Evil Insect God

Chapter 1608: Countermeasure

After deciding what to do in the future, Huo Hai became busy. Tiemumen only dared to control some territories outside, and did not dare to come into the headquarters of the Tianxing Sect.

The power of the defensive spirit formation in this place is too strong. Some spirit saints with relatively weak strength will be killed by the spirit formation when they arrive. Not to mention, there is also Huo Hai who is powerful to the limit. This time he will be responsible. Man is also a master of the Nineth Heavenly Spiritual Saint, in terms of strength, he is not as good as Yinzhi, he doesn't want to die in Huo Hai's hands.

The surrounding strongholds, other facilities may not be perfect, but at this time their spiritual formations have been perfected, just to guard against Huo Hai, besides, Huo Hai can't just take action to deal with those low-level people outside. .

On the one hand, this is a problem of one's own face, and on the other hand, it may also be the trap of the iron wooden door. Once you dare to do it yourself and fall into the iron wooden door trap, it is not so easy to get rid of it.

Huo Hai has already exposed a lot of power now. The traps set up based on the exposed information are likely to kill him. Huo Hai never thinks that he is invincible, and naturally needs it when doing things. Be careful.

In the surroundings, Huo Hai changed the entire twelve positions of the spirit array, and directly created some special terrains such as mountain peaks and canyons on the spot. The twelve positions surround the position of the Tianxingzong and the Huo family, like a clock. At the same time, Huo Hai directly set up several bone nests in each place.

These tall bone towers are all hidden underground by Huo Hai, and there are only a few passages leading to the ground. There are a large number of spiritual formations around them, and the strong defense of the bone tower itself will generally not be injured by people. of.

After the bone tower was set up, Huo Hai ignored these places. The special ghost bone worms in the bone tower had their own thoughts, knew who the people around them were, and faced those disciples of the Tianxing Sect who hadn't had a bad heart. Skeletons will not attack.

It’s just that around these bone towers, it’s impossible to allow these disciples to approach casually. The disciples of the Sky Star Sect threw a large amount of bones collected into these canyons. There are more disciples looking for more bones everywhere. Put it in, the skeletons will collect these bones, and then transport them to the location of the bone tower as raw materials.

In less than a month, a large number of puppet-like skeletons appeared in the twelve canyons. Although these puppet-like skeletons had no thoughts, their true strength was not bad at all.

In addition to not being able to use the battle formation, its own combat power is not much worse than that of the skeletons directly made by the small bones. With these cannon fodder skeletons, the defense of the Sky Star Sect can be said to be more and more stable, and it is already solid.

In the two places of Tianxingzong resident and Huo’s house, Huo Hai re-established two bone towers. These two bone towers are not used to make puppet skeletons, but are used to make control insects. With these controls Ghost bone insects, the disciples of the Sky Star Sect can command the skeletons to leave the canyon and go to other places to participate in the battle.

It’s just that, because of the new rules of the Sky Star Sect, it’s not easy to get a skeleton. The skeletons produced here, even the weakest, have the spirit emperor realm. This is the skeleton after Huo Hai’s special arrangement was weakened. .

Every disciple of the Celestial Star Sect in the realm of the Spirit Emperor can receive a skeleton in the realm of the Spirit Emperor for free, and after reaching the realm of the Spirit Venerable, he can obtain a skeleton in the realm of the Spirit Venerable, and so on.

Except for Huo Hai, there is no second spiritual master in the entire Sky Star Sect. Afterwards, to obtain more and stronger skeletons, it is necessary to contribute. Only by making a huge contribution to the sect can you be rewarded and more. The strong skeleton, this kind of thing, has now become a symbol of the masters of the Star Sect.

Not only is Huo Hai’s use of special skeletons to bring the reputation to these skeletons, but also because these skeletons are so powerful that they are not afraid of death. With their own strength, they can even exert their power several times, which is shocking and exciting.

But now is a special period, so those skeletons in the realm of Spiritual Venerable and Spiritual Saints can be controlled temporarily. Only members of the patrol team can control these skeletons. The task of the patrol team is to patrol within the control area of ​​the Star Sect. , To ensure that the disciples of one's own sect will not be harassed or attacked by others in this area.

The main person to deal with is the master of the iron wooden door. In order to be able to control the holy skeletons to show off, the original patrol team, a boring task that no one liked, suddenly became very popular, and countless people broke their heads and drilled inside.

