Evil Insect God

Chapter 1574: Mystery palace

Suddenly being attacked, Huo Hai could only dodge at this time, but because the difference in cultivation base between each other was too large, Huo Hai could only retreat quickly at this time, and at the same time, a sword aura shot forward.

"Damn, the Spirit Saint Nineth Heaven is really extraordinary." It can be seen that this person has just been injured in the melee, but now he can still exert such a fighting power, such an ordinary punch, Huo Hai issued a lot of sword energy but still did not Being able to block it completely, fortunately Huo Hai retreated faster, otherwise he would definitely be injured.

The visitor yelled: "Boy, don't want to escape." After being injured, this person's speed was still very fast, but it was much worse than Huo Hai's. Almost instantly, the two of them had already flown into the sky.

"Help stop this kid, within two minutes his Tianlianhuo absolutely cannot be digested clean, kill them and we will share it together." Just now many people have seen it, Huo Hai swallowed a basketball-sized Tianlianhuo.

Now I heard someone say that Huo Hai could not swallow it in two minutes, and everyone was immediately moved. Huo Hai felt cold and immediately understood the situation at this time, "Damn it, this young master, I remember you. "Huo Hai glanced at the guy in front of him, the sign on this person clearly proved that this person belongs to the giant wooden door.

I really have a relationship with the giant wooden door, so I can run into it. I don’t know how this guy is so unlucky. Maybe it’s because he is too arrogant. Otherwise, with his cultivation base, it is impossible to be so easily hurt by the people around him. Kind of degree.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a large swath of attacks around Huo Hai. Such an attack could be resisted by Huo Hai, but if he really resisted, he would be caught up. Seeing this guy’s appearance, there was obviously no I want to let myself go.

At this moment, a group of red light exploded beside Huo Hai, and Huo Hai saw clearly that a red lotus was flying over just now. After the lotus exploded, a huge blood lotus defense was formed instantly. Huo Hai's attack fell on this and was immediately blocked. Seeing this situation, Huo Hai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking up, it was the blood lotus saint who had just helped him. Huo Hai didn’t know why this person helped him again and again, but Huo Hai has remembered this favor, and he will pay it back if he has the opportunity. .

During the battle just now, Huo Hai unknowingly, actually flew to the mysterious place he had just felt. At this moment, the fire of heavenly refinement on Huo Hai suddenly began to vibrate, and a ray of fire of heavenly refinement was even aroused. Came out.

Before Huo Hai could react, this Heavenly Refining Fire actually blended into the space, and a small crack appeared in the space. This space crack seemed to lead to another place, "I fight it, die. "Huo Hai gritted his teeth and tried his best to guide the Heavenly Lianhuo in his body, and quickly released it toward this crack. Now there is no other way.

Looking around, a large number of Spiritual Saints have surrounded him. Huo Hai is sure that he has no chance to escape at this time. On the front, a master of Spiritual Saint Nineth Layer is gathering a group of spiritual power, facing He punched him.

"Damn it, I remember you." Seeing that the surrounding blood lotus barrier was about to shatter, the blood lotus saint in the distance couldn't see her expression clearly because of the surrounding cloth, but she didn't do anything at all.

Huo Hai gritted his teeth, all the Star Gu quickly gathered in Huo Hai's hand. One hand continuously mobilized the Heaven Refining Fire to burn the space, and the other hand held the long sword made of Star Gu. There was no one outside. Seeing what exactly this thing was made of, Huo Hai quietly squeezed out a handprint, and the blessing spell was cast out in front of people for the first time.

In an instant, Huo Hai felt that his spiritual power began to consume rapidly. At the same time, the power of several thousand Star Gu was increased by a large amount at the same time, almost reaching the limit, and the surrounding space was suddenly distorted and merged by Star Gu. .

The huge space power, under Huo Hai’s control, formed something like sword aura. Only Huo Hai knew that although this thing was not a sword aura, it still blended into Huo Hai’s own sword aura. Jian Qi.

"Give me to die." With a clear sound, the surrounding red lotus defenses finally shattered, and the master of the Nine Heavens rushed straight forward. There were other spiritual saints beside them, and they were moving here at the same time. When he rushed, Huo Hai finally knew how this guy had been injured before. Faced with such a crazy attack, no one could resist.

"Huh, it's more than the quantity, I want to see who has more." There are five thousand star Gus in my hand, and each of them is not as good as a perfect spiritual saint, but with its own blessings, the power has also been raised to the extreme. It is very much.

