Evil Insect God

Chapter 1584: Healing

Not long after Huo Hai left the Tianqing Palace, many people came to the place where the Tianqing Palace was located, but after looking from a distance, they left here one after another. After that, the destruction of the Tianqing Palace spread.

Azure Palace is, anyway, a large sect at the peak of the super-class. It is not something ordinary people can deal with casually. It can be said that there is no master at the realm of spirits, and no one can easily destroy Azure Palace. They can only suffer heavy losses, and even the top sects usually won't go to war with them.

What's more, the principle that Azure Palace has always followed is to bully the soft and fear the tough. As long as they are stronger than their own sect, the Azure Palace will not provoke them, not to mention those who have the spiritual **** realm masters, even if they are similar in strength.

In addition, the strength of the Azure Palace itself is also very strong, so it has always been safe and sound, but who would have thought that this time, the Azure Palace was ruined without making a sound. It seems that the speed of destruction Still very fast.

None of the spiritual masters inside the Azure Palace ran out. Even the Spirit Venerable was basically dead and clean. The entire sect suffered a devastating blow. It can be said that from then on, the Azure Palace was completely finished. Whether the remaining spiritual saints can re-establish a Azure Palace, no one knows this, most of the information has disappeared.

There is no information, no resources, how do they rebuild, even if it’s the Ninth Rank Destroying Method, maybe there is no remaining master who can use it at this time. They have used this secret method, but they have never used it by themselves. of.

Analyzing from the amount of violent violence at the scene, this time it is very likely that there will be a master hand from the Twelfth Heavenly Spiritual Saint, and it seems that there is more than one. Huo Hai doesn't know their analysis, otherwise he will definitely laugh.

This judgment is also because there are too many spiritual sages who died instantly this time. Their spiritual power is blessed into the violent spiritual power flow, which strengthens the intensity of destruction, and therefore creates the illusion that the remaining power is very strong. , Because the remaining spiritual power is too much, so after being dispersed, it is still difficult to tell what happened.

The entire main hall of the Azure Palace disappeared completely, and there were no traces left. In their opinion, unless it was the pinnacle of the spirit, it would be impossible to cause such a result. As for the spirit of God, this is absolutely impossible.

The spiritual masters are not randomly dispatched, and there are very few people who can provoke them. The real place of the spiritual gods is generally only some places in the central area. Besides, the breath left by the spiritual gods is not like this.

Huo Hai didn’t know what was going on here. He was just fleeing here all the way. He didn’t want others to see the situation here. After he didn’t know how far away, Huo Hai finally landed. At this time, Huo Hai’s whole body was already in pain. , If it weren't for the heaven-level master's everything in his inner world, this kind of pain would never be endured by ordinary people.

It's just this kind of pain that can't be suppressed. As for the secret method of blocking pain, Huo Hai has never heard of it. "Unexpectedly, it was hurt so badly." This time, Huo Hai basically asked for it.

If it wasn't for being careless, how could this happen, if it wasn't for the sneak attack on the two top masters of the Azure Palace, how could the explosion be so close to him? This time the injury was basically caused by himself.

After looking inside, Huo Hai smiled bitterly. Since practicing, Huo Hai’s body has not been hurt so badly. Fortunately, he is a master of heaven and the inner world is very strong. As long as there is nothing in the inner world, Then he would definitely not die. Before he changed to the Heavenly rank, Huo Hai had already died of such injuries a long time ago.

Basically, most of the internal organs are missing. I vomited out with vomiting blood before. Even my stomach is now lost by more than half. Fortunately, the pill is not digested by the stomach, otherwise I took it before. None of the medicines will be effective.

The spiritual veins in the body are even more chaotic, basically shattered, and some of them even disappeared. The spiritual veins in the body are broken every inch, and it is really not an easy task to recover. After experiencing the inner world, Huo Hai is finally With a sigh of relief.

The inner world is much stronger than the average master of the same level because of the power of the law. This time it was subjected to such a terrifying explosion, but there was still no problem in the inner world. No cracks occurred. I watched the law lines. Nothing has changed, but the inner world has suffered some shocks and needs to be recuperated.

And the aura of the law needs to recover for a period of time. If you break through rashly, the aura of the law that has been shocked will most likely cause problems with your law pattern, and you will lose out.

If this is the case, then just recover. Huo Hai sits quietly in the same place. The inner world does not require Huo Hai to think of a solution. The power of the world will naturally recover. What Huo Hai has to do at this time is to recover first. Own body.

