Evil Insect God

Chapter 1620: Soaring

"Where did that kid go? Why haven't I found it yet." Around the red bamboo forest, a man wearing a giant wooden door costume was muttering, and there were many people around who were just as idle as him.

A young man next to him said indifferently: "Isn't it okay to find it? I heard that there is already a team that has mysteriously disappeared. Who knows if that person did it." Thinking of the mysteriously missing team, All people felt a pang of fear in their hearts. Mysterious disappearance in the giant wood forest is simply impossible.

If it’s okay to be attacked, they are the elite team of the Mu family. If Huo Hai did this thing, then his situation can be imagined. Thinking of this, everyone feels a burst of shock. cold.

"Don't talk about such horrible things, we are not only one team here, rest assured, this **** must not dare to come here." The person who just spoke said loudly, seeming to embolden himself.

It’s a pity that everyone around him was looking at him strangely at this time. The Mu family’s children who reacted finally realized what he was talking about. If that person doesn’t come here, they’re here for what they are doing instead of arresting people. Yes, it is weird that an outsider can scare a Mujia Lingsheng like this in the giant wood forest.

Although it is said that this person is only a spiritual sage of the first heaven, but it is also a spiritual sage, and the spiritual sage is also a human, not anything else, ordinary things will not make them afraid, but it is different when encountering a powerful master. .

Huo Hai didn’t know that many people had already found the location of the Red Bamboo Forest. Huo Hai had already left there. He had a map in his hand. It was much more convenient for Huo Hai to find something. The Essence of Wood, most of them were It grows below huge trees, so what Huo Hai is looking for is naturally those places where there are more huge trees.

A few days after leaving the red bamboo forest, Huo Hai relied on the essence of the wood to ascend to the tenth heaven's cultivation base. At this time, relying on the tenth heaven's strength, Huo Hai didn't worry about being found by the giant wooden gate.

If it were not in the giant wood forest, even if he encountered a top master of the Twelfth Heaven in the outside world, Huo Hai believed that he could also fight against each other. It was just that Huo Hai’s cultivation base was so fast that his spirit worms could not keep up. , The effect is much smaller.

With his current strength, facing the normal Twelve Heavenly Spiritual Saints, perhaps he can only fight against it. Let alone win against the opponent, it is good to be able to guarantee his escape. No, he still has to continue to improve. Huo Hai At this time, he didn't care about the impact of rising too fast, anyway, the impact was not much, it was just that he didn't adapt very much to his own fighting spirit art.

As long as you are not directly promoted to the realm of Spiritual God, there is absolutely no problem. After you go back, you can slowly adjust and re-train your Spiritual Spirit Art to your own limit, and then find a way to break through.

Huo Hai still doesn't know very much about spirit gods. After all, his cultivation level has not reached that level. Huo Hai only knows some rumors. If he wants to understand what is going on with spirit gods, it is absolutely impossible for him not to break through to spirit gods. of.

"It's weird, why are there so many fierce beasts here?" Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and felt that those fierce beasts and giant trees that could attack suddenly increased a lot. Could it be that there is something special here, Huo Hai I don't know if the giant wooden door is used to cultivate giant trees, but this place has to be entered.

Because Huo Hai can feel that there is a very strong breath of life here, this kind of place, there must be a lot of the essence of wood underground, if this is the case, how can Huo Hai let it go, seeking wealth and danger, fighting.

A gleam flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, and his figure flashed into the dangerous jungle ahead. It is impossible for a spirit beast to exist here, because the power of a giant tree is too strong. Transformation for a time.

Afterwards, these transformed giant trees will enter the large families of giant wooden doors according to their different types, and become a member of them. Among the giant wooden doors, each large family is almost a type of giant wood.

Just like the Mu family, the Mu family itself is a huge shrub. Among the major families of the giant wooden doors, it can also be regarded as a very powerful one. After digging the ground, Huo Hai quickly got himself The needed wood essence, as before, was directly swallowed and absorbed, without thinking about other things at all.

"What a big wood essence, there are a lot of wood essences in this forest." A light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, and other people might not dare to enter. Was attacked.

After being attacked continuously, even if it is a master at the pinnacle of the spiritual sage, it is definitely not easy. Besides, the people from other major forces who come to the giant wood forest are usually at most the nine-layer spiritual sage. It is rare to come to such a place and encounter this kind of forest. As long as you dare to go deep and fail to come out in time, you will probably be wiped out by giant trees.

