Evil Insect God

Chapter 1624: Full attack

Soon after Huo Hai entered the giant wood forest, Tiemumen had already received a message from the Mu family, "That guy has already left, it seems that it is time for us to do it." The person in charge of Tiemumen said.

Now they are not worried about the Sky Star Sect, but Huo Hai personally. As long as Huo Hai is still there, they dare not do anything, but when Huo Hai leaves, it is different. According to the internal news they received, even if it is Those special creatures also need the existence of Huo Hai to be able to control them flexibly. They don't know about some new products.

"Yes, Huo Hai is dead this time. The Mu family will never let him come out alive." From the perspective of Tiemumen, Huo Hai entered the giant wooden door's site, and he couldn't get over any waves at all. Come.

They can't deal with Huo Hai, but the benefit Mu Family will definitely not forget them. This time, they are the direct executors of the plan. As for the demise of the Sky Star Sect, this is the grievance between the sects.

Because of the Heavenly Star Sect, the Iron Wooden Sect suffered heavy losses, so they and the Heavenly Star Sect already have a taste of immortality. Because of Huo Hai’s relationship, the Heavenly Star Sect still has a lot of things they want to obtain. If the Sky Star Sect is destroyed, they should be able to They have gained a lot, as well as the goodwill of Mu Family and Gui Yaomen, which is also very important to them.

For example, the Star Sect is developing too fast today, and it doesn't follow orders very much. Since the last battle, the Ghost Medicine Sect has been very dissatisfied with the Sky Star Sect. Now that the Star Sect is destroyed, some people in the Ghost Medicine Sect will naturally be happy.

Because of this idea, the people at Tiemumen launched an offensive that day. This time, there were no special items provided by the Mu family. All they did was Tiemumen itself. Of course, Tiemumen had bought many puppets.

Now on the battlefield, the ones who rushed out at the front are the controlled puppets. Under the spell of the iron wooden door, the puppets glowed with metal. I don’t know how much defense power has been improved. There are some special puppets behind that need people. The internal control is like an armor. These puppets have stronger spiritual power and more terrifying defenses.

As soon as the iron wooden door moved, the Tian Xingzong and Huo Family who had been monitoring the iron wooden door immediately started, and the first to arrive was naturally the skeletons that had been in this place for a long time, but the skeletons were surrounded on all sides.

"Damn, why are there so many skeletons here? I should have done it sooner if I knew it earlier." Seeing so many skeletons, the people at Tiemumen suddenly looked ugly. No one thought that Huo Hai would be so capable.

Because there are too many spiritual sages involved, even the attack from the spiritual array from the air cannot cover so many spiritual sages. Therefore, the power of the spiritual array is simply retained, and half of the power is attacked by some stronger ones. Lingsheng, the remaining power becomes a bonus to the skeletons themselves, allowing the skeletons to form a suitable battle formation.

The skeletons that formed the battle formation, each battle formation could be equivalent to a spiritual saint master. It didn't take long for the people of the Huo Family and the Sky Star Sect to learn about the movements of Tiemumen, and all the people gathered together, looking a little sad.

"What are we going to do? Everyone is talking about it." No one answered the words of Sect Master Tianxing. Everyone present didn't have a spiritual sage, but there were a lot of spiritual sages on the opposite side. This was simply not something they could deal with. .

If it weren’t for the various defensive methods that Huo Hai left in advance, God knows what it will be like now. Perhaps, under the other party’s attack, his side would be completely destroyed. When the sect was in trouble, what would they have done? Can't do it, this really makes them feel bad, everyone is silent, there is no way.

After a long time, Huo Feng said: "We can't do anything right now. We don't even have the qualifications to work hard. It's better to stay here. As long as we can persist until Xiaohai comes back, we will be saved."

Others nodded silently, and now they can only put their destiny on Huo Hai. Huo Hai alone is equivalent to many spiritual saints. This time, Huo Hai’s cultivation base will be stronger, let alone these guys. .

It’s just that this really makes them uncomfortable. When faced with such a big battle, they had no other way. When Huo Hai was here, it was good to say that now he is not here anymore. Everyone panicked, especially some. The low-level disciples, knowing this kind of thing, are even more flustered at this time, and this thing cannot be said.

"Yes, we just need to persist. Huo Hai said that the defensive spirit formation here will not be able to break through even a master of Lingsheng Peak for a while. Tiemumen definitely does not have such a master. Other matters, please keep it secret. "

Everyone knows that Huo Hai’s departure must not be spread. Otherwise, the Sky Star Sect will collapse directly from below. Even if they are, they must act as if Huo Hai is still there. Once the sect collapses, even if If they can hold it, the sect will also encounter a major blow, and it will not be easy to recover in the future.

