Evil Insect God

Chapter 1576: Escape the scene

Because the distance was too close, and the formation was completely disrupted, everyone who was still in the fight did not exhaust the anger in their hearts at this time, and suddenly a more chaotic battle broke out.

Many people who are not strong enough, but appear in a bad position, are killed by the attacks from the surrounding immediately, and the wealth left by the dead has attracted more fights. At this time, everyone The battle is no longer for the heavens to refine the fire, but for the robbing of these treasures, and even the previous enmity between each other.

Once the dispute opens, then nothing can be stopped. Even if they know that they are outside the ruins at this time, they know that killing those big forces will cause trouble, but they can no longer stop.

In the air, the red lotus chariot quickly moved far away, but at this time, it was blocked by a thin, black-faced man, "Quack... I have long heard that the blood lotus saint is beautiful and talented, and is the companion of the deity. Just right."

The thin man said aloud, and then he grabbed the position of the car wheel. The maids around him were taken aback, and then a look of anger: "Laughter, dare to talk nonsense." The saint in the Blood God Sect The status is unparalleled, it can be said that the super elders who are second only to the realm of the spirit gods, once they break through to the spirit gods, their status will override them, and their combat power is unparalleled.

Of course, this overriding is just a statement. After truly reaching the realm of the spirit god, the status depends on the individual's strength. The status of the saints is so high because they have a greater chance of breaking through the spirit god.

"Get out of my way." The thin man ignored the maids around him, his hands were claw-like, and he waved vigorously at the surroundings. Then, the four maids who were obstructing the surroundings were beaten out. This is a person from the Spirit Saint Third Heaven. what.

Although these maids are some unsatisfactory spiritual saints, with their combined attack skills, the combat power that can be exerted is also very terrifying. The thin man looked excited and continued to grab the blood lotus saint. At this time, the saint also I couldn't help but shoot, a blood lotus bloomed, intercepted in front of the thin man, and fought with the thin man's claws.

With a muffled "bang", the blood flame lotus was torn apart, but the powerful lethality of the blood flame made this thin man afraid to pick it up, his body quickly retreated, and an evil spirit radiated from his body, resisting the power of the blood flame. .

"It turned out to be a member of the Evil Sect. No wonder it is so arrogant." The Evil Sect is also a semi-hidden top sect, and its strength is comparable to that of the Blood God Sect, but the relationship between the two is not good, and there is much friction between them.

The so-called companions of the people of the evil sect are actually a kind of furnace to help them in their cultivation. The evil sect is very proficient in the art of replenishment. The saints of the partial blood **** sect are the best in all aspects. Since the ancient times, the blood **** sect is one After the saint was abducted by the evil sect, the relationship between the two sects reached a freezing point, as long as they met, it was a struggle, and even endless death.

This time, the master of the Blood God Sect was not there, but the thin man saw a saint of the Blood God Sect. How could he let it go? As long as he could get this woman, then his cultivation level would definitely be able to quickly improve, and reaching the peak of the Spirit Sage would be just around the corner. .

Even if the quality of this saint is good, it is possible to raise oneself all the way to the spiritual god, spiritual god, that is the top master, there are not many in the entire evil sect, and to become the spiritual god, there will be a great sect. The strength to challenge.

"Haha, you can see it, but unfortunately you are not strong enough, let's go with Lao Tzu today." The evil sect and the blood **** sect are hostile to each other, so they are very familiar with their respective methods. The blood lotus saint relies on blood flames. , Has a fighting power far beyond that of ordinary people, but the blood lotus saint is just a master at the pinnacle of the sixth heaven of spiritual saint after all, and this time there is no rush to break through.

This thin man has reached the middle of the seventh heaven. There is a fundamental gap between the strengths of the two. Therefore, the defeat is only a matter of time. The two of them have special identities and strong strength, so no one came to look for them. Their troubles.

When Huo Hai discovered the situation here, the blood lotus saint was already in danger, and a huge blood lotus shadow firmly protected the carriage, and the blood flames kept burning, but this thin man was able to condense a lot of evil. One claw broke the blood lotus open. It seemed that the saint of blood lotus could not last long.

The four maids around, desperately transmitted their power to the blood lotus saint, but they could only maintain it. The blood lotus saint hesitated and didn't know what was entangled. At this moment, the thin man finally waited. I'm impatient.

"Haha, I can also catch a saint. Today is really lucky." Following the thin man's words, an extremely evil spirit quickly condensed, and a pair of big hands in the air were condensed like substance, and struck down with terrifying power.

