Evil Insect God

Chapter 1625: Break through

The original battle like this will continue. The battle between two powerful forces is possible even for decades or even hundreds of years. Such fierce battles are common for several years. .

But in this kind of battle, the Iron Wooden Gate is more familiar than the Sky Star Sect after all. While fighting head-on, the Iron Wooden Gate secretly bought some people from the Sky Star Sect because Huo Hai has done too many things during this period of time. Nothing can be concealed, so many disciples of the Sky Star Sect actually know these things.

In addition, the iron wooden gate has been famous for a long time, and Huo Hai has not appeared in this battle for a long time. Therefore, under the fluctuation of popular feelings, some people will inevitably have other ideas. At this time, being touched by the iron wooden gate, rebellion becomes possible. .

"How about it, what's the gain." Looking at the smile on the face of the interrogation elder, the head of the branch immediately realized that the direction of the battle seemed to be changing. You should know that this elder rarely smiles.

The interrogation elder nodded and said: "It is very rewarding. We have already investigated that Huo Hai has excavated twelve canyons around. These canyons are full of skeletons. We thought that these skeletons might have been made in the canyons. No matter what methods they use, as long as we destroy this place, then we will basically win this battle."

They knew that Huo Hai’s skeletons were not real skeletons at all, but some skeletons controlled and modified by spirit insects. It was precisely because of this that the skeletons of the Sky Star Sect were not strongly disgusted by others.

In the eyes of most people, the skeleton of the Sky Star Sect is itself a special kind of spirit insect, perhaps made into the appearance of a skeleton. On the one hand, it is so convenient and practical, and on the other hand, it may be Huo Hai's evil taste.

Besides, the skeletons here are not only human-shaped, but there are also many types of beast skeletons. Of course, they are somewhat different from real skeletons. After all, these are not skeletons, so it is very necessary to control the growth of bones and be more suitable for combat. Now, if it weren't for the obstacles of these skeletons, how could they have to separate so many masters to deal with every battle.

"Very well, do you know the location of these canyons, then, let's do it now." The person in charge is also a decisive person. When the problem is found, he immediately prepares to set up a special attack team.

Each of these teams must be a spiritual saint above the fifth heaven, and only with such strength can they save their lives among the endless beast teams, but at this time, the interrogation elder sent a map.

"Don’t worry, this is the position of the formation we found. Don’t you think that the Heavenly Star Sect’s spirit formations are very troublesome? Many disciples of the Heavenly Star Sect previously controlled these formations, so we have a large part of these formations now. Know the location."

Hearing this, the person in charge looked overjoyed: "Okay, this **** spiritual formation can finally be destroyed. Without this spiritual formation, the power of the Sky Star Sect will at least be reduced by more than half. Without further ado, let's do it now." The person in charge was extremely excited, watching his sect lose so much every day, even if he was in a bad mood.

Early the next morning, the two teams set off separately. At the same time, the disciples under the door also broke out a large-scale attack. Because of the outbreak of battle, all the skeletons set off and intercepted again. Up here.

"Are these guys going crazy?" Facing the sudden large-scale battle, the masters of the Star Sect looked at each other. They didn't know what irritation these guys had been, but it didn't take long for them to think so.

"Report your lord, we found that three formations have been destroyed, and the formations on the battlefield seem to have been exposed." This is a sect disciple who is in charge of the management of the spirit formations. Hearing this, the sovereign's face suddenly became very ugly. , Not only the Sovereign, but everyone else has similar expressions. Everyone knows what it means.

"No wonder, some **** didn't know where they went missing some time ago. I thought they were all dead, these **** traitors." After a little consideration, Sect Master Sky Star knew what was going on.

Previously, because of Huo Hai's relationship, they had easily won the battle from time to time, so they ignored these. This time the battle had just been defeated, but they didn't expect these guys to dare to do this. How could the Sect Master not be annoyed.

Huo Feng shook his head: "You are not to blame for this matter, nor did we think about it. It seems that our management still has many loopholes. After this battle, we need to re-plan." This is a wake-up call. Both people realized at this time that because of the rapid development, many previous systems are not suitable now.

But it’s okay. Taking advantage of this great war, we will carry out all-round changes afterwards. Even if someone is unwilling, they don’t have the right to speak in this situation. The most urgent task is to resist this attack first.