"Now let's discuss how to resist them, those skeletons are definitely not enough, but we still have a lot of fierce beasts, but how to use these fierce beasts." Huo Feng once again proposed the next task.

After all, Huo Feng now represents the Huo family and also Huo Hai. Although the cultivation base is not the strongest on the scene, no one can compare with it. Different people have different opinions on how to fight.

The discussion gradually heated up, but in such an extraordinary period, it was necessary to discuss a result as soon as possible. It took a whole day before the suzerain got up and announced: "Since everyone has no opinion, then that's it. Let us control these evils. Beast Squad." The result of the discussion is that they control the actions of the Beast Squad. Such things are more dangerous.

But there is no way, who will let them be the only spiritual deity of the sect. Except for them, everyone else is not at ease. After those fierce beasts are refined by Huo Hai, they have already lost all their spiritual intelligence, only knowing to obey orders. .

Let them fight on their own. This is simply a joke, so everyone decided to divide all the fierce beasts into different teams, and then control some of them by each spirit lord, on the frontal battlefield, without these people directly coming forward.

Their task is to command the squad under their control at the right time to launch a sneak attack on the people of the iron wooden door. If they can kill some, they will kill some. Not even if it is critical, let these beasts. Going up, can't waste too much power, at the same time, those skeletons have to be transported from a distance.

Fortunately, although the skeletons are some brainless puppets, the bone towers that control the skeletons are different. As long as the bone towers are immortal, then these skeletons can be absolutely controlled. The control range of the bone towers has already reduced the entire sect. Shrouded around the door.

And there are some skeletons that are normally made among the skeletons. These skeletons are very smart. Let these skeletons lead the skeletons with no IQ, and they can share some of them. They don't care how many deaths and injuries the skeletons have.

When they were assigned, the team assigned by Fang Biya and others ranked behind. This is a kind of protection. On the one hand, Fang Biya and others’ current cultivation base is not as high as theirs. On the other hand, these people are all Huo Hai's wife, if something goes wrong with them, God knows what will happen to Huo Hai, this kind of thing also needs to be paid attention to.

In the next period of time, the battle will be completely unfolded. On the frontal battlefield, a battle formation formed by skeletons will be blocked. Except for the accidental skeletons will be killed, most of the time the skeletons will not suffer much damage.

The iron wooden door is also relatively more careful. They usually don't dare to enter the range of the spirit formation casually. Within the spirit formation, the skeletons can receive bonuses, and there are attacks formed by the movement of stars in the sky.

Only by gathering a certain amount of spiritual saints can they launch a large-scale attack. Even so, they must always beware of attacks by some fierce beasts. With the blessing of the spiritual formation, these fierce beasts are powerful and the strongest. The fierce beast can even fight against the strongest master on his side within a certain period of time. This is the real reason why they dare not let go of their hands and feet.

Tiemumen didn't dare to go all out. Their purpose was to slowly weaken the opponent's forces. As long as their forces were almost consumed, they would launch an attack, and the Sky Star Sect was happy to continue to delay time.

The more time was delayed, the closer it was to Huo Hai's return. On the contrary, on the iron wooden door, there was no thought that Huo Hai would return. They believed that if Huo Hai entered the giant wood forest, it would be impossible to escape.

Both sides didn’t care about delaying time, so they stalemate at the edge of the spiritual formation. Attacks were launched almost every day. Every day, both sides suffered losses. When the loss was the greatest, the skeletons and puppets didn’t know how much to destroy. Behind the scene, some treacherous puppets were continuously sent over, and there were also many trained dead men.

Moreover, the Star Sect is also constantly producing a large number of skeleton warriors in the unknown. The cannon fodder soldiers on both sides are constantly supporting it. The Iron Wooden Gate does not know this, so it can only continue to consume with the Star Sect.

Sometimes, due to being too deep, the masters of the iron wooden door are easily attacked and killed by the fierce beast team. Of course, the fierce beasts are not without losses. When the iron wooden door catches the opportunity, some fierce beasts will be eliminated. It's not a skeleton. If you die, you will lose one. Fortunately, after that, the two sides dare not send out these masters casually.

The situation was so stalemate, and it took a few months at a time. In the past few months, the position of the battle line, I don't know how much wood and bones have been piled up, a lot of blood has filled the surroundings, and the chaotic power cannot be erased.

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