Evil Insect God

Chapter 1552: Ready to kill

It was still in this forest. Huo Hai had already returned to the place where the giant trees grew before. A large area around him had been completely emptied by Huo Hai, and he was also enveloped by the spirit array.

After pulling out the huge wood, the big pit left on the ground was also sorted out by Huo Hai and turned into a huge pond-like thing. Huo Hai set up countless star lines inside, and it became A large number of weird spiritual formations, these are not the ones Huo Hai used before, and there is a very evil aura exuding all over his body.

"Finally finished, I don't know how the effect will be." Huo Hai waved his hand and threw part of the insects and beasts he had previously captured into this special pond. This was made by Huo Hai according to the method of refining Gu.

This thing is simply a gu pot that has been magnified countless times. The inner spiritual formation is extremely complicated. Today's Huo Hai has completely surpassed what he originally learned in Gu Master's secrets, and even surpassed the existence in various legends.

After this time, Huo Hai is about to go home. Huo Hai doesn’t know if anyone will find out, but he can’t stay outside all the time, and what’s going on at home, Huo Hai also needs to check and worry about encountering What dangerous Huo Hai wants to leave himself with some assassins, it just happens that the insects and beasts he encounters now are not bad.

Anyway, Huo Hai did not intend to make this insect be his main combat power, so he only used the improved Refining Insect Array instead of the original version, and Huo Hai did not hesitate to use the method of refining Gu. .

As some of Huo Hai’s refining drugs were mixed with Huo Hai’s own blood, when Huo Hai threw the drugs into the pond, a group of insects and beasts that had been under control immediately went crazy. Huo Hai worried that these insects and beasts would not be able to withstand self-detonation. Therefore, he was far away from this place at the beginning, even if he blew himself up, it would not affect Huo Hai.

From a distance, Huo Hai watched from a distance. These crazy beetles had already fought with each other, but unlike the time they were refining Gu, when the general spirit worms were refining, they would swallow their prey entirely, leaving nothing left.

But these insects and beasts in front of them are different. Their teeth bite directly on the bodies of other spirit insects. After that, a large amount of chaotic spiritual power is absorbed little by little and swallowed into their own body. At the same time, their own spiritual power More and more violent.

Huo Hai became more and more worried that these insects would explode, but fortunately, even at this time, these spirit insects still did not explode. When these spirit insects had absorbed all their spiritual power, they would break open the opponent's body, The crystal nucleus swallowed, and the remaining corpses were completely abandoned, and the insects and beasts would not care about these materials.

"It turns out that this is the case. The essence of the worm is spread all over the body, and the essence of the worm is the crystal core and its own spiritual power." Huo Hai nodded, no wonder these worms did not eat the opponent whole.

That’s fine, the remaining corpse is also a good material anyway. It didn’t take long for all the sage-level spirit worms to be killed and sucked dry by other similar species. These worms and beasts of the spiritual holy realm also stared at each other. On the other side.

Then, more fierce battles began, "Fortunately, these beetles will not use spiritual power to fight, otherwise they really can't be controlled." Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. The controlled beetles will not erupt. It is naturally impossible for one's own spiritual power to explode, and only relying on one's own fighting will cause little movement.

At least relatively speaking, this kind of movement is much smaller. Under the protection of the surrounding spiritual formations, it is completely impossible to be found. The battle lasted for a whole day, and the victorious insect beast screamed joyfully. Sound, and then it fell silent.

The beetle gave out bursts of light, and the light condensed into something like a large cocoon. Huo Hai carefully explored it and finally came to the conclusion, "It seems that it will take a year to see the results."

Thinking of this, Huo Hai waved his hand to put away the beetle cocoon. Although the spiritual power of this thing was very violent, it was barely under control and should not explode. If he really couldn’t control it, Huo Hai would definitely be able to explode. Feel it for the first time, and then throw it out. After receiving the inner space, Huo Hai specially arranged a spirit insect guard.

Now that it has been successful, then continue, anyway, if these beetles have no power, Huo Hai would not take them out and use them. Soon, wave after wave of beetles were thrown in by Huo Hai for special refining.

A few days later, four huge cocoons of light appeared in Huo Hai's inner space. Inside, there were four special beetles refined by Huo Hai. What Huo Hai values ​​most is the ability to explode, not the combat effectiveness of beetles.

