Evil Insect God

Chapter 1587: Are all out

The sky thunder was arrayed, and a heavenly punishment with the power of heaven and earth broke through the clouds and fell straight down from the sky, but such a powerful sky thunder was suddenly blocked by a barrier in mid-air, and the barrier just splashed. Circling ripples.

"The intensity of the punishment has reached this level, and it seems that we should leave here." Seeing that the barrier had a problem, Huo Hai knew that the limit was reached at this time. If he continued to refine the pill and seize the source of heaven and earth, Then I am afraid that it will not take long for the origin of heaven and earth to launch a counterattack, and the counterattack of the origin of heaven and earth is not something Huo Hai can bear.

Not to mention Huo Hai, even if it is a spirit god, once it is stared at by the source of heaven and earth, it may not be so easy to hide. Although the spirit **** wants to step away from the source of heaven and earth, it also depends on the individual's strength.

The low-level spirit gods couldn’t resist even the punishment of the origin of heaven and earth. He packed up the things in his hands and quickly gathered the base of the spirit formation. Huo Hai left this place. Since returning to the eastern region, it has passed. Two years.

In the past two years, Huo Hai basically didn’t do anything else. Except for devouring a heaven-removing pill every few days, the rest of the time was spent refining the heaven-removing pill. Now Huo Hai is fully refining it. The Heaven-removing Pill, even if it is absorbed now, it can also allow Huo Hai to condense a little rule, but now the time required to rest after the absorption of these Heaven-removing Pills has become longer.

In any case, this can also allow him to practice quickly. After two years of cultivation, Huo Hai has taken a big step forward on the road to the sixth heaven. If this continues, I am afraid that he will reach the seventh heaven in a few years.

"It's time to go back." Looking at the hand, at this time, nearly half of the materials in the hand are still refined into Heaven-removing Pill. If you use it alone, you can use dozens of them. Years may be enough.

It's just that after a few decades, Huo Hai doesn't know whether these Heaven-removing Pills will be useful to him. When there is time, he can come out to refine the pill again, "I don't know if they have all gone out." Huo Hai shakes Shaking his head, he was ready to go home. When he came back earlier, Huo Hai once went home to see it, but no one left.

Now, when I go back and take a look, Huo Hai also wants to find a relatively quiet place to sort out the income during this period of time, because the cultivation base has been improved too fast, and the spiritual formation and other aspects are almost unable to keep up with his cultivation base.

The newly condensed Star Soul Guide also needs to continuously depict the spirit formations in it, as well as some of its own other spirit war arts, which need to be pondered for a long time to fully exert its power, instead of just using it.

Less than a day later, Huo Hai returned to the Huo’s house. This time when he came back, Huo Hai did not attract anyone’s attention. Perhaps the people here didn’t even know that he had been out in the past few years, and felt it from a distance. Huo Hai nodded in satisfaction, Xiaokui's strength had already improved a lot, and at this time he had reached the Third Heaven of Lingzun, and he was about to break through.

Give Xiaokui some venerable Pills, and then Huo Hai has played with Xiaokui for a few days before Huo Hai sinks his mind. At the same time, he is also studying the use of some spirit insects, the last time the blew beetle, but Let Huo Hai taste the sweetness.

With such an attack method far exceeding one's own strength, it is like an ordinary person owns a pistol. The help is really great, but it is a pity that Huo Hai can only see the spirit insects and beasts that can have such a great effect. There was only one kind of self-explosive beetle. Now the number of self-explosive beetles is too small, and Huo Hai can't easily enter the central area, so there is no way.

Time slowly passed, and a month after Huo Hai came back, a cold and burning breath rose.

"Bing Yan's breath seems to have been completely controlled, it is really powerful Bing Yan, able to condense the light of his own soul in such a short time, yes, really good." Huo Hai nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Huo Hai flew towards the retreat. This breath was very dim. If it weren't for Huo Hai's strong perception, he really couldn't feel it. For example, Xiaokui would not have noticed the vision here.

It didn’t take long for the breath to recede. A woman in white clothes and a cold face slowly walked out of the cave entrance. The moment she saw Huo Hai, the coldness on her face melted, "Hai, you can see it as soon as you come out. You are so good." Fang Biya said as she soared into the air, threw her head into Huo Hai's arms, feeling the warmth of the moment.

Even though he has reached the realm of Spiritual Venerable, even though time has left no trace in his heart, but has not seen Huo Hai for a while, Fang Biya still misses in his heart. How can he be unhappy to see Huo Hai the first time It.

