Evil Insect God

Chapter 1572: Tianlian Fire Pond

In order to make his self-explosive beetles exert stronger power, Huo Hai can only find a way to strengthen the power of these beetles, and the beetles cannot increase it. After all, this is already a Gu worm.

As a Gu worm, and when Huo Hai refining it, he didn’t think about other things at all. Therefore, these beetles still look like beetles, but they have actually lost the ability to advance. Such a high-level beetle, Huo Hai has been So far, there is no ability to refine it again and raise the level of Gu worms.

The only thing that can be used is foreign objects. Huo Hai carefully deduced some runes, and then after testing, they will be portrayed on the beetles. These runes have a strong floating effect and are completely used to enhance self-detonation. .

"With these things, the power of the beetle's self-detonation should be improved a lot." Huo Hai has not tested it himself, but after calculation, it should be good. Forget it, there is no big problem anyway, it's just that good. Up.

Huo Hai studied the runes while flying along the road. On the way, Huo Hai never encountered a new Heavenly Refining Fire. It seems that the Heavenly Refining Fire in this area has been collected. Two days later, Huo Hai Hai searched all the way, but he still came to the central area. The closer to the central area, the more people Huo Hai found here, even the Lingdi had signs of getting together.

"There are really a lot of people, but in this chaotic situation, there shouldn't be many people who can survive." Huo Hai looked at a battlefield not far away, and walked over this way. Such a battlefield has already been seen. Many times.

People who die here are not in traps or in the hands of spiritual servants, but in the hands of other people. However, the people here are very clean. Although they kill people, they don’t. Will let people know casually.

On the way, some people felt Huo Hai’s strength and did not come to trouble Huo Hai, but there were others who wanted to kill Huo Hai, and these people Huo Hai killed him at will, leaving them behind. , Those who are stronger than Huo Hai are now in the most central position, besides, Huo Hai can feel their aura from a distance, and won't get close at all.

On this day, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that a group of people were flying quickly in one direction. These people had all cultivation skills, but they had no intention of fighting. Looking at the direction they were going, Huo Hai thoughtfully.

"This kind of breath seems to be the sky refining fire, but when did the sky refining fire aura become so big." Huo Hai also felt a little surprised, his figure flashed, and he quietly merged into the crowd without attracting anyone's attention.

"Brother, what happened before, why everyone is flying forward." At this time, a big man in the spirit emperor realm not far from Huo Hai asked around, most people just glanced. I didn't care about it at all. There were too many spirit emperors here, let alone a less powerful one.

However, there is still a person who is a spiritually respected person who speaks: "It seems that you don't know yet. The Heavenly Refining Fire Pond has already been opened." This person comes from a large sect, so he knows more. As for why he would be with a spiritual emperor Speaking, this is his own problem.

It seems that this person has just broken through to the first heaven of the Spiritual Sovereign, and has not completely stabilized his own breath, and even the light of the soul has not condensed. This is what Huo Hai can tell when he feels this person's control of his own laws.

This person should be the peak of the Spirit Emperor when he came in, because he had obtained the Heavenly Refining Fire, so he could break through to the Spiritual Venerable. In essence, this person may still regard himself as a Spirit Emperor, "Heavenly Refining Fire Pond, what is this? , This lord, please don't hesitate to inform." The big man put his posture very low, and he can live to this day. There is no fool here.

The person who had just spoken was very satisfied. He broke through to Lingzun, and he was also a master of heaven. He was a master. He used to exist on an equal footing with himself, but now he must be polite to see himself.

After enjoying the treatment of being held up by others, this talent lowered his voice and said, "Heaven Lian Huochi, of course, is the birth source of Tian Lian Huo. It is said that all Tian Lian Huo comes from this Tian Lian Huo Chi. Born of it."

This person's voice is not loud, but whoever is weak at the scene, as long as it is not the sound transmission, the people around can hear it. Many people who have never heard of the Heavenly Lianhuochi also raised their ears at this time, wanting to listen. What was going on, Huo Hai was hidden among the crowd, and he was also very interested in this Heavenly Refining Fire Pond. It should be very difficult to be able to use the name of Heaven Refining Fire.

"In fact, I don’t know what’s going on in this Heavenly Refining Fire Pond. I only know that every time the Heaven Refining Fire Pond will give birth to a large amount of Heaven Refining Fire in the last month after the opening of the Heaven Refining Earth Palace. How much you get depends on your own ability."

