Evil Insect God

Chapter 1579: Great harvest

The layout of the Azure Palace is quite special. All ordinary people surround the periphery of the mountains. Some cities and towns have been built outside. The outside is very prosperous, but these people are not seen inside.

In the mountains, the prefecture-level masters live on the top of each mountain peak, the heaven-level masters gather in the central hall, and the other disciples who have not reached the predecessor level live in the surrounding mountains.

The Azure Palace does not value these ordinary disciples, so there is not too strong protection around them. In their view, only after reaching the prefecture level can they be qualified to become true members. There is no difference, perhaps because of this reason, the relationship between ordinary disciples here and ordinary people outside is pretty good.

The real upper-class people are different. They are all aloof and can dominate the life and death of these ordinary people.

Only those hills are protected by powerful formations. The formation covering the entire mountain range that Huo Hai passed just now is not a guardian formation, but a formation used to guard, actually guarding the power. Not very strong.

The strongest defensive ability is to guard the central hall. Those on other hills can resist the attacks of the masters of the spirit emperor realm at most. Ordinary disciples have no protection. Huo Hai looks at the protection of the central hall. The pinnacle spirit saint was unable to forcefully break this spirit formation from the front for a while, it was too strong.

Without going directly to the main hall, Huo Hai sneaked into the other hills first, but after a lap, Huo Hai was disappointed, "Really, there is really nothing good in these places that are not valued."

After wandering around, Huo Hai finally discovered that he still had to look for valuable things in the central hall, "Good defense, it's a pity, the defense is strong, but it can't be used for warning." Huo Hai sneered.

This Tianqing Palace really doesn’t know what’s going on. It actually separates the alert spirit formation from the defensive spirit formation completely. Although after this separation, the individual ability is extremely powerful, but besides its own ability, other abilities are not very good. That way, the defense of this layer of spiritual formation is very terrifying, but it has no alert ability.

Because he didn't have the ability to be vigilant, it was easier for Huo Hai to deal with these things. Don't worry that his movements would be too big, which would cause the reaction of the spiritual formation. Huo Hai carefully studied for a few days and found a way.

On this day, Huo Hai was in a corner and stuck a few coins-like arrays on the barrier of the spirit formation. The barrier of the spirit formation actually looked like an ordinary wall, firmly adsorbing Huo Hai’s Array device.

Silently calculating the time to wait for the timing, when the timing was accurate, Huo Hai immediately integrated spiritual power into the array, a hole slowly appeared, and then slowly zoomed in, Huo Hai smiled, the whole person entered it, and passed through In fact, many spiritual formations are very proficient in the method of causing local damage to large-scale spiritual formations.

It's just to deal with the guardian formation, such a movement will definitely cause turbulence in the guardian formation, so no one will do this, the Azure Palace seems to have forgotten this, only thinking of normal conditions, otherwise how could it be so easy.

After Huo Hai entered, he directly used Fluttershy to control a Heavenly Spirit Saint who had just walked here, "Very well, now take me to the place where the books are collected." Huo Hai transmitted sound, and the person immediately moved towards Go in one direction.

Huo Hai didn’t waste time either. He was walking while still communicating with the controlled person. He got the news he needed from his mouth instead of drawing directly from his mind. That’s because Huo Hai was worried about causing others. Attention, there are many masters here, and no one knows the consequences of abnormal mental power fluctuations.

Along the way, the people they met saluted the controlled people. After all, he is a spiritual saint. The spiritual saint belongs to the top master in Tianqing Palace. Soon, this person brought Huo Hai to a high tower. before.

"Open the door, I want to go in." The visitor whispered. The guards quickly opened a space channel. Huo Hai followed him and quickly entered it. At the same time, this person also faced Huo Hai. Explained.

"The library is divided into two parts, one part can be seen from the outside. There are only ordinary collections below the emperor level. The special emperor level books are not here. There is also an internal space attached to the tower. If there are no such people, the entrance will be opened. , Even Lingsheng couldn’t break in for a while.” Huo Hai nodded, this Tianqing Palace really had an idea.

"There is a master in the library of books hidden inside. This person's strength has reached the Fourth Heaven of the Spiritual Saint. He is the person who needs the most care during this trip." Huo Hai did not speak. It is strange that such an important place is not guarded.

However, the Heavenly Green Palace was able to let a four-tiered spiritual saint here, and it really valued this place. What a pity, this time it was me, not anyone else, and the two quickly entered the inner library.

