Evil Insect God

Chapter 1594: Lingjing Fruit

After discovering that Huo Hai had arrived, Zhang Yan and Mo Kong looked at each other and quickly communicated with their eyes, but they said nothing. . . This point, even the other masters of Lingxianmen did not notice.

This was the first time Huo Hai encountered this very special regional situation. The more I watched, the more strange Huo Hai felt. "It seems to be the product of the materialization of soul power. Nature is truly amazing."

Huo Hai felt everything here, and found that everything here is the same, even an ordinary stone, with a strong soul. It's not that the soul is fused into the stone, or that the stone is essentially formed by the soul. But Huo Hai didn't find any difference in this.

Forget it, I can't see it anyway, this time Huo Hai came here for the spirit crystal fruit. The so-called spirit crystal fruit is a very special fruit produced in this secret realm. Huo Hai also got it from Yuanfeng's mind.

There are actually two kinds of this spirit crystal fruit. One of them is transparent, like a crystal. This one can greatly enhance the strength of the spirit body and soul, and can continuously improve the spiritual power, which is of great benefit to the spiritual body cultivation.

Even this kind of fruit can help the spirit body break through certain bottlenecks and help the spirit body continuously improve its own cultivation level. For the spirit body, it has the same effect as the original Tian Lianhuo. It's just a pity that the bottleneck of the spirit body is not the same as the bottleneck of the normal creature itself. Even after the Spiritual Saint realm, everyone's bottleneck stems from the mastery of the law.

The spirit body doesn't know why, it has undergone a kind of abnormality, which is completely different from normal creatures. Even between humans and spirit beasts and fierce beasts, the actual bottleneck difference is not as great as that between spirit bodies.

This ability to break through the bottleneck mostly has no effect on ordinary creatures. Huo Hai's purpose here is not this, but another kind of spirit crystal fruit. This kind of spirit crystal fruit is the companion fruit of the previous kind.

After condensing a large amount of soul power, this kind of spirit crystal fruit seems to have undergone mutation, or it may be a reverse development after reaching the extreme. The mutant spirit crystal fruit is turquoise, like a green gem. This kind of spirit crystal fruit has a strong breath of life, but this kind of breath has a strong corrosive effect on the soul.

In Yuan Feng's mind, the real effect of this green spirit crystal fruit was actually to temper his existing law power and make the law power more stable. This effect, in Huo Hai's view, is similar to the subsidiary effect of Tian Lian Huo.

But this kind of ability can also burn the soul, so the spirit body uses this thing, before it can stabilize its own laws, its own soul will suffer huge damage. For the spirit body, this kind of spirit crystal fruit is like the strongest poison.

Therefore, the spirit body would never touch this kind of thing, and this was what Huo Hai was looking for. In Huo Hai's calculation, the soul of the spirit body is probably eroded by this power because it has no body protection. Since this kind of spirit crystal fruit contains a lot of life power, it is only good for the body, and it can't be the slightest harm.

Maybe if there is ** blocking, it won't hurt my soul. If this is the case, then this kind of spirit crystal fruit is entirely possible to raise one's cultivation base to a new level in a short time.

Huo Hai was flying in the air while looking down. Many of the big trees here are carved out of a mold. It's not that they are the same species, but that these big trees look almost the same. Huo Hai even saw several big trees. They were all the same, with no difference at all. This was not a characteristic that normal creatures could grow.

But in this strange secret realm, Huo Hai didn't care. When Huo Hai experimented, he also discovered that his Soul Destruction Sword could cause damage equivalent to sword energy to any substance in this secret realm.

It is precisely because of this discovery that Huo Hai believes that the things in this secret realm may be formed by the essence of soul power.

"It seems that there is nothing else here, so this spirit crystal fruit should be the soul essence they said." Huo Hai didn't find any weird existence, so he made this judgment.

At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly found a different big tree in the distance. The big tree was divided into two colors, half transparent, and a transparent fruit growing on it. The other half is emerald green with an emerald-like fruit growing on it. "Twin double colors, this is a twin tree, it seems that this thing is a spirit crystal fruit." Huo Hai's eyes lit up.

When he finally found the target, Huo Hai was not polite, and rushed over with a flash of figure. But Huo Hai forgot, this secret realm is not a safe place. As soon as Huo Hai rushed down, he was immediately attacked.

A large number of blades of grass suddenly broke and flew up, like a large blade. Huo Hai didn't care, the spiritual barrier unfolded. But the next moment, Huo Hai discovered that something was wrong. The strength of his own spiritual barrier was weakened to the extreme.