For this reason, various duels of the Sky Star Sect can be seen everywhere during this period, and various methods of intimidation and temptation have emerged in an endless stream. However, as long as it is within the scope of the rules and is not omnipotent, the high level of these Star Sects will not take care of it at all. Time, the cultivation atmosphere was once again driven, and the strength of the entire Sky Star Sect was constantly rising.

Originally, the ossicles could not create holy skeletons. The holy skeletons of the Sky Star Sect were actually Huo Hai’s recent research results.

Because of the stimulation of the small bones, Huo Hai also studied the treant warriors he killed. The treant warriors were not only spawned, but also blessed a lot of runes on them.

After Huo Hai’s research, the final combination of the rune spirit circle and the manufacturing of the skeletons resulted in the birth of the holy skeleton. Of course, it is just a pseudo holy skeleton. The first material is the light of the soul left by the holy master. , The skeletons made by the small bones after tempering, so that these ordinary ghost bone insects will carry more holy rules.

Then Huo Hai would use the Rune Spirit Array to strengthen. After a series of methods, a skeleton that was roughly equivalent to an ordinary First Heaven Spirit Saint was created. The real strength might not be as good as an ordinary First Heaven master.

But this is enough, at least against the spiritual saints, it won't have any effect at all. Even those patrol team members must be at the captain level to control this saint-level skeleton. For this reason, several elders all put their faces down to compete for this. position.

If it weren’t for the final suzerain and the great elders to come forward, I still don’t know what it will be like, but it’s a pity that this kind of special holy skeleton would be too troublesome to create. It’s not just a matter of the light of the soul, even if it is. Huo Hai himself also wasted a lot of time. In a few years, Huo Hai only produced less than one thousand.

However, because of this batch of skeletons, the strength of the Sky Star Sect represented by Huo Hai has been evaluated as the middle and upper reaches of the super-class sect. With Huo Hai's manufacturing ability, sooner or later it can truly reach the upper reaches.

It was just that after Huo Hai made these skeletons, he did not continue to make them. The venerable skeletons were enough. At least the extreme manpower that the iron wooden door can separate out, now he dare not casually deal with the Sky Star Sect.

Huo Hai is now waiting for the giant wooden door to make a move. After such a long period of buffering, Huo Hai's own cultivation has finally reached the peak of the Spiritual Saint Eighth Heaven. I am afraid that after a while, he will be able to break through the Nine Heaven. Once this level is reached, Huo Hai will be able to use a large amount of spiritual marrow and heaven-removing pills to train many dead soldiers in the spiritual holy realm.

Give yourself enough time. It is basically impossible for the giant wooden gate to cross-boundary to deal with itself. Huo Hai has been continuously improving his strength these years, and the iron wooden gate has not been idle. He was about to complete the encirclement of the Sky Star Sect. .

However, in the face of a large number of high-level skeletons and the continuous expansion of the Sky Star Sect, the Iron Wooden Gate was only half-encircled in the end. The Sky Star Sect’s current sphere of influence has been greatly expanded than before. For the development of the Sky Star Sect, Huo Hai secretly In some hidden places, bone nests were set up. Huo Hai ignored these nests and let them develop on their own.

Of course, the developed skeletons are also the strongest kind, hidden in the dark, and have not been revealed. I believe that after a few hundred years, the Sky Star Sect is just a skeleton, which can cause all enemies to have a headache.

Skeletons have the aura of the spirit saint, which can cause certain damage to the spirit saint. As long as there is a little sign of breaking the defense, then the ants will kill the elephants. "Huh, I want to see, what do you plan to do? Come against me."

While Huo Hai and Tiemumen are gambling with each other, the development of the outside world is also surging. Because this is the border area, no one will come here, and because both sides are too strong, no one is willing to provoke them, but this It does not mean that this battle is over in this way, on the contrary, this battle has become more intense.

Originally, it was because of the secret realm, but later, after the secret realm was controlled by the ghost medicine gate and the spirit fairy gate, they couldn't do it casually, but the eastern area was too big, and there were many existences that they didn't understand.

During the battle, the scale of the battle could not be suppressed because of the mutual grievances, and could only be controlled barely, but at this moment, a new secret realm was once again discovered in the Eastern Region.

This secret realm is also a top secret realm. It can be said that without the strength of the spirit **** realm, it is impossible to enter it forcibly. It is the emergence of this secret realm that caused the war to escalate again. Unlike other secret realms, this secret realm is not opened every once in a while.

But there is a small passage outside the secret, this passage can only accommodate a hundred people through.

Every time a hundred people enter, they can stay in it for a year, and they will be sent out a year later, but those who have entered cannot enter the secret realm again within a hundred years. The power of this secret realm is very powerful.

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