Evil Insect God

Chapter 1554: See also Shiraishi

There is only one sect of the Sky Star Sect in this area, and now his family members are in the Sky Star Sect. If something goes wrong with the Sky Star Sect, Huo Hai is not sure what will happen. With a heart move, Huo Hai immediately speeded up.

At this time, the sky above a mountain range that the Sky Star Sect had specially divided for the Huo family, there were two figures floating in the air, one in white clothes, the cultivation base was not very strong, only the peak of the Spirit Sovereign realm, but the aura was extremely refined. Pure, I'm afraid that ordinary spirit emperors don't have such a pure aura, this feeling is definitely not something normal people can have.

The other black-clothed man was a master of the Eighth Layer of the Spiritual Venerable. Although he was only a pseudo-spiritual Venerable, he still had some good treasures in his hands. Otherwise, how could he dare to come to the Heavenly Star Sect to make trouble.

"Hmph, please tell me where that kid is, otherwise, I'll see how long you can hide in it." Below, not only the Huo family, but also the Sect Master of the Sky Star Sect And the Great Elder.

When the two men came here before, the Sect Master had already fought him, but the combat power itself was about the same as that of the man in black. The Sky Star Sect itself did not have any high-level weapons and treasures, etc. The man in black had only a large black body in his hands. The sword made the masters of the Sky Star School helpless, and in the end the Sect Master was defeated, and even himself was traumatized.

"I have said that the person you are looking for is not here. What do you want to do?" Sect Master looked at the sky with annoyance. These two people have been arguing here for more than two months. Going on, I don't know how much impact it will have.

Even if they asked for the help of a master from the Ghost Medicine Sect, these two guys were more slippery than the Loach. They turned and ran. After the Ghost Medicine Sect had left, the two returned, and they were far more informed than the Sky Star Sect. .

"Don't make any excuses, I said this is here, huh, Huo Hai dared to break the inner world of the deity that day, and today I also want him to taste the inner world being broken." The white-clothed man was gloomy. Said to the bottom.

Everyone knew that this person was actually a master at the realm of Spiritual Venerable. No wonder his own combat power would be so strong. When he was at the peak of the realm of Spiritual Emperor, he had the combat power of Spiritual Emperor. This was something that Huo Hai did not have at the beginning. It was originally the Lingzun who reincarnated and seized the house, this was very normal, after all, his realm was still there.

Even when fighting, he can slightly mobilize the power of heaven and earth, and with some of his own skills, there is no problem with the combat effectiveness of reaching the realm of the Ling Emperor. Hearing this, the people of the Sky Star Sect felt a little bitter.

No one thought that Huo Hai would actually provoke such an enemy, and he was also approached by the other party. You must know that Huo Hai has never exposed his relationship with them, how can ordinary people find it.

What they didn’t know was that these people were able to find this place because of an accident. In an accident, someone talked about Huo Hai’s being here. Through investigation, the two people finally determined that Huo Hai was in this place. , But the man in black wanted to capture Huo Hai at this time and get the benefits, so he didn't notify the others.

Although the man in black had heard some rumors about Huo Hai, he believed more about his brother. When his brother first met Huo Hai, Huo Hai was only a big day. How could it be so high in such a short time.

Therefore, the people in black naturally think that Huo Hai is joining hands with other major sects to improve their fame, and ultimately achieve their ulterior motives. In any case, the benefits and rewards will be obtained first.

"We don't know Huo Hai at all, what do you want?" Sect Master said helplessly. No one in the sect is the opponent of this man in black. When facing a strong enemy, they can only hide in the guard. It's just a delay in the Zongda formation.

Venerable Black Stone said with a disdain: "I dare to lie to us. If we don't have clear evidence, how could we come here? I tell you, whether you know that person or not, we can't see the kid Huo Hai. You are dead." Venerable Blackstone didn't take these people who were not his opponents in his heart at all.

"Hehehehe, the eldest brother is right, he must see that kid, and I will devour his soul to make up for my loss." Venerable Baishi in the white clothes also flashed greedy eyes. look.

At this moment, a voice came from a distance: "I heard you two say that you want to see me, I don't know what's going on." With the words, a figure slowly floated over from a distance, no What a powerful breath.

