Evil Insect God

Chapter 1623: Silver bell

After breaking through the barrier, Huo Hai left quickly. He was entangled here for too long, and the consequences were not so good. On the way, Huo Hai just avoided the giant wood, and didn't even have time to search for the essence of wood.

Not knowing how far he left, Huo Hai stopped now, "I should not be found now." On the last stretch of the road, Huo Hai once again converged his breath with all his strength. At Huo Hai's speed, there really is no one here. Compared with yourself.

Fortunately, Huo Hai has previously known that the giant wood forest is very special. Although the people in the giant wood gate have certain advantages over others, it is impossible to find anyone who wants to find them. The vitality of the giant trees is too strong. There is no way to use many instruments here, otherwise Huo Hai would not dare to enter it.

Continue to search for the essence of wood, the more these things, the better, "Huh, this is..." Huo Hai was about to leave, suddenly felt a shock in his inner space, Huo Hai was taken aback, and then focused on the inner space. Inside.

"Yin Ling, what is she looking for me." Huo Hai discovered that what had just come from the shock was the fruit of the communication that Yin Ling had handed to him before. Yin Ling hadn't contacted him for a long time since he killed Yin Lei Zun. Up.

Had it not been for this time that the fruit was shaking suddenly, Huo Hai would have forgotten that there was such a person, and shook his head, Huo Hai took out the fruit of the transmission, "Let’s see if there is any news first." Yinling’s repair is Huo Hai Knowing that it is absolutely inferior to himself, and even Huo Hai is not sure whether he has reached the realm of spiritual sage now, naturally it is impossible for anyone to find himself with this.

Among the fruits of the transmission, Huo Hai elicited a ray of light, and then deepened his spiritual power into it. It didn't take long for Huo Hai's face to become gloomy, "Damn Mu Family, even this method was used."

It was indeed Yinling’s message to herself. Originally, Huo Hai didn’t know it, but Mu Jia had deliberately sent false news to himself. Perhaps, Mu Jia had already guarded himself. Everything was okay, just time. different.

Huo Hai only knew the place where the giant wood forest was opened, but the exact closing time of the giant wood forest was not known. Originally, Huo Hai thought that this giant wood forest would be closed in two or three months, but the news from Yinling just told him that time No, the Mu family deliberately told him the false time, just to make him too late to leave in time.

When the time comes, as long as you stay in the giant wood forest, you will be the turtle in the urn. It is not just about how you want to deal with them. If you don't leave in time, I am afraid that even the people at the giant wooden door will not easily let them go.

This wooden family is really insidious, "There are five days left, **** it, I almost can't get out." Yinling can send this kind of information to herself, and she would risk a very big risk if she didn't enter the giant tree. It is impossible for the forest to communicate to himself.

I just don't know how Yinling knew that she was here, and she also learned from the Mu Family that they were going to deal with them, and their grievances must be reported. This is Huo Hai's principle, "I have written down this favor. "Huo Hai sent a message to Yinling. On the one hand, he explained that his situation is still safe, and on the other hand, he also expressed his gratitude.

Among the fruits delivered at the same time, there is also a simple map. The map marked on it is not the situation inside the giant wood forest, but the distribution of the surrounding channels in the giant wood forest opened this time.

Huo Hai also knew that the Mu Family had only revealed a passage to him. Now this passage has been laid by the Mu Family. There are other passages that have been hidden by Mu Family spies.

It can be said that as long as Huo Hai dares to appear, once discovered by these people, the target will definitely be exposed. Moreover, according to Yinling, there seem to be several masters of the Twelve Heavens hidden in the surroundings of the Mu Family, who are specially used to catch them. The spirit formations that capture her are all ready too. If it weren't because of the disturbance, Yinling would really not know about it.

Huo Hai was a little grateful at this time. If he hadn't made a big noise and even killed an elite team of the Mu family, he would really be calculated by them. "No, I have to leave as soon as possible."

The Essence of the Wood is enough, Huo Hai doesn’t need more, and he has to leave now. If it’s the last day, Huo Hai is sure he won’t be that simple even if he wants to leave, "Hehe, I know how to detect the golden The insect's method is not bad." Huo Hai flashed a smile after seeing the last information.

In front of people, Huo Hai used Star Gu the most, so Mu Family also mastered the method of monitoring Star Gu. If Star Gu flies out, it will be discovered the first time, but Huo Hai also has some very special spirit insects. , They don't even know.

