Evil Insect God

Chapter 1562: The underground palace opens

In the next few days, more and more people came here, and it seemed that even the Spirit Saints could not determine the specific opening date, so they waited here early, otherwise they would be the last to arrive.

When Huo Hai came here on the twelfth day, the ground suddenly shook, "What's the matter? Could it be an earthquake." Many people felt the vibration, their eyes were full of doubts, and they didn't know what happened. .

Some smarter people suddenly thought of something and said loudly: "No, it's not an earthquake, but the ruins are about to open. If you want to enter the ruins, hurry up, don't waste time." With a loud roar, the crowd suddenly became confused. The beginning of the stall hurriedly closed the stall, the beginning of wanting to enter the ruins squeezed forward.

In the chaos, some people began to fish in troubled waters, such as stealing things that others could not put away, or even robbing them directly. This caused chaos among the crowd, and the chaos would continue to expand and the impact would become greater.

"Damn bastard, dare to **** Lao Tzu's things and die for me." A man who had been robbed slashed over, and the figure on the opposite side flashed, avoiding the knife, but everyone around him. Without slashing this person, the broad sword fell on someone else's body, and the spiritual power flashed, blocking the broad sword, but it did not completely offset the attack ability.

The person who was attacked in front staggered and almost fell. Turning around, he immediately cursed: "Damn bastard, you dare to attack me." As he said, he hit this person with a punch, and his spiritual power broke out. He didn't care about his surroundings.

"It's not me, you bastard, I said I didn't mean it." The person in front of him yelled and quickly dodged, but he bumped into other people around him. After the attack was dodged, several people behind were hit at the same time.

These people are not weak. Usually in their circle, whoever is not admired and admired by others, even if they have not reached the spiritual deity, most of them are top masters under the spiritual deity. Now they are inexplicably attacked by others. Will not be annoyed, and find that someone is attacking themselves, many people do not even turn their heads at the first time, just a move.

As more and more people participated in the battle, and finally someone could not bear it and died, the people around became even more crazy.

"Rogue, dare to touch me and die for the old lady." This is a female expert who has been taken advantage of among the crowd, but who can come here, which one is weak, this person is even more dangerous.

Playing a large swath of darts at will, these darts can easily break through the defensive barriers of those around them, and the toxins on the darts have caused many people to die on the spot at the first time, and there is no chance to save them.

"Fourth old man, **** stinky sex, die for me." A big man whose brother was killed by mistake immediately turned red, and he went to war regardless of the situation. It was naturally impossible for the people around to ignore the attacks of others and immediately launched an attack. Seeing this scene, the woman who launched the attack wiped a cold sweat, turned around and ran after looking for a chance.

But she ran away. The big man who was about to chase him had no intention of letting her go, so he chased her here. Wherever she passed, there was a sudden jump, and as the chaos expanded, the number of people died. It is constantly increasing.

Huo Hai glanced at this place from afar, and said helplessly: "Every time a treasure is opened, there will always be such a battle. These people really don't cherish their lives." I really don't know how these people have cultivated to this level.

But regardless of them, if it weren’t for most of the heaven-level masters here, they belonged to people with sect forces, and they didn’t dare to do anything casually. I’m afraid fighting would break out here. Huo Hai looked around, the atmosphere here at this time. It's not quite right either, everyone is watching their surroundings vigilantly, and it is possible to do anything at any time.

Huo Hai didn't care about this at this time, so he could only wait here slowly. In fact, the quietest was the circle of the Spirit Saint master in front. The Spirit Saint master didn't know if it was more restrained or for other reasons.

At this time, all the spiritual saints didn't mean to do anything, all their attention was placed in the central valley.

The chaos continued for about half an hour, and the ground vibration suddenly increased a lot. "Look at the valley, the valley... cracked." A loud roar rang out among the crowd, and the chaotic crowd paused.

However, after a pause, as several screams sounded, the battle inevitably broke out again. Of course, even during the battle, everyone had part of their attention to look at the direction of the valley, which was not a small valley. , At this time, slowly opened to the two sides, and on the ground, a strange light door gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Suddenly, the gate of light fluctuated violently, and eventually became more and more dimmed until it disappeared. What appeared under the gate was a huge hole whose length and width reached dozens of miles. The entrance of the hole was pitch-black and it was not bottomless.

When the entrance of the cave was fully unfolded, the vibration slowly stopped. At this time, almost everyone paid their attention here. Even the chaotic crowd behind, the chaos was reduced a lot, but no one dared casually. Stop it.

