Evil Insect God

Chapter 1585: Collect dragon veins

In a blink of an eye, it took Huo Hai two years just to heal his injuries. During these two years, he had basically done nothing but healed Huo Hai. Fortunately, the injury left no hidden dangers.

After being fully recovered, Huo Hai felt that this time was really worth it. A large super first-class sect was completely destroyed in his own hands, and Huo Hai himself also received a lot of benefits. A large amount of the Azure Palace secret law materials, these are all It is out of print.

There is also the Nine Ranks Destroying Method. This is what I need most. Combined with the normal cultivation secret method, it should be able to quickly increase the strength of the family to a new level. In fact, it does not need to be too strong, as long as it can have the previous sky. The strength of the Green Palace also possessed enough power to protect themselves on the Heavenly Spirit Continent, and only the Spirit God could defeat them.

During the period, Huo Hai also practiced the method of melting wind. With all his strength, Huo Hai can suppress his aura to the level of a spiritual sovereign, and he wants to keep his hands from being affected, and his aura can be suppressed. The extent of the spiritual holy heaven.

Imagine that when a master of Spiritual Saint First Heaven suddenly exploded out of a terrorist attack close to the seventh heaven, ordinary people really couldn't resist it, but at this time, Huo Hai didn't want to stay any longer.

My new goal is those sacred dragon veins. Now that I know how to improve my Nine Dragon Spirit Shadow, and there is only this way to help myself improve in a short time, Huo Hai will naturally not let it go easily, Azure Huo Hai had already read some of the records of the palace. At this time, he still needs to make some preparations first.

"Well, just use this spirit array. It is the best way to seal the dragon veins." If you want to absorb the dragon veins, you can't let the dragon veins move randomly. If you can't seal it, it will be easy for the dragon veins to escape.

Huo Hai did not leave immediately, but while studying some of the previous spirit formations, while refining a pair of formation tools, it took a few months again. After all this was done, Huo Hai walked out of the cave.

The first goal is a huge mountain range. This mountain range is the area where a powerful holy beast is located. This holy beast has a cultivation base that has reached the height of the seventh heaven of the spiritual holy, but it is not in the Azure Palace. People dare to provoke casually.

Fierce beasts are different from humans. Many humans use the method of breaking the sacred sacred beasts. The transformation of spirit beasts is less, but there are still some. But fierce beasts will never use this method. He won't think about this, even if the secret method is thrown in front of them, these fierce beasts will still not cultivate.

Therefore, the true strength of this fierce beast is really the Consummated Spirit Saint Seventh Heaven. Even Huo Hai nowadays can hardly be the opponent of this fierce beast by relying solely on himself. The Star Gus have not fully recovered. Can not be used.

Fortunately, this time Huo Hai didn't intend to confront the fierce beasts head-on, but secretly concealed his own breath, and then sneaked into it from the ground. Huo Hai could clearly feel the underground breath.

"It's a big ground vein, it should be able to form a dragon vein." After Huo Hai judged it, he quietly approached the past.

There are actually a lot of dragon veins, but the number of saint-level dragon veins is much less, and the god-level dragon veins are said to be difficult to find in the Bamen area. They have to be found in the central area, and it is easy to offend the dragons. In short, first find a way to collect the dragon veins, Huo Hai approached cautiously, slowly observed and studied, and continued to calculate.

After a long time, Huo Hai opened his eyes: "Yes, it is a holy dragon vein, which meets my requirements." This dragon vein has not absorbed any impurity breath of the dragon race. It is a very pure dragon vein and cannot be let go.

Huo Hai approached quietly. When he got close to a certain level, he immediately felt the urge to move from the source. Huo Hai suppressed this feeling forcibly, then calculated the different positions of the dragon veins, and quietly blessed the array. The whole process was very quiet. Any fluctuations, not to mention the dragon veins, even the fierce beasts above did not feel it.

After all this was done, Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief, "I am a genius to seal the dragon vein itself with the power of the dragon vein." Huo Hai praised himself and opened his spiritual formation completely.

After the spirit formation was opened, the energy of the earth veins was indeed guided. The dragon veins themselves suddenly gave birth to some silk threads, and then under the guidance of the spirit formations, these silk threads bound the dragon veins themselves. As long as the dragon veins could not exceed their own power, It is absolutely impossible to break free, but how can it be possible to let one's strength exceed one's own.

After Huo Hai entered the ground veins, looking at this golden dragon-shaped ground vein essence, a slight smile flashed in his eyes: "Haha, let me absorb it, rest assured, I will never insult you." Huo Hai said to himself. The language said.