After finishing everything, Huo Hai did not leave, but took out a refining cauldron, and then began to take out a large amount of materials, "The curse spar comes from the powerful curse after the death of the spirit god, and it has a huge effect on the spirit god, not bad. , Really good." Huo Hai looked at the cursed spar sealed by himself, his eyes were full of excitement, this was what he had just thought of.

In other words, it was precisely because of the research on the refining methods and experience that Zi Yi left behind that Huo Hai dared to try this kind of thing, but first of all, he still had to experiment well, and there should be no problems.

Huo Hai chose the worst curse spar, then used ordinary materials, slowly condensed, and then tried little by little. Failure was nothing, as long as he could figure out this dangerous curse characteristic.

It took more than a month again, Huo Hai finally figured out the characteristics of this special curse, and some semi-finished products were generally successfully refined by Huo Hai. At this time, Huo Hai took a deep breath and took out what he didn’t have much. Saint-level materials, "Whether it can succeed, it depends on this time." Huo Hai threw the materials in with a serious face.

After that, Huo Hai cautiously began to temper, and needles appeared in Huo Hai's perception. In the last step, the cursed spar was thrown in. Huo Hai controlled these curses more carefully, for fear of some problems.

Huo Hai didn't dare to use his mental power to control this kind of terrifying curse. Otherwise, as long as his mental power was infected a little, it would be a huge harm to him, and he might even face life danger.

Precisely because of this, when Huo Hai's last step is in progress, he can only rely on his own experience to control it. The original refining tool with a very high probability of success, in Huo Hai's refining this time, it has only a success rate. Half, and the remaining half, were either abolished, or the curse was too strong to hurt himself first, and Huo Hai could only use flames to destroy it.

Before he knew it, Huo Hai already had a lot of steel needles in his hands. These steel needles were only made of high-grade materials, and there was nothing special about them. The tip of each needle was a little black.

These things are the condensed curse of the spirit gods. As long as they are recruited, anyone under the spirit gods will not feel good. This is a kind of assassin that Huo Hai prepared for him. With this thing, even the peak of the spirit **** Huo Hai can also threaten.

"Yes, it's not bad. You have to be careful when you use this thing in the future." Huo Hai carefully packed up these things, and then carefully sealed them. Fortunately, people in the southern region like to improve their combat effectiveness and don't like to use them. Insidious methods, otherwise, these things might have been used long ago.

Huo Hai carefully put the fine needles into the special sleeves. The sleeves are not very large. This is a sealed item carefully manufactured by Huo Hai. The steel needles in it will never emit the curse.

At the same time, under Huo Hai’s control, if these fine needles are to be used in the future, as long as the attack goes out, the fine needles will completely urge the curse and increase their power in the shortest time. Only the fine needle itself.

With this thing, Huo Hai suddenly felt that his safety had improved a lot. After carefully sealing it, Huo Hai began to make the final preparations before he went back, that is, Huo Hai’s long sword embryo. Polished to the extreme, later because of something, so temporarily put it aside.

Now that there is time, Huo Hai will of course not leave it alone. The sword aura is injected little by little. Under the action of Huo Hai’s sword aura, the sword embryo is polished and improved little by little, and Huo Hai himself, After I was almost ready, I finally left here.

To return to the eastern region, you must first find the kind of super-large teleportation array that is not fixed. It is easy to use these teleportation formations. Huo Hai is not in a hurry on the way, and most of the time is still in his own sword embryo. Above.

After such a long period of time, Huo Hai’s law power has once again improved a lot. If this continues, he will be able to reach the Triple Heaven in a short time, and some other faster-changing spirit insects have gradually begun. Approaching the success of the transformation, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, thinking of this, Huo Hai's heart is extremely gratified.

"The front is the place where the super-large teleportation array is located, really big enough." Huo Hai looked at it from a distance, and a large plateau in the distance, including the surrounding mountains, had all been transformed.

This place has a small population, but at a glance it can be seen that it is a whole, a city, and the center of the city is where the super-large teleportation array is located. There are still many such special cities in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

At this time, Huo Hai is not the only one who comes here to use the teleportation array. There are already many people in line in front. I am afraid that only the masters of the spirit **** realm will not use this kind of thing. Anyway, Huo Hai comes all the way. , I have seen a lot of Spirit Saint masters, the strongest ones, Huo Hai can't even think of fighting at all, he is still too weak.

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