"Everyone, the door to the ruins has been opened. Let's enter it. No matter who gets the Heavenly Refining Fire, I hope everyone will not do it casually. If a war is triggered, you can only bear it yourself." A Spirit Saint said.

The others nodded immediately, but all people’s eyes shone brightly. They really saw the fire made of heaven. It’s weird if everyone didn’t **** it. The fire made of heaven is so precious, and the effect is so great. Breaking through the bottleneck, who would give up casually, unless the bottleneck of the masters at the top of the spiritual saint was too strong, it would not be able to deal with Tianlianhuo.

I am afraid that at this time, there is nothing to do with them. Anyway, after entering the ruins, no one can receive the news from the death sect, let alone know who did it. So after entering, everyone's behavior can be imagined. .

In such a place, a kind-hearted person doesn’t want to live, "Okay, let’s go in." After saying that, the headed spirit became a stream of light and flashed in. The others looked at each other and were also tight. Keeping up closely, if you can enter the ruins one step earlier, you will have one more hope of getting the fire of the sky. Most of the people present are in a bottleneck state.

It can be said that whoever can break his own bottleneck first can increase his strength by a large amount. At that time, whether it is to save his life or rob the sky to refine the fire, the advantage will increase by one point, and who will waste time.

Soon, a group of spiritual sage masters disappeared at the entrance of the cave. At the same time, many spiritual sages who didn’t know where they came from quickly flew towards the entrance of the cave. Seeing how these people looked like, the number seemed to have entered the site more than before. There are even more spiritual saints.

"It seems that these people have already arrived. Because they are concerned about their own face, do they have to arrive at the last moment? I really don't know what they are thinking." Huo Hai shook his head in his heart, but was not in a hurry. Tian Lianhuo is really so easy to get, and there is nothing to do with their spirits and the people behind them.

When the masters of Spiritual Saints entered one after another, the several major sects of the Spirits looked at each other and said: "Master Spiritual Saints have entered the ruins, now it is our turn, everyone, don't mess around outside the ruins."

After speaking, these people turned into a stream of light and quickly entered the ruins. At the same time, Huo Hai cautiously approached Kihara. This guy was his first target after entering the ruins this time.

The people behind saw that the masters of the spirits rushed into the entrance one after another, and they didn’t care about continuing to fight, “Hurry up, rush, or the baby is gone.” Not everyone knows what happened to this ruin. Many people thought that this ruin was opened for the first time, and they wanted to go in and grab something. Many people went crazy at this time, completely ignoring other things.

"Huh, what a bunch of idiots, there is nothing in the Heaven Refining and Divine Palace except Heaven Refining Fire. Forget it, I don’t have the same knowledge as these guys. As long as I can get a Heaven Refining Fire, I will be able to become a spiritual master in the first time. "

This is a son of a big family at the pinnacle of the Spirit Emperor, so he is more familiar with the Heavenly Refining Fire here. Many people have this kind of thinking. The spirit emperor's ability to survive in it is not strong enough, but the Spirit Venerable is different.

It’s just that these people don’t seem to realize that the Spiritual Venerable is more than just a breakthrough in realm. They need to spend time resisting the pressure of heaven and earth, not to mention, but also condense the light of their souls to truly become a Spiritual Venerable, perhaps resisting the pressure of heaven and earth. It doesn't take long, but it is different to condense the light of the soul. This time varies from person to person.

Some can condense before the breakthrough, and some can't succeed after a breakthrough for thousands of years. Without the light of the soul, even a normal Spiritual Venerable, I am afraid that the combat power can only be compared with the Pseudo Spiritual Venerable from the first heaven.

However, the crowds are not all running towards this side. Many people turned and ran away: "It's really some idiot, this kind of underground palace is so dangerous, I don't have time to play with you." Some people know the situation here.

Every time you enter the ruins, those who are below the Spiritual Venerable, almost never exist. Those who can survive and eventually get the fire of heaven are actually not many, but it is the same as buying lottery tickets. There are so many successful breakthroughs to the spiritual deity, which inspires later generations, and everyone wants to be one of them.

Even knowing that he would basically die in it, there are still many people who have followed suit.

Fortunately, after all, it is a matter of life and death, so not all people can't help the temptation. At least half of the chaotic crowd did not intend to enter the valley. Only some of the unlucky ones were rushed into it by others.

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