In this way, he just had the opportunity to do it himself. Huo Hai checked the map and quickly found a relatively safe exit. The one that he entered is absolutely not allowed to go.

There are also some special exits, which have also been marked with a bad sign, which means it is very dangerous. The people inside the giant wooden door are not that simple. If Huo Hai doesn't know it, it is very likely that he will actually take these intersections.

At this moment, Huo Hai once again found that the transmission fruit was shaking. Huo Hai took it out and read the information inside, "What, Mu family bastards, I can't spare you." Huo Hai's eyes flashed. A hint of murderous aura.

The information she had just received was already known to Yinling. At this time, Yinling was relieved, but the following information made Huo Hai annoyed. What Huo Hai did not expect was that soon after entering the giant wood forest, Mu The home naturally caused the iron wooden door to launch an attack. At this time, I don't know what it has developed.

Without his own Sky Star Sect, how long can he block the iron wooden door, I really dare not imagine this, no, I must go back as soon as possible, I hope there is no accident, without the control of the blood flame dragon, the murderous aura on Huo Hai's body has become more and more intense stand up.

With his body flickering, Huo Hai arrived at a relatively safe exit location in less than half a day. This place is very secretive, and it is generally not easy to find. According to the information that Yinling gave him, this place was hidden. People, there is not even a spiritual saint, they are just testing the breath of Huo Hai and Star Gu.

"None of these people can be killed, so let you sleep forever." Huo Hai released the Death Moth that had never been exposed before anyone. Once these people died, the Mu Family would know about it, so they can't be killed.

Others may not be able to do it. Huo Hai is different. A few death moths slowly fly out from the entrance of the cave. Although the people outside are a little strange, there will be such beautiful butterflies, but everyone does not care. The natural atmosphere of the giant wood forest is very attractive. Various creatures.

Every time a gap is opened, some spirit worms will often fly out from inside or fly in from outside. These have nothing to do at all, and the death moth only circulates twice, reaching the spiritual holy realm. Soon I found the people hiding around, and a gust of wind blew by, and the people around suddenly felt sleepy.

In just a moment, all the people were asleep, and they were still asleep permanently on the soul level. The powerful ability of the death moth, I am afraid that without the spirit of the spirit, these people can only sleep in this life.

Then, the Grim Reaper Moth quickly cleaned up the exploration objects in the hands of these people, and was sure that they would not find Huo Hai's arrival. Worms are not simple.

Huo Hai appeared from the entrance of the cave without being noticed by anyone. Huo Hai did not move everything here. When the people of the Mu family wanted to discover what happened here, it would probably be a day or two before Huo Hai did not hesitate. For a flash, flying towards the distance while hiding his breath, the Sky Star Sect was under attack, and Huo Hai didn't want to delay any minute.

After leaving a certain distance, Huo Hai directly summoned the six-winged formation butterfly, "Help me improve my teleportation ability, let's go." With a move in Huo Hai's heart, the formation butterfly immediately created a natal spirit formation, which is exactly a teleportation formation.

Coupled with Huo Hai's ability to break through the space, a wave of fluctuations suddenly appeared in the space. Huo Hai disappeared in the next moment. From here to the border area, Huo Hai went all out and arrived in less than half an hour.

Easily passed through the border forest. With Huo Hai’s strength now, he is really not afraid of the dangers in the border forest. What about the beasts of the spiritual holy realm? If it’s not in a hurry, Huo Hai can kill all the way, Huo Two days after Hai left, some patrol team finally found the Mu family member who had fallen asleep on the side of the road.

"How about it, haven't you woken up yet?" Mu Hun's face was extremely gloomy, because of this time, Mu Hun's position in the family was once again provoked, but the others finally looked at Huo. sea.

Mu Cheng didn’t know whether this change was good or bad. In short, what he had to do now was to find the traces left by Huo Hai. Unfortunately, when they followed the traces left by Huo Hai’s departure, Huo Hai had already I don't know where I have been, some of the space fluctuations left in place are already very dim at this time, and no one knows where the opposite is.

"The second elder Qiqi, I haven't woken up yet. We have used any method to no avail." At this point, the person who reported the letter was also sweating coldly. He did not expect that the person he had to deal with would actually have this method. .

From the deep sleep on the soul level, it is impossible to awaken at all. This seems to be the function of a special law, but the law is too obscure, and it is integrated into the soul, and they have nothing to do. If they want to force it to wake up, I am afraid they will also Destroying the souls of these people, as for the spiritual masters, this kind of thing will not alarm them.

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