Only Huo Hai is different from the others. When he finds the giant tree, Huo Hai can choose whether to avoid it. Even if he wants to do it, Huo Hai will damage it first and then get what he needs when he is far away.

After a few sword auras, a large number of branches of a giant tree in front were severed by Huo Hai. There were no branches on this side, then the giant tree could not attack. After all, the giant tree was just a giant tree, not a fierce beast, so it could not move.

Waving branches is also subject to huge restrictions. As long as the branches cannot touch yourself, there is absolutely no problem. Anyway, I did not kill the giant tree. According to the rules set by the giant wooden door, this is not considered as destroying, as long as it is Fighting, destroying some branches is nothing at all, destroying some branches, Huo Hai immediately dug up the ground.

As he continued to deepen, Huo Hai discovered that the closer he gets to the inside, the bigger the essence of the wood bred, and the more pure the power it contains. For himself, it can play a role. The bigger.

If so much of the wood essence is given to other sects and used to refine the pill, it can greatly increase the strength of the sect. Unfortunately, in the hands of Huo Hai, it can only become a way to help himself. Quickly upgrade items too.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed, with enough Wood Essence to absorb, Huo Hai’s cultivation speed was improved very fast, when a Wood Essence and Heaven-Divating Pill were absorbed, the aura on Huo Hai’s body no longer Once a change occurred and opened his eyes, Huo Hai has reached the level of the Eleventh Heaven of the Spirit Saint, and his combat effectiveness is very terrifying.

"Can't continue to improve." Huo Hai felt his own cultivation level, and found that he has a faint feeling of vain. Huo Hai's foundation is very solid, so the cultivation level itself will not be a problem.

It’s just that Huo Hai’s promotion was too fast, which caused Huo Hai to be a little uncomfortable, and the seeds of various war spirits were not able to keep up. Now Huo Hai can only suppress the promotion of his cultivation level once again. If this continues, , Huo Hai was sure that his fighting ability would definitely decline a bit in the future, and it seemed that it would not work to improve too quickly.

The most important thing is that his mental power can’t keep up. At least for Huo Hai, he can’t keep up. Now there is no way to quickly improve his spiritual cultivation level. Even the way to swallow the light of the soul, Huo Hai has Did not study this stage of Spirit Saint.

You can't cultivate your spiritual power. Once you break through too quickly, then your spiritual power will increase the upper limit, which is equivalent to a permanent reduction. Huo Hai, who is pursuing perfection, will allow himself to have this situation.

"Then next, I will collect some wood essences and store them." Huo Hai was not discouraged. Like everyone else, other people got the wood essences and kept them in storage, and used them after they got them back. It's the same, as long as the essence of wood is brought back, it is easy to store anyway.

There is no need to absorb the essence of wood. Huo Hai, who has plenty of time, can naturally collect the essence of wood faster. I am afraid that no one has been here for a long time. Therefore, the essence of wood bred in such a long time is very many.

Basically, Huo Hai can get a lot of it every distance. The wood essence collected here is enough to raise his law power all the way to the peak of the spiritual holy. "It should be collected more, and other people may also be able to use it. "

The essence of wood he used was enough, Huo Hai began to think of his family. The biggest thing that bothered them was his own bottleneck, but this essence of wood was not completely useless. Besides, it would be used to refine some pills in the future. , Whether it is to increase life expectancy or to increase body strength, it is good, and even made into a pill to restore injury, the effect is also very good.

Huo Hai kept attacking and digging all the way. What he didn't know was that because of the constant damage to the giant trees here, the giant trees here issued waves of resentment. After all, many of these giant trees are fierce beasts, although they cannot be moved freely due to special circumstances.

Huo Hai did not kill these giant trees, but the giant trees were injured too much, and a wave of resentment from the giant trees radiated out. Others may not feel it, but the same giant trees can clearly feel it, even the entire forest. The giant wood in it felt a sense of disgust after Huo Hai's breath was felt at this time.

These ordinary giant trees, no matter how disgusted they are, have no effect on Huo Hai, but some giant trees are different, for example, the transformed giant trees, and most of the transformed giant trees are still masters of giant wooden doors.

"Huh, who would dare to make trouble in the giant wood forest?" Some giant wooden gate masters who felt the changes here were immediately angry. The giant wood forest is their hometown. It would be good for these people to come in. They dare to make trouble here.

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