The blood lotus saint paled in shock, with the blood flame in her hand flickering, she was ready to smash the car wheel she was sitting on, and she was also desperately preparing, but at this moment, a terrifying sword aura flashed from behind. At this point, the silver-purple sword qi gleamed, condensing the terrifying star power, and the sharpness of the sword qi made everyone feel shocked.

The sharpness of the "Bai" sword energy surpassed everyone's imagination. He actually directly pierced a black palm, and then the sword energy continued to advance, piercing the other palm as well. By this time, the sword energy still had not completely dissipated.

The scared thin man quickly backed away, and at the same time emitted a wave of evil spirits, completely offsetting this sword aura, "Who, who would dare to ruin Laozi's things, look for death?" The thin man was shocked, being able to issue such a powerful sword. Angry people are not so easy to deal with. If you add a blood lotus saint, it will be even more troublesome.

Huo Hai flashed from the rear: "Are you looking for me, I should really thank you, I didn't have a chance to return the blood lotus saint woman's favor, but now I can finally pay it back." Huo Hai joked. Look like.

"Ah, it turns out that this person is really a friend of the saint. It's great." Seeing Huo Hai's arrival, the already a little tired maids' eyes were full of excitement and joy, as well as deep doubts, because the first When we first met, Huo Hai's cultivation base was similar to them. Although the combat effectiveness was much stronger, he definitely did not have this level of strength.

But the power of the sword just now was stronger than the strength of his own saint. How could this person's improvement speed be so fast? Didn't it mean that Tian Lianhuo could only help through the bottleneck?

Huo Hai didn't have the mind to care about these things, but stared at the thin man in front of him, with a sword aura all over his body, and ready to do it at any time. Huo Hai's aura was not very strong, and it was not long after he reached the sixth heaven.

In terms of cultivation, it is even worse than the blood lotus saint, but the thin man does not know why, he felt a terrifying threat in Huo Hai's body, this threat is even more victorious than the blood lotus saint, as a spirit The saint master, it feels that it is naturally not comparable to ordinary people, the thin man faintly felt that the combat power of the person in front of him is even stronger than himself.

It must be this kid who hid his cultivation base. The thin man thought so in his heart that it would be very difficult to deal with such a person. If you add a blood lotus saint who is only a little weaker than himself and doesn't know how many methods he has.

Today, I am afraid it is not so easy to succeed, "Boy, remember to the deity that the deity will not let you go." The thin man roared and turned around and left. The evil sect's people can't have any morals.

Huo Hai snorted coldly and ignored him, "Let’s go hurry up, this is not a good place." There was a melee everywhere, and at this time someone was faintly looking at this place. If you continue to stay here Then, maybe it will cause any trouble, the two simply joined forces and rushed towards the periphery, without intending to stay any longer.

The battle continued to unfold, and the battlefield between the spiritual masters and the spiritual sages became larger and larger, and it was no longer known where they were. At this time, the spiritual emperors and spiritual emperors who survived by chance can finally be safer.

They just didn't wait until these people left too far, but suddenly found that many people were waiting for them in the distance, "Look, they are coming out, brothers, don't let them run away."

Many of these people were set up outside at the beginning, or found special people here. These people did not dare to enter the ruins and could only stop here, but the people who came here at this time are more important than those who just came out. A lot more, just resisting a disaster like a natural disaster, and now facing these people, all of them don't look good.

"Damn it, get out of it, there is no treasure in it, I said it, there is only the fire made by the sky, and it will be gone if you use it." It is a pity that these words are destined to be useless, and the people here simply don't believe it.

Most of the people who can come here to stop them are not from a big power. On the contrary, there are more casual cultivators and adventurers. Maybe they didn't know about the ruins here, but later the ruins opened, and the movement was not small.

A large part of the adventurers who found something wrong here came here. As long as there are ruins, it means that there are treasures. The treasures must be in the hands of these people. At this time, no matter what they say, the surrounding People don't believe it, they believe in the benefits they can get, nothing more.

"Kill me, don't listen to their nonsense, they definitely don't want us to get the treasure." The shouts of killing skyrocketed. Although less destructive, but larger in scale and more involved, a battle has broken out.

This kind of thing always happens every time the Heavenly Liandi Palace is opened, and I don't know how many people are going to bury their bones on this piece of land. From the sky to the ground, you can see the masters being torn apart at any time.

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