Evil Insect God

Chapter 1549: Take the crystal of life

The huge chain is very hard, and it is impossible for the huge wood to break free. However, because the huge wood is too huge, the chain cannot completely block the huge wood, it can only fix the main body.

The chain tied the trunk and main branches of the giant tree, preventing the giant tree from breaking away and fleeing, and even the direct use of fist attacks was lost. It can be said that this giant wood beast lost a large part of its combat power in an instant.

"It really is the giant tree of the Second Heaven of the Spiritual Saint. This kind of power can be much stronger than the ordinary double heaven creature." This is a unique advantage that is not envious. The same, for this reason, these It is also very difficult for a creature with an unusually huge body to advance. Unless there is a good blood heritage, it is difficult to break its limits.

"Don't say so much, let's hurry up, this spiritual formation can only trap the giant wood for one day at most." Yang Huo didn't hesitate, and rushed forward. He prepared for more than ten years, just for this moment. .

If he can't succeed this time, I'm afraid he really has no chance. It's not that he can't hunt this giant tree, but because Yang Huo has no time to wait, Huo Hai nodded and rushed up at the same time.

To deal with giant trees, although the sword aura is good, but his own flames are better. Just when he rushed up, Huo Hai encountered a large number of small branches and roots. The large branches and roots were locked, but these were still Yes, and because this is a fierce beast, it takes the initiative to control it, and its attack is much more flexible than the puppets I saw before.

Huo Hai could only spread the lower layers of flames around, burning all the roots and branches of the tree. Just when Huo Hai wanted to continue to approach the trunk, he suddenly felt a palpitation, almost instinctively facing the danger. The source pierced out.

With a muffled "bang", Huo Hai was actually knocked into the air. Even the sword energy he had just condensed was almost dissipated. At this time, it was already looming, "This is the real giant wood beast. , So strong."

Huo Hai’s expression became serious. The attack he just issued was a special method for this giant tree. Not all giant trees are of the same type. Generally speaking, plants that can grow more than one kilometer in adulthood can be called giant trees. These plants can reach more than 100 meters even just after they have grown, which is not comparable to ordinary plants.

The giant wood in front of me is obviously different. The bark cracks slightly, revealing one of the green spar like eyes. The attack just now was caused by this spar. The spar stared at Huo Hai like eyes, and there was another light. Hit.

"Damn, do you really think that this kind of attack can hardly stop me?" Huo Hai snorted coldly. With preparation, Huo Hai is naturally not afraid, and he emits three sword auras, one after another, the sword aura hits the light continuously, the first broken Crack, the second beam has weakened the light to the extreme, and when it comes to the third beam, it directly shattered the light and even counterattacked the giant tree.

The giant tree used some branches as a price to stop this sword aura. The sword aura that Huo Hai sent out was not as powerful as it could be, and the sword aura was not as strong as on his own long sword, but it was still powerful.

Being able to offset the two sword auras, this giant wood's attack is really not easy. Fortunately, Huo Hai found a problem, that is, it takes a period of brewing for the giant wood to issue this kind of tool, and it doesn't just want to use it.

With so many spars, it is impossible to attack Huo Hai continuously, "Huh, I want to see how long you can last." The plant-type fierce beast has no wisdom but only instinct when it comes to Lingsheng. , Otherwise, to be able to give full play to all of their abilities, it is really not easy to kill this giant tree today.

Huo Hai looked to the other side, Yang Huo had already expanded his own light realm, which was different from the time of the spiritual sovereign realm, at that time the light realm could only be used for defense and transformation of power, not for attack.

Today's Light Domain can continuously absorb external forces and transform them into light attributes. At the same time, Yang Huo can also control these forces to launch attacks on the target. "Unfortunately, the upper limit of power is not greatly increased, and the defense power is also weakened."

Huo Hai saw this change at a glance. After this ability reached the Spirit Saint level, he could be controlled and used to fight. When used, he would not be in a state of being unable to attack, but his defense was indeed weakened a lot. Compared with the invincibility of the same level, it is far behind. Although the defense is not weak today, it always feels insufficient.

The upper limit of the power that can be absorbed by itself is no longer the level of terror that far surpasses its own cultivation base. The power that this domain can absorb can only reach the power of the Second Heavenly Spirit Sage at best.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this ability that Yang Huo intends to deal with this giant tree alone. Ten years ago, Yang Huo did not have the current strength. At that time, he arranged this spirit formation, and I don't know who Yang Huo wanted to help.

