Evil Insect God

Chapter 1561: Masters gather

There was a small and desolate valley in the past, and people were everywhere at this time, but most of the people were on the periphery of the valley and didn't dare to approach the center casually. From time to time, there was a horrible atmosphere in the middle, which made them feel terrified.

"Oh my God, what happened here? I think there are several spirits inside. Is there something going on here?" Suddenly, a big mercenary man who had just arrived here shouted loudly. When people heard this, they looked over here, but then most people turned their heads and left, what to do and what to do.

At this time, a thin man not far away took the big man to the side, "I said, brother, don't talk nonsense here, otherwise you don't know how to die. The people here are all masters from some powerful forces."

After hearing the words, the big man looked around carefully, only to realize that something was wrong. There was a mess of a large group of people here. Although most of them were ordinary mercenary adventurers, in fact those experts who were really far away were all Those with special clothing and badges tell the big man that these people are not simple behind them, and this time they appear in groups.

"What happened? How could this happen? It's not easy for these people to meet one."

The thin man whispered: "It seems that you are new here. I am afraid I don't know. There is actually an ancient ruin about to be opened here. This ruin is the Heavenly Refinement Palace. It is said to help people break the bottleneck and improve their cultivation. "

After a pause, the thin man lowered his voice and said, "I'm telling you, it's not just the people you see here. There are also many spirits inside. This ancient ruin only opens once every 10,000 years. , Countless people will die, and countless people will break their own bottlenecks and eventually become a generation of top masters."

The big man's eyes lit up: "It's great, who would miss such a place, tell me what is in it, and what should I do then." The big man was just passing by, but now he doesn't want to leave.

The thin man whispered: “It’s very dangerous inside, especially for those of us who are less than the spirits. Every time, there are countless deaths and injuries. I tell you, the most dangerous thing inside is those who **** treasures and want to keep their own. You must have some life-saving items. You see, I have a lot of them here. Just tell me what you need, and I will give you a preferential price."

The big man's eyes widened. He finally knew why this thin man had pulled him over, and also said so much nonsense to himself, it turned out that this thin man was actually selling things here.

Hearing so much news, it doesn’t feel right if the big guy doesn’t buy something at this time, but when he sees the stuff on the skinny booth, the big guy’s eyes widened: “Damn, why are everything in your place like this? expensive."

Many things can be seen outside, but the prices here are really outrageous. The thin man said with a smile: "It's not expensive, it's not expensive at all. The door here will open without knowing when you It’s too expensive. You can buy it in other nearby cities. I might as well tell you that other cities are far away from here."

This is not wrong. After all, this is a very precious ancient relic. Every time there will be a lot of spiritual masters coming, those who are grudges among the ruins will easily fight when they leave the ruins.

Fortunately for the masters of the spirits, the destructive power of the masters of the spirits is too great. Every time the ruins are opened, the surrounding area will be severely damaged. For those masters, 10,000 years is not too long.

So over time, no one builds a city nearby, not even a teleportation array. If you have the strength, you can fly over by your own ability. If you don’t have the strength, you don’t need to think about it. This is actually a test. The city can reach here safely, if there is no one to protect it, I am afraid that it would take a high-level Spirit Sovereign to do it.

No one knows when the gate of the ruins will be opened, so it is natural to set up a stall here, and the price is crazy to grow up. There are actually many fakes here.

Those who can spend a lot of money to buy fakes must all want to enter the ruins, and the cultivation base is not high, these people will basically die inside, so people who sell things outside do not worry about someone looking for themselves in the future revenge.

"Hmph, don't listen to him, it would be strange if he knew what was going on inside." A middle-aged man nearby said disdainfully.

"I don't know, do you know it?" The thin man's eyes were erected and annoyed, and the big man saw the two stallholders arguing here, wiped a cold sweat, moved his feet and disappeared into the crowd.

This situation seems to have become accustomed here, and it is nothing at all. When Huo Hai arrived, what he saw was such a large mess of scenes. Huo Hai was covered in a black robe, covering himself strictly.

After passing by these low-level masters, Huo Hai went all the way to the inside, releasing the aura belonging to the Spiritual Venerable level. Huo Hai successfully blended into the Spiritual Venerable's team, and there was a Spiritual Saint circle ahead, but there were too many masters in that place. Huo Hai didn't like that kind of depressive aura. This time, the strongest even reached above the Ninth Heaven of Spirit Saint.

