Evil Insect God

Chapter 1573: Melee

The sky-refining fire group slowly burned and condensed, and the flames below were gathered little by little. The fire group grew bigger and stronger, and the flame at this time had surpassed any one Huo Hai had ever seen. Refining fire in the sky.

"Every time it takes a month for the fire of the sky to condense from the beginning to the final appearance, it is only on the last day that the fire can be truly nurtured on this day. So what is needed now is to do it as soon as possible, and search nearby. Maybe you can still find some small fires from the sky." At this time, an old man slowly said to the surrounding.

Some of the people around were affected and left here to search the surroundings for the time being, while some others didn't care at all. In the eyes of many people, there was only this large group of heavenly fire.

If you can get such a large group, even if it is the bottleneck to reach the peak of Lingsheng, I am afraid it will be completely cleared up. Of course, this is just what many people think of, and the bottleneck of reaching the peak of Lingsheng is so easy to break.

Heavenly Refining Fire can break the bottleneck, but it is not unlimited. No matter what power is in this world, it has its own limit. It can be said that when it comes to the Ninth Heaven, it is basically the limit. The bottleneck is not so easy. The few nine-layer masters who came here just want to fight for this slim chance.

Huo Hai didn't know if what this person was saying was true or false, but when he got here, Huo Hai had already probed it with spirit insects, and there was no Heavenly Refining Fire around. Maybe there was one before, but now everyone has found out and merged. Up.

Therefore, Huo Hai was also standing in the void, and he had no intention of leaving at all. Time slowly passed. When there were ten days left before the Tianlian Fire Pond, basically all the people who should come here were already there.

Even if it is the Spirit Saint, there are thousands of them at this time. With so many Spirit Saints competing for this fire, I don’t know who will get it. But at this time, the eyes of the people around are different, and everyone is independent thinking.

"So many people, only such a fire is enough for anyone to use." At this time, the spiritual master below finally raised his own question. In fact, many people don't know these things. These secret secrets are not. All sects have records, and some of the previous records of sects, and now I don’t know where they went.

"Hmph, now it looks like a ball of flames, but which one of the competition is not to completely smash this ball of flames, if it is really contended by a person, this person will definitely not want to leave alive." Not far away, a spiritual master disdain Said.

That's right, if thousands of Spirit Sage masters attack at the same time, even the pinnacle Spirit Sage will have to drink hate on the spot. This is basically a quantitative change that has reached a qualitative change. At that time, even if they want to use their spatial abilities to escape.

Huo Hai continued to wait here, time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, another ten days passed. In the past ten days, there hasn't been much change in the surroundings. A few people left, but more people finally Can't help but temptation, come to this place again, when they come here, these people may not be able to survive intact.

On this day, the Tianlian Fire Pool suddenly shook, and with the vibration, a very mysterious aura burst out, with a burning feeling, but not hot, "Heaven Lianhuo is coming out, everyone pay attention."

An old and excited voice sounded, and all the people used their own spiritual powers one after another, ready to join the fight for the first time, the spiritual power of the spiritual sages and the spiritual sages directly drove the coercion of this world.

Those who are not strong enough have already tasted the bitterness for the first time. With such a huge pressure, all the nearby spirit emperors vomited blood and died. A few or even the whole person exploded and turned into a cloud of blood, such a powerful power. The pressure is simply not something they can bear. These poor people still want to take advantage of it. Without the strength, they don't even have the qualifications to participate.

Even the spirit emperors are not feeling well at this time. The weaker spirit emperors have a pale face on the spot. Maybe they are injured at this time. The spirit emperors who found something wrong want to leave here, but it is too late. .

Accompanied by the shaking, after Tianlianhuo absorbed the last spark, the barrier above the Tianlianhuo pool was finally completely opened. The Tianlianhuo, the size of a house, rose rapidly, and finally appeared in front of everyone.

"This is mine. Who would dare to stop me and kill without mercy." The first time someone couldn't help but rushed up, but unfortunately, none of the people around at this time was a simple character. Seeing this person rushed out For the first time, countless attacks had already fallen on this person. After a series of explosions, this person was directly shattered by a large number of attacks.

Huo Hai shook his head, and the spiritual formation he secretly set up had already captured a light of the soul at this time, but because there were too many people around, Huo Hai could only arrange some spiritual formations on the periphery, if there were more. , It is easy to attract attention.

At the same time, Huo Hai also started to do it, "Qingyun, huh, let this young master go to death." Seeing the people in Tianqing Palace began to do it, Huo Hai knew that his chance was coming, because Qingyun was injured, so he fell behind. some.

