Evil Insect God

Chapter 1560: Tian Lian Di Gong

After explaining the matter, Huo Hai went to do his own thing again, the special ice-type dragon, to make it into a Gu beast, he needs the ice-type senior spirit insect.

This time Huo Hai took a lot of effort to secretly contact the circle of Spirit Saints in the Eastern Region. Although it was also through a similar organization of the mercenary union, it was not easy to contact and keep his identity confidential.

From this circle, Huo Hai got what he needed, and when he took care of this flood dragon, Huo Hai also had to change his face, using Gu worms to dissipate and suppress the aura of blood, and at the same time his body should also change. Come, even if the dragons are face to face, they can only feel that this thing has a very weak dragon blood.

They look very similar to dragons, and there are actually many such creatures. Some creatures without dragon bloodlines may also mutate and look similar to dragons. This can also avoid trouble in the future.

At the same time, Huo Hai also received news from the Sky Star Sect. The Sky Star Sect directly reported the news to the Yan Family. It was not a ghost medicine family. The Yan Family directly gave a lot of benefits and gave them a different name. To the Sky Star Sect.

These things were divided up by the Tianxingzong and the Huo family at this time, and then it was the Yan family's business. Because of the previous events, the relationship between the Yan family and the Wu family has not been good for many years, and it is still getting worse. Especially the occurrence of Wu Sheyun in the Wu family has reduced the reputation of the Wu family to the limit, and many people are taking this to attack the Wu family.

After reporting where the monsters gathered this time, the Wu family was the most aggressive one to attack the monster base camp in order to remove the suspicion, but Huo Hai heard that when it was the last moment, Wu Sheyun actually appeared on the battlefield.

At this time, the Wu family is even more confused. Many people are wondering at this time whether the reason why the Wu family is so active is to inform Wu Sheyun, even if there is a spiritual master in the Wu family. It's not easy now.

The Wu family was gradually being marginalized by the top players. Huo Hai didn’t know how the battle was, but it was very fierce. The other Huo Hai didn’t know, but Wu Sheyun’s father was seriously injured again. , Had it not been for the protection of other spiritual saints in time, Wu Sheyun had already killed his father at this time.

It is said that after the Wu family came back this time, the head of the Wu family was furious and directly locked Wu Sheyun's father and sent a message that he would cut off relations with Wu Sheyun, and even vowed to kill him.

If it weren’t for this, the Wu family’s situation would definitely be worse: "Hehe, no wonder he will come back. It turns out that this is the case, and his father is still alive, so he can't be completely enchanted and can't use his powers."

Huo Hai narrowed his eyes slightly, and understood what was going on. Huo Hai also has a certain amount of research on the magician. After becoming a magician, he must be enchanted, and he must kill all important people one by one. , So as to be completely enchanted.

After being enchanted, a person will either become a monster, a killing machine, and be controlled by other demonists, or resist the backlash of this demon energy and become a truly top demon master, as long as it can resist the backlash of demon energy, The ultimate achievement of this kind of magician will not be very low. It is said that as long as they can survive, these magician will eventually be above the spiritual master.

People who cultivate devil qi don't say anything like the Ninth Rank Breaking Saint. As long as they continue to accumulate devil qi and continuously improve their demon nature, it can be said that as long as they are not at a large level, the general bottleneck can be passed.

The difference is that with the size of the bottleneck, the time it takes is different. To break through the bottleneck, the consumption of magic energy varies. I don't know how long it will take. In short, I have never heard of it. The magician has a small bottleneck. .

Huo Hai listened to these things for a while and didn’t care. Anyway, Wu Sheyun wouldn’t have time to trouble the Sky Star Sect before he wiped out his father. Perhaps, he wouldn’t even show up before him. Will come to find himself and relax, Huo Hai puts all his thoughts on the things in front of him.

With the passage of time, the spirit array around Huo’s family was replaced by Huo Hai. Nothing could be seen on the surface. In fact, when encountering an enemy, this layer of spirit array would even be attacked by ordinary spiritual masters. Can resist.

This is nothing. Huo Hai has hidden a lot of spirit-sage-level skeletons around the Huojia Mountain Range, as well as some Gu beasts that are in the process of transforming. This existence, even if the masters of the fourth-layer spirits come, They may not be able to take the Huo family down.

After making these preparations, Huo Hai was truly relieved. In the next time, there is nothing to guide a few apprentices in their cultivation. They can't use the method of pulling out seedlings to promote growth, and the foundation of these people is not bad.

