Evil Insect God

Chapter 1595: Inner bar

Because the green spirit crystal fruit hurts the soul, Huo Hai's guiding power was not very strong at the beginning, only a very weak point. While guiding, Huo Hai also released his whole body spiritual power, carefully controlling it.

After a faint breath of life flowed into Huo Hai's body, it was quickly absorbed under Huo Hai's gaze. Huo Hai could feel that his vitality was increasing rapidly, which was really unexpected.

"This thing can actually increase vitality, which means it can increase lifespan, but it is a waste of me to use it." Heavenly masters have unlimited lifespan. As long as their vitality is not consumed in an instant, they can be recovered slowly. This increase The life-span thing, for the heavenly master, it can be said that it is useless.

But besides being used to increase lifespan, this thing has no healing effect. This kind of vitality may be too pure to recover from the injury. Huo Hai found through calculations that such a spirit crystal fruit can increase thousands of years. life.

If this is given to people in the spirit emperor realm, it will definitely be regarded as a peerless treasure. For people in the spirit emperor realm, the effect will be much worse. At most, it will only extend a little life span. It has little effect. Huo Hai felt his own vitality increased. After discovering no harm, he no longer cares about it. This part of the life force has been absorbed, but there are many other powers.

Under the guidance of Huo Hai, this very special aura was slowly led by Huo Hai to the barrier of his inner world. Under the influence of this aura, Huo Hai found that his law power was slowly Refining, more and more stable.

It may be because his own laws are inherently very stable, so this ability is effective, but the effect is not so great. For Huo Hai, it can be said to be dispensable. What really makes Huo Hai happy is that he has just gathered. The law, under this condensing, was quickly mastered, and it didn't take long for it to be no different from other laws.

"It's great, it really works." There was a glimmer of excitement in Huo Hai's eyes. With this thing, he was able to upgrade his cultivation base in the shortest possible time, quickly absorbed a new Heaven-retaining Pill, and Huo Hai continued. Experimented.

He even guided this kind of breath to different areas of the body, and still didn't find any special features, "Could it be that the only thing that is harmful to the soul in this force is vitality? It's strange, how can vitality hurt the soul."

Huo Hai didn’t understand. What he didn’t know was that the vitality here was something that the power of the soul was anti-regenerating, and all the soul power here was caused by the death of creatures, and transformed because of the death of the soul here. The vitality of becoming is bred by the power of the soul, so this vitality has a powerful decomposing effect on the soul.

Bringing this vitality into the soul can easily cause the soul to collapse, and even be slowly broken down. Even Huo Hai’s own soul cannot resist it. After Huo Hai tried a little bit, he never dared to mess up again. coming.

With just such an experiment, Huo Hai had a headache for an hour before he recovered. The reason was that Huo Hai was constantly increasing the amount of absorption. After increasing to a certain level, he finally had vitality to touch the sea of ​​consciousness.

Just a little breath made Huo Hai very uncomfortable. A little soul was injured on the spot. "It seems that this is the limit of absorption speed." Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief, remembering this limit, no wonder, this thing The lethality of the soul is too terrifying, the spirit body has no body, and naturally there is no body to absorb this vitality.

The life force that has not been absorbed and transformed directly contaminates the body composed of soul power. This thing is stronger than any poison. Not to mention that those spirit bodies are touched, I am afraid that they dare not get close to this kind of spirit crystal fruit.

"It's a pity, it takes a certain amount of time to absorb the spirit crystal fruit. It seems that it cannot be improved here for the time being." Huo Hai was a little disappointed. The original Heavenly Refining Fire could be swallowed and absorbed directly, and then refined within a short time. Heavenly Pill.

However, this kind of spirit crystal fruit must control the speed of absorption, and absorption too fast is harmful to his own soul, so Huo Hai cannot waste too much time here, but it also has an advantage, that is, this kind of spirit crystal fruit is not limited to It can only be used inside, even if it is taken out, there is no problem, so collect it first and wait until it is out.

The ordinary soul essence and transparent spirit crystal fruit are not needed. As long as this thing is in the hand, it can be completely absorbed in the first time. Then, Huo Hai went to collect the spirit crystal fruit and soul essence. the way.

While Huo Hai was busy, conflicts broke out completely on the other side. The people of the Lingxian Sect finally collided with the masters of the Yuan Lingzong, perhaps because of the rules of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, no matter what negotiation, basically We have to fight a battle first, and the more important the negotiation is, the more we must fight it first, and then a big battle begins.

