Evil Insect God

Chapter 1547: snatch

The flame was broken by a figure. Seeing this figure, Zi Yi's heart suddenly panicked. At this time, she was still in the process of being backlashed. Although the time was short, the other party could easily kill herself.

A fear and threat of death attacked my heart, "Damn, you can't kill me, killing me Ziyangmen will not let you go." Zi Yi said hard, and at the same time, he speeded up the mobilization of his spiritual power to restore himself. Use of spiritual power.

Huo Hai said disdainfully: "Hmph, what's the matter, everyone who dared to deal with me is dead." Huo Hai is really unwilling to kill Zi Yi in his heart. Zi Yi is already a relatively important figure in Ziyang Gate. , Once Zi Yi dies, then the high-level Spirit Saint arrives, and Huo Hai will live the same fleeing life as before.

Moreover, Ziyangmen is good at refining alchemy and has a very deep network. As long as one call, there will be countless people who will chase down his self-cultivation spirit saint. Now Huo Hai already knows that there are many spirit saints on the Heavenly Spirit Continent.

But the threat of Zi Yi still made Huo Hai very annoyed. The long sword in his hand had been pierced out in an instant, and it plunged directly into Zi Yi’s body with a terrifying sword aura. Huo Hai’s sword was not facing Zi. Yi's inner world went away, but first towards the inner space, Huo Hai didn't want to kill Zi Yi, the things in the inner space would not have time to take out.

The inner space of the master of the spirit saint realm will definitely be stronger, just like Huo Hai is now, after breaking through the spirit saint, a layer of law defense appeared on the surface of his inner space, and sure enough, when Huo Hai went down with this sword, he immediately felt resistance. .

However, there was not much resistance. Huo Hai used a little force to completely open Ziyi's inner space. With a movement in his heart, spiritual power spread out. Almost instantly, he put all the things in Ziyi's inner space into himself. In the inner space.

Huo Hai was too late to check and sort it out. The moment the long sword in his hand was pulled out, he pierced Zi Yi's chest. Even if he didn't kill Zi Yi, he wouldn't be able to live well, but he was in contact with Huo Hai's long sword. When he arrived in Ziyi's inner world, Ziyi suddenly regained his spiritual control, "Boy, I remember you, Ziyang Dun."

Zi Yi stared at Huo Hai with red eyes, as if he wanted to remember Huo Hai’s face forever. The next moment, Zi Yi’s whole person turned into a blazing flame, almost instantly disappearing to the horizon, Huo Hai chased him completely. Not on.

Huo Hai was a little annoyed, but at this time he felt fortunate. If he really killed Zi Yi, then his life would be difficult for the rest of his life. With his name exposed, God knows what these guys can find out. .

"Don't look, come and help me." Suddenly, he noticed that the battle on Huo Hai's side had ended and Yang Huo roared loudly. Huo Hai returned to his senses and finally remembered the battle on Yang Huo's side. In a turn, Huo Hai instantly came to Yang Huo's side.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Huo Hai was not polite, and attacked the puppet with a sword. After all, the puppet was just a thoughtless puppet, only observing the master's orders. Zi Yi asked him to kill Yang. Fire, it put all its attention on Yang Huo, and Huo Hai's attack came, but it just dodged.

I didn’t even think about defense, let alone counterattack. In the face of such a puppet who would only be beaten and would not fight back, Huo Hai’s attack was so enjoyable. With just a few attacks, the hard puppet was defeated by Huo Hai. The long sword took off both arms.

After losing the most advantageous attack weapon, Yang Huo could finally let go of his hand and attack. Two short spears quickly pierced the puppet’s body. Under the combined efforts of the two, the entire puppet was quickly paralyzed, and the inside of the body was refined. The world was also pierced under a single attack by Yang Huo. Without the inner world, although this puppet was not dead, it was almost the same.

"Damn Zi Yi, he dare to refine even this kind of thing, I will definitely not let him get away with it." Yang Huo looked at the puppet, his eyes were full of anger, and with a wave of his hand, the entire puppet was taken away by Yang Huo.

No matter who made this thing, there will always be some traces and auras left on it, as long as it is handed over to the upper level of the sect, this matter can be found out. Of course, Yang Huo's thinking is a little simple, Zi Yi But he wouldn't wait to die, this time Zi Yi fled, but it was no longer unimaginable that his puppet fell into the opponent's hands.

Huo Hai shook his head: "Let's find a place to rest first. After fighting for such a long time, I don't know if it will attract the attention of other spiritual masters." They are fighting here, but they didn't hide it.

The aura of the fighting of the four spirit saint level masters, in this kind of place, it is easy to be felt by other fierce beasts or nearby human spirit beast masters. Yang Huo thought about it and nodded in agreement. They are indeed not suitable now. Keep going.

