Evil Insect God

Chapter 1553: finally came back

When it's time to keep a low profile, you should naturally keep a low profile. What's more, Huo Hai is not a high-profile person at first. He followed the team and slowly entered it, feeling the surroundings secretly along the way.

However, Huo Hai also faintly used the Hunyuan Holding Pill technique he just learned to converge his aura slightly, because the convergence is not so tight, so Huo Hai’s aura at this time will not be noticed too much. wrong.

Feeling from a distance, Huo Hai is just a tenth heavenly deity at this time. It can be said that it is more than enough, that is, he will not be warned, nor will anyone come to him for trouble, here There are many people who hide their identities. Many people who want to use this indefinite teleportation array have many enemies chasing after them, or there are other reasons.

When Huo Hai came here, he did not attract the slightest attention from others. When it was his turn, Huo Hai suddenly raised his head: "What a pure blood, this is the breath of blood flames. I didn't expect to be able to do it here. Encountered."

Blood flame is not an ordinary flame, not everyone can condense it, even in places like the central area of ​​the Heavenly Spirit Realm, no one seems to be able to use this flame casually. So far, Huo Hai is still Encountered for the first time.

After that, Huo Hai stopped taking care of it, because this master exuding a strong blood flame was much stronger than himself. Feeling this breath of a spiritual saint at least four times above, Huo Hai knew he was not. The opponent, at least not the opponent at the moment, simply, Huo Hai just glanced at it, and did not continue to pay attention to this person.

Not only Huo Hai, but everyone else is almost the same, so Huo Hai’s actions did not cause much attention. Masters who can use blood flames are extremely dangerous. It is not fun to be caught by the opponent accidentally. .

After a while, it was Huo Hai's turn. Not all people in this city wanted to use the teleportation array. More people came here to trade. This city is basically a large-scale trading city.

"Excuse me, which area are you going to." When Huo Hai came to the front, an old man in charge of the teleportation formation in front asked Huo Hai, his expression was slightly respectful, after all, Huo Hai's breath said that this is also A Spiritual Venerable, and these people who preside over the Spiritual Formation are at most only the Spirit Emperor realm, this teleportation formation does not need to be presided over by the Spiritual Venerable.

"Eastern area." Huo Hai said, without hesitation at all, and the old man didn't ask anything. Anyway, there are only eight areas, and there are many people going to the east area. Huo Hai's words are not very eye-catching.

"I don't know which area of ​​the eastern region you are going to." The old man made a record and then said, no matter how uncertain the point is, it is actually impossible to throw people out randomly. It's okay to be roughly certain.

Huo Hai thought for a while, and finally he said: "The area near the border." Huo Hai didn't want to be too far away, let alone do anything inexplicable. No one here knows himself, and wherever he goes, he won't cause any changes. Yes, when the old man heard the words, he did not say a word, and quickly began to record things.

After recording, the old man continued to walk towards the back and asked the next person who would use the teleportation array. It didn't take long for a servant to come over, "My lord, it's your turn, please come to the teleportation array." Reach out.

Huo Hai nodded, and then walked to the teleportation formation. This teleportation formation was very special. The huge teleportation formation was as big as a small square, and it was not just as simple as spreading the spirit formation on the ground.

There are twelve pillars around, forming two hexagons. One large and one small cross envelops the square in the middle. The pillars are engraved with various rune spirit circles, shining with mysterious brilliance, and a burst of spatial force. , Was absorbed by the twelve pillars, and continued to diffuse and condense on the square in the middle. There seemed to be some secret spiritual power channels in the air.

Huo Hai knew that this was a very special kind of dotted line, and it was an advanced method of using spiritual arrays. These spiritual array dotted lines were not made of specific materials, but formed because of a rule.

In fact, the lines of the spiritual array are channels of spiritual power. These dotted lines seem to be formed spontaneously, but they are also created by human control. There is no specific route, but it is very important and cannot be destroyed.

In other words, unless the spiritual formation is destroyed, the dotted lines will not dissipate. The flow of the dotted lines is very strange. It is impossible to see how the spiritual formation works. Huo Hai gave up after watching for a while. Continue to observe, how could Huo Hai, who has a high level of research on the spirit array, didn't know that the spirit array was encrypted, and could not see anything for a short time.

On the square, there were already several people waiting here at this time. Huo Hai was not the only one going to the eastern area. The attendant guided Huo Hai to stand on the east side of the spirit formation so that he could reach the area near the edge.