Regardless of whether this dragon vein can be understood or not, Huo Hai put his palm on top of the dragon vein's head, and then a suction force came, and the dragon vein energy began to be continuously swallowed by Huo Hai, and finally entered his own inner world and became A pure force, after a very special tempering trajectory, this force slowly reunited and formed.

When the dragon veins were completely absorbed, a dragon shadow condensed next to Huo Hai's origin. Although it was not big, it was more condensed and real than the previous dragon shadow, and its power was stronger.

Huo Hai took a deep breath and quietly withdrew the spiritual formation, then turned around and left this place, and found an area with no people. Huo Hai began to experiment with the changes that this dragon shadow could bring. With a wave of his hand, his spiritual power was fast. Twisted and condensed, a dragon shadow that looked like a real golden dragon flew out instantly with a terrifying power.

The dragon shadow twisted lightly, and a layer of mask appeared, which could easily trap the enemy in it, even directly strangling it. This is the power of Jiulong's strangulation, and its power is indeed much higher than before, just because there are too few dragon shadows. Attack is not enough.

However, Huo Hai discovered at this time that this dragon shadow has more than just the ability to strangle. After the dragon shadow is released at this time, it can actually have a direct attack power. The dragon shadow rushes forward, the sharp dragon horns and Sharp claws can attack the enemy, but this kind of attack is far worse than the power of strangulation.

In any case, the dragon shadow at this time has a certain dragon instinct. Maybe one day, the dragon shadow he displayed can really be the same as the dragon. Maybe, forget it, let’s not think about these things for now. .

Dragon Shadow's dragon power effect is very good, even if it is a master of the same level, it will lose a part of combat power within a short time after being entangled, but this kind of dragon power cannot be used in superposition with its own dragon power.

After the test, Huo Hai looked at the map and began to find where the next dragon vein was. "I really didn't expect that the first-rate sect in a mere sect also had a holy dragon vein." This is the information of the Azure Palace, and there should be nothing wrong. , Generally speaking, this first-class sect can have a dragon vein. It is actually a holy dragon vein.

Huo Hai cautiously approached the past, and then secretly probed, "It turns out that this is actually the subsidiary sect of the Azure Palace. Unfortunately, after the destruction of the Azure Palace, these sects now have problems with self-protection."

Huo Hai took a closer look and understood what was going on with this sect. This dragon vein was arrested by the Azure Palace in the first place. It has only been more than two years and it seems to be close to the master.

At this time, many people are still talking about the Azure Palace. The Azure Palace was completely destroyed two years ago. Only a few masters outside escaped the disaster. Unfortunately, the Azure Palace has not been established. Huo Hai also inquired , There are so many spiritual saints who are still thinking about rebuilding the Azure Palace. At this time, they are recruiting people to gather the former remnants.

But at the same time, Huo Hai also inquired that some former enemies of the Azure Palace were plotting against these guys, and they seemed to be ready to do anything at any time because they were preparing to break away from the control of the Azure Palace.

When the Tianqing Palace is cleaned up, they may become independent, or they may join other sects to become affiliates. This is the southeast area. It is best to become affiliates of the giant wooden gate. These things have nothing to do with Huo Hai. .

Now that it has been determined that there is a Saint-level dragon vein here, Huo Hai is not welcome. There is no Saint-level master in the entire sect. It is too easy for Huo Hai to sneak into it. With their own seal, Huo Hai does not even need to seal the dragon vein. , As long as they control their spirit formations, and soon, Huo Hai penetrated into the veins of this sect.

The spirit array of the Azure Palace couldn't resist his own control, let alone the once affiliated sect. Huo Hai carefully controlled the spirit array around it, and then began to devour the dragon veins, everything went very smoothly.

When Huo Hai left, he already had a second dragon shadow in his body. With the increase in the number of dragon shadows, Huo Hai's own combat effectiveness was also constantly improving, and the law of dragons that had been condensed from the source was also rising.

With the help of the power of this law, the aura of the laws around Huohai's inner world finally stabilized, and after careful investigation, it was found that the auras of these laws had returned to their peak state, and Huo Hai began to continue after nothing was wrong. To swallow the Heaven-removing Pill and improve his own cultivation base, there is still a period of busy work before the seventh heaven.

"Here, it seems that we are about to reach Mishen Valley, just so, try it out." Huo Hai looked at the map and found that he had come to a familiar place, Mishen Valley, where he accepted Li Fan's apprentice.

There is a large cloud of addiction here, and now that I have come here, it's just an experiment.

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