Although this is a space, the layout is actually exactly the same as the tall tower outside. As soon as entering it, Fluttershy disperses his mental power. Without controlling the guardian here, he just plunges into the illusion. At the same time , The Six-winged Array Butterfly also released its own spiritual array to increase Xiaodie’s mental power.

At this time, the scene that the guardian can see is no longer the scene inside the tower, but a scene constructed by Fluttershy. The combination of reality and illusion is impossible to distinguish, because it is usually Exactly the same.

Huo Hai accelerated the speed, quickly opened the surrounding books and scrolls, and then copied them onto some other paper. Perhaps these copied documents were not as useful as they were originally, and they did not have the will and breath left by the original practitioners, but Just for reference is enough, "The method of melting the wind, advanced hidden skills, this is a profit."

Huo Hai was very satisfied. Not long after he came in, he found a high-level hiding technique. The hiding ability of the Wind Melting Technique is not as powerful as his own pill technique, but it does not have so many restrictions. The breath is completely integrated into the environment. among.

It is not possible to converge all the breath, but it does not prevent you from doing it yourself. If you use the two methods in combination, it should be good. This technique is much more precious than many holy war spirit art.

"The defensive barrier secret method, and these body methods, eh, it is also good for reference..." Huo Hai muttered, and quickly collected and copied the things here. These will be very useful in the future.

"It turns out that here, the Ninth-turn Saint-Breaking Technique, the Wind Rotation Refining Technique, I didn't expect that there are so many exquisites." Huo Hai saw an important place where the Wind Rotation Refining Technique was used, and knew about this trip. The real goal has finally been found. This Wind Rotation Refining and Melting Technique is the real secret method used by the Azure Palace to break the sage. This secret method also requires a very special spiritual formation.

The Azure Palace cultivates the wind attribute, so this secret method is also understood from the wind. Using the entire spirit array, you can communicate the wind attribute laws between heaven and earth, and use the wind of this law to push your own laws to rotate at high speed.

And this kind of rotation can help one's own nine-layer rule aura slowly merge into one, and when it disperses again, the merged rule aura can attach to one's inner world barrier.

Once this step is completed, you can condense and master the power of the law in advance. In this way, an unsatisfactory spiritual saint is born. However, to use the method of breaking the sage, you must have the spiritual sage of the nine heavens. If If the strength is not enough or the strength exceeds the Nine Heavens, neither can it be used, because the Nineth Floor represents a kind of Consummation.

The twelfth heaven represents the peak of one's personal and self-consummation, while the nineth heaven represents the fulfillment of the heaven and the earth, and when it comes to the limit, it is usually the most difficult to break through the nine heavens and enter the tenth heaven.

Huo Hai didn't have this kind of experience, but he could also understand that because the Nine Heavens had already achieved Consummation. Although it was only a Small Consummation, he had the ability to break through. It was only because his strength and essence were not enough that he could not break through.

Therefore, in order to break the sage of the Nine Revolutions, the first thing is to merge the aura of the nine-layer rule with each other. With the help of fusion, the strength and essence of the aura of the rule are enhanced, creating an illusion of accumulation and perfection. It can be said that this is a kind of The method of self-deception, using this method, deceives the aura of one's own laws and the inner world.

Similar to the law of consummation, aura can naturally begin to attach to its own inner world barrier. Everything seems to be no different from a normal breakthrough. Mastering the law, it easily reaches the realm of spiritual sacredness.

However, Huo Hai knew that because there were only nine levels of aura of the law, there were only nine levels of law lines that were conceived by itself. After reaching the nine levels, if you want to make a breakthrough in the mastery of the law, you need to calculate it entirely on your own.

After all, this is a law, not something else. How can humans easily calculate it? Once there is a problem, then death is a normal thing. It is basically impossible to reach the tenth spiritual saint who breaks through with the method of breaking the saint. In the historical record, only a few people seem to be able to break this limit, and none in the eleventh heaven.

Of course, there are also people who want to use the Nine Turns to Break the Holy Spirit to break through the spirit gods, but this can only be imagined. The laws of their own have not been mastered to the degree of consummation, and they have not reached their own limits. How can they break through?

Nine Turns Breaking the God, there is only a little probability of reaching the realm of Spirit God, but since ancient times, no one has been able to succeed. Using this secret method itself is a kind of helplessness, a kind of abandonment of one's own future.

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