Evil Insect God

Chapter 1589: Waves again

In a blink of an eye, Huo Hai has no idea how long he has lived at home. After careful calculation, it seems that several years have passed since he returned home. These years have been the easiest years for Huo Hai.

It’s a pity that until now, Fang Biya and others’ wishes have not been fulfilled. Although everyone is a master of heaven, Huo Hai has forgotten one thing, that is, the higher the level of life, the more difficult it is to keep offspring. .

I didn’t see the other masters, most of the offspring were left before breaking through the sky level. After breaking through the sky level, it is not easy to keep offspring. Huo Hai and others have worked very hard, but there is still no movement. Every time he saw Fang Biya and the others' resentful eyes, Huo Hai felt as if he had committed a crime, and his heart was really helpless.

In addition to this matter, Huo Hai’s progress in other areas is very smooth. The spirit formation has been completely transformed and its power is very huge. Huo Hai’s own war spirit art has basically condensed the seeds to keep up. Lost myself.

Especially Huo Hai’s sword species, finally burst out with brilliance once again, Huo Hai’s own alchemy skills have improved a lot, some time ago, Ji Mu’s long whip and Qu Siyu’s piano Refining is complete.

Even with the fact that other people need weapons, Huo Hai has also refined a set. There are a large number of noble and even saint-level materials in the home. They could only be kept at home and no one can use them. Now Huo Hai will also have a large part of them. After refining it for a while, it becomes a weapon. These things can be used by people in the family after they have a certain level of cultivation.

Of course, these artifacts cannot be polished with the power of law until they reach the realm of the spirits, so they can only maintain the status of the artifacts. It seems that it will take a long time to use them.

Some time ago, Huo Feng and others finally broke through and became the real spirits. Huo Hai checked carefully and found that the light of the soul was indeed condensed, but at this time Huo Feng and others still need to continue to retreat. They were forced by Huo Hai before. Ascension leads to serious physical damage, I am afraid it will take several years to slowly recover the body.

And because of the exhaustion of their potential, relying on them, I am afraid it is difficult to improve their cultivation level. Even if they fight with themselves through a large number of Heaven-removing Pills, but also because of their own large number of powerful bottlenecks, they will only be unable to do anything in the future.

It can be said that even if there is a method of breaking the sage of the Nine Ranks, it is not an easy task to break through. Huo Hai can only help Huo Feng and others to forcibly upgrade and reach the Spiritual Sovereign after the cultivation base improves in the future. The realm of Nine Heavens.

Afterwards, they can use the method of breaking the sage with the Nine Ranks, perhaps they can take advantage of the convenience brought by this secret method to slowly ascend to the Ninth Heaven of the Spiritual Sage. Huo Hai knows that even if he forcibly increases their strength to the 12th Spiritual Sovereign Great heaven, but after that, I can't help anymore. I can only rely on myself to master the law, and no one can help get through the bottleneck.

The bottleneck after the spiritual sage realm is an obstacle to the comprehension of the law itself, which cannot be solved by external force. Without the use of the nine-turn saint breaking method, with their foundation, you will never want to break through to the spiritual sage realm in this life. Up.

But it’s okay. Even the unsatisfactory Spirit Saint Nineth Heaven still has the power to protect itself in the Heavenly Spirit Continent. I believe that with my own strength and the future achievements of Fang Biya and others, it is still nothing to protect Huo Feng and others. questionable.

After several years of practice, Huo Hai has condensed the law to the end. It can be said that there is only one step away from the Seventh Heaven. Although the speed of this quiet practice cannot be too fast, it is very stable and has no bottleneck. , The speed of cultivation is so fast, Huo Hai's ascension speed in the realm of Spiritual Sage is simply faster than that of others in the realm of Spiritual Sage.

On this day, several figures appeared in the distance. If Huo Hai were here, he would definitely find that two of them were Zhang Yan and Mo Kong, two of whom came from the Heavenly Soul Sect and later joined the Lingxian Gate. A generation of masters.

"Is this the eastern region? Really, the environment is really bad." In front, a figure like a young man looked at the surrounding environment with a look of disgust. These people are all spirit bodies, but after they have cultivated to a certain degree Many sects in the northwest region are like those who gave up their bodies and turned to condense their spirits.

"Yeah, it's really not suitable for us spiritual bodies to practice. Young Master Yuan is here, naturally it is impossible for the environment here." Zhang Yan said calmly, Yuan Feng, the son of the Sect Master of the Yuan Spirit Sect.