After a pause, the person added: "The Heavenly Refining Fire bred in the Fire Refining Pool on this day is much more than all the Heaven Refining Fire in the entire remains. A large number of people died in the fight. It is said that most of the people who entered the Heavenly Refinement Palace and died here died here, so you must be careful if you have no strength."

Huo Hai nodded. It turned out that it was like this. No wonder it always felt wrong. There were no people who could not enter the Spirit Venerable, but according to the previous battle, it was not that dangerous at all.

As he kept getting closer, Huo Hai discovered that the aura in front of him was getting stronger and bigger. It seemed that there was no hidden meaning at all. Perhaps this aura, affected by what, is expanding.

After listening to the words of those around him, Huo Hai gradually understood that every time the Heavenly Refining Fire Pond was opened, this power would burst out directly, and everyone in the entire ruins could feel it, and it was precisely because of this, so Most of the people in the whole ruins, especially those who have tasted the sweetness, will all come close.

In any case, it is good to get a little benefit, and it is this kind of mentality, so every time most people who are not in the spirits will die, the reason is simple, because the battlefield is too close.

At such a close distance, the aftermath of a large number of spiritual sages fighting with each other is not something that these masters who have not reached the heaven level can bear. Some of the smarter people have secretly started to escape at this time and do not intend to approach. .

But after all, there are few smart people. Most people don’t think that they are the most unlucky one. Instead, they think that they are different. So more and more people appear here for the so-called fire Chi, there wasn't even a fight on the road, and Huo Hai didn't worry at all, took his Star Gu back and continued to follow the team.

I don't know how long it has been going forward, and counting the time, it should have been for a long time. This is because the team was driven by the entire staff, so it was so slow, but after a long time, everyone still came to the place.

"Is this the center of the ruins." Huo Hai finally saw the same scene as the ruins. On the ground, a large piece of ruined walls, although they are all good materials, have corroded a lot after such a long time.

The rest can only vaguely see the shape of the past. Judging from these things, this place should be a huge city. I don’t know how it was completely destroyed. Only the center of the ruins, there is such a huge Seeing from a distance, the pond looks like a small lake dug out by hand. The edges are straight up and down.

However, there is no water in the small lake. Instead, a large amount of law power is gathered. These law powers are directly absorbed from the heavens and the earth, but there is no way to absorb them.

The power of the law is constantly circulating and friction, and a little bit of sparks burst out in the friction, "Is this the embryonic form of Tianlianhuo? I didn't expect that it was born with the law as the basis and raw material. No wonder it has such an ability."

When Huo Hai looked at this small lake, he understood for the first time that this thing turned out to be the Tianlian Fire Pond. At this time, many people had gathered nearby, and everyone’s eyes were cast into the Tianlian Fire Pond, "Huh, Qingyun, you really are here." Huo Hai finally found Qingyun among the crowd, but this is not the time to do it.

Everyone put their eyes on the Heavenly Refining Fire Pond. At this time, if anyone dared to do anything casually, they would be attacked by everyone. Looking into the air, a huge red lotus chariot stayed in the air.

Huo Hai knows that this is the blood lotus saint of the Blood God Sect. No matter what happened last time, this saint has helped him once. If you have trouble later, you can also consider helping. Huo Hai is now a master of the Spiritual Saint Fifth Heaven, almost reaching the sixth heaven, and in terms of strength, she is definitely not worse than this Blood Lotus Saintess.

Even if Huo Hai felt that the aura of the blood lotus saint had reached the seventh heaven, Huo Hai also had such a certainty. He continued to look around, Huo Hai slowly felt the cultivation of these people around him, and slowly calculated in his heart.

The most powerful ones actually have the cultivation base of Spiritual Venerable Jiuzhongtian. It seems that they have not reached the limit before entering here, so there is no breakthrough. Jiuzhongtian, this is not something I can deal with now. Many of these people are Normal spiritual saint.

There are a lot of people in the Azure Palace, the strongest one is the Eighth Heaven, but this Eighth Heaven is not satisfactory, Huo Hai is not worried, even if he really fights, Huo Hai believes that he will not lose to him, but the sky There are many people in the Qing Palace, and it might not be easy to kill Qing Yun. Anyway, let's go first.

While thinking about it, Huo Hai approached Qingyun cautiously, and when it became chaotic, Huo Hai would be the first to do it.

Time is slowly passing by, no one here is anxious, and more and more people are gathering here, the surrounding sky fires have basically been collected, and now there is only one left here. .

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