If you want to attack, you always have to pay some price. Whether it is Huo Hai or Yang Huo, this price is very worthwhile. The previous method that could only be a tortoise did not have much effect at all. It's only life-saving, as it is now, but it can display a huge combat ability, which is much more practical than the previous form.

"Hehe, you are so desperate, if I don't need any means, wouldn't it be despised." Huo Hai sneered, and didn't want to lose to Yang Huo in this regard. Yang Huo is now so powerful, but the result of the battle is not Huo Hai. so good.

Huo Hai’s sword qi attack ability is strong, and the flame is intercepted all over his body. Huo Hai is already very close to the trunk of the giant tree. At this time, Huo Hai waved his hand and a blood-red flame burned. The power of the blood flame was effective against creatures. But it was very good, even if the creature was a tree, the giant wood immediately let out a cry of fear as soon as the blood flame came out.

"Blood Flame, you actually have two kinds of flames. The effect of this blood flame alchemy refining device is a bit inferior, but it is not weaker than the Ziyang real fire used to fight my Ziyang Gate." This extreme flame, Yang Huo is naturally. Acquainted.

After so long of recovery and murderous absorption, the blood flame dragon has already reached the realm of spiritual sage. In terms of cultivation, it is probably stronger than Huo Hai now. Seeing that as long as he continues to digest the strength in his body, he will break through. .

The law of the blood flame dragon does not need to rely on Huo Hai at all, and directly uses the laws of blood and murderous aura among the negative laws between heaven and earth as the foundation. There is no need to hunt down masters who use the same laws, so it can naturally continue to improve all the way.

Under the opening of the blood flames, Huo Hai’s forward speed increased by a large amount again. The giant tree felt the danger and struggled continuously, but this was futile. The surrounding chains were not so easy to break free. Although the giant tree continued to struggle , But Huo Hai still came to the position of the trunk. With a wave of the long sword, a green spar fell into Huo Hai's hands.

"It's not a good thing, it seems that only you can use it." With this green eyeball, Huo Hai glanced at it and didn't care. This thing can neither be used as a high-level source spirit spirit treasure, nor can it be used. Use as material.

This is simply a manifestation of the giant tree's own ability. It is of no use. Yang Huo said loudly: "This thing doesn't need to be collected, it's useless at first, Brother Huo Hai, get rid of these things, so that we can relax. "

On the trunk of the big tree, there are hundreds of such eyes, constantly nurturing power to attack, which makes Yang Huo a headache. If it weren’t for the defense of his own light domain and it could transform his power, I’m afraid Yang Huo would have already Injured, but always letting this thing attack is not a solution, it must be solved as soon as possible.

At first, Yang Huo didn't know that this giant tree actually had this weird ability. Now because of the giant tree's attack, the surrounding chains have slightly cracked. He thought it could support one day, but now it seems that he can't support it even for a long time.

"I know, don't worry." After Huo Hai said a word, the long sword continued to emit sword aura. At the same time, the blood flame dragon cooperated with Huo Hai's star fire to constantly resist the branches and roots that hit the surrounding trees. .

Every once in a while, Huo Hai can accurately destroy one of the giant wood’s eye spar. This is the strongest attack method of this giant wood. If it weren’t because the attack was too slow, and the giant wood was not so good. Will cooperate, even Huo Hai cannot guarantee that he can get close, let alone destroy it.

Following Huo Hai's actions, one spar after another was destroyed. Gradually, Yang Huo could feel the pressure weakened a lot. Against the defense of the Light Realm, Yang Huo continued to approach the giant tree.

"Haha, let me have fun too." Yang Huo laughed. The spear had been pierced far away, and a group of golden flames condensed at the tip of the spear, like a ray, which instantly hit one of the giant wood's eye spars. .

"Oh..." The giant screamed, like the sound of the wind blowing through a tree hole, and the struggle became more intense. Unfortunately, at this time, the two of them didn't care at all. The more spar is discarded.

In a blink of an eye, at least half of the spar on the giant tree was destroyed under the attack of the two, and at this time, the two did not want to waste time. They looked at each other and flew towards the top of the giant tree.

It seemed that they knew what the two people were going to do. The giant tree suddenly became crazy. The giant branches continued to swing, and the cracks on the chain became deeper and deeper. At the same time, because of the fierce struggle, it was even a giant tree. There were also many cracks on the trunk. I don’t know who can hold on to the end.

"Speed ​​up, the spirit formation is about to be unable to support it." At this moment, the battle has passed for more than two hours.

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