Evil Insect God

Chapter 1588: Follow-up planning

In the newly established martial arts arena, Fang Biya and a group of experts who have just entered the realm of spirits are discussing with each other, and the defensive spirit formation made by Huo Hai can fully let them perform without worrying about accidental injury.

Coupled with the special soft armor Huo Hai gave them, it was guaranteed that they would not be injured even if they were attacked. Therefore, everyone who was able to completely let go of their hands and feet could adapt very quickly. In a short period of time, not only did all their strength Fully adapted, and at the same time, his own cultivation level has also been slowly improved. In the initial stage, it is not so easy to encounter bottlenecks.

With the help of the Heaven-removing Pill, I believe that it will not take long for everyone's cultivation to be steadily improved. If Huo Feng and others want to improve, I am afraid they can only rely on a large amount of external force, and no one can change this.

After this period of time, Huo Hai also re-planned the whole spirit formation, and then refined some suitable formations, and roughly transformed the entire spirit formation of the Huo family. At this time, the defensive ability of the spirit formation of the Huo family Very powerful.

According to Huo Hai’s own judgment, the defense of this spirit formation alone is no longer weaker than the original defense of the Azure Palace. Besides, this is a comprehensive spirit formation, besides defense, it also has various other functions. It is a real With the protection of a complete spiritual formation, I believe that under normal circumstances, even the peak of the spiritual sage will not break through for a while.

"Yes, everyone has a good grasp. Now I have something to give to you." Huo Hai waved his hand and stopped everyone. Around him, Huo Hai and others' disciples also turned their attention to this side. .

Speaking of it, Huo Hai has always had things that rarely come back, but Huo Hai's disciples have been in contact with Fang Biya and others for a longer time.

Huo Hai waved his hand and took out a cloud of emerald green light, "This is a tree spirit, I got it when I hunted down a holy giant tree, Yuner, this thing is for you, I don't know how to use it, yes. , There is also this tree heart. I didn't give it to you because you already have one. You can do whatever you want with this tree heart." Huo Hai handed it over.

Yuner took it in his hand happily, and then began to study the usage of this thing. This thing had a strong natural aura and was very close to himself. Just holding it in his hand was also very useful for Yuner.

Huo Hai then took out something: "This is the soul fixation orb, which was found from Fan'er's hometown. Putting it on the body will help to clear the mind and calm the mind, and it can also help speed up the perception of the law and breath." The beads were taken out.

I didn’t take it out before. It’s because before breaking through the Spirit Venerable, the effect of this thing was too small, but it was too precious in itself. Now it’s best to put it on the body. Just one is enough, more is useless." Huo Hai immediately reminded him when someone seemed to want to choose a few more.

"Humph, of course we know." Feng Jiaojiao muttered dissatisfiedly, and then looked at the two soul-fixing orbs she held in her hands and was very entangled. Not to mention the role of this thing, it is indeed very beautiful in itself, and its attraction to women is not small. .

Huo Hai shook his head, and once again took out a red sphere, "Bi Ya, this thing is a fragment of the law of flame, this thing can help accelerate the comprehension of the law of flame, even the spirit gods have a certain effect, you can be sure To put it away, ordinary people, don't let them see it." The people in front of them are reliable people.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not let people come in contact with it." Fang Biya said to Huo Hai firmly.

Huo Hai shook his head: "It's not that people can't be touched, but that people can't be touched casually. Our own people, as long as we cultivate the flame attribute, can use this thing to improve." This thing, Huo Hai is not just used. Collection.

Fang Biya’s ice flame and the star fire that Feng Jiaojiao herself majored in are all types of flame attributes. It is best to use the flame law fragments to improve it. This was originally brought back to them for use. of.

"By the way, you have to remember that the law of flame contained in this thing is the law of the origin of heaven and earth itself, so when you understand the law of flame, don't copy it, you can only refer to it." This is to those disciples, Fang Bi Ya and others have reached the realm of Spiritual Sovereign, and the road can be said to have a way forward, and it will not be affected so easily.

But other people are different. Once they are affected, they can easily move forward according to the law of flame between heaven and earth. That way, they will easily become a pseudo-spiritual, and also a pseudo-spiritual with a fire attribute. It is very difficult to go further.

Seeing the people around him nodding vigorously, Huo Hai was satisfied, "Yes, there is this thing, now I can give it to you, Mu'er, take this spar and build a weapon." Huo Hai took out a spar.