This battle is related to the right to distribute resources in the secret realm in the future, so everyone didn't even pay attention to the harvest this time, and started the war directly. After a while, the whole team was completely separated.

"I said, let's stop for a while, OK? Anyway, we can't do anything. Let's see the winner, Master Yuan, this time although we are at fault, it is also because you are not authentic first." Zhang Yan and Mo The two of Kong had already chased Yuanfeng and didn't know how far they ran out. At this time, the others hadn't noticed the situation here.

Yuan Feng looked annoyed: "I didn't expect that you two are actually this kind of people. This young master never wants to see you two again." Yuan Feng was extremely annoyed at this time. He already knew that this time he was on his side. Leaked sect secrets.

Even if you are the heir to the next generation, even if you have a high status and talents, I am afraid that you will be severely punished after returning this time. "If you let me know who exposed this, I will make him look good." Yuan Feng was thinking about the problems that were exposed at the beginning, but no matter how he thought about it, he didn't know how to say it.

My subordinates are all the most loyal dead men. It is possible that they were heard by these two people when I was talking in my sleep. Don't be kidding, but this matter can't be said to be the fault of Zhang Yan and Mokong.

Zhang Yan said immediately: "Young Master Yuan, we can't be blamed for this matter. If we don't report it, you know that Lingxianmen has a lot of punishment measures. Now that things are like this, we can't sit down and talk calmly. ."

At this time Yuanfeng was also a little moved. It was not that he forgave the two people, but was the same as what they said. The matter is here, what can he do, kill two people, let alone not have the ability, even if he has This ability, I am afraid that he would not dare to do so, now Zhang Yan and Mo Kong are the red men in the eyes of some people in the Lingxian Clan.

Because of the contribution of this news, it can be said that their status in the spiritual immortal gate has risen sharply. However, Yuanfeng may be punished if he goes back this time. This is also a huge blow to his status.

If you offend these two people at this time, then Yuanfeng's life will definitely be difficult in the future. It's better to pretend to forgive these two people temporarily and make them feel guilty. With their abilities, you can also stabilize your position.

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng set his mind and did so, "I also know that it is not the fault of the two, but this time I was really hurt by the two of you. This time I go back and I don’t know what will happen to my father. Teach me." Yuanfeng pretended to be pitiful with a miserable expression, Zhang Yan and Mo Kong were also nearby to comfort Yuanfeng.

Suddenly, Zhang Yan gave Mo Kong a wink, and Mo Kong quickly nodded his head to express his understanding, "This time we are not right. This is the soul essence we found before. Although there is no way to compensate for your loss, it can express how much we are. apology."

Seeing this soul essence, Yuanfeng’s eyes changed. You must know that although there are some soul essences in it, they are all in the body of mutated organisms. It is not easy for them who only have the spiritual realm to get it. There are many here. Mutant creatures even possess the terrifying power of the Spirit Saint Realm, this thing is really precious.

"This, how embarrassed it is." Yuanfeng didn't expect the two of them to be so willing. At this time, he felt a little ashamed. It is absolutely impossible for him to take out such a thing, and it is probably impossible for others.

"Just accept it. If you don't accept it, we feel uncomfortable. If this happens, I will get angry." Zhang Yan quickly helped. If it is normal, Yuanfeng will definitely find something wrong at this time, but It's different now. Yuan Feng's attention has been attracted by this drop of soul essence, and he has not discovered the special features of the two people at all.

As long as he absorbs a little more soul essence and cooperates with a spirit crystal fruit, he will definitely be able to break through to the holy rank. When he reaches the holy rank, I believe that even if he made a big mistake this time, the sect would not punish himself too severely.

"Since it's the two brothers' apologize, then I'm not welcome." Yuan Feng took a deep breath. In the end, he still failed to resist this temptation. As the son of Yuan Ling Sect Master, ordinary things It can be said that there is nothing for what he wants, but it is not easy for him to obtain something as precious as the soul essence.

"That's it. What are you polite with us?" Zhang Yan and Mo Kong looked at each other, with smiles in their eyes. Yuan Feng, who was not wrong, was finally released. At this time, there were only three people here. There is no one else.

As soon as the spiritual power came into contact, this drop of soul essence immediately began to evaporate, and a large amount of soul power was continuously sent to Yuanfeng’s soul. Yuanfeng who enjoyed this feeling did not notice that suddenly appeared in his body. A strand of black, and this black is constantly expanding, slowly spreading all over the body.

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