Evil Insect God

Chapter 1619: Separate

"Isn't that much enough." Huo Hai hasn't cultivated to the realm of spirit gods, but he has some understanding of the power needed to break through spirit gods. With so much blood jade essence, how can the power be enough?

The Blood Rose was silent for a while, and finally nodded: "Indeed, it's enough." In fact, it has already been enough, even more than ten times the amount of Blood Chalcedony as previously imagined. It is used to waste the same cultivation, I am afraid there will be a lot left, after all, not all people have the same foundation as Huo Hai.

The previous foundation was not enough. Now even if you want to build a solid foundation, you can only improve it as much as possible on top of the original foundation. This is why Huo Hai consumes resources far more than others.

"Is it really enough? If it's not enough, we'll get some more." Huo Hai felt the blood rose hesitate.

Blood Rose took a deep look at Huo Hai, and finally shook his head and said, "No, it's really enough. You can't use all of these, but..." Huo Hai was taken aback, and then he knew the real reason for Blood Rose. Up.

If the blood chalcedony is enough, then the blood rose will naturally leave. She can't really wait until the end before leaving. Otherwise, it will be easy for the evil sect people to seize the opportunity. Even now, the blood rose needs some very special methods. Only then, the reason why the Blood Rose stayed in this place all the time was because he didn't want to be separated from Huo Hai.

Huo Hai shook his head: "Blood Rose, for safety, you should go back first. I'm afraid I won't stay here long." Why doesn't Huo Hai want to stay with Blood Rose for a while, but it doesn't work at all. .

During this period of time, Huo Hai discovered that the Mu family had often appeared nearby. On several occasions, Huo Hai deliberately left with the blood rose, and would not return until after a few laps, but after so many times, I’m afraid The people of the Mu family also found something wrong. When encountering too many masters of the Mu family, Huo Haike couldn't fight it. At that time, both of them were unlucky.

"But, I, I don't want to leave you." The blood rose hugged Huo Hai's waist from behind. Huo Hai's keen sense immediately felt a little moist behind his back. Huo Hai's heart softened, but he still patted the blood rose's hand. .

"It's not that we won't meet each other anymore. We are doing this now because we are not strong enough. When one day our strength is so strong that no one can control our thoughts, no one can stop us if we want to be together."

Huo Hai turned around and faced the blood rose: "So, work hard, only if you have enough strength can you control your own destiny." Huo Hai is also very helpless in his heart. If it was before, he would directly bring the blood rose back. That's it, but who knows that the talent of the Blood Rose will be appreciated by the Blood God Cult and become their saint.

However, this is also an opportunity. Without the help of the Blood God Sect, the future achievements of the Blood Rose will definitely not be as high as Fang Biya and the others. After all, the understanding is relatively late, so the preliminary foundation is also worse. This is the luck of the Blood Rose.

With the full cultivation of the Blood God Sect and the large amount of blood chalcedony nowadays, Huo Hai believes that the future achievements of the Blood Rose will never be worse than that of Fang Biya and others, and may even be stronger, but for now, the Blood Rose cannot be left. Here it is.

Outside, the people of the Evil Sect have been looking for the blood rose, the blood lotus saint. The longer they stay here, the greater the danger. Now the Evil Sect probably hasn’t thought that the Blood Rose will collect enough resources. They only have the last At the juncture, he will truly launch his own means. The sooner you leave here, the safer it is for Blood Rose.

The Blood Rose gave Huo Hai a strong hug, and then got up and said: "I'm leaving, you must remember me, miss me often, and remember to come to me in the future, otherwise I won't let you go..."

As the blood rose spoke, he took out a scroll at the same time. As long as the scroll was torn open, the blood rose and the four maids would leave the area of ​​the giant wood forest, and took a deep look at Huo Hai. The blood rose wanted to take Huo Hai’s The figure will always be remembered.

Finally, the blood rose threw a map to Huo Hai: "This is the map of the giant wood forest. It is of no use to me now. Remember, you must come to see me..." In the tears of the blood rose, the blood rose Finally, the scroll was torn open, accompanied by a flush of blood, the blood rose and the four maids disappeared without a trace, leaving only a string of crystals in the air.

On the map, there is a red lotus flower, so delicate and lovely. Huo Hai shook his head, feeling a little uncomfortable, but he quickly adjusted it. After all, Huo Hai is a spiritual saint, and his mood is very solid. .

"Okay, now I should also train you." Huo Hai waved his hand, and the blood flame dragon entangled in Huo Hai's hands. Huo Hai quickly came to the side of a section of bamboo joints, and the blood flame dragon immediately Used a special method of guidance.

