Evil Insect God

Chapter 1548: Find the target

I don't know if there are fewer Spirit Saints around here, or because Spirit Saint battles happen frequently. This battle didn't seem to attract too much Spirit Saint's attention. Speaking of which, Huo Hai really didn't understand.

If the damage caused by the Spiritual Sage is placed outside the Heavenly Spiritual Realm, I am afraid that an area will be destroyed, but in the Heavenly Spiritual Realm, the impact caused is greater than that of the Spiritual Sage battle, but it is not so exaggerated and will affect a large area. The area, unless it is the force left by the battle of the spirits, perhaps because of this, the fluctuations caused are also small.

Also, the spiritual saint who fought this time was just a heaven, and it was not attractive to high-level spiritual saints, and for those who did not reach the realm of spiritual saints, they did not dare to approach here and explore casually.

In short, no matter what happened, as long as it did not cause any movement, Huo Hai didn’t care. One day passed slowly. With Huo Hai’s terrifying recovery ability, his spiritual power had already been restored, because there was a Yang Huo by his side, Huo Hai couldn't take out the Heaven-removing Pill to practice casually, Yang Huo's character would not betray him, but Huo Hai still had to remain vigilant.

Yang Huo's recovery speed was not as fast as Huo Hai's. After three full days, Yang Huo completely recovered his spiritual power. Huo Hai finally saw the recovery speed of other people's spiritual power, and he was really complete. It can't be compared.

"Let's go, let's set off." Yang Huo, who opened his eyes, has already noticed Huo Hai's breath. I am afraid he has already recovered. Yang Huo's heart is a little depressed. Not only is Huo Hai stronger than himself, but also recovers so quickly.

You know, Yang Huo’s own recovery ability is already faster than many other people in Ziyang Gate. When Huo Hai fought, Yang Huo also saw the flame method he used. He can use the flame to this degree, and he has himself. I really don’t know what Huo Hai has learned about fighting skills. The human foundation of the Great Sect of Heavenly Spirit Realm is quite perfect.

Many people's cultivation direction is no longer so strict, but these people still have their own major direction, because people's energy is limited, and few people will spread their energy to too many places.

If it wasn't for Huo Hai's savvy that had been raised to a terrifying level due to various reasons, and he had a star rock wall to help him deduct it, I am afraid that Huo Hai would have to give up a lot of technical research and practice now.

Huo Hai didn't say a word, and followed Yang Huo on the road. This time, both of them were very careful. Fortunately, they didn't encounter danger again on the way. Now it seems that they can come to trouble the two of them. There is only one Zi Yi, and the other masters in Ziyang Gate, if they can see Zi Yi's end, I believe they will not come to them easily.

A few days later, the two entered a huge jungle. The plants and trees here are very huge. Huo Hai feels as if his whole person has become smaller. "The environment here is really strange. The plants are actually growing. So big."

Huo Hai muttered quietly while looking around. Fortunately, the beasts here are relatively normal, not too exaggerated, but there are more insects and beasts here, and some of them are bigger than those beasts. terror.

If he could come to this place before, Huo Hai would definitely catch a lot of insects and beasts to control their use. Unfortunately, by now, Huo Hai basically can't use these low-level insects and beasts. There is nothing that can make Huo Hai. The ability to be eye-catching, the bloodline talent is not to mention, as a spirit worm, naturally the spirit worm state has greater potential.

"It's nothing here. If you can see the giant wood forest controlled by the giant wooden door, you will know what is truly huge. The giant wood of the giant wooden door is almost all produced from there." Yang Huo seemed to this. Don't care.

Speaking of it, Huo Hai has never been to the giant wood forest. It's not that he doesn't know the location, but the place is very dangerous. There are people guarding the giant wood door. Once they are discovered, they will not make sense and will definitely kill directly.

Even if you enter the giant wood forest, most of the giant trees inside are not as peaceful as they are now. Those are fierce beasts or spirit beasts. If you encounter an enemy, it is likely to directly attack. This kind of plant is huge. There are not many places in the Tianling Continent, but generally speaking, just getting bigger is of no use.

The two were cautiously advancing all the way. On the way, they had already encountered many fierce beasts in the realm of Spiritual Venerables, some of which were in the form of plants. In this kind of place, it is not strange to encounter plant beasts.

"There are a lot of ferocious beasts in the spiritual holy realm in this forest, so we have to be careful. I have spent ten years laying a special spiritual formation around the giant wood. When I open the spiritual formation, the giant wood will Will be trapped, and at the same time the surroundings will be sealed off, so that we don’t have to worry about being discovered by other beasts."