"Okay, okay, the days to come will be long, and you will finally break through to the heavenly level. From now on we can be together forever." Huo Hai smiled slightly, his arm tightened harder, bringing Fang Biya closer. Yourself.

Fang Biya nodded: "Well, I have always believed you can do it." After a pause, Fang Biya suddenly lowered her voice: "Oh Hai, I am now at the heavenly level. We, we should have one Have a baby."

Fang Biya's face was flushed, and she was buried in Huo Hai’s arms. The couple was married for so many years, but Fang Biya was still very embarrassed when talking about this. Huo Hai used to break through too fast, and only after the breakthrough It was found that something was wrong. Heaven-level beings were different from ordinary beings. It was not impossible to have the next generation, but the possibility was too small.

Now that he has broken through, Fang Biya's desire for so many years has also recollected that among the spiritual masters, they are considered very young people, but in the Huo family, they are definitely considered elders.

Huo Hai nodded: "Bi Ya, since you want to, then I naturally agree for your husband, let's go, let's go work hard today." Huo Hai hugged Fang Bi Ya, his figure flashed. , Has disappeared at the entrance of the cave. In the next few days, the two of them barely left home, and even Xiao Kui didn't know what they were doing.

However, a few days later, another breath rose into the sky, and Huo Hai walked out of his room again, "It's Yun'er. With Yun'er's talent, it must be lazy to be so late for so many days."

Huo Hai murmured, and then took Fang Biya to fly towards the cave. This cave, but Huo Hai specially used the spirit array to deal with, the place specially used by the Huo family masters to retreat. Sure enough, this time condensed the soul. Yuner is the only one who succeeds.

In the next period of time, after Yun'er, Ji Mu and others also condensed the light of their own souls, truly became a spiritual master, became a spiritual master, and since then they have completely separated from the mortal level. In the eyes of mortals, even if a heaven-level master is called a god, it is the same in the heavenly spirit realm.

With the birth of one by one, the children of the Huo family became more and more happy. The more masters exist, the safer the family. At this time, the people of the Huo family and Huomen are more and more in the Star Sect. Keep your head high.

As for whether something bad has happened, this has nothing to do with Huo Hai. Which power does not have such a person? Even if it is his own family, it should be the same. Forget it, as long as the family is safe anyway.

It is a pity that after Feng Jiaojiao’s last successful cohesion, the three of Huo Feng remained silent. Huo Hai also knew the reason. Huo Feng and others were forcibly promoted to this level by Huo Hai. The foundation is very poor. , If it wasn't for Huo Hai's cultivation base to be too terrifying, it would definitely not be possible to replace it with someone else.

Even now, it is not an easy task for the three of Huo Feng to condense the light of the soul. If it weren't for Huo Hai's understanding of the light of the soul, he also gave them some insights and absorption of the light of the soul.

Huo Hai even doubted whether Huo Feng and others could successfully transform their souls in this life. Even if they have eternal life, they will eventually dissipate in the long river of time under the scouring of the years.

"After reaching the venerable level, the fastest way to improve your cultivation level is to adapt and improve your own laws and spiritual growth through a lot of battles, and then to cooperate with the Heaven-retaining Pill I gave you. Using the best method, if you encounter a bottleneck, through a lot of battles, you can also help get through."

Huo Hai hesitated a bit. He didn't know if it was really good to say that. It is not enough to just learn from each other. It is a very dangerous road to speed up the speed through battle, just like himself.

But Huo Hai also thought about it, as long as they bring more things to protect themselves, usually fight against the beasts, avoid those big forces, especially the people in the eight sects, and there should be no problems. .

"Then what should we do now." Fang Biya looked at Huo Hai dimly, and asked in a low voice. This time and Huo Hai's efforts made Fang Biya feel softer. More bright and attractive.

Huo Hai coughed: "Ahem, you just need to learn from each other for the time being. By the way, you can wait a few days. I will rearrange the family's spiritual formation. The current spiritual formation can't resist the power generated by your discussion. ." The current spirit formation was created by Huo Hai when he was a low-level Spiritual Venerable, and could not resist the strength of the high-level Spiritual Venerable for a long time.

Now that Huo Hai has reached the spiritual sage, he wants to redesign the spiritual formation here. There is no problem at all. Now he comes back in a hurry. Forgetting this, it doesn't matter when I think of it now.

It is not a matter of a day or two to design a spiritual formation. Huo Hai intends to temporarily establish a martial arts field for Fang Biya and the others to temporarily use for training. The overall spiritual formation on the periphery still needs a period of planning.

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