I don't know if the stronger master is because there are other methods to break the bottleneck, or because the Tianlianhuo here is too bad for them. In short, any master here can easily pinch Huo Hai to death.

Huo Hai showed a strong aura, sitting alone in a place where there was no one, so no one came to trouble him at all, "Hehe, it seems that there are a lot of people here. This is from the southern region. And these, they should be people from the northwest region..." Huo Hai judged in his heart looking at these strange auras.

People in the southern region are very easy to identify. They are all in armor, and everyone wears weapons. They will never wear hermit robes. As for the northwest region, it is the territory of the immortal gate, and the people who come are some spirit bodies.

Suddenly, Huo Hai's eyes looked at the innermost circle. The spiritual masters were not very far from here, so Huo Hai could clearly feel the breath of these people, "People from the Azure Palace, huh, really It's been a long time."

Huo Hai is very familiar with the special atmosphere of the Azure Palace. This time there are more than 30 spiritual saints from the Azure Palace. His own sect has formed a small team. After all, this is at the door of the house, Azure Why didn't the palace bring more people? Of course, there were actually a lot of such teams, and the Azure Palace was unremarkable.

There are experts in the number of spiritual saints here, just superficially add up, Huo Hai has seen thousands of people, how many are hidden in the dark, no one knows, I believe that only when the last door opens, all talents will It's all here.

The Heavenly Refining and Earth Palace is opened once every 10,000 years, but it only takes three months to open. If you miss these three months, you will have to wait for tens of thousands of years. Ten thousand years is not much for others, but it is a lot for Huo Hai. Ten thousand years later, Huo Hai was sure that he absolutely didn't need the Heaven Refining Fire here, and Huo Hai's eyes continued to look around.

"War Soul City Lord, I didn't expect him to come too." Huo Hai smiled slightly. At this moment, with Huo Hai's strength, I could vaguely feel that the cultivation base of this War Soul City Lord should be the Spirit Saint Fifth Heaven and give it to Huo Hai. The pressure is very strong.

Of course, Huo Hai also saw some Yalong tribes here. The aura on them Huo Hai is really familiar, "Well, it's Muyuan, I didn't expect even you to come, this time I will definitely not let you leave alive. ."

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed, and he just discovered that Mu Yuan was walking not far away from him. If it weren't for such a close distance, Huo Hai really didn't feel it. Huo Hai let out a little breath and fell on Mu Yuan's clothes. But what Huo Hai learned in other classics was surrounded by spirits, and no one found Huo Hai's hands and feet.

Now is not the time to do it, otherwise it will easily cause the giant wooden door to counterattack. This time, the giant wooden door brought more than fifty spiritual masters. Huo Hai didn't want to conflict with them. When he entered the ruins, it would be different.

There is a powerful aura surrounding the Heavenly Liandi Palace, and the death of the people inside cannot be sensed by any method outside, even those special methods similar to the spirit brand soul stone.

If you die here, it can be said that as long as you are not caught on the spot, no one knows who did it. "Hmph, wait for you to die." Huo Hai doesn't want to let this kind of calculations behind the scenes. The villain continues to live, if this guy breaks through to the Spirit Saint, God knows how he will deal with himself.

Huo Hai’s current breakthrough has not been exposed. At least most people in the southeast region don’t even know it. But this way, Kihara is even more tactical. On the way, Huo Hai has encountered many people who want to find himself. People.

After finishing his hands and feet, Huo Hai continued to observe his surroundings, because there are too many masters, standing together, from time to time will cause aura confrontation, this is the reason why people often feel the horror outside, people who are not strong enough to approach such places casually , Just being suppressed by the breath will probably lead to complete physical and mental breakdown and death.

"This breath, the breath of blood flame, is it the person I saw at the beginning." Huo Hai felt a familiar breath, thinking of the blood flame he felt when he came back from the central area, and this breath is simply Exactly the same.

It seems that even the people in the central area have been attracted to it. That's right. I don't know how many times this ancient relic has been opened. These people know the date to come here, and it is not an unimaginable thing.

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