At the same time, these blades of grass actually passed directly through their own spiritual barrier, their power weakened a bit, but they were still attacking themselves. The next moment, another layer of mental power was unfolded, which firmly protected Huo Hai. The one who had just shot was the Fluttershy who had been by Huo Hai since entering.

Fluttershy is a spiritual attribute. Huo Hai put it next to him at first, feeling that it might be useful, but he didn't expect it to be really useful. "Damn it, fortunately, Xiaodie, you react quickly, or I'm afraid I'll be hurt." Huo Hai's face was not good.

I was really careless, and I actually forgot this. If my soul is hurt, it would be no fun. Huo Hai's soul was protected by the Soul Destruction Sword, but this strange attack still made Huo Hai feel frightened.

Fluttershy raised her hair with a slight mental fluctuation, and her praise to Huo Hai was very useful. Huo Hai looked down. At this time, he finally found out what it was that had just attacked him. Among the grass, there is a lizard that is exactly the same color as the grass, and there is a very special soul breath all over the body, so that Huo Hai did not feel its existence.

As Huo Hai approached the twin tree, the lizard launched an attack. Directly control the breakage of the grass blades here, blessing his own soul power, and elevating the attack to a terrifying point, even Huo Hai may be injured.

If this is replaced by a normal spirit body, even death is not impossible. The spirit crystal fruit here might be protected, Huo Hai also knew this, but he had not encountered any danger along the way before, and Huo Hai actually forgot.

"Damn lizard, dare to attack me, I want to see if you really have the power to attack me." Huo Hai didn't care so much under the irritation. As soon as his mental power was condensed, a long sword was taken by Huo Hai. issue. This long sword is exactly Huo Hai's Soul Extinguishing Sword. Sent with hatred, with a strong sword aura, and the speed has accelerated a lot.

Before the green lizard could react, he was hit in his body by this lightning-fast sword. In the next moment, the lizard turned into two halves, and then spread out little by little, and finally disappeared invisible.

In the same place, only a group of crystal clear things like water droplets remained. "What is this? Is this the essence of the soul?" Huo Hai felt a desire from the depths of his soul, as if he hoped to get it.

After thinking about it, there is no danger anyway, so let's try it. Huo Hai attracted the water droplets, and as soon as he touched Huo Hai's mental power, the water droplets quickly evaporated and disappeared. Huo Hai discovered that the power of this drop of water was completely integrated into his spiritual power. The next moment, his soul began to rise quickly.

By the time Huo Hai opened his eyes, his soul had improved a lot, and Huo Hai could clearly feel it. "Yes, it's a really good thing. There are no side effects to improve the soul. I don't know how the Lingjing Fruit is."

Huo Hai took a deep breath, then flew to the side of the twin tree. After carefully inspecting the surroundings, after no new monsters were found, Huo Hai started with Lingjing Guo. The first thing to be picked is the transparent fruit.

As soon as he got it, Huo Hai could feel that there was a strong power in this transparent fruit. This power belongs to the spiritual family. Taking a deep breath, Huo Hai slowly guided the swallow. It is the same as the previous soul essence, but there are differences. This thing does not improve the soul itself as much as the soul essence.

For ordinary spirit bodies, this thing is mainly used to break through their own bottlenecks. However, Huo Hai discovered that under the condition that he had no bottleneck, most of this power was actually blessed to the Soul Slayer sword.

This thing directly increased the power of Huo Hai's sword type when Huo Hai hadn't condensed the Soul Extinguishing Sword. Now, Huo Hai was happy. You must know that although this Soul Destruction Sword is powerful, it is too much trouble to cultivate.

Huo Hai is also powerful in spirit, and he has strong power just after he condenses his swords. After cultivating for such a long time, this sword type has not kept up with his own cultivation. This is much more difficult than the cultivation of one's own star sword seed. How could Huo Hai be dissatisfied with the ability to use the spirit crystal fruit to improve now, this thing is the best way to deal with the spirit body.

"The only thing left is this green one. I don't know if it is the same as my vision." Huo Hai took a deep breath, then slowly flew over, grabbing the green spirit crystal fruit in his hand. This thing is related to one's own cultivation.

For ordinary people, the effect is not great, but for people like Huo Hai without a bottleneck, the effect of this thing is really terrifying. Huo Hai adjusted his state and sat under the tree before he began to guide the power carefully.

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