At this moment, another guard ran in: "It's not good, Sect Master, the Skeleton Canyon on the front line was breached." Hearing this, the Sect Master suddenly stood up, and then quickly walked to a bone tower in the main hall. .

After an exchange, the sect master waved his hand to make the guard retreat, "It seems that a lot of it has been exposed this time, and the bone tower of the frontline canyon has been destroyed." Everyone knows that the bone tower left by Huo Hai is completely exposed.

If the bone tower is destroyed, it is impossible to continuously create skeletons. For Huo Hai, these bone nests are nothing at all, but when Huo Hai is not here, these are for them to continuously create soldiers. The barracks, one-twelfth of the force was destroyed at once, and the situation will be even worse.

The people of the Huo Family and the Sky Star Sect felt very uncomfortable at this time, but the people of the iron wooden door were different. The spiritual formation base in an area was destroyed, and the starlight attack and blessing spells in this area were the first time Just stopped.

The aerial attack suddenly disappeared, and the fighting power of the skeletons and the beasts also dropped by a large amount, which greatly boosted the morale of the iron wooden gate. When a valley was wiped out, they found those special bone towers, and they were even more excited.

The bone tower is destroyed, and it’s still a small matter that the skeletons cannot be made. The biggest problem is that the skeletons around you are fighting. The formations are scattered all at once, let alone the battle formation. Now they can only attack the surroundings indiscriminately, without any tactics. Fortunately, the team led by the wise skeletons knows how to attack their enemies at least.

The ordinary skeletons without the command of the skeletons were like scattered sand. They didn't know where they had gone. The battle team that could still be level with the iron wooden door suddenly became disorganized.

"Brothers rush to me, the Sky Star Sect is about to die." Seeing this scene, the morale of Tiemumen was greatly boosted, and the disciples of Tiemumen let go of their hands and feet and attacked with all their strength. In addition, they still have a lot of Spiritual Saint.

The skeletons’ battle formation was destroyed, and naturally they couldn’t resist the Spirit Sage. I don’t know how much their combat power dropped. They could have entangled the Spirit Sage masters, but now they were completely wiped out by the opponent with a few moves. The master of, immediately rushed towards the other bases and Skeleton Canyon, and the bases and Skull Canyon were destroyed one by one.

The front line of the Sky Star Sect became more and more chaotic. Three days later, the twelve skull canyons were all declared destroyed. The hundreds of thousands of skeletons that reached the realm of the spirits were mostly damaged, and the rest could hardly resist the opponent's offensive.

The fierce beasts who were still resisting also died one after another. Fortunately, those who commanded the fierce beast squad did not take the initiative to show up, so at most they suffered a little trauma and returned safely.

A week later, the outer spirit array was completely destroyed. For example, today Xingzong only has the headquarters and Huo's residences. A large number of masters gathered outside the two spirit arrays, but they were once again blocked.

"What a strong spiritual formation, we will not be able to break it easily for a while, and the attack of this spiritual formation is far more than what we destroy." They also tried to attack before, but the distance is too close and it is easy to be protected by the guardian. A counterattack, and the stronger the attack, the more terrifying the counterattack, the highest attack, even the person in charge cannot resist.

I resisted it once before. Looking at the pale face of the person in charge at this time, I know that he is absolutely uncomfortable. "If we attack within the range we can bear, there is no one to maintain such a spiritual circle. I don't believe how long they can hold on."

After a long time, the person in charge made a decision. This is also a method usually used to destroy the guardian formation. If the guardian formation is not strong enough, it will be destroyed directly. If the guardian is too strong, he can only slowly wear it. .

Inside the large formation, the eyes of the senior members of the Tianxingzong and the Huo family were full of anxiety. They did not expect that they had only persisted for a few months. After the opponent discovered the formation base and the Skeleton Canyon, they broke the entire battle line in just one week. Open, the problem that hadn't been discovered is now all exposed, but it is a pity that Huo Hai is not there and there is no way to make up.

"When will Elder Huo come back? We can't hold on for long." The elder looked at the sky with grief and indignation. How could things develop like this? This is different from what I thought.

Huo Feng also smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know. He didn't say it when he left. Hey, I only know now that the pressure on Xiao Hai is so great that our strength is really bad."

If he couldn't help Huo Hai share the pressure, it became a burden instead. Huo Feng felt that he seemed to be getting older all of a sudden. If he hadn't reached the heavenly level by this time, he might even lose his vitality.

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