Evil Insect God

Chapter 1609: calm

After a series of investigations, everyone finally discovered the true function of this secret realm. In this secret realm, a very special elixir was born, but it is not easy to get this kind of elixir.

The elixir itself has a very powerful guardianship. There is nothing wrong with this. The key is that the elixir itself can stimulate one's own potential when consumed. Yes, it is just arousing, not increasing or weakening.

Stimulate your own potential, and then use your own potential to hit the current bottleneck, which can make people break through. At the highest stage, you can directly raise the person at the peak of the spirit to the realm of the spirit. After that, it will be of no use to be higher. Lingsheng, this is simply reaching the sky in one step, and it is very important for any person or sect.

A hundred people can enter it every year. This place is really precious. If there are one hundred spiritual Christmas births a year, then no matter what sect is, it will become a top existence among the super-class in a very short time.

The most important thing the lord wants is this kind of stimulating potential. The damage to his own potential is not great. It can be said that it can be completely ignored. It saves a lot of time and even allows some people who are hopeless to break through to the spiritual saint. This is really tempting. Up.

So around this secret realm, a great battle started, especially after the ghost medicine gate announced that it would not control this secret realm and would benefit other sects. This battle became even more difficult to deal with. Huo Hai doubted it. , Is this secret realm ghost medicine gate known for a long time? I don't know how determined it is to release it this time.

The Ghost Medicine Gate did not intervene, and the other eight sects had no right to intervene, so the war really broke out. This time, even the Spirit Sage master was completely involved. With the continuous death of the Spirit Sage master, the war could no longer be contained.

After Huo Hai heard about it, he had no idea at all. On the one hand, it was because the contents inside were useless to him, and on the other hand, because he was now confronting the iron wooden door, Huo Hai could not leave this place.

Whoever can gain control of that secret realm can establish a powerful force in a short time. Even the Iron Wooden Gate can't bear this kind of news in the end. Many people are stuck at the peak of the Spiritual Sovereign. Time, now that I learned this news, how could I bear it, so the people of Tiemumen also dispatched many people to join this battle.

After hearing about this, Huo Hai's heart was full of sneers. Unlike other people, the so-called lack of desire is rigid. Huo Hai is in this state now. He has no need for that secret realm and can look at the problem from the sidelines.

Once out of the circle, you can see a lot of things. The temptation this time is too great, almost like Yangmou. Many people know what the ghost medicine gate is going to do, but they still inevitably fall into it.

Especially after seeing some people entering, breaking through their own cultivation base and appearing in the outside world, this is even more out of control. Some forces that do not want to be involved in it, because their children sneak past, they will inevitably be involved in the end. among them.

Some people want to be oriole, and some want to be hunters. Unfortunately, there are not many oriole and hunters. When they collided, the battle became more intense. In the end, it became more and more out of control. The masters of Jiuzhongtian were all involved, and in order to prevent the scale of the battle from further expanding, everyone had to compromise.

While making the rules, while fighting over and under the covers, after several years of war, countless people died in the eastern region.

When everyone finally realized that something was wrong, it was too late. Huo Hai, who got the news, only sneered in his heart, "Hmph, the entire eastern region has been hit by a huge impact, and the power has been wiped out by nearly one third."

Huo Hai shook his head. The purpose of the ghost medicine gate has been achieved. Huo Hai can imagine that the next period of time will be the moment when the ghost medicine gate begins to deepen its control of the eastern region. In a few decades, within the eastern region , The power of the ghost medicine gate will rise to a new peak, at that time the power of the ghost medicine gate will be even stronger.

If it weren't for this battle, the masters above the Ninth Heavenly Spiritual Saint had basically not participated in the battle, and even the Eastern Region would be completely controlled by the Ghost Medicine Sect in the future. This is the real purpose of the Ghost Medicine Sect.

Even the remaining forces, although they have not been destroyed, have suffered heavy losses one by one. Countless geniuses have been ruined in this war. I am afraid that they will be in a situation where they will not be connected for a long time. .

Because the damage was really too great, the major forces slowly subsided. The loss at this time was beyond the limit that everyone could bear, so the hatred could only be temporarily suppressed. The war gradually subsided, but what was left was It was devastated, especially the city composed of ordinary people in the battlefield area, and I don’t know how much it was destroyed.

In the eyes of the Gui Yaomen, ordinary people can recover after a few hundred years, so they don’t care at all. After seeing the war tending to stop, the Gui Yaomen finally ran out again. .

