Evil Insect God

Chapter 1575: The last day

After struggling for a long time, Huo Hai finally gritted his teeth: "If there is a good thing, you can't let it go." Huo Hai decided, anyway, he has no bottleneck, that is, he wasted a little more time.

But if you miss something here, I don’t know if I can get it again in the future. After all, this ruin will only be opened once in 10,000 years, and today is also the last day. Huo Hai has no time to waste, but Even so, look for the ones that are useful to you, and don't the ones that are useless.

Huo Hai quickly started to browse, a handwriting on a bookshelf, Huo Hai was able to read it completely in a very short time. This is the advantage of strong mental power, because there is a limit to the spirit here.

Otherwise, Huo Hai’s spirit will be swept away and he will be able to understand all the meanings, “Well, that’s it, it seems not bad.” Huo Hai thought for a while, and finally led out a ray of fire from the sky, carefully approaching the one below. One space.

With the approach of Tianlianhuo, Huo Hai gradually felt that the space began to fluctuate. Soon, Tianlianhuo merged into this grid space, and a dark crack was created. "Sure enough, there are not enough Tianlianhuos. I can't take out the contents at all." Huo Hai frowned and sighed. It was not easy to get the contents.

I really don't know who designed this place, and how it looks like a place dedicated to cultivating masters, but if something as precious as Tian Lian Huo is taken out, is it not worth the loss?

Forget it, anyway, it's all things in the ancient times. Huo Hai doesn't understand it. He has already decided. Naturally, Huo Hai will not hesitate to integrate his own Heavenly Refining Fire into it bit by bit. The cracks follow the Heaven Refining Fire. Increase, keep expanding.

With a "bang" explosion, Huo Hai discovered that the hidden special small space here had been blown up, but there was no special space storm, and it was not swallowed by the space turbulence. Instead, the contents inside spurted out immediately. , Huo Hai waved his hand and grabbed this scroll. After that, Huo Hai discovered that the original space had disappeared.

No matter how carefully Huo Hai sensed it, he couldn't find the location of this space, it had truly disappeared and annihilated.

"The Soul Destruction Sword, the Soul Fighting Spirit Secret Art, can greatly increase the strength of the soul and mental power, and it has a strong soul attack ability. I don't know how effective it is." Huo Hai looked at the paper. Article talking to himself.

The record on this note is the real reason why Huo Hai is willing to spend a lot of Tian Lianhuo to take it out. Huo Hai currently lacks the secret method for soul promotion, lacks the secret method for soul defense, and even the Heaven Slashing Technique is gradually not so good. Enough, after all, this Heaven Slashing Art is just a holy battle spirit art deduced by Lingzun, and at the level of Huo Hai, it has no effect.

But if this Soul Destruction Sword is really the same as recorded, then Huo Hai will all solve these three kinds of war spirit art, and the soul-type war spirit art, the condensed seeds do not need to waste their position in the inner world.

This time Huo Hai himself had spent more than half of the remaining Heavenly Refining Fire in order to take out this thing. If the other grids were like this, I'm afraid he could no longer take out the second item.

Perhaps, only by fully grasping the big fireball below can it be possible to get all the contents out. No matter, since so many days have been wasted to make fire, then just study it carefully. Huo Hai quickly opened it. Scroll, with the help of Xingchenshibi with its own powerful understanding, research and comprehend this soul-killing sword secret method.

The so-called Soul Extinguishing Sword itself is to condense one's own soul. No matter what the soul source is, it must use mental power to create a shell outside, and this shell is the shape of a sword.

This shell is the seed of the Soul Slayer Sword. This sword is the basis for the attack method of the Soul Slayer Sword, and it is also a kind of protection. If you want to attack Huo Hai’s soul, you must first make this layer of sword gas shell. Just broken.

Especially Huo Hai, a master who cultivates swordsmanship himself, has a very deep understanding of things like swords. The condensed Soul Destroying Sword seeds are likely to have the ability to counterattack. In other words, there will be someone in the future. Dare to use mental abilities to attack Huo Hai, not only is it difficult to injure Huo Hai, on the contrary, it is also easy to be backlashed by the Soul Sword and hurt himself.

"Sure enough, it is a god-level war spirit art. This time I found a treasure." Soon, Huo Hai understood it completely through his star stone wall, but it is a pity that I don't even want to learn it in a short time.

Huo Hai needs a certain amount of time to dissolve the seeds of the soul war spirit art that he originally condensed, before he can start to practice the secret method of the soul extinguishing sword with all his strength. Besides, the soul extinguishing sword is a god-level war spirit art, and it is not easy to cultivate. thing.