I don't know if there is any change in the front, even if it consumes a lot just now, Yang Huo doesn't know how much Huo Hai has consumed, but under the circumstances that he has been pressed and beaten, Yang Huo's full battle has consumed nearly half of his spiritual power.

It's not that the spiritual power of the spiritual master is low, but the situation of full-fighting, no matter who consumes it will not be slow, and even some people have special attack skills that can use all the spiritual power of the body at once Well, the two quickly left here, found a relatively secret and desolate place, and then stopped to rest in place.

Now I finally have time to sort out the things I just got. No matter what Zi Yi is, this time Zi Yi's baby has fallen into his own hands. "Haha, if you lose these things, Zi Yi will probably feel distressed. "

Hearing Huo Hai's words, Yang Huo shook his head and said: "Not only that, Zi Yi used Zi Yang Dun, even if his body was not completely destroyed, I am afraid it will not be hurt." Yang Huo knows Zi Yang Dun very well.

After using this secret method, most people can only choose to change a body, or use a special secret method to regenerate a body, but what Yang Huo didn’t know was that Huo Hai had no mercy in the final blow, although Zi Yi’s The inner world is strong in defense, but Huo Hai still has many cracks, which may have a huge impact on Zi Yi's future cultivation.

Regardless of this, Zi Yi can't come to trouble herself for at least a short time. After a long time, Huo Hai is sure that Zi Yi is not his opponent. Let's sort things out first. As we sort things out, Huo Hai can't keep her mouth closed. .

Zi Yi doesn't have too many treasures and spirits, even if it is a medicine, there are only a few, it seems that he is not very rich, but these Huo Hai are not valued, and what Huo Hai values ​​is the materials in Zi Yi's collection.

As an array spirit master, Zi Yi’s inner space contains a large number of high-level spirit arrays, as well as some spiritual array materials that he researched. Perhaps Zi Yi doesn’t think he will die, so these things are all on him. With these things, Huo Hai believes that his spiritual formation comprehension can definitely be improved, these things are really precious.

Huo Hai continued to look around and found that there were some Ziyangmen's alchemy refining techniques, as well as a lot of experience and experience. Needless to say, this Ziyi may also have some achievements in alchemy refining, not the same as Yanghuo. meeting.

What makes Huo Hai most satisfied is the scroll in Huo Hai's hands at this time, "Hun Yuan holds the pill technique in one go, this time the gain is really not small." At first, Huo Hai thought this thing was also a kind of alchemy technique. .

Later, Huo Hai found out that it was wrong. The so-called Hunyuan Qi-holding pill technique has something to do with the pill, but it is not alchemy, but the secret method itself is understood from the pill. As we all know, the more perfect the pill, the more breath It is weak, not because the effect of the elixir is poor, but the power of the elixir itself is contained within the elixir.

Later, someone from Ziyangmen studied and understood this phenomenon, and finally incorporated this kind of breath understanding into oneself, treating oneself as a pill, and the breath that oneself naturally emits as the breath of the pill.

The pill's breath is not controlled by anyone, but can only be emitted, but the person himself is different. The person's breath is controlled by himself. This kind of pill-holding method similar to the pill can completely control the breath of the individual's whole body.

After imitating the flow method of the perfect pill, you can prevent your own breath from escaping and improve step by step. As long as you can reach the holy level, Huo Hai believes that his current breath will be completely hidden. This is a very clever way. Hidden methods, as long as they don't use their hands, even the spirit gods can hardly find personal existence. This is what Zi Yi used before.

But this method is not without its flaws. First of all, the aura of convergence can only be a round ball within a certain range of one's body. If someone is too close, you can still find something wrong.

Furthermore, this method is just a technique, not a war spirit art, and has no seed influence of war spirit art. Therefore, to maintain this hidden method, you must always operate your own aura, and your own spiritual power will also be affected.

If someone makes a sneak attack at this time, the defensive ability is much worse than usual, and once you start, there is no way to hide the breath with this kind of pill technique. No matter how strong your breath is, it will be exposed for the first time.

But in any case, this is also a very precious secret method of hiding breath. This is his own trophy. Huo Hai won't take it out if he gets it. Yang Huo didn't ask Huo Hai to ask for it. It seemed that he didn't care. Speaking of it, Yang Huo didn't even know what Zi Yi was in. Perhaps he didn't think that Zi Yi would carry these secret methods of the sect.

Huo Hai didn't say, otherwise, if Yang Huo knew this, it might be difficult to do it then.

Seeing the secrets of the sect, how could Yang Huo's character ignore it? After reading something, Huo Hai put it away and did not take it out. After that, Huo Hai closed his eyes and slowly recovered his spiritual power.

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