The first is to jointly issue a statement with the Spiritual Immortal Sect. Regarding the secret realm of the spirit body, after the two sects occupy a certain share, the other shares allow major forces to compete and use similar competition methods.

Then, the ghost medicine gate announced the control rules for the secret realm of special potential. The ghost medicine gate proposed that the secret realm is not managed by anyone, which will cause chaos. For this reason, the ghost medicine gate directly controls the secret realm. In the future, half of the secret realm will be owned by the ghost medicine gate , The other major sects used the ring battle method to compete for the remaining places. Seeing these news, Huo Hai sneered.

This ghost medicine gate is really a good calculation, and other major forces naturally cannot agree. After some unknown negotiations, the ghost medicine gate finally got only 20% of the quota, and the remaining 30% is some mysterious. The forces are divided up.

These forces will not participate in the subsequent competition. In the end, 50% of the competition will be used by other forces and even casual cultivators to compete. Anyway, once a year, there is a great opportunity. Only after entering, can you get a magic potion to improve yourself? This depends on one's own abilities. Not everyone who can enter will eventually be able to break through himself through the elixir.

Because the two mysteries were finally completely resolved, and the previous battles caused heavy losses to the major forces, the battle finally subsided, and Bamen got what they wanted, which was very satisfied.

Several other sects among the eight sects are even considering whether to plan the same battle.

For Huo Hai, the result of this battle was also very satisfactory, because the iron wooden door was involved in it, so it can be said to have suffered heavy losses. In short, the forces involved in the war this time basically got nothing.

After Tiemumen’s newly established stronghold lost a lot of manpower, it was no longer able to form absolute suppression against the Sky Star Sect. Taking this opportunity, the Sky Star Sect directly launched counterattacks again and again, completely breaking the half-encircled form of the Tiemumen. The forces once again returned to the situation of confrontation, and the current territory of the Sky Star Sect had also automatically expanded a lot.

It doesn't matter if there is no ghost medicine gate. With such strength, the ghost medicine gate can't stop the expansion of the Sky Star Sect. Therefore, in the face of this situation, the ghost medicine gate can only hold the nose and tacitly accept it, but cannot directly do it.

The situation of the Heavenly Star Sect leaving the Ghost Medicine Sect has slowly emerged. Of course, because the Sky Star Sect is in the marginal area, there is no special production, and its own strength is too weak to attract the attention of the Ghost Medicine Sect, otherwise, This strength of the Sky Star Sect wanted to break away from the control of the Ghost Medicine Sect, which was simply joking.

The iron wooden door that suffered heavy losses is now no longer the arrogant arrogance it used to be, and can only be shrunk within its own station and sphere of influence. The ghost medicine door is now increasingly dissatisfied with the iron wooden door.

I don't know how much the iron wooden door has paid, so that the ghost medicine door has not directly driven them up until now. These guys do not want to give up or take the initiative to attack, so they can only hang here.

But this is fine, anyway, the more time is better for Huo Hai, as time goes by, there will be more and more skeletons under him, and the power of these skeletons will become stronger and stronger, some don’t know. The fierce beasts captured from somewhere were also branded one after another, and then became special fierce beasts after the fusion of the power of stars.

These fierce beasts will all be the backup force of the Sky Star Sect in the future. The longer the time delays, the less likely the Iron Wooden Door will be his opponent, but at this time Huo Hai is also more careful. Get started.

Huo Hai is now fully vigilant, just worried that Mu Family will come up with any special means, his current strength is still too bad, even if there is no spiritual **** master hand, there are still many ways to deal with him.

As the war came to an end, the entire eastern region and even other regions gradually calmed down. There were sporadic small battles in many places, but they were harmless. Most of the information every day was handled by the suzerain and Huo Feng. Huo Hai doesn't care at all, but even so, there is still a lot of important information that will be sent to Huo Hai.

"Yes, many people in the Anemone Clan already have the ability to break through to the Spiritual Venerable? Can I help them. Can the dead men finally be able to use it? It seems that they will be busy for a while." Huo Hai Muttering while looking at the information.

I never thought that managing a power would be so troublesome. Although Huo Hai only deals with part of things, I really don’t know what those people think. He is so enthusiastic about power. Isn’t it good to be at ease? Finding something for yourself to make yourself work hard, I don't know if these people are flooded with brains.

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