"Xiao Hai, hurry up, these two people are here to kill you." Seeing this person, Huo Feng immediately yelled out loud. Others also let Huo Hai leave. They knew that Huo Hai was the hope for the future. Now they I didn't want Huo Hai to confront these two people. As for the people of the Sky Star Sect outside the Huo Family, they were silent and didn't say anything.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you would dare to appear in front of us. It happens that the deity will receive the reward after catching you. The deity promises that you will not die so fast." Venerable Blackstone faced Huo Hai in a good mood. Rushed over.

Because he faintly felt the danger, Venerable Black Stone directly launched an attack. The black sword in his hand aimed at Huo Hai’s vitals and attacked. At the same time, countless black light spots appeared in the air, and the light spots grew rapidly. .

Soon, black objects, not knowing whether they were bone spurs or stone thorns, attacked Huo Hai. This kind of attack was so familiar, Huo Hai suddenly thought that he was in the Spirit Fire Sect Remains. Inside, the first pseudo-spiritual statue I saw, the white stone attack method, seemed to be this kind of attack, and the breath of the person next to him was so familiar.

"It turned out to be you, the fish that slipped through the net, you dare to come to me for trouble." Huo Hai finally remembered. This guy is the Venerable Baishi who escaped back then, and the first person to escape the light of the soul from his hands. .

I didn’t expect this person to be able to return to the realm of the Spirit Sovereign in such a short time, but what Huo Hai didn’t expect was that this Venerable White Stone appeared in front of him so quickly, if not for himself this time. They came back in a timely manner. I don't know how far these two people can make trouble. Huo Hai is not very worried about the two of them.

Even if you want to break the defensive barrier, it is not an easy task, but these two quarrel here, once they have disturbed the other major sects and let them know their relationship with the Sky Star Sect, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Boy, lie down for me." Hei Shi's eyes glowed, and among the anxious eyes of everyone, he rushed towards the indifferent Huo Hai, but at this moment, Hei Shi's expression suddenly became frightened.

Because Heishi found that he could not move at this moment, a huge force fixed his whole person in the air. At the same time, his own black stone attacks were also shattered by a mysterious force, and his eyes were actually invisible. At any sign of a move, "Damn it, what the **** is this, hurry up and put the deity down." Black Stone was horrified.

Huo Hai’s eyes were full of disdain, “It’s really whimsical to want me to let you go.” With that, Huo Hai quickly made a mental shock and pierced into the spirit of Venerable Blackstone, “Let’s say, how many people are there in this matter? know."

Heishi's gaze was dull, and he slowly said, "No one knows except for the two of us. We don't want to share this secret with other people." Baishi's eyes widened at this time, struggling desperately, but to no avail.

Huo Hai nodded, and that's fine. It seems that sometimes greed is not without benefits. In that case, Huo Hai is not polite, and quickly asked the memory of the two people, but found nothing valuable. After that, Huo Hai found out all the things on the two people, and then the two people became two corpses.

Speaking of which, these two guys are really brothers, but their birth dates are far apart. The two also cultivated the soil attributes, or the deeper rock attributes, one controlling the black stone and the other controlling the white stone.

For this reason, the two even replaced their bones with stone products. This is not the effect caused by the spirit art, but the two people have some problems in their own thinking. Forget it, they are just two lunatics, and Huo Hai will destroy them. .

After all this was done, Huo Hai slowly fell under the shocked eyes of everyone. He did not expect to be able to severely injure the Sect Master, leaving the entire Sky Star Sect powerless, the black-clothed weirdo, in Huo Hai’s hands, it was like a kitten, and could be killed at will. , If it weren't for the injuries on the suzerain, the people around really felt like dreaming.

"Don't be stunned, open the guardian formation, and do what everyone should do." Huo Hai waved his hand, and everyone slowly reacted, but at this time, everyone still felt flirtatious.

Many people are even wondering if this is in their dreams and when Huo Hai’s cultivation has reached this level. Although there is no need to deliberately conceal the relationship between the two parties, Huo Hai still does not want to follow suit. Casually let people know that Huo Hai won't stay at home for a long time, and if something goes wrong, no one can be held responsible.

"It seems that a few masters should be added to the family." Huo Hai glanced around, and soon saw Fang Biya and others in the crowd who looked at him and refused to move.

Huo Hai smiled slightly. It's been a long time since I saw them, and after such a long time, Fang Biya and others have reached the ninth level of the Spirit Emperor, and they will soon reach the peak. There is really no large amount of resources left behind. In vain, of course, this also has something to do with Huo Hai helping them deduct their original runes, otherwise how could it be so fast.

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