After the rest of the time, Huo Hai used to cultivate and improve himself. After these days of training, there was a lot of waste of Heaven-removing Pill. Huo Hai felt that he was getting closer and closer to the Spiritual Saint Third Heaven. It seemed that it would not take two years. Time, he will truly reach the Triple Heaven, Huo Hai has already decided that if he doesn't reach a certain level, he will not leave his home.

But at this moment, something happened that had to leave. On this day, Sect Master Tianxing suddenly found Huo Hai and told Huo Hai a piece of news, "Elder Huo, I heard that there is a special ruin in the southeast area to open. Up."

The sect master opened the surrounding spiritual formations, not wanting to be heard: "I heard in the ghost medicine gate, it seems that the time for the opening of a relic called Tian Lian Di Gong is about to open. This place seems to be of great help to the spiritual holy. "The superfluous Sect Master didn't know. Sure enough, after Huo Hai heard this, he fell into deep thought. Of course he knew about it.

"This news is very important. Don't tell other people. These bottles of Heaven-removing Pills are used as a gift." Huo Hai took out a few bottles of Heaven-Removing Pills, the Sect Master’s face was covered with a smile, and then he respectfully saluted. Then left here.

"The Heavenly Refinement Palace, I didn't expect it to be opened at this time. Are you going to go or not?" Huo Hai frowned and thought. This Heavenly Refinement Palace is a very special relic. It was originally from the ancient times. The things left by the powerful forces to test and upgrade the sect disciples, but I don’t know who left this thing.

According to Huo Hai’s imagination, this place should be a spiritual god, or a master close to the spiritual god, there will be a very special kind of heavenly refining fire in the heavenly refining and underground palace, which is not used for refining alchemy. , But used to train people.

Tianlianhuo possesses a very mysterious power. It seems to be a special product formed by distorting the original laws of heaven and earth. This kind of Tianlianhuo can easily burn and smash the bottleneck of a person, allowing people to continue practicing.

For most people, this thing is simply more precious than some of the treasures of upgrading cultivation. The stronger the strength, the more likely the problem that plagues the promotion is their own bottleneck, rather than the improvement of cultivation.

The cultivation base can be improved little by little, and even with the help of various items. Only one’s own bottleneck can almost rely on oneself, and there are very few foreign objects that can help. The thing that burns the bottleneck is just a pity. The Heavenly Refining Fire can only be used in the Heavenly Refining Earth Palace, and cannot be taken out, so if you want to use it, you can only go here.

Even the Heavenly Refining Fire has a huge effect on the Spiritual Sage. Every time the Heavenly Refining Earth Palace is opened, countless Spiritual Sages and Spiritual Venerables will go there. Even those who are not capable of Spiritual Venerable Masters will go there. Take a chance.

It's just a pity that people who haven't reached the realm of the Spiritual Venerable, as long as they enter it, very few can survive. Even if the Spiritual Venerable master, every time they enter it, there will be a lot of death, not 100% of their lives.

No one knows what's inside. Anyway, people who enter it basically won't tell what's inside. According to normal circumstances, it is useless for Huo Hai to make fire this day, because Huo Hai himself There is no bottleneck, this thing is naturally unnecessary, but Heavenly Fire still has a very important function, which is usually ignored by people.

This is how Tianlianhuo can refine its own spiritual power, and even slightly refine it. This ability is nothing compared to the ability to break through the bottleneck, but for Huo Hai, it is different. Up.

If there is the assistance of the Heaven Refining Fire, Huo Hai doesn’t need to absorb one Heaven Refining Pill every time, and it takes a few days to adjust and adapt before he can absorb the next one. As long as the Heaven Refining Fire is not used up, Huo Hai can. Constantly absorbing the Heaven-Stopping Pill to improve the cultivation level, in this way, a lot of time can be saved, and Huo Hai will not care if this is a waste of things.

That's why Huo Hai is entangled, whether he wants to take risks to save time or to be safe. He spends some time here and can always improve. Huo Hai thought for a long time and finally raised his head suddenly.

"Wealth and wealth are in danger. Everything can't be so perfect. Only by upgrading the cultivation level as soon as possible can we be truly safe. Blindly seeking safety is the biggest crisis." Huo Hai has already figured it out.

In this case, there is nothing to take risks. Besides fighting, Huo Hai had to like it. He could fight against other spiritual masters, improve his combat experience, and broaden his horizons. Why not do it? Thinking of this, Huo Hai had already decided that this time the Heavenly Refining and Earth Palace himself would participate.

After confessing to the deacon who is temporarily acting on the family affairs, Huo Hai soared into the sky and flew towards the distance.

The Tian Lian Di Palace is in the southeast area. Huo Hai is the most familiar and dangerous place. Although it is possible to meet people from the Azure Palace, Huo Hai knows that the Azure Palace also has its own enemies.

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