Of course, this is also a possibility. God knows where to send people to this kind of indeterminate teleportation array. If it weren’t for the masters above the spirits, nobody would dare to use it casually. The strongest one among the teleportation arrays actually has the cultivation base of Spirit Saint Yizhong, which is not considered the strongest outside Huo Hai.

Suddenly, the surrounding space power began to condense and revolve continuously, and a familiar spatial revolving sensation came to mind. Before Huo Hai could understand, Huo Hai's whole person had disappeared.

After the scene in front of him changed for a while, Huo Hai suddenly realized that he was actually in a dark environment, "It was really unlucky to send me into the stone." Huo Hai let go of perception and immediately knew that he was present at this time. In the middle of a stone mountain, Huo Hai's spiritual power was shocked, the surrounding stones were shattered, and Huo Hai also rushed out.

Although he often enters the underground space, it does not mean that Huo Hai likes to be sent to the underground space.

"Hiss..." A scream came not far behind Huo Hai, and then an icy breath struck in an instant. Huo Hai had reached the third starlight defense barrier and immediately unfolded, blocking the attack firmly.

"I just came back and there was a fierce beast to give gifts. If you don't accept it, wouldn't it disappoint your friendship?" Huo Hai smiled slightly, he already felt it, and the creature that had just attacked him was a spiritually respected creature.

Turning his head, Huo Hai finally saw what was attacking him. It was a huge white snake with a thick bucket. Among the fierce beasts, this size is not too big, but Xiu Yuan is not too big. Relationship, this kind of cultivation level, I am afraid that even in the marginal area, it can be regarded as the number one famous fierce beast, Huo Hai can ignore it, first destroy it.

"I want to run, is it too late." The fierce beast White Snake finally discovered that the person in front of him seemed to be something he could not deal with, and his aura was indeed similar to him. It seemed that a sneak attack could kill him.

But just after the attack, White Snake understood that the person in front of him was hiding his breath at all. White Snake couldn't speak, so he could only roar in anger and wanted to leave. However, how could Huo Hai take such materials that he sent to the door on his own initiative? Let it go, with a move in his heart, Huo Hai has directly communicated with the laws of heaven and earth and released it to the white snake.

This method is the first time Huo Hai has used it. It is a method that can only be used after reaching the spiritual sage. The spiritual sage masters the law, which is essentially the same level as the superficial law of the heavens and the earth, so the outer law aura between heaven and earth , Huo Hai is able to give orders.

Even if it is the law between heaven and earth, it is now the same as spiritual power, which can be used casually, and under Huo Hai's control, it is far superior to the fierce beast white snake, and the white snake has not waited to go far before being tied to the spot.

After that, the breath shook slightly, shattering the brain of the white snake beast, and the breath of the white snake slowly dissipated. The spoils were pretty good, and Huo Hai waved his hand to take it away, "First find out. I'll say it where." The teleportation sends itself over, even the person hosting the teleportation array does not know where the final destination is.

What can be done now is to first figure out the location, Huo Hai suppresses the breath, and then flies in a general direction quickly. Along the way, Huo Hai has not encountered any special landmark terrain.

Therefore, in desperation, Huo Hai could only continue to fly forward, "This shouldn't be the area controlled by the beast." Huo Hai was a little puzzled. After flying for such a long time, he did not even see a human city. .

After continuing to fly for more than ten minutes, Huo Hai finally saw a human town far away. Of course, it was a small town like a city. He finally saw people. Huo Hai was very happy, and Huo Hai did not. Entering the town, but directly controlled a few people, and got what they wanted to know from their heads.

After that, some spirit crystals were left on these people. Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he continued to fly. "Looking at the scale of this city, I should be able to know where it is." It didn't take long before Huo Hai found it. A big city.

In such a city, there are masters of the spirits. Huo Hai did not go to see these spirits. He only entered the city. After inquiring for a while, he figured out where he was, "So I was sent. On the northern border of the Eastern Region, the deviation of this indefinite teleportation array is really too great." Huo Hai scratched his head a little.

Forget it, anyway, at my own speed, for up to two days, I can go home without even using the teleportation array.

After determining the direction, Huo Hai took a day’s rest and had a good meal before hitting the road again. Two days later, looking at the mountains in the distance, Huo Hai was a little emotional, “What’s the matter? Fighting happened." Huo Hai's expression suddenly changed.

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