Evil Insect God

Chapter 1551: New goal

After a long period of gestation, coupled with the effect of Huo Hai’s own heaven-retaining pill, Huo Hai’s own cultivation level finally broke through to the second heaven of Lingsheng soon. When the first heaven reached Consummation, Huo Hai’s inner world There has been a layer of law power.

At this time, the second layer of law's aura has also fallen, and the densely packed law lines have once again paved the inner world of oneself. This is the second layer of law lines, which is built on the first layer. Although the law is still the law, it is a deeper level, and the power that can be exerted has risen to a level out of thin air, which is extraordinary.

Now Huo Hai finally understands why the gap between each level of a master of the Spirit Saint realm is so big, it is completely based on the law, after breaking through one level, the strength will double. Promote.

After observation, Huo Hai has discovered that the end point of the first layer of rule lines is actually the start point of the second layer. The two are completely connected and do not exist alone. The second layer of rule lines is also the same as the first layer. There is no obvious connection between the layers.

Even the texture itself will not be the same as the previous one. If there is a previous flaw, the flaw in the second layer of the rule texture will only be bigger. Not to mention reducing the flaw, it is absolutely impossible to keep it as it is.

A little defect will be magnified layer by layer, resulting in irretrievable consequences. Only a perfect spherical shape like oneself without any defects can perfectly withstand the next level of law without any regrets. After Huo In the inspection of the sea, the second layer of his own rule pattern is the same as that of the first layer. It is perfectly perfect and there is no defect.

Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief and completed the connection of the rule lines, and then condensed the second layer of the first rule, and finally entered the Second Heaven of the Spiritual Sage. At this moment, Huo Hai felt that his combat effectiveness had not been improved by a little bit.

After another period of time, Xiao Jin, his first spirit worm, finally completed the transformation, but unlike what Huo Hai thought, Xiao Jin has just transformed successfully. It is not a double heaven, but a single heaven. This is the same as the previous transformation. completely different.

Moreover, if Xiao Jin wants to improve his own cultivation level, he also needs to condense the strength of the law. Huo Hai shook his head and sighed: "Hey, I originally felt that the Heaven-removing Pill was not enough. Now it seems that it is really not enough. If you have time, you need to refine more talents. Okay." Huo Hai shook his head helplessly, the spirit worms also need to swallow the Heaven-removing Pill to speed up the law of cohesion, after all, this is a law, not something else.

To condense the law, whether it is a human or a spirit worm, there is no difference in the resources required. It is impossible to rely solely on spiritual power to assist in the improvement. If the spirit worms were not able to refer to their own law patterns, perhaps it would take longer to adjust some.

Forget it, if you want a stronger combat power, you have to rely on these spirit insects. Huo Hai immediately allowed his own spirit insects to devour the Heaven-removing Pill. This is not a suitable place for alchemy. Huo Hai did not refine it, but the materials on his body were still There is a lot left.

At the same time, the blood flame dragon that has absorbed a large amount of murderous aura has reached the level of the Second Heaven of the Spirit Sage. Its strength has increased very quickly, and its cultivation is higher than Huo Hai, but the true combat effectiveness It's a little worse, after all, this blood flame dragon can only use blood flames, and its thinking is relatively rigid. It needs Huo Hai's command and control to exert its full combat effectiveness.

Within the inner space, his own mutant sky cloud elephant has also absorbed a lot of blood energy during this period of time, constantly condensing under himself, and now finally reached the level of the peak of the spiritual sovereign, only to be tempered to the realm of spiritual sage, but not So easy.

This mutated sky cloud image uses the secret method of blood energy tempering. To reach the spiritual sage, it can only be achieved through the strength of its own body, not through its own blood. This method of relying on external force is really not easy. thing.

Anyway, Huo Hai is only doing experiments. He did not intend to increase the strength of the Sky Cloud Elephant in a short period of time. He did not even use the Sky Cloud Elephant as a helper. After such a long time, he himself The strength has once again improved, and the power of self-protection has also increased. It seems that it is time for the next step.

"Haha, Refining Gu has always used spirit worms. I have never used worms before. This time I must try it." After so long of brewing, and the time he was trapped before, Huo Hai is in Gu The technical improvement is not weak.

It used to be because there was no suitable material, but now it is different. In this forest, Huo Hai finally found something that makes him feel very good. Previously, Huo Hai found a huge beetle, but This kind of beetle didn't dare to provoke any fierce beasts. Later, Huo Hai discovered that this beetle had another trick besides its own combat power.

