Evil Insect God

Chapter 1578: Sneak into the Azure Palace

It took several years to consolidate. At this time, Huo Hai's cultivation base hadn't improved much, but his combat effectiveness had increased. I don't know how much. Now, a few years seems to be almost the same as the previous few days.

The concept of time is getting weaker and weaker in the feeling. Huo Hai himself sighs, but it doesn’t matter. This kind of feeling will be experienced sooner or later. He is not bad, and it is even more different when replaced by others. The newly promoted spirits who condensed the light of the soul, have not yet completed their retreat.

There are three main reasons for Huo Hai’s slow improvement in cultivation. The first is that Huo Hai’s previous improvement was too fast, from the triple heaven to the sixth heaven in just three months, and three consecutive levels. , The speed is too fast.

Even at the level of Lingsheng, Huo Hai still feels that this speed makes him too late to feel the changes in his own strength, which is likely to cause some bad effects. Therefore, Huo Hai will deliberately slow down. If he continues to improve so fast, Huo Hai will not Knowing if oneself will cause the same level of combat effectiveness to weaken, this is not worth the gain in Huo Hai's view.

I don’t have a bottleneck. Why waste potential? The second reason is that with the improvement of Huo Hai’s cultivation base, the effect of absorbing the Heaven-retaining Pill is getting worse and worse. Every time the law of condensing, the power of law required becomes more. .

Not only that, but his own Heaven-removing Pill level was not enough. In order to avoid Heavenly Punishment, Huo Hai refined all the Heaven-Receiving Pills equivalent to the first and second-order holy grades, and the strength and purity of the laws contained were not enough.

The third reason is also in the body of the Heaven-removing Pill. With the help of the Heavenly Refining Fire, most of the Heaven-Receiving Pills in Huo Hai’s body have been swallowed clean, and now he has not enough Heaven-Receiving Pills to devour and absorb as much as he can. Come, Huo Hai's cultivation is naturally slow, and when the battle in the Azure Palace is over, Huo Hai plans to collect some materials.

The extra Heavenly Removal Pill, Huo Haitong threw to his own spirit worms to swallow and absorb. After so many years, the spirit worms have also improved very quickly. I have to say that because of Huo Hai’s breakthrough in the realm, the spirit worms’ promotion is indeed Fast enough.

In just a few years, there were no surprises and no dangers, and there were few Heaven-removing Pills that were swallowed. These spirit worms were ascending much faster than Huo Hai. Besides, when the spirit worms used Heaven-removing Pill, they would not be the same as Huo Hai. Use purely wasteful means.

The fastest ascending Little Golden Butterfly and other spirit worms have reached the level of Huo Hai’s cultivation level and reached the sixth heaven of spiritual sage. However, there are many stars, but they have certain defects, so they are only close to the sixth heaven and the distance is still long. It's a little worse. After Huo Hai's research, Huo Hai has discovered that although his Star Gus have been upgraded normally, the original problem was really not small.

The real combat power of the Star Gus, if taken out alone, is similar to those of unsatisfactory spiritual saints. Fortunately, these Star Gus can still easily improve under their own drive. I believe that breaking through the spiritual gods should not be a problem.

Forget it, the realm of the spirit **** is too far away from me, it is not what I can imagine now. Since everything has been prepared properly, Huo Hai is also ready to take action on the Azure Palace, leaving this place of retreat for several years, Huo Hai He sneaked into the vicinity of the Azure Palace, and didn't even need to inquire, because many people knew the location of the Azure Palace.

A very high mountain, the top of the top is completely flattened, and there is a turquoise hall on it. This is the residence of the Tianqing Palace. Among the surrounding mountains, you can see a number of scattered buildings.

Together, these buildings are like imperial palaces that have been enlarged and unknown. These places are where the disciples of Tianqing Palace live. The Tianqing Palace is magnificent, and I have never thought of hiding my existence.

After Huo Hai came to the vicinity of Tianqing Palace, he dressed up a bit, no one could recognize Huo Hai at all. At the same time, Huo Hai did not immediately start, but kept exploring around, feeling the sky from time to time. Sometimes, Huo Hai would secretly study the structure and layout of some spirit formations in the Azure Palace.

After a while, Huo Hai also had a deep understanding of the Azure Palace: "That's it, it seems that the Azure Palace is really the sect of the Ninth Revolution Sacred Sacred Law." After so long investigation, Huo Hai was finally determined.

There are a lot of spiritual masters in the Azure Palace, and Huo Hai doesn’t know whether it is thousands or tens of thousands. The number of such spiritual sages is really scary, but unfortunately, because the cultivation is the Ninth-Rank Broken Saint. Fa, so the combat effectiveness of the Spirit Sage of the Azure Palace is very low. After breaking through the Spirit Sage, many people are already unable to move forward and their potential is completely exhausted.