Huo Hai is still able to mobilize a part of the power of the world. This part is more than enough to restore his body. First of all, the broken internal organs must be cleaned up. Even the head is damaged this time. Huo Hai hadn't found it yet, but later Huo Hai learned that his brain was broken in half.

Fortunately, I now have the light of the soul. As long as there is no problem with the soul, the brain is of no use. When the heart moves, the spiritual power of the whole body starts to operate, and a large number of cracks appear in Huo Hai's body immediately.

Among these cracks, plasma and minced meat are constantly being rejected. These things are some internal organs that are too severely injured to recover, and some of Huo Hai's own congestion, staying on the body, can only hinder his own recovery. .

After these things were rejected, Huo Hai felt a lot easier on his body. A person without most of the internal organs was still alone? Huo Hai felt very strange at this time. Fortunately, at least his body was not there yet. Giving up, Huo Hai took out a bottle of pill, and put it in his hand. This was a pill for restoring his body.

Running the special secret method, there is enough time at this time, and there is no need to swallow the pill directly. As the power of the medicine is continuously absorbed by Huo Hai, a numbing feeling hits my heart, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Huo Haiqiang endured this feeling of wanting to scratch his whole body and tried to absorb the refining medicine. Huo Hai knew that this was because his body was growing. I don't know how long it had passed. Huo Hai's pill had been replaced by three bottles.

When a strand of medicine was absorbed, Huo Hai suddenly felt that uncomfortable feeling relieved a lot. At this time, under internal inspection, the internal organs have basically grown, and most of the other muscles have recovered, as well as his own bone marrow. The brain and others also slowly recovered with this medicine, and the wounds on the surface of the body were finally healed.

The face that had been disfigured had also slowly recovered to the point of intact at this time. Huo Hai opened his eyes and exhaled, finally recovered. He looked at the ground, and he rejected the blood plasma and internal organ fragments.

Because the strength of the body was too high, it remained the same as fresh for such a long time. Huo Hai shook his head and released a ball of flames. After these things burned cleanly, the air in the whole cave was refreshed soon.

"The injury has basically recovered, and the spirit veins have to be recast. Forget it, there is no big problem anyway." The spirit veins in the body are very important before the heavenly level, but not so important after the heavenly level.

However, in any case, you still have to re-adjust it first, otherwise, your own strength will not be able to achieve perfect display. I have done this once before. In the realm of Huo Hai, I need to use these spiritual veins. It was too easy to get through. It only took less than a day for Huo Hai to cast all these spiritual veins.

But at this time, the goal is still not achieved. Whether it is the internal organs or the spiritual veins, they are all new. Perhaps they are not much different from before, but the strength is not enough. This is the real reason why it takes a long time for other people to repair their limbs.

Huo Hai also needs to use his own spiritual power at this time to slowly polish and strengthen his body and spiritual veins, so that they can regain their original strength. Suddenly, Huo Hai's eyes lit up: "Wait, I don't know what the method of body training is. Can’t speed up this process."

It’s not that Huo Hai didn’t have the means of refining the body. He collected so much information, and now that there are things obtained by the Azure Palace, how could he not even have this war spirit art? Thinking of this, Huo Hai recalled what he had obtained before. The method of refining the body, and then referring to the secret method of tempering the body of blood, summarized a relatively rough method of refining the body.

Under the operation of the spiritual power, a very strange feeling hit the heart, and there were traces of pain. Huo Hai was pleased at this time, because he found that this method of refining is really helpful for the recovery of the body. .

The uncomfortable at this time is because the physical body is very fragile at this time, and the quality of my spiritual power is too high, and some are not adapted to it. When the physical strength gradually increases, it will not be so uncomfortable, and it can also improve the use of spiritual power. .

After such a long period of time, the shock of his inner world has basically been adjusted intact. Only the law aura is still not fully restored. This law aura is so fragile before it becomes a law pattern. Huo Hai does not allow his law pattern to appear. Any problem, during this period of time, he didn't even absorb the Heaven-removing Pill.

Time passed day by day, without knowing how long it had passed, Huo Hai's body slowly recovered to its original strength.

Even, because of the operation of the body refining method, Huo Hai’s physical strength at this time is stronger than before. Unfortunately, Huo Hai’s body refining method is too rough, so it is impossible to compare with a real body refining master. .

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