Evil Insect God

Chapter 1618: Blood Chalcedony

After killing these fierce beasts, Huo Hai and Blood Rose didn't say a word, and quickly began to tidy up. No matter what happened, they couldn't let the giant wooden door find their traces. After a while, all the remnants were cleaned up.

Before the war started, Huo Hai had already set up the spirit formation. After so many battles, Huo Hai’s action has almost become an instinct. Therefore, the souls of all dead people and beasts did not escape. It was arrested by Huo Hai, and there is no soul to go back to report the letter, these people don't even want to pass the news to the giant wooden door.

Because of the lessons learned from the previous time, Huo Hai’s spirit array used this time is more powerful, and the six-winged array butterfly has actually been released by Huo Hai in advance. With the blessing of the six-winged array butterfly, even the picture of the transmission has not been taken. send out.

Simply doing nothing, Huo Hai directly collected the huge trees and corpses on the ground into the inner space, worrying about what remains on these people, Huo Hai is not welcome, launching the fire of stars in his body and burning them all into ashes. .

At this time, the blood rose used the secret method of the blood **** sect, sprinkling a large amount of blood flame, and burned all the traces left around it. For the method of eliminating the secret method after these battles, the blood rose is better at it. If If it was Huo Hai, he must have used his own spiritual power to forcibly erase it. In other places, it might not matter.

But in a special place like the giant wood forest, it is easy to be found something wrong. The blood rose released the flame in less than a minute, all the surrounding breath was completely consumed, and then the blood rose began to make handprints.

In the air, the blood flames constituted some very special runes, and Huo Hai did not recognize this kind of things. This should be a method unique to the Blood God Sect. As these runes emerged, a mysterious breath came out. .

After only a moment, there was no breath left in the same place. "It's brilliant, it's brilliant, but I still need to sort it out." Huo Haigan bowed down to this method of hiding his breath, but he was more familiar with the battlefield. , Blood Rose has learned more systematically, but Huo Hai is not clear about fighting.

Huo Hai quickly made some special arrangements around, and soon there were no traces of large-scale fighting around the entire forest. Even if there were some traces that could not be concealed, Huo Hai made them into traces of small encounters. .

However, these places can't be lost at all. Huo Hai directly let the six-winged array butterfly cooperate with him to construct a spiritual formation, imitating some auras different from himself. In battle, this method is useless.

After all, to imitate the breath, it would take several minutes for Huo Hai to cooperate with the Six-winged Array Butterfly. Blood Rose looked at it, and his eyes were full of admiration. It was not accidental that Huo Hai could grow up all the way to the present.

Only Huo Hai himself was very nervous, because this method was thought up temporarily. In front of a beauty, especially a beauty who could talk about, Huo Hai couldn't help but want to show it, so he came up with such a method temporarily. But what I just figured out is definitely not so easy to control, and Huo Hai also underestimated this imitation method.

When using the spirit formation, you can only be cautious. Once there is a little problem, the trouble will be great at that time. If a little breath is leaked and the Mu Family finds himself, then it will be even more embarrassing.

Under Huo Hai's careful control, what originally felt very easy, it took Huo Hai ten minutes to finish it. Ten minutes later, the traces of Huo Hai and Blood Rose's hands were completely lost here.

"Let’s go quickly, it’s not good for the Mu family to find out after a long time." Huo Hai turned his head and said to the blood rose. The blood rose nodded and followed Huo Hai to move forward. No, not forward. , Huo Hai's direction has changed, worrying that he will be found by the Mu family following the traces of his movement, so Huo Hai wants to disagree.

I don't know how many bends have been spared, Huo Hai and the blood rose finally came to the blood jade red bamboo forest. Looking at it, the tall bamboo forest is very conspicuous. A large bamboo forest, each one is above a thousand meters.

Whether it is the bamboo itself or the stretched leaves, they look like blood jade, glowing dimly under the sun. This thing is naturally a good gem, and it is so eye-catching at first glance.

"It's a pity, it's useless." Huo Hai shook his head. Just now Huo Hai explored and found that although this kind of bamboo grows very large, it is actually not very high in grade. Bamboo leaves can be used to make scrolls. It is a pity that the overall material grade of this bamboo is only imperial grade, and even the emperor grade is difficult to reach. This thing really has no value to Huo Hai.

The blood rose covered her mouth and smiled: "Hehe, Huo Hai, the value of the blood jade red bamboo is not in itself. It is a special kind of creature that absorbs blood and murderous energy and condenses under special circumstances. Their real function is Condensed blood chalcedony."