Yuan Lingzong is a superb sect in the northwest region with very powerful strength, and Yuanfeng, the son of the sect master, is also the most promising son of the sect master. Up to now, it has reached the level of the peak of the spiritual body. , So the offspring are all left before the spirit body is condensed. Once the spirit body is condensed, there will be no offspring.

The Sect Master of the Yuan Ling Sect also values ​​his son very seriously and regards him as a candidate for the next Sect Master. Even though these Heavenly Masters have unlimited lifespan, they are not sure whether they will have accidents, so it is very normal to set a successor of.

As for Zhang Yan and Mo Kong, these two people have worked hard in recent years, and they also have a certain chance, so now they have reached the level of the peak of the spirits. Speaking of which, their luck is really good.

If it weren’t for an accident, the two of them had discovered the reincarnation of a spiritual saint master and tried their best to capture it. There is no current cultivation base, because it is a spiritual body, so as long as they absorb the light of the soul, they can quickly improve. , It’s just that after reaching the peak state, it is not easy for two people to break through.

The spiritual body can absorb the soul and break through quickly, but the breakthrough of the big realm is always slower than those of the masters with the body, and it is not even a little bit slower, even if there is enough spiritual light for two people to swallow it, it will take a short time. Unable to break through.

I am afraid that there are not thousands or even tens of thousands of years. The two people don’t need to think about it. Both of them were born in the Lingxian Sect. The Lingxian Sect belongs to the leader of the northwest region. The two themselves do not have high status in the sect. , But in front of the son of Yuan Lingzong's suzerain, the two people still don't need to be too respectful. On the contrary, these people have similar status and good relationship.

"Is this the place where you stayed before? I heard that you were cleaned up the last time you were here. Let's go and see who is so courageous and what is their strength."

Suddenly, Yuanfeng said to Zhang Yan and Mo Kong. Zhang Yan and Mo Kong's expressions changed, and they were a little embarrassed. I didn’t know how this matter was spread. At this time, this matter has already Let them be laughed at for a long time.

If it weren’t for the two people who didn’t want others to intervene to help, they always wanted to use their own strength to avenge, and would not wait for such a long time. Now their strength has improved, and they have just had the opportunity to leave the sect and return to the eastern region. I didn't want to miss this opportunity, but at this time, Yuanfeng actually raised it up, and the two were also a little annoyed.

Afterwards, Zhang Yan suddenly laughed: "Haha, it's just a clown. Since Master Yuan wants to see it, then go and see it. As long as Master Yuan goes out, these clowns are nothing."

Zhang Yan gave Mo Kong a wink, and Mo Kong nodded and praised him quickly. Even Yuan Feng felt a flutter for a while to be praised by these two people, which was really exciting.

In the eyes of Zhang Yan and Mo Kong, some pride also flashed. These years, they have paid great attention to the Sky Star Sect. Others don't know, but how could they not know that Huo Hai is a member of the Sky Star Sect. , It's just that the two want to avenge themselves, so they haven't exposed this matter all the time, only they know it.

What happened to Huo Hai during this time, the two of them are also aware of. Huo Hai had the strength to fight against the peak of the Spiritual Venerable many years ago, although he has not heard of Huo Hai in recent years. news.

However, they thought that Huo Hai must have improved over the years. Maybe the two of them together might not be able to destroy the Sky Star Sect. Otherwise, Yuan Feng would not be brought here with him.

Now that Yuanfeng wants to do something, the two of them are naturally very happy. The two of them came from the Lingxian Sect, but they have no foundation. Unless the two of them die, the Lingxian Sect will not give them two heads. But Yuanfeng is different. On the surface, it seems that everyone's status is similar, and it is impossible for two people to bow down too much in front of Yuanfeng.

But in fact, both of them knew that Yuanfeng was the heir of Yuanlingzong's lord, and Yuanlingzong's control over the sect was very high. If Tianxingzong offended Yuanfeng, the consequences would be different.

Yuan Feng is likely to find a master of Lingsheng, once Lingsheng starts, no matter how much Huo Hai struggles, it won't help. This time they come here for a purpose, and the master of Lingsheng will be ready to come at any time.

Under the guidance of the two, the group quickly came to the edge, which is where the Sky Star Sect is now. , What powerful master can exist.” Looking at the sect of the Sky Star Sect and feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Yuan Feng looked disdainful.

Zhang Yan said quickly: "Young Master Yuan, don't underestimate the Sky Star Sect. Although their strength is not very good, there is a master in their sect. I don't know if they are still here."

"A master? That's great. The young master likes the master the most. Let's bring this master out. I want to see what the master is capable of, so that the two of you can only run away."

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