"Ah, this, this is not from the Space King..." When Ji Mu saw this spar, he immediately recognized it. This thing is the crystal nucleus of the Space King insect. The body of the Space King insect has been destroyed by Huo. The sea made a spirit formation to communicate with the heavenly soul domain, but this crystal core has not been used, but placed in Huo Hai's hands.

If this thing is used as a source spirit spirit treasure, it is definitely the highest grade of the sky level, and it is also a spatial attribute, but after waiting for the sky spirit domain, Huo Hai discovered that there are so many heavenly source spirit spirit treasures.

In that case, the biggest role of this space crystal nucleus is not to absorb it, but to refine weapons. As long as it is slightly processed, and some special materials are used for refining, it can become a holy-level artifact.

"My current refining ability is still in the past. You think about what kind of weapon you want to make, and then I will help you refining it." Among the entire family, only Huo Hai is qualified to make holy artifact embryos. One, it's a pity that Huo Hai's ability at this time is not enough. If you want to reach the level of refining holy artifacts, I am afraid that you need to exercise during this time.

It just so happened that Huo Hai could also temper a large amount of materials in his home and make some weapons for later use. These people in the province looked at so many precious materials all day long, but no one could use it.

"Siyu, this is yours, the level may be a little worse, but it is just suitable for you." Huo Hai was a little helpless. Treasures with sonic capabilities are rare in the first place, and sonic treasures that fit the spirit are even rarer.

Huo Hai is still the spoils obtained from other spirits. It looks like a large bluestone, but Huo Hai knows that this thing is definitely not as simple as a stone. "This is not bad for making a piano. You want to make it. What it looks like, tell me at that time." Huo Hai didn't have much research on making pianos.

Fortunately, it is easier to make a piano than to make a weapon, but the rhythm is more difficult to adjust. Qu Siyu looked at the stone and nodded vigorously. His eyes were moved. Her husband did not forget herself.

"By the way, I also have the pill recipes of Qi Tempering Pill and Heaven-removing Pill. You all know that, Jiaojiao, don’t try to refine Heaven-removing Pill before you reach the tenth heaven. This is not It's so easy to refine, you already know some of the problems that need attention of the Heaven-removing Pill, so I won't say more." Huo Hai handed the two pill prescriptions to Feng Jiaojiao.

"As for this Qi Tempering Pill, this is a rare good thing among the nobles. The Qi Tempering Pill can condense the spiritual power of the spiritual masters and make the spiritual power more pure. From now on, this pill will be given to you. ."

Feng Jiaojiao patted her chest vigorously: "Don't worry, your husband, Jiaojiao must master the refining of Qi Tempering Pill. I don't know if your husband will have any rewards." Feng Jiaojiao is still the most sticky person.

Huo Hai gave a white glance: "I will give you what you want at that time." This Qi Tempering Pill is indeed more precious. If Feng Jiaojiao can master it, then only Qi Tempering Pill can be used for Huo. The family guarantees a certain status, and even if this pill is sold abroad, there may be some unexpected benefits.

"This is what you said, everyone has heard it." Feng Jiaojiao seemed very interested in Huo Hai's guarantee.

Huo Hai shook his head: "Okay, don't be stunned. By the way, I also have a nine-turn saint-breaking method here, called Fengxuan Refining and Melting, which is the secret method of Tianqing Palace. Save Ya, and just leave it to Grandpa then."

Huo Hai didn’t know if he would encounter other emergencies, so he had to take things out first, “You have to remember that your foundation is very good, and don’t try to practice the Nine Stages of Sacred Destruction. Once something has been cultivated, it will be the limit if it reaches the Ninth Heaven of the Spiritual Saint, and it will be difficult to have a chance to improve in the future, so remember."

This matter must be made clear. What Huo Hai is most worried about is that his disciples could not bear the temptation and took such a shortcut, so he warned these people cautiously, and the people around him immediately used his force when he heard this. Nodded.

The reason why he didn’t directly hand it over to the Sky Star Sect was due to his own considerations. Huo Feng was not keen on family matters or even understood very much, but Huo Hai also knew how precious this thing was. It is natural for the high-level negotiations of the Sky Star Sect to obtain some benefits. Anyway, it will not be used in a short time.

The strongest sect master of the Sky Star Sect is only the fifth heaven. It is far from the foundation of the nine-turn saint-breaking method, the nine heavens. If you want to use this wind refining technique, you don’t know how to use it. How many years later.

After explaining these things, Huo Hai once again began to transform the spirit array here. The spirit array has been roughly constructed, but there are still some details that have not been processed. These details must be fully processed, so I don’t know how long it will take. Time is up, and there are materials for the small bones to make new skeletons, which also need Huo Hai to find a way to collect.

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