A fierce beast is a very special creature. If it is a battle between a fierce beast and a fierce beast, other fierce beasts will basically ignore it. These things still maintain the mind of the beast, and almost only have two instincts to become stronger and eat.

But if humans are fighting with fierce beasts, once they are felt by other fierce beasts around, as long as the cultivation base is not very different, the fierce beast is likely to come directly to help, and they are very hostile to humans.

Some powerful fierce beasts, if they cannot defeat the enemy, they may join the fierce beast clan among the five clans after escaping, which will cause more trouble in the future. This fierce beast clan is the most aggressive of all the top forces A force of, because there are too many fierce beasts in the heavenly spirit realm, their reserve power is constantly flowing, and they are not afraid of consumption.

"Okay, it's up to you this time." Huo Hai doesn't know the level of Ziyangmen's spiritual formation, but it seems that Ziyangmen is a very comprehensive sect, and the research in all aspects is not very bad. also the same.

Since Yang Huo is sure to be able to trap it, it is naturally impossible to be a false statement. The two quickly penetrated into the interior. During this period, the two of them also felt the breath of several spirit holy beasts around them, the strongest A spiritual holy fourth heaven.

If such a fierce beast provokes them, with the current strength of the two, they are not opponents at all. At that time, they will not even have a chance to escape. Carefully hide their breath and avoid these fierce beasts. If it is Yang Huo himself, it must be. Choose the road carefully, and finally slowly enter it, but Huo Hai is different, Huo Hai directly used the star line to create the spirit array.

Now Yang Huo finally saw Huo Hai's ability once again, an ability to create a spirit formation out of thin air. The spirit formation has a strong aura isolation effect, and the two people sneaked into the depths of the dense forest without any surprises.

"This is a giant wood beast, it's really fierce." Huo Hai felt the giant wood in front of him from a distance, the terrifying plant that reached a height of several kilometers, and his body exuded a strong natural aura, but this natural aura was full of wildness.

Feel it carefully. It is indeed the breath of the Second Heaven of the Spiritual Saint. The plant fierce beasts don’t usually like to move, but once they are attacked, these guys will not easily let go of the enemy. After Yang Huo said hello, they were around. The area began to prepare, and not long after, Huo Hai suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Nice spiritual formation, the ability to isolate the breath is so strong." Huo Hai felt a thin layer of special aura around him, and he couldn't feel the origin of the law of heaven and earth.

This thing was definitely not something Yang Huo would use. It should be a special finished spirit array obtained from inside Ziyang Gate. Before Huo Hai sighed, a barrier suddenly appeared inside this breath, completely isolating the surroundings.

At this time, even if the giant tree possesses the strength of the Second Layer of the Spiritual Sage, it is impossible to escape, but Huo Hai found that he obviously underestimated the determination of the giant wood beast, even if it encounters such a thing, it seems that the giant tree is still He didn't care at all, staying in place quietly, if Yang Huo hadn't told Huo Hai that it was a fierce beast, Huo Hai would treat it as an ordinary spiritual plant.

When Yang Huo came back here again, the spirit array had basically expanded, "Look at that, that is the crystallization of life, when you will fight, don't damage it." Yang Huo pointed forward.

Huo Hai looked in the direction of the sun and fire. As expected, above the trunk of the giant tree, he saw a piece of emerald green like a fruit, which exudes a bright green light. Huo Hai took a closer look and found the surrounding nature. A large part of the breath actually comes from this thing, and this life crystallization is really not simple.

Using the huge vitality in the life crystals to disperse the dead energy from the body is indeed a good way to treat the dead energy, and it will not leave hidden dangers on the body. It is really difficult for Yang Huo to do this.

Huo Hai nodded: "I understand, do you do it now." Huo Hai is already a little eager to try, the master of Lingsheng cannot improve his mastery of the law, but the warlike mind in Huo Hai's bones is still aroused.

Yang Huo shook his head: "Wait a second, wait until I finish the last step." Yang Huo quickly slapped his handprints one by one. It may be because he doesn't use spells very often, so Yang Huo's handprints are very clumsy. Lingsheng, there is no problem with enough time to cast spells. With Yanghuo's movements, the spiritual power in the spiritual formation quickly condenses.

Suddenly, countless phantoms of light appeared in the surrounding air. Above these phantoms, chains of purple flames appeared strangely. Almost instantaneously, the chains rushed over, pushing the giant tree layer by layer. Entangled.

The giant tree shuddered suddenly, constantly struggling, a powerful force permeated out. Unfortunately, facing this force, the giant tree still couldn't break free, and could only try to ensure that he was not completely entangled.

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