After roughly determining the level of this thing, Huo Hai doesn’t feel depressed anymore. It just so happens that this place is very safe, and you can practice well here. With the help of the Heaven Refining Fire, it’s very easy to swallow and absorb the Heaven-Retaining Pill , Huo Hai seized the time to sit down, and began to quickly condense his legal power to improve his realm.

I don't know how long it has passed. When Huo Hai felt that his Heavenly Refining Fire was about to be exhausted, his own breath swelled again. Huo Hai opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy and excitement.

"Finally reached the sixth heaven. With my current strength, the unsatisfactory spiritual saint may not be my opponent even if it is the 9th heaven." Huo Hai's eyes flashed a little, it seems that after going out this time, he himself I can teach those guys a lesson, but now, what Huo Hai wants to do first is not this, but to leave this place.

After entering this palace from Huo Hai, Huo Hai already knew how to get out. Entering here requires Heavenly Refining Fire, but he doesn't need to go out. It's just because the battle outside hasn't ended, so Huo Hai didn't leave.

In the main hall, Huo Hai couldn't sense the situation outside, and he didn't know if he should go out, "Huh, you won't get into the tiger's lair, fight it." Huo Hai gritted his teeth and walked to a special teleportation formation.

Then, Huo Hai blessed Fluttershy and let Fluttershy directly use his talented invisibility ability to completely hide Huo Hai, while Huo Hai himself fully used the Hunyuan Holding Pill technique to suppress his own breath, and then followed After a wave of spatial fluctuations, Huo Hai finally appeared to the outside world again, "Fortunately, fortunately, no one is attacking here."

After observing the surroundings, Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the battle was completely chaotic, and there were battles everywhere, not just for the sake of refining fire from the sky, even the Spirit Sage was also in a melee now.

If it weren’t for these spiritual sages’ cultivation bases are good, and they have backing behind them, and they can form a team, I’m afraid these spiritual sages will not lose too little at this time. At first glance, the surrounding space is shattered. crack.

"It doesn't matter, get the things in your hands first." Huo Hai didn't have time to take care of these people's battles, and quickly landed, taking advantage of other people not paying attention, Huo Hai sneaked into the ground secretly, and now everyone is in the air. In the battle, who will pay attention to what is underground, besides, Huo Hai also hides himself very secretly at this time.

"Unexpectedly, I have collected so many light of the soul. It's a pity, there is not much light of the Holy Spirit, so let's get together when you go out." Huo Hai quickly picked the light of the soul in the spirit formation, but the number is really not there. Meet the requirements.

This is also Huo Hai’s own reason. In order not to be discovered, Huo Hai did not dare to create a large-scale spiritual formation. He could only create a few small spiritual formations at the edge. The Holy Spirit Light that is now collected is also Only less than two hundred.

Although the quality of the light of the soul is not low, Huo Hai feels that it still seems to be so bad. It is not an easy task to achieve a perfect star soul guide. We will talk about it after we go out. The melee here, It's not what Huo Hai wants to participate in. He has too little technical content. Huo Hai lurks secretly underground, slowly approaching some battlefields.

After some spiritual saints died, the corpses were not taken away, so the things were still there. After Huo Hai quietly lurked over, while others were fighting desperately, he secretly took the corpses away.

What makes Huo Hai a pity is that the inner space of these people has been completely shattered. Except for the hardest things that can come out of the inner space and fall to the side, the others have disappeared without a trace. The body of these people has the most Only a few weapons or other things can be found. Most treasures disappear in the turbulence of space.

But this is not bad, anyway, it was all in vain, and Huo Hai was very happy to collect it. Unknowingly, the day passed quickly. Suddenly, Huo Hai felt that the surrounding space became sticky. Up.

"What a strong spirit formation, the ability to control space is so high." Feeling this power, Huo Hai's heart suddenly sighed, but then Huo Hai discovered that he was not the only one who had been recruited. To be precise, All the people were enveloped by the power of space, and then, the surrounding scenery changed for a while, similar to the transmission of space.

When Huo Hai came back to his senses, he found that he was near the original entrance valley, but the current valley was completely closed, and there was no sign of the entrance at all, and the others did the same.

I was inexplicably sent out, among them there were thousands of spiritual masters. I am afraid that no matter who they were, they would be moved in astonishment and shock, but this was only a moment. The next moment, everyone found the people around them. People are not very far away, "Huh, the old man has been looking for you for a long time, let me die." Finally, the first person who couldn't help it started.

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