That's it, it's enough for Huo Hai to do it. An unsatisfactory Seventh Heavenly Master, Huo Hai is not at all in his eyes now. Besides, his injury has not recovered. The huge aura immediately locked Qing Yun, Qing Yun When it was discovered that it was not right, Huo Hai's long sword had already condensed a large amount of silver and purple sword energy, and it came straight.

"Asshole, it's you..." Qing Yun didn't wait to finish. Huo Hai's long sword has already flashed in. A sneak attack so close is not something Qing Yun can react to. Huo Hai's sword aura is different today. , Easily broke the whirlwind in front of him.

Qing Yun didn't have time to react at all, and found that his defensive shield had been pierced, and the long sword fell to his chest, and then under Huo Hai's forceful stabbing, his inner world was actually destroyed.

"If you dare to do something with this young master, this young master will not let go, you are just one of them." Huo Hai's voice sounded in Qingyun's ear, and then he sealed Qingyun's corpse and collected it all into the inner world. Among them, there is no time to clean up the others now, and even the soul alone has no time to waste when Huo Hai is sealed.

Although the Azure Palace found that someone was attacking him, there was no chance to take care of it at this time. The power that broke out at the same time was too chaotic, and there were many fish in troubled waters, and Huo Hai was not the only one who launched sneak attacks on the enemy.

The first time the battle started, only the Spirit Sage had killed hundreds of people. As for the wounded, a lot of people were injured. A Spirit Sage Ninth Heavenly Master who wanted to **** the fire from the sky was facing a large number of master attacks. , The whole person was seriously injured. If it weren't for the time to evade, I'm afraid it would have become a cloud of fly ash just like the first one rushed out.

A large number of masters have issued spiritual powers in order to compete for the sky-refining fire. At this time, the power around the sky-refining fire is in chaos, producing stronger and stronger strangulation power. The partial day-refining fire itself is not very strong, on the contrary it is very fragile.

When the strength reached a certain level, there was a "boom", and the entire sky-refining fire exploded from within. This was not a real explosion. It should be said that it was a split. The huge sky-refining fire group became a large area. .

"Quickly, Tianlianhuo exploded, grab it." The people who were stimulated became even more crazy at this time. In this chaos, the number of dead masters decreased. Because the targets were scattered, these battlefields were also scattered. Come, but in this way, those in the spirit emperor realm will suffer, the battlefield is scattered, and they die the fastest.

"Hahahaha, I finally got the sky refining fire." A spirit emperor absorbed a cloud of sky refining fire into his body with excitement.

But the next moment, this person was burned into fly ashes by a ball of flames that fell from the sky, "Huh, I want to grab something with me, I really can't help it." It was a spiritual master who did it, and a small ball appeared in the fly ashes. Some days make fire.

Although Tian Lian Huo absorbs very quickly, it will take some time after all. If the opponent can be killed in time, then the fire will naturally be robbed of it. If it takes a long time, it will definitely be spent in breakthroughs. Among the bottlenecks, it is precisely because of this characteristic that the battle has just begun to become fierce.

For the sake of the sky to refine the fire, the same team fell apart bizarrely. The masters worked with each other, and even the brothers were against their goals. It is not uncommon here. Faced with a further step, it is nothing for a brother.

However, people with real strength still snatched some of the larger Heavenly Refining Fire in the first time. Huo Hai was among the crowd, and he was so fast that he had already caught a few large groups of Heaven Refining Fire. In his hand, he then guided and swallowed it into his own body, Huo Hai was different from others, his Heavenly Refining Fire would not be easily consumed.

Suddenly, Huo Hai saw a basketball-sized group of Tian Lianhuo fireballs. He was delighted. With Huo Hai's figure shimmering, he rushed ahead of others and grabbed it in his hands. What Huo Hai didn't notice was this. The Tian Lian Huo of Shi Da Tuan has basically been taken away.

Seeing Huo Hai's actions, the newly injured Jiuzhongtian expert suddenly became angry: "Boy, hand over the Heavenly Lianhuo, this deity spares you." Although he said that, this person was rude to Huo Hai. Just a punch.

The huge power came directly, making Huo Hai feel shocked. Just when Huo Hai got the sky refining fire, he felt that something was wrong in the sky, as if there was something in the sky. It seemed that only got the sky. Only by refining the fire can I vaguely feel that, otherwise, how could Huo Hai stay in place? When he encounters an attack, Huo Hai can only run away.

The Nine Heavens is the Nine Heavens, which is not something Huo Hai can fight against, even if the opponent is seriously injured.

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