginning. As long as he keeps on attacking, and Yang Huo has no time to use the light domain, then this domain will be abolished.

The name Huo Hai does not make Zi Yi think of anything. There are too many people with the same name on this continent. Huo Hai in the data is just a more active spiritual venerable, not a spiritual sage. Realm, it is difficult to arouse the attention of these spiritual saints, Huo Hai's fireball is indeed a bit beyond Zi Yi's expectations.

"Boy, your strength is really good, but it won't be so easy next." Following Zi Yi's words, the spirit circle around her body began to change, and the runes on the spirit circle changed quickly.

At the same time, Zi Yi's head was another huge spiritual formation unfolding. The runes on it were very strange, like some long objects made of flames. Huo Hai knew that this spiritual formation might still be of fire attribute.

Huo Hai doesn’t know much about the Spirit Array, but Huo Hai is very clear about the Spirit Array. Seeing the Spirit Array unfold, Huo Hai also begins to condense his own flames. Today, I must show this guy to see the flames. Who is stronger, Huo Hai also has an obsession. Huo Hai, who is stubborn, doesn't want to use other methods at all.

At this moment, a large number of fireballs quickly penetrated into the spiritual formation above her head under Zi Yi's control. The next moment, the fireballs passing through the spiritual formation began to change, the fireballs collided one by one, and then merged.

A long flame slowly took shape, and finally it condensed into a fire snake, and the purple fire snake looked like a real creature, and every scale on its body was so vivid. If we didn’t watch the fire snake take shape, many People will regard it as a real beast, fireballs continue to converge, and flame snakes are born.

"Boy, regret it, let me ask you one last sentence, do you surrender or die?" Zi Yi yelled, this trick is also very difficult to use, and if you keep using it, your spiritual energy consumption is very huge.

Huo Hai sneered: "It's a pity, I don't want to choose either, can I choose to let you die." Huo Hai's eyes were full of disdain, this kind of eyes deeply hurt Zi Yi, and Zi Yi's face was under the words. It immediately became very ugly.

Zi Yi shouted with a hideous look: "Damn bastard, dare to play me, die for me, kill him." Zi Yi was already a little crazy, a large number of fire snakes across the void, facing Huo Hai straight When he rushed, the space was burnt and distorted wherever he went. The distorted space barrier took a long time to slowly calm down, showing the power of the fire snake.

Huo Hai's fireball hit the fire snake along the way, and was directly smashed by the opponent or simply swallowed, but Huo Hai could still feel that the two flames were not the same in nature, and swallowing it would be harmful to the fire snake.

This guy should want to use this method as a deterrent. Unfortunately, Zi Yi never thought that Huo Hai's mental power would be so strong and his perception ability was terrifying, he could actually feel these situations.

"Huh, just the fire snake, see how my firebird is." Huo Hai's heart moved, and the fire control method started working. The flames that had just condensed were released directly by Huo Hai, and there was also a gathering fire inside these flames. The spirit formation, but the level of the spirit formation is higher than that of the fireball, and these flames condense into silver-white firebirds.

Huo Hai does not have the assistance of a large spiritual formation. After all, he himself does not know these things, but the fire control method derived from the Spirit Fire Sect is not weak at all in terms of power. The Firebird just launched into the sky and rushed towards him. Fire snake.

Zi Yi was taken aback. He didn't expect that Huo Hai had such a method. Unfortunately, the situation at this time was no longer under Zi Yi's control. The Fire Snake ran into the Fire Bird head-on, and a battle broke out between the two sides. .

The fire snake’s figure is flexible, and the fire bird’s attack is fierce. When the two sides just touched, they were completely out of control. In other words, although they were still under the control of the two, they felt different flames and conflicts between the flames. It has already started, even if you want to stop this battle, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

The fire snake and the fire bird seem to be in different forms, but in fact the form at this time does not have much effect. The real effect is the impact between the two flames. The star fire is condensed in Huo Hai. Down, it is already very powerful.

However, Ziyang Real Fire is the housekeeper of Ziyang Gate. There is almost no fire in attack. In addition, because the huge spiritual formation is directly formed, the power of the fire snake is greater than the firebird of Huo Hai. , Often ended in the victory of the Fire Serpent, but Huo Hai’s Fire Bird was also very flexible, and would usually weaken the Fire Serpent to the extreme before it perished.

Then this victorious fire snake would die in the hands of other firebirds, and Huo Hai used his huge flame spiritual power to create more firebirds than the opponent. At this time, Zi Yi was already riding a tiger and could only persevere like this.

"You don't only have this kind of ability." After a long time, Huo Hai saw that Zi Yi's face changed, and his breath was slightly weakened. Although Zi Yi tried to hide it, Huo Hai still felt it.

Uninjured Zi Yi, how could her breath weaken? The only possibility is that Zi Yi's spiritual power is almost consumed. That's right, even Huo Hai's spiritual power consumes 30%, far more than Zi Yi's body. Spiritual power, it would be weird if Zi Yi's spiritual power could continue to persist. I am afraid that such Zi Yi would not be able to use any special methods.

Looking at the distance, Yang Huo was still firmly suppressed by the puppet, but at this time, Yang Huo was still far from defeat. If you want to distinguish the battle between them, I am afraid that it will be several more. Days.

And the victory or defeat in front of him seems to be separated soon, "Huh, this is enough to deal with you." Zi Yi felt cold in his heart, and now he can only pray that Huo Hai's spiritual power will be used up before himself, otherwise It's in trouble.

Hearing what Zi Yi said, Huo Hai was relieved. It seemed that this guy didn’t have any powerful weapons. Huo Hai didn’t know. Because Zi Yi wanted to ask someone to help refine this puppet, he spent all of his wealth. , Even the life-saving methods on his body were sold out. If he hadn't known that Huo Hai was a casual cultivator and Yang Huo didn't have these, he would really not do it.

And the result of this is that now Zi Yi doesn’t even have a chance to turn around. There is a pill, but Huo Hai doesn’t give Zi Yi a chance to take the pill. Zi Yi is sure that if he takes the pill, the other party will do it. Will increase the offensive.

But anyway, since the other party doesn't have other means, Huo Hai doesn't want to continue to delay. At the realm of Spirit Saint, fighting is only to increase a little experience and broaden his horizons.

It is impossible to improve the speed of self-cultivation through battle. If so, what is the waste of time, Huo Hai's eyes became very cold by the way, "If this is the case, then I'm not welcome." Following Huo Hai's words, A large number of fireballs and firebirds around accelerated instantly, and under Huo Hai's control, suddenly completely blew up.

A huge shock wave unfolded in an instant, and Zi Yi didn't react at all. His various fireballs and fire snakes were all blown to pieces, and even because of the slow reaction, his whole body was exploded several times.

Suddenly, Zi Yi's attack was interrupted by Huo Hai. If the heyday was okay, Zi Yi could instantly repair the spirit formation, but now, Zi Yi can only adjust quickly because of the backlash caused by the sudden destruction of the spirit formation. He suppressed his own strength for only a moment, but at this moment, Huo Hai had already rushed over.

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