This trick is to explode itself. Once this beetle explodes, creatures that are much stronger than itself will be blown up. Its power is very terrifying. However, this beetle is very aggressive and doesn't care about what is in front of it. Will not care about his own life and death.

As long as it can't be beaten, it will explode directly. It is very dangerous. But the bloodline power of this beetle is not bad. Huo Hai has discovered several self-explosive beetles that have reached the spiritual holy realm in this forest before. With Huo Hai's original strength , It was impossible to conquer these blew beetles, so Huo Hai could only wait until now before planning to do it.

Soon, Huo Hai came to the interior of a relatively desolate mountain forest, where the trees were relatively sparse, and below, a huge red and black beetle was lying on the ground, seeming to enjoy the sun at this time.

A force in the beetle is very violent, which also makes this beetle unable to use spiritual power to attack. Usually it can only attack through its own body. As long as it can't be beaten, the thing will explode, which is very dangerous.

Huo Hai quickly set up a spirit formation around. This spirit formation was the spirit formation used to help him hide his breath when he was refining Heaven-removing Pill. Huo Hai also worried that when he did it, it would cause other fierce beasts. Attention.

This kind of insect beast didn't know if it was affected by the chaotic spiritual power. Even at this time, the mind was still muddled, much smarter than the ordinary insect beast, but it still failed to reach the normal IQ.

Huo Hai didn’t care about that much. With a move in his heart, Xiao Jin, who was the first to transform, had already appeared. As a high-level Gu worm, his powerful aura was released and directly suppressed the beast below. Although the beast was struggling, it was because of Xiao Jin. Huo Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the existence of the insect beast.

"It's okay, it's the same as I thought." With Gu worms, it can contain some of the instincts of spirit worms and beasts of the same level. This is a suppression of higher-level spirit worms, but it is a pity that Gu worms have defects. too big.

If it hadn't been for the use of special methods to completely fuse the chaotic bloodlines and eliminate the conflicts among them, Gu worms like Xiaojin would definitely not be elevated to a high level. As long as they were suppressed, then they could do it.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai’s powerful aura fell directly from the sky, and he used Huo Hai’s strength to deal with these insects and beasts. There was no problem at all. The insects felt the aura of a foreign race and wanted to explode, but they couldn’t do it at all. It can also make him easily explode, which is strange, the insect beast constantly roars, mobilizing his spiritual power.

But at this time, how could Huo Hai give him a chance, and his heart moved, the improved Refining Insect Formation had been sent out by Huo Hai, and the Refining Insect Formation was severely imprinted on the body of the Insect Beast under Huo Hai’s control. Melt into it instantly.

Huo Hai quickly slapped his handprints with his hands, transforming his spiritual power into high-quality magic power, continuously blessing the refining of the refining insect formation, "Stop it for me." Suddenly, Huo Hai roared, this blew beetle finally slowly Quieted down.

After being fully controlled by Huo Hai, as long as Huo Hai himself disagrees, then this blew beetle will not even want to blew himself up. Huo Hai nodded with satisfaction, and fully integrated the spirit array into the soul and body of the beast, performing dual control." Finally succeeded." Huo Hai let out a sigh of relief. It seems that his plan is still feasible. Just now, Huo Hai had no bottom in his heart.

Although this thing is only Spirit Saint One Heaven, but once it explodes, at least it can exert the power of an attack by the Spirit Saint Four Heaven masters. Huo Hai has been cautious all the time. If he blew himself up, Huo Hai was not sure about himself. Can be intact.

Even if he could survive, it would never be better. The surrounding space was distorted. Huo Hai was ready to break through the space and escape. Now, Huo Hai finally felt relieved.

"Continue to act and try to catch more." After having a successful experience, Huo Hai is more relieved. There are many such insects and beasts in the forest. You must know that spirit insects and insects originally used It is famous for its ability to reproduce, not to mention that this beetle will explode. If no other beasts are willing to provoke, the number of this beetle will be even greater.

Huo Hai found dozens of beetles in the realm of Spirit Sage only, and those of higher level, Huo Hai didn't dare to move at all. Huo Hai was the highest beetle only to catch the beetles of Spirit Sage First Heaven. There are also a large number of Lingzun realms.

He controlled them one by one, and then collected them into his inner space. With such a busy schedule, Huo Hai has been busy for more than a month. There are no more beetles in the inner space.

"It's time to clean up." Huo Hai calculated. He has captured more than 30 beetles in the Spirit Saint Realm, and the number is enough. You should also verify if your newly introduced ability is really useful. Anyway, even if it fails, Huo Hai doesn't care, at most a little time is wasted. Once it succeeds, the gain is not small.

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