After a while, a piece of blood chalcedony essence was attracted, and then swallowed by the blood flame dragon. Huo Hai could feel that there was a powerful force in the blood flame dragon, but at this time the blood flame dragon was taking It suppressed, because now is not the time for a breakthrough, time is limited, and it is necessary to collect as much blood and chalcedony as possible to reserve.

After a long time, Huo Hai patted his head: "I'm such a fool, I didn't expect it." After such a long time, coupled with the reminder of the blood flame dragon, Huo Hai finally found that he had entered a misunderstanding. .

For other people, a special method is needed to take out the blood chalcedony essence, but the blood flame dragon is different. This thing itself is made up of blood flames. As long as the bleeding flame dragon is released, this guy can penetrate into the bamboo joints by himself. Among them, after swallowing the blood chalcedony essence inside, it appeared outside again, so that it would not hurt the red bamboo.

Huo Hai didn’t want to cause damage on a large scale here. It was something that could easily arouse the attention and disgust of the giant wooden door. With this method, Huo Hai’s movements suddenly speeded up a lot. The dragon swallowed it himself.

The speed was extremely fast. In only three days, the blood flame dragon swallowed more blood jade essence than the blood rose. At this time, the blood flame dragon finally heard the fluctuation of being full and no longer continued. Swallowed.

"Finally satisfied, I actually ate so much." Huo Hai was very happy. The more the blood flame dragon ate, the stronger his potential was. After he reached the realm of Spirit God, he would be able to advance better. Will not be stuck within a certain limit, the spirit **** has initially left the world, and after the upgrade, the bottleneck is no longer the biggest trouble.

At the realm of spirit gods, the potential of their own laws is the biggest limit to whether they can be improved. Of course, pseudo spirit gods are different. As long as they kill all the masters of the same law, they can rise all the way to the top.

It’s a pity that under the control of other normal spirit gods, the number of false spirit gods has never been many. How can they be promoted all the way? If you want to cultivate to the top, you must first both false spirit gods and false spirit gods. Get rid of it.

"By the way, I don't know if these red bamboos can be cultivated. I remember that the blood rose said that these red bamboos are made of blood and murderous aura. If it is better cultivated with blood flames, it is just more troublesome to transplant."

Huo Hai’s eyes flashed brightly. No matter what, let’s try it first. These red bamboos are good for viewing in the future. Besides, even if the blood rose is not available, it can be used by the Star Sect and the family. The leaves can be used to make scrolls. Although they are only of imperial quality, they are easy to come. A little purification can carry various powers.

As for the bamboo itself, there are many special uses. They just rely on them to study them slowly. The imperial grade materials can be mass-produced, and the effect is very big. Just do it when you think about it. Huo Hai immediately dug up a red bamboo. .

The red bamboo had just been transplanted into the inner space, and immediately began to show signs of withering. Huo Hai's heart moved, and the blood flame dragon had been thrown in. When the blood flame dragon hovered near the red bamboo, the spirit of the red bamboo rose again. Recovered once.

"Sure enough, as I thought, as long as the environment is suitable, it can survive, and there is no special ability to condense blood, then use blood flame instead." Others do not value red bamboo, so they have not been transplanted, the most important The thing is, the red bamboo after transplantation does not have the ability to condense the essence of blood and chalcedony, even for forces like the Blood God Sect.

But this does not mean that red bamboo cannot be transplanted. Huo Hai has not been successful now. After digging some red bamboo quickly from different places, Huo Hai stopped. If he continued to dig, it would be destroyed.

Anyway, as long as there is one bamboo, it will quickly multiply into a large piece by itself. Huo Hai directly threw the blood flame dragon, which had been sleeping and waiting for a breakthrough, to the vicinity of his transplantation of bamboo, and then stopped taking care of it.

There is a blood flame dragon sleeping here, and the natural blood flame power is enough to keep his blood jade red bamboo in a state of survival. After doing all this, Huo Hai does not want to stay here anymore, "huh. , So many teams have come, it seems we really can't wait any longer." Huo Hai felt the surroundings and sneered in his heart.

The spirit insects controlled by Star Gu and Fluttershy are all eyes and ears of Huo Hai. At this time, there are already more than five teams looking for themselves nearby. If surrounded by these people, Huo Hai is sure that he will never escape.

The next time was to improve, Huo Hai didn't want to continue wasting here, his figure flashed, Huo Hai quickly disappeared near here, this time the main purpose was to find the essence of wood.

The Mu family who had just determined the scope of Huo Hai’s activities once again lost Huo Hai’s goal. Many people even thought that Huo Hai had a plan, so staying in the blood jade red bamboo forest did not leave, which invisibly relieved Huo Hai. pressure.

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