As he said, the blood rose flew in front of a bamboo, with a hazy blood glow in his hand, and slowly began to probe. This secret method can only be used by the blood rose, and even the four maids cannot help, so they can only do it by the side. Watching.

These blood jade red bamboos are impossible to transform, and there is no danger at all. Even if they are giant wooden doors, these things are not very important. According to the blood rose, Huo Hai gradually understood that this blood chalcedony essence is absorbed A special product conceived after a large amount of blood and murderous aura is compressed, only rarely occurs.

The blood chalcedony has a very powerful power, which is very beneficial for comprehending and strengthening the laws related to blood qi types. Besides, the blood chalcedony actually contains a trace of natural blood flame.

Even if it is used as a source spirit treasure, it is at the middle and upper level of the heavenly level, and it can also help people master the blood flame, and cannot reach the level of the saint child, but in the blood **** sect, it is definitely a high-level treasure. .

"I found it, my luck is really good." A few minutes later, the blood rose radiated blood and pulled out a piece of red blood chalcedony from the middle of the bamboo, with a smile on his face, but not every piece of bamboo. It takes a certain amount of luck to find this thing. This time, Blood Rose doesn't know whether he can find enough blood chalcedony.

"Blood rose, what you are looking for is this thing." Huo Hai glanced at the blood chalcedony, and immediately knew that this thing is a highly professional treasure. In other words, except for special people, basically It is useless.

Not to mention Huo Hai himself, even his family and even the entire Sky Star Sect, no one can use this kind of thing.

Seeing the blood rose nodding, Huo Hai hesitated for a moment, then pointed to a section of the bamboo joint and said: "Blood rose, go there and see it, maybe you will find something." Huo Hai's super sensation once again worked and felt it These bamboo joints are different. Although the whole red bamboo exudes strong blood qi, there are still some bamboo joints that are extremely pure.

Hearing the words, the blood rose took a deep look at Huo Hai without saying anything, and flew directly over. Under the twinkling light, the blood rose’s eyes narrowed: "Thank you, your perception is really Very strong."

Huo Hai’s perception is powerful, but Blood Rose doesn’t know that Huo Hai’s perception is so useful. This is the powerful ability created by the soul beyond the perfect foundation. This perception is used to find things or to avoid crisis and detect enemies. They all have very powerful effects, and Huo Hai has been all the way to the present, and this kind of perception has contributed a lot.

Without this ability to perceive, Huo Hai often has to look for treasures that are not better than other people. Without sufficient resources, how could Huo Hai insist on wasteful cultivation methods.

Huo Hai sensed and commanded, but it was a pity that a special method had to be used to extract the blood chalcedony. Huo Hai had nothing to do with him. If he did not use these special methods, Huo Hai could only forcibly split the blood jade red bamboo. , In this way, if you get a piece of blood chalcedony, a blood chalcedony red bamboo will be killed, and it will no longer be usable.

"Well, this thing seems to be useful to the blood flame dragon, blood rose, you tell me this method of extracting the essence." Huo Hai has no blood flame, and naturally cannot use this secret method, but the blood flame dragon is completely different .

The Blood Rose didn’t care if it was a secret from the sect. Huo Hai wanted it, and the Blood Rose was given. The four maids around didn’t know what to say, but they were from the Blood Rose, and the Blood Rose wanted it. Do what they do, they don't have any other ideas besides obedience, the two are basically one.

While studying, Huo Hai secretly let the blood flame dragon learn, but this secret method is really not easy to learn, even with the blood flame dragon's control of the blood flame, it took several days to slowly succeed. .

In the past few days, the blood rose has obtained a large amount of blood chalcedony. Such a great harvest, before the blood rose came here, but could not even think about it, now it has to use these blood chalcedony essence to upgrade to the spirit **** But there was no problem at all, even the Blood Rose wanted to learn Huo Hai's wasteful cultivation method.

Once they reach the realm of spirit gods, these blood chalcedony essences can no longer help themselves to improve their own cultivation, so the blood rose also wants to use these essences to make their foundations reach an unprecedented level.

At least, it can make the road after reaching the spiritual **** realm easier, and can go higher in the future. The blood rose does not want to be the same as the other spiritual gods in the sect. It can no longer improve after reaching a certain level. Spiritual God is different from the previous realm, and the potential is exhausted, even if there is no bottleneck, it can't go further.

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