In the Azure Palace, there are very few masters above the Seventh Heaven. Before Qingyun broke through the seventh heaven, his position in the Azure Palace was not low. From here, you can see that the spiritual saints who came back from the last trip to the underground palace, The status is also very high.

However, Huo Hai discovered that in the Azure Palace, it seems that there are only one or two that have actually reached the Nine Heavens. They rarely appear in normal times, but Huo Hai still found it clearly, "Huh, Nine Heavens, the strength is not very strong. "When Huo Hai finally carefully saw the Nine Heavens Master once, Huo Hai was relieved, the difference between the perfect and the unsatisfied Spirit Saint was too big.

Even if the two unsatisfactory Nine Heavens are added together, I am afraid that they are not their own opponents, and are at most equal to themselves, but the spiritual sage of the Azure Palace is really too much. The power generated by this quantity, think about it. One can imagine.

Huo Hai is sure that if he is surrounded by this group of people, let alone himself, even if he is a truly consummated peak spiritual saint, I am afraid he can only end with hatred. Therefore, to deal with the Azure Palace, the first thing to do The spiritual saints are all resolved.

"This time, it's up to you." A light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes. After the past few years, Huo Hai's three explosive beetles have been engraved with runes on their bodies, and these runes have increased. Below, the power has been raised to an unparalleled level, and now if these self-explosive beetles explode, the power may not be worse than a real nine-layered master.

Huo Hai believed that within the scope of the explosion, no one in the Azure Palace could resist, but Huo Hai still had to make some preparations. Among the spoils, some items that could be used to make scrolls were used by Huo Hai. .

This time it was not used to attack, but to create a large number of special defenses. Huo Hai’s own armor was also thickened with spider silk by Huo Hai. This was prepared to avoid being attacked by a large number of spiritual saints at the same time. .

At the same time, after summarizing his previous experience, Huo Hai also used a large amount of holy-level fierce beast fur to stack up, and then added a large amount of silver wire to create two large shields that can wrap himself up, "With these things , I believe that even if discovered, I should be able to escape smoothly." Huo Hai nodded vigorously, muttering to himself.

Now that everything is ready, the action begins, to destroy the Azure Palace, this is just to vent your anger, but also to eliminate a potential enemy, but Huo Hai's real goal is the inheritance of the Azure Palace.

In fact, it is precisely because these things will definitely offend the Azure Palace, so Huo Hai wants to completely destroy the Azure Palace, even if it can’t be destroyed, he must destroy it, otherwise the Azure Palace will find trouble with his family. Hai didn't believe that the newly developed Sky Star Sect could fight, but for the sake of his family's safety, this risk was worth taking.

After such a long period of research, Huo Hai, the spiritual formation of the Sky Blue Palace, has also understood a lot. The Azure Palace is not a sect known for its spiritual formations. The level of the spiritual formations may not be as good as Huo Hai, otherwise Huo Hai will not Dare to sneak in.

Under the concealment of Xiaodie, coupled with the aura of holding alchemy, Huo Hai cautiously approached the guardian formation of the Azure Palace. Such a great formation, when it is not fully opened in normal times, has limited vigilance.

Huo Hai pinched his fingers and silently calculated the time. After a wisp of breeze blew, the spirit array oscillated slightly. For others, this kind of turbulence would be even more troublesome and disrupt all deployment, but in Huo Hai In his eyes, this was the best opportunity to sneak in silently. With this gust of wind, the power of the spirit array was slightly strengthened.

The spiritual power consumed by itself has also been replenished a lot. The original trajectory has been scattered a lot, but in Huo Hai's perception, he has already felt this gust of wind, and through a lot of calculations, all changes are clear to his heart.

"It's now." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and his entire body shrank by 90% under the operation of his spiritual power. Using his spiritual power to compress his body, all heavenly masters could do this.

However, this method is more painful and has no benefit. Therefore, generally few people will use this ability, and only some spirit beasts and fierce beasts will like to enlarge and shrink their bodies in their own state. The pain at this time was nothing to Huo Hai, and Huo Hai just endured it.

The body shape turned into a stream of light. At the moment when the spirit formation was reorganized, Huo Hai instantly submerged in the spirit formation, "Huh, the second spirit formation? I thought it would be rare to hold me in this way." Array, Huo Hai had already studied it.

After a pause, when the reorganization of the first layer of spirit formation was completed, the second layer of spirit formation also began to reorganize. Huo Hai seized this gap and quickly entered the second layer through the gap before he could feel himself in the first layer. Within the layer spirit formation, when Huo Hai stopped, he had already entered the interior of the Azure Palace. Although the Azure Palace was gorgeous, it was actually not very big.

It occupies a lot of hills, but this kind of hill is nothing at all. I don't know why, the people in Tianqing Palace always think that they are superior, so they don't want to be with low-level disciples, let alone ordinary people.

All the earth-level masters are on the mountain, and all the sky-level masters live in the central halls.

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