Huo Hai waved his hand, and the terrifying space power scattered towards the surroundings, "No, go back." Feeling this terrifying power, everyone's complexion changed suddenly, even if the Spirit Sage Nine Heaven was swept away. It may be difficult to survive in it.

With this opportunity, a large number of Tianlianhuo was integrated into the space, and finally a black hole was created in the air. The entire black hole was pitch black, but it was a space tunnel. Huo Hai knew that he could not escape, and simply entered the space tunnel. The moment Huo Hai entered, the space channel was completely closed and disappeared without a trace.

As soon as Huo Hai disappeared, many spirit saints rushed over, "Asshole, it is a spatial attribute, so fast." A large number of attacks completely shredded the surrounding space, but still no trace of Huo Hai was found.

Although everyone was annoyed, they couldn't take care of that much at this time. Huo Hai ran away, but there are still a lot of Heaven Refining Fire here. The small Heaven Refining Fire is a little less effective, but it is not without any effect. .

Everyone immediately entered the snatching process again, and soon forgot about Huo Hai. The sky refines the fire. As long as you absorb it, don't even think about taking it out. The blood lotus saint glanced at Huo Hai and said to herself Saying: "I know you are not that easy to die. Okay, let's do it too, grab more days to make fire." The last sentence was addressed to the maid around.

On the other side, after Huo Hai passed through a very short space channel, he finally fell to the ground. Huo Hai gave a wry smile, and almost instantly, when he blessed the Star Gu with all his strength, Huo Hai consumed more than half of his spiritual power.

His own Star Gu, even during the attack just now, almost vented all his spiritual power. Such an attack did not kill an enemy at all, but only injured them. The combined attack of a group of spiritual saints, so The effect that can be produced is really terrifying, Huo Hai shook his head, but fortunately he was not injured.

Most of the Heavenly Refining Fire that had just been captured in the body has disappeared, but it is not easy to escape a life. Huo Hai looked around, his eyes gradually changed, "Here, is it the center of the ruins. "

Huo Hai was a little shocked. Looking at this place, it was obviously a palace, but this palace had no gates. He entered it directly through a space tunnel. In retrospect, the space tunnel formed was not that simple.

It seems that fire-making these days is the key to open this tunnel. If you don’t have enough fire-making sky, don’t even want to come in. If you change to someone else, you will swallow fire-making sky and use it to break the bottleneck. , Who cares about these things, Huo Hai is probably the first one to enter here, but others don't know it, and thought that Huo Hai used the space secret technique to escape.

The style of the entire palace is very strange. Huo Hai has never seen or heard of a building of this style. However, considering the number of years this ruin was opened, Huo Hai understood that this ruin is definitely a product of ancient times.

Huo Hai slowly stepped forward and carefully explored the ruins. It should not be so simple to keep it until now. "I don't know what can be found here. It would be great if we can find more Heavenly Fire." Huo Hai was a little greedy in his heart, and the Heavenly Refining Fire Pond below could condense so much, there should be there too.

It's a pity that Heavenly Lianhuo can only be generated here, and it has something to do with this secret realm and the surrounding environment. Some people once wanted to create something similar to the Heavenly Lianhuochi in the outside world, but no one succeeded at all.

There are still some people who want to remove the Heavenly Refining Fire Pond, but they are also unsuccessful. Of course, no matter who wants to do this, I am afraid that others will not easily agree. Huo Hai does not have the luxury of monopolizing the Heaven Refining Fire Pond. , As long as he can find the method of making the Heavenly Lian Fire Pond, it is composed of a spiritual formation, Huo Hai doesn't worry that he can't make it.

It's a pity that Huo Hai looked at the entire hall and didn't see anything here, "Could it be that there is nothing here, right? If there is really nothing, why should it be hidden so..."

Suddenly, Huo Hai felt something wrong. Above an empty bookshelf, Huo Hai once again felt the vague special feeling, the feeling that he felt when he felt this hall.

Huo Hai quickly walked over: "Ninghuo True Scripture, Saint-Level Peak Battle Spirit Art... can it be said that the real treasures here are hidden here." Huo Hai looked down the same, above the empty bookshelf , On the other hand, there are a lot of paper strips recording treasures, these paper strips and this bookshelf, after so many years, are still intact.

It seems that the materials made are also extraordinary, it seems that everything has been taken away, but when Huo Hai felt it carefully, he realized that this place is not so simple, I am afraid, it is just like this palace.

"Could it be that this can only be opened by using Tianlianhuo." Huo Hai hesitated, Tianlianhuo is too important to him, which represents the height